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End of game

End of game

Dec 30, 2021, 08:0112/30/21

To be honest, it reads like someone who is entitled and feels like they should have every good to great legendary in the game because of the amount of money they've spent. Unfortunately, there's a lot of RNG in the game when it comes to shard opening, so you're still prone to not getting every single toy you seem to think you should have. 

You seem to be an expert at the game so it seems like you're probably able to make due with the champions you have, correct?

The weirdest part is listing Valk/MK/Candraphon/Ursuga at the end of your list of legendaries as though they don't count. Given that, I do wonder what the rest of your account looks like, including epics.

You bemoan your bad luck in not seeing a Maneater but have Valk, who I presume with all the champs you have can get you a pretty good UNM team, if you even need one at this point. 

Basically I don't understand the attitude or hostility and wish you good luck. 

You  didnt  post  your  roster  either  did  you??  Accounts  cant  rely  on  one  champ.. Valk  is  good  in  arena  and  clan  boss,  above  that  she  doesnt  get  into  many  of  my  teams...  shes  even  outclassed  in  FW  by  Scyl.  

No  not  entitled,  which  is  a  typical  passive  aggressive  response  from  people  like  you.  I  was  simply  explaining  that  given  what  i  have  spent  i  have  been  unlucky  with  champion  pulls.  

Dec 30, 2021, 08:2612/30/21
Dec 30, 2021, 09:30(edited)

Sure thing. Low spend (300ish?), level 90, 1 year in. Visix/Arbiter/Drexthar/Rhazin/Scyl/Ninja/Aleks/Lydia from the obvious ways, Hurndig/Brogni/Brago/Cybele/Roric/Yoshi/Versulf/soon Tatura from fusions. MK/dupe Drex/Lanakis/Big Un/Rae/Rotos/Iggy/2x Lugan/Foli/Minaya/Elenaril/Shazar/War Mother/Helior from shards. 

Undoubtedly a good account, also grinded like crazy in the last year and maximize rewards when and where I can. 




Your turn :)

Dec 30, 2021, 09:2112/30/21

and  she  will  be  replaced  as  soon  as  you  get  1  or  2  maneaters,  or  any  of  the  other  unkillable  comps.  Used  to  beca  great  champ  but  power  creep  has  made  her  fall  off,  she  soon  will  be  obselete.

Why exactly do you want to replace Valk? She still has counterattack for your team in unkillable teams. To me, attacking the CB 100 times in 50 rounds sounds better than attacking 50 times.

Dec 30, 2021, 10:0912/30/21

Im  afraid  you  have  just  been  very  very  lucky,  i  was  low  spend  and  now  f2p  and  i  have  pulled  over  250  void  shards  and  never  seen  a  Maneater,  i  have  also  pulled  a  Visix.  I  have  never  had  an  aoe  dec  defense  and  weaken  champ,  never  seen  a  Doompriest  or  a  Magnar  in  100's  and  100's  of  Ancients  and  well  over  50  sacreds.  You  have  many  good  champs  that  offer  great  ultilty  and  flexibilty  to  your  account...  the  leggos  i  have  pulled  to  give  you  an  idea...

Harvest  Jack




Hakkorn  Smashlord



Royal  Huntsman



War  Mother

Basically  all  can  be  replaced  by  epics  and  are  trash.

i  have  pulled  a  Valk  and  a  Mountain  King  and  an  Ursurga  and  a  Candy  but  in  the  midst  of  the  others  i  would  say  i  have  had  very  bad  luck  given  what  i  have  spent.  Its  why  im  f2p  now.  It  seems  some  accounts  are  just  cursed  with  bad  luck.  


You are either a troll or a joke!

Dec 30, 2021, 10:1512/30/21

Dany, my friend, I have no idea how sky high your expectations are. But pulling shards on regular days, without the 2x, you get Sandlashed Survivor, Miscreated Monster and Lyssandra. Considering the number of champs in the game, and the low percentages to pull a legendary, you were quite luck to pull such powerful champions.

I'm not sure how else to help you anymore. It seems to me you are looking for some very specific champs if Lyssandra is not good enough to make you happy with your pulls.

these 3 good or very good heroes Lyssandra MM and Sandlash are on different accounts :) 


Dec 30, 2021, 10:2012/30/21

yes I wanted a specific hero, an aura def deffender on all battles, like Bulwark, Tyrel Sandlash ... or any yes deffence on the team , you can't just play hoping it will someday fall to how much the number of heroes has decreased the chance of receiving a hero who was a top hero 2 years ago has decreased 

Dec 30, 2021, 11:3012/30/21

Im  afraid  you  have  just  been  very  very  lucky,  i  was  low  spend  and  now  f2p  and  i  have  pulled  over  250  void  shards  and  never  seen  a  Maneater,  i  have  also  pulled  a  Visix.  I  have  never  had  an  aoe  dec  defense  and  weaken  champ,  never  seen  a  Doompriest  or  a  Magnar  in  100's  and  100's  of  Ancients  and  well  over  50  sacreds.  You  have  many  good  champs  that  offer  great  ultilty  and  flexibilty  to  your  account...  the  leggos  i  have  pulled  to  give  you  an  idea...

Harvest  Jack




Hakkorn  Smashlord



Royal  Huntsman



War  Mother

Basically  all  can  be  replaced  by  epics  and  are  trash.

i  have  pulled  a  Valk  and  a  Mountain  King  and  an  Ursurga  and  a  Candy  but  in  the  midst  of  the  others  i  would  say  i  have  had  very  bad  luck  given  what  i  have  spent.  Its  why  im  f2p  now.  It  seems  some  accounts  are  just  cursed  with  bad  luck.  

I have a few legos not shown there such as tatura (basically level 50's who are not in the vault are not showing)

So 24 legos in just over a year, that is almost 2 a month, it doesnt seem that bad to me?

Valk and candraphon are amazing, king is great in arena. Those are great pulls.

I can accept getting a maneater is luck based, but demytha gives other options now for unkillable teams 

My account is not great, because i have periods where i cannot bother to play, i miss some fusions as a result.

But honestly? i think unless you are going to be a big spender (thousands) then buying shards is just throwing your money away, they do not give you a big enough advantage to be worth it.

Dec 30, 2021, 11:3312/30/21

and  she  will  be  replaced  as  soon  as  you  get  1  or  2  maneaters,  or  any  of  the  other  unkillable  comps.  Used  to  beca  great  champ  but  power  creep  has  made  her  fall  off,  she  soon  will  be  obselete.

I havent built kreela because i already have a fully built fahrakin and only recently got kreela, but i use a counterattack champ in my unkillable team, if i had got kreela before fahrakin i would definitely still be using her

Dec 30, 2021, 11:4112/30/21

"I have been playing almost daily "

No u haven't.  If those are the only legos u have,  you have not even been logging in somewhat frequently.  And "playing " has different levels well beyond that.

Your luck is bad because you don't play frequently let alone optimally. 

Free legos: Ninja, scyl, visix, drexthar 

Fusion legos: too many to 

Very easy to criticize those that do not fit your experience in the game.  I am working on drexthar, should have it in about 2 weeks, but under another login I had it.  Ninja I missed out on.  Most everything free in the game, especially the login rewards are junk.  I have cycled through many champs that I turned into food to get a level 60 anything.  I have 3 L60's now, athel, runekeeper, and stag knight. Cannot pull enough champs to even start the fusions, the only one I finished was relickeeper, I have a bunch others that are partials wish I could get rid of. I get about one yellow shard per month from doing the dailies, so yes I do paly most everyday, but the yellow shards open up and turn pink, and a lousy pink at that.

The blues and purples just open and turn to lousy 3* rares. they just go in the junk pile.

I play a few plarium games, just to move away from the hype and frustration that comes with raids.  I have also quit and restarted the game a few times, that is why I have gone up and down with lots of champs and arenas.  How many people at this point really can call the game "fun"?  To me that is what makes all the difference.  The amount of criticism in this forum is what drives many to quit.  But yet the I am luckier, better and holier than thou attitude still runs the show here.

Posting my roster, about 20 champs now, just opens me to more criticism by the elite here. Who needs it. The people that feel like me and have my experience with the game you will never get to see or hear, since you will shame them into posting it.

Dec 30, 2021, 11:5112/30/21
Dec 30, 2021, 11:53(edited)
End Is Near

Very easy to criticize those that do not fit your experience in the game.  I am working on drexthar, should have it in about 2 weeks, but under another login I had it.  Ninja I missed out on.  Most everything free in the game, especially the login rewards are junk.  I have cycled through many champs that I turned into food to get a level 60 anything.  I have 3 L60's now, athel, runekeeper, and stag knight. Cannot pull enough champs to even start the fusions, the only one I finished was relickeeper, I have a bunch others that are partials wish I could get rid of. I get about one yellow shard per month from doing the dailies, so yes I do paly most everyday, but the yellow shards open up and turn pink, and a lousy pink at that.

The blues and purples just open and turn to lousy 3* rares. they just go in the junk pile.

I play a few plarium games, just to move away from the hype and frustration that comes with raids.  I have also quit and restarted the game a few times, that is why I have gone up and down with lots of champs and arenas.  How many people at this point really can call the game "fun"?  To me that is what makes all the difference.  The amount of criticism in this forum is what drives many to quit.  But yet the I am luckier, better and holier than thou attitude still runs the show here.

Posting my roster, about 20 champs now, just opens me to more criticism by the elite here. Who needs it. The people that feel like me and have my experience with the game you will never get to see or hear, since you will shame them into posting it.

Not personally interested in shaming anyone.

One thing about the freebie champs though, it is a shame you missed ninja, but i use  freebie champs a lot. 

Scyl - one of the best champs in the game, seriously amazing, she practically solos barbs 21 for me (she runs it with a bunch of level 50's)

Visix- a mainstay of doom tower hard for me, a good mix of control and decent stats.

Dark elhain- not as good as those two,, but she can be built to hit pretty hard and the self buff is nice and very useful in doom tower

Grush- still use in faction wars, used to use in clan boss a lot before i got an unkillable. Might not be amazing but he is not trash.

Dec 30, 2021, 14:3812/30/21

5 months going onto 6 months with this account. I did have 8 leggos but I fed Simple (his damage was ok I just hated looking at his goofy face) and I fed Roric....I do regret feeding him I don't think was really paying attention at that time because it wasn't intentional like Simple.

seems to be a lot of hate for Roric but for me he will be missed :(

Dec 30, 2021, 16:0212/30/21
Dec 30, 2021, 16:09(edited)

Erm  no......

Kreela  replaced  by  Faharakin

Cruetraxa  has  no  place  in  the  current  meta.  

Bystophus  replaced  by  Basher,  Helmut...  or  any  champ  with  control  mechanics

Cruetraxa  is  fantastic??  Do  you  even  play  Raid?  

Hmm, I do. A lot actually, and I have used and still use the champions I named (except Kreela who was lost in a boating accident) despite my roster which I will post below. 

Last time I counted it was 103 legendaries with 73 dupes, and I still use Cruetraxa and Bysto.



Dec 30, 2021, 16:4112/30/21

and  she  will  be  replaced  as  soon  as  you  get  1  or  2  maneaters,  or  any  of  the  other  unkillable  comps.  Used  to  beca  great  champ  but  power  creep  has  made  her  fall  off,  she  soon  will  be  obselete.

For some reason I don't believe you....but perhaps that was just my CB run today making me doubt.....


Dec 30, 2021, 16:5612/30/21

Ultimatley I think it comes down to what you enjoy about the game and what does "winning" mean to you. I will never top leader boards because I am mostly f2p and I am okay with that. I am 6 months in and my legends include Aleksandr, Hakkorhn, Ninja, Scyl and Warchief and I am happy with them. (Where I sit on the tiers Hakkorhn is really good with Scyle TSDPool)

Botton line, ask yourself what you enjoy about the game. Do you need to have everything? If so that leads to other questions.


Dec 30, 2021, 17:2112/30/21

I don't necessarily agree with everything you're saying, specifically about it not being possible to win, but I do hope whatever you decide to do you have fun while you're doing it. 

Wow, is that Pingu?  My 2 year-old has been forcing me to watch hours of that over the last couple weeks.  I'd never seen it before, and now it's everywhere!!!

Dec 30, 2021, 17:5612/30/21

Wow, is that Pingu?  My 2 year-old has been forcing me to watch hours of that over the last couple weeks.  I'd never seen it before, and now it's everywhere!!!

Don't encourage Thorne, please. ;)

Jan 1, 2022, 14:1401/01/22
Jan 1, 2022, 14:15(edited)

Dont you get it already - "rng can be frustrating" - well, thats double and even tripple for f2p player. Before hollydays I write about void shard chances - since august 2019 when i start playing i never ever pull even a single void lego - and they say exactly the same - rng can be frustrating (and this is on 2 accounts, so in can be frustrating twice). For all this time in game there are still this gap for me - no any void lego pulled, no any unkillable champ, nor any counter-attack champ, nor infinite shield....and they continue telling me to make it not a joke? Well, i personaly decide to wait a little and will wait at least to next 2x event, but in all cases my long patience go over little by little.  I already start to cut off my game time a half, because whats the difference - i play 2 years any single day and "rng still frustrating" and someone who get daddy big wallet can outmached this 2 years for a girlfriend too cut the ingame time, she start playin a month before me, she get the same result - never pulled void lego, no Unkillable, no CS, no infinite shield...she too get advice - "do UNM CB" - what a joke, really...these days we do only daily quests and after this just hit "close" not sure, will we continue, at least seriously...