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guaranteed Rector, a good joke

guaranteed Rector, a good joke

Jan 1, 2022, 10:3901/01/22
Jan 1, 2022, 11:26(edited)

He's number 5 in my list of heroes i would love to get. I was going to buy 150 shards this weekend to join the event but decided against. Angwil made a good point that I did take into serious consideration. I would love to have this champ or Ma' Shallad but right now going to build on the ones I have because my account isn't the strongest right now ( stuck in Gold 1 arena). 

Going to wait till the next 2x Ancient event to get shards maybe the Sacred event next week haven't fully decided yet. When it comes to void........never had any luck with void besides getting godseeker and urogrim (both awesome champs).

sorry went off topic there. IF you're that unhappy with the game and want to leave your account....can I have it? i're leaving right?

I am not leaving 😁 that is dany77 who is leaving.

From these boards,vids and just in game experience I would never spend the kind of money to get 150 shards just not worth it IMO. I mean i watched a vid of HH opening 100 sacreds on a 10X , 2X weekend and not only did he not get one of the 10X from the event he didnt even get 12 legos out of the 100 ( yes I know you math Wizzes that is not how it work but still should be close and he got like 7 legos out of 100)

I am not a whale, I am barely a Minnow, I buy the gem pack like every other month and the really good deals once and while like the New year pack I was offered for 15$ ancient shards, void shards lego and epic book some other stuff.

My rule for myself on 10X events is normally 1 Ancient shard a day and this one I got a sacred from CB so said WTH feeling lucky and pulled 2 Sacreds to get UPB

Jan 1, 2022, 14:2101/01/22

yeah, Danny if you're leaving does that mean your account is up for grabs? 

Jan 1, 2022, 15:5601/01/22

TCg's are western style gacha games. What you get from packs is random, to compare MTG to raid you always open with 1 pack 1 sacred shard, 4 ancient shards and 10 mystery shards on MTGO. Although in raid terms you can choose your shards to be from one of the alliances, that's the only improvement you get over the complete randomness on raid. Actually there is a hero gacha game, that offers the same thing, able to open shards for a certain faction. So that is noy unheard of in gacha games, just raid chooses complete randomness. That is a developers choice not a signature of a gacha game. Treasure chests in MTGO are hiving you cards from any set plus other random rewards. The only limit to randomness is what each slot can contain. like, hm clanboss chests.

So with all that, you still can earn every card ingame, because of the secondary market, that buys and sells individual cards. No hero trading implemented is also a developers choice.

No amount of skill and artful husbandry of ressources will get you guaranteed to the highest levels of play in raid, while you can acnhieve exactly that in are right, raid is the inferior game as luck is the sole determining factor on how you progress.

Don't get me wrong, I still like to play Raid, but let's not live in the illusion, that skill and game knowledge has a more meaningful impact in raid than pure luck.

And I only like to play Raid because of the gifted account with several S tier champs, that opened up so much content and really enables to grow my account. Unlike the account I started with, which drew 5 decent epics in 6 months....

Gacha games do not have a secondary market. CCGs do

CCGs are a deck building board game. Deck builing games replicated on PC are different than a champ development game like Genshin or Raid.

I'm sorry my guy, this is not an effective comparison.

Jan 1, 2022, 16:5201/01/22

TCg's are western style gacha games. What you get from packs is random, to compare MTG to raid you always open with 1 pack 1 sacred shard, 4 ancient shards and 10 mystery shards on MTGO. Although in raid terms you can choose your shards to be from one of the alliances, that's the only improvement you get over the complete randomness on raid. Actually there is a hero gacha game, that offers the same thing, able to open shards for a certain faction. So that is noy unheard of in gacha games, just raid chooses complete randomness. That is a developers choice not a signature of a gacha game. Treasure chests in MTGO are hiving you cards from any set plus other random rewards. The only limit to randomness is what each slot can contain. like, hm clanboss chests.

So with all that, you still can earn every card ingame, because of the secondary market, that buys and sells individual cards. No hero trading implemented is also a developers choice.

No amount of skill and artful husbandry of ressources will get you guaranteed to the highest levels of play in raid, while you can acnhieve exactly that in are right, raid is the inferior game as luck is the sole determining factor on how you progress.

Don't get me wrong, I still like to play Raid, but let's not live in the illusion, that skill and game knowledge has a more meaningful impact in raid than pure luck.

And I only like to play Raid because of the gifted account with several S tier champs, that opened up so much content and really enables to grow my account. Unlike the account I started with, which drew 5 decent epics in 6 months....

No amount of skill and artful husbandry of ressources will get you guaranteed to the highest levels of play in raid.

You just said this to someone who has spent almost no money on Raid and who has reached the highest levels of play by skill and artful husbandry of resources. She has spent less than $10, I have spent thousands and she kicks my ass. 

But what would I know, I only started playing in 2019 whereas you started playing during the Ninja event. You seem to feel you have a better understanding of the game than all of us here who have actually been playing since 2019, of both the game in general and the history of the game based on your many complaints about how good the game used to be before you played.

Jan 1, 2022, 17:0401/01/22

I remember making an account before Dwarves became a playable faction. My first account was a nightmare....i didn't pay attention to my great hall and the gear I had was just laughable.

Jan 1, 2022, 17:2401/01/22
No amount of skill and artful husbandry of ressources will get you guaranteed to the highest levels of play in raid.

You just said this to someone who has spent almost no money on Raid and who has reached the highest levels of play by skill and artful husbandry of resources. She has spent less than $10, I have spent thousands and she kicks my ass. 

But what would I know, I only started playing in 2019 whereas you started playing during the Ninja event. You seem to feel you have a better understanding of the game than all of us here who have actually been playing since 2019, of both the game in general and the history of the game based on your many complaints about how good the game used to be before you played.

Quinn, She of Skill and Artful Husbandry of Resources

Jan 1, 2022, 18:3801/01/22

Quinn, She of Skill and Artful Husbandry of Resources


Remember to turn sideways so your head can fit thru the door 😍

Jan 2, 2022, 10:3001/02/22


Remember to turn sideways so your head can fit thru the door 😍

it seems that you are the workstation, if there was a strike you would be the first to ruin everything, go a little and put your head in the snow to recover 

Jan 2, 2022, 12:0501/02/22

it seems that you are the workstation, if there was a strike you would be the first to ruin everything, go a little and put your head in the snow to recover 

As with most of your posts this one went totally over my head and I have no idea what you are saying or mean by this 😁

Jan 2, 2022, 13:1801/02/22

As with most of your posts this one went totally over my head and I have no idea what you are saying or mean by this 😁

Over your head?  Not likely.  Beyond your ability to interpret jibberish? ...  I do realize there is obviously a language barrier here, but ...

Jan 2, 2022, 14:4001/02/22

Angwil and Minin, 

BE NICE!!! Like me :)

😆 🤣 

Jan 2, 2022, 14:5601/02/22

Angwil and Minin, 

BE NICE!!! Like me :)

😆 🤣 

Like you?  Is that the bar? lol

Jan 2, 2022, 22:5401/02/22
Jan 2, 2022, 23:02(edited)

not going to lie, eliminating completely the chance of a legendary from a sacred shard is really a slap in the face. this event should have been on ancient shards. like the greed. my god. give with one hand pickpocket you with the other. and if recent events are anything to go by we can expect to see the best champs in the game on 10x  at least 2 or 3 times a year ;) i understand they are a business and I don't mind spending I just don't like all the little things they do. adding barrels and stuffing them in packs to up prices. same with brews and silver. im sure there are others im missing. creating problems and selling the solution. lol

Jan 2, 2022, 23:0301/02/22
Yolo Han Solo

not going to lie, eliminating completely the chance of a legendary from a sacred shard is really a slap in the face. this event should have been on ancient shards. like the greed. my god. give with one hand pickpocket you with the other. and if recent events are anything to go by we can expect to see the best champs in the game on 10x  at least 2 or 3 times a year ;) i understand they are a business and I don't mind spending I just don't like all the little things they do. adding barrels and stuffing them in packs to up prices. same with brews and silver. im sure there are others im missing. creating problems and selling the solution. lol

I see what you are saying. But on the other hand it is (or should be to anyone who reads) quite clear.  They aren't cheating you.  They are telling you flat out you will not get a leggo on your 4th during this event. So long as you are aware of exactly what you're betting on, I don'g see the problem and don't take it as a slap in the face.

There are just too many 2x, 10x, garanteed, get one 2nd free (in and out of fusions) events for me to worry about which one I will skip.

Jan 2, 2022, 23:0301/02/22
Jan 2, 2022, 23:04(edited)
Yolo Han Solo

not going to lie, eliminating completely the chance of a legendary from a sacred shard is really a slap in the face. this event should have been on ancient shards. like the greed. my god. give with one hand pickpocket you with the other. and if recent events are anything to go by we can expect to see the best champs in the game on 10x  at least 2 or 3 times a year ;) i understand they are a business and I don't mind spending I just don't like all the little things they do. adding barrels and stuffing them in packs to up prices. same with brews and silver. im sure there are others im missing. creating problems and selling the solution. lol

Is it really a slap in the face though? You know what you're getting out of it and the value of the Rector will shift drastically from account to account, not to mention your odds of an epic from that 4th sacred is 94%, unless you're in mercy. Nobody is being forced to open their sacreds either, with a 2x coming up next Friday.

In the end you know what you're getting out of it and it's completely transparent. 

edit: I am a snail, Angwil too fast

Jan 2, 2022, 23:0601/02/22

fair enough. we all feel differently about it im not saying im right just how i feel. didnt stop me from doing it because i really want want brogni. i got dupe garog dupe yoshi :D oh well

Jan 2, 2022, 23:1101/02/22

yep, if i didn't have brogni i'd probably have been in there this weekend too. 

Jan 3, 2022, 00:5301/03/22

yep, if i didn't have brogni i'd probably have been in there this weekend too. 

If I'd have pulled a darn sacred on my CB rewards I could have a Rector!!!


Jan 3, 2022, 09:4201/03/22
Jan 3, 2022, 09:43(edited)

I see what you are saying. But on the other hand it is (or should be to anyone who reads) quite clear.  They aren't cheating you.  They are telling you flat out you will not get a leggo on your 4th during this event. So long as you are aware of exactly what you're betting on, I don'g see the problem and don't take it as a slap in the face.

There are just too many 2x, 10x, garanteed, get one 2nd free (in and out of fusions) events for me to worry about which one I will skip.

They are telling you flat out you will not get a leggo on your 4th during this event. 

Only if your IQ is a bit higher than mine and you can actually read and not be under the impression that you get what you get from the 4th shard AND Rector, hehe.

(Not that I regret getting a second one)

Jan 4, 2022, 19:1701/04/22

I  agree  with  Dany77.

Dany77  doesn't own  Bad  El  Kazar.

With  out  Bad  El  Kazar  the  game  is  empty  shell,  All  those  other  heroes are  useless.

Once,  a  person summons  Bad  El  Kazar  -  They  have  beat  the  game.

I  don't blame  Dany77  for  crying  about  his  sad  roster.

I  cry  too.

A  rooster  with  out  Bad  El  Kazar  is  sorrow.

I  will  stare  at  the  index  looking at  Bad  El  Kazar  again.