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Bye bye

Bye bye

Jan 9, 2022, 20:4501/09/22

Yea I think Plarium is somewhat to blame. They baiscly gave the sacreds the legendary colour. If they didnt do that I actually think it would have helped abit. 

I have realized that sacreds are a ressource worth 500 points in summon rush. If that is my only expection my dissapointment is minimal.

I did some math awhile back where I compared that amount of epic and legendaries I would get from the samme amount of points in a summon rush. And the conclusion was go all in on 2x ancients. And go all in on sacreds in summon rush and skip 2x sacred events.

Jan 10, 2022, 03:4301/10/22

I watched my buddy pull 2 legos back to back from ancients when there wasnt a 2X or anything going on... that put him at #40 something for total legos on his account.

Meanwhile I had been playing for 4 months not a single Lego and saved all my shards for events 😑😑😑😑😑

This was months ago, but still.. The feeling is understandable 👽

Jan 10, 2022, 12:5301/10/22

In general the Legendaries Chmaps, the rate to pull them is extremly low and it is not fair for some people that spends time with this game to face such bad "behavior" I recomend to raise the drop rate of Legendary and enjoy the game. I agree with someone that said that also Epic Champs are better than Legendaries but let people enjoy the game. In my opionion the game needs a lot and criticals updates and upgrades.