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Changing the deterence Mastery

Changing the deterence Mastery

Dec 14, 2021, 20:3412/14/21

Yes, I just made a quick calculation of the ressources I spent to build up a working second team. Luckily, I had all of these champs, some resting in the vault, some being dupes.

Shamael -> starting point 1/4*/ 0 ascended -> 60/6*/6 ascended 

Battlesage -> 50/5*/2 asc -> 54/6*/5 asc

Sinesha -> 50/5*/2asc -> 45/6*/5 asc

Cybelle-> 1/5*/0 asc -> 54/6*/5asc

Ma'shallad-> 1/5*/0asc -> 47*/6*/5 asc

Oboro -> 50/5*/2asc -> 58/6*/5 asc

For all of them I leveled up artifacts which cost me about 50 mio silver. For some of the equip I had to strip other champs. All of them started with zero masteries and now have full masteries.

Altogether, the ressources put into this team are

30 5* chicken, 4 4* chicken

2x 800 gems for masteries

8 leggo books for Ma'shallad  (Dupe) to finally hit his A2 (sigh)

10 Epic books for Shamael (Dupe)

The rest either got no books (Cybele) or had been fully booked before.

around 7.000 energy for Minotaur runs for the rest

36 Superior Arcane Potions, 46 greater Arcane Potions, 58 Superior Aff Potions, 47 Greater Aff Potions

and the most important part: about 20 hours of testing, advancing, equipping, ascending and leveling the champions.

Even without the time I spent, if I do a rough calculation from the offer prices, this is about 500$ in ressources spent into this team.

Would I have build the champs otherwise? Ma'shallad dupe eventually, the rest of

Yes, a free reset of masteries is nice...but compared to the ressources and time I is neglectable.

I can tell you that I am very demotivated by this quick change in the mechanics. How shall I trust to build up champs for the Hydra next without having these ressources spent in the back of my mind? How shall I not be hesitant as I do not know whether the game will be changed on a whim again? 

@Trips: Grats on being lazy on this. Sometimes it is really beneficial to wait some weeks.

I put a pretty sizeable amount of resources into this as well. Not quite as many than you, but I spent books and food I had leveled, and a great deal of minotaur runs.

I don't disagree with your points at all.

Looks like I will only be able to use this team exactly one time, today.

Dec 14, 2021, 21:0312/14/21

I put a pretty sizeable amount of resources into this as well. Not quite as many than you, but I spent books and food I had leveled, and a great deal of minotaur runs.

I don't disagree with your points at all.

Looks like I will only be able to use this team exactly one time, today.

Quinn was one of those people I alluded to who I know personally went completely all in as soon as they could to get their comp up and running, and like many others absolutely dumped their resources to get their comp going ASAP. She immediately changed her focus in the game, much like I'm sure tons and tons of others did.

Those resources (and more importantly, time) have real world value and the fact that there was zero communication that anything was coming down the pipeline gets more insane, the more I think about it. People in charge had, or need to know that players were going to expend a ton of resources in hopes of getting successful comps up and running so they could help clear the lower level difficulties out for their clan. 

Resources can be recovered, but I'd imagine for a lot of people they're going to have to change their playstyle for a bit, missed out on doing other things that would better further their account, so on and so forth. But there's no getting back the time spent, and no easy fix in assuring players that their time and resources spent later won't be a waste, given the potential interactions of the different heads with existing champions and masteries in the game. 

The more I think about it, the worse this situation is. The mastery reset is a drop in the bucket, to say the least.

Dec 14, 2021, 21:1112/14/21

I understand the OP frustration, and think changes to masteries that affect the rest of the game instead of tweaking the heads (which they should have done) was a mistake. I also wonder what the play test budget is at times since things often seem to be under-tested.

As for hydra, it is pretty obvious they want this to stretch players, and the last thing they want is to have players able to two key the top boss with ease as so many can on clan boss

Personally i am going to avoid investing too many resources until it has all had time to calm down, i got the top normal and second hard chest this week, but we didnt even down hard so it is fine for now...

Dec 14, 2021, 21:1412/14/21

again it just shows that other things like time saving on dungeons or tavern are delayed for purpose. nerf champ or even whole mastery takes days or even minutes

Dec 14, 2021, 21:2012/14/21

I understand the OP frustration, and think changes to masteries that affect the rest of the game instead of tweaking the heads (which they should have done) was a mistake. I also wonder what the play test budget is at times since things often seem to be under-tested.

As for hydra, it is pretty obvious they want this to stretch players, and the last thing they want is to have players able to two key the top boss with ease as so many can on clan boss

Personally i am going to avoid investing too many resources until it has all had time to calm down, i got the top normal and second hard chest this week, but we didnt even down hard so it is fine for now...

This might be the best solution. You cannot be out resources you did not spend.

Unfortunately, I built Shamael and was in the process of building my AoE champs BEFORE the Content Creators had a chance to share how broken it was. I started the day before Hydra, I didn't even watch the videos and then decide to do it.

Dec 14, 2021, 21:2312/14/21
Dec 14, 2021, 21:28(edited)

Quinn was one of those people I alluded to who I know personally went completely all in as soon as they could to get their comp up and running, and like many others absolutely dumped their resources to get their comp going ASAP. She immediately changed her focus in the game, much like I'm sure tons and tons of others did.

Those resources (and more importantly, time) have real world value and the fact that there was zero communication that anything was coming down the pipeline gets more insane, the more I think about it. People in charge had, or need to know that players were going to expend a ton of resources in hopes of getting successful comps up and running so they could help clear the lower level difficulties out for their clan. 

Resources can be recovered, but I'd imagine for a lot of people they're going to have to change their playstyle for a bit, missed out on doing other things that would better further their account, so on and so forth. But there's no getting back the time spent, and no easy fix in assuring players that their time and resources spent later won't be a waste, given the potential interactions of the different heads with existing champions and masteries in the game. 

The more I think about it, the worse this situation is. The mastery reset is a drop in the bucket, to say the least.

Thanks Thorne. I did, in fact, change my focus to building a good Hydra team so that we could take out Normal Hydra. I am still yet to officially use any of my keys, I tried a lot of strats Day 1 and settled on Shamael for the first team, Duchess and Doompriest for the second, and who the heck even knows for the third.

To make that happen, I immediately built Shamael, and then started farming his scrolls and scrolls and pots for Battlesage and Fellhound. AoE hitters were doing the best when paired with Shamael, especially the one I had deterrence on. It meant I needed Elenaril and Fellhound to be masteried. Sad that I can only use this team one time, today. No longer worth the energy finishing those masteries.

Dec 14, 2021, 21:3212/14/21

I understand the OP frustration, and think changes to masteries that affect the rest of the game instead of tweaking the heads (which they should have done) was a mistake. I also wonder what the play test budget is at times since things often seem to be under-tested.

As for hydra, it is pretty obvious they want this to stretch players, and the last thing they want is to have players able to two key the top boss with ease as so many can on clan boss

Personally i am going to avoid investing too many resources until it has all had time to calm down, i got the top normal and second hard chest this week, but we didnt even down hard so it is fine for now...

Share your teams for hard. I've been saving my 2 keys waiting for Quinn... now I am screwed 😆 🤣 

Dec 14, 2021, 21:3312/14/21

Share your teams for hard. I've been saving my 2 keys waiting for Quinn... now I am screwed 😆 🤣 

Sorry Trips, not gonna even finish the masteries I was running today. I sac'd a lot of Faction Guardians to rank up Shamael, put a lot of energy into these AoE champs.

Dec 14, 2021, 21:4012/14/21

I agree with you 100%, but also think it was less than smart to go all in building for the first strategy that was clearly gonna be nerfed somehow. 

My increasing lethargy towards the game continues to help me :) though I am still pissed at my ridiculous stupidity at falling for the double lego trap.  I want to return my legos and get my 16 shards back for next week 😆 

Dec 14, 2021, 21:4312/14/21

Another issue I have is it feels like players are simultaneously expected to brainstorm comps while also play testing, which they shouldn't have to do. 

I understand there are a ton of interactions in this game due to whatever content you're in, champs, masteries, so on and so forth. But it seems entirely unrealistic, not to mention incredibly unsustainable to expect players to do both of these things. 

It feels this way to me because players are essentially being penalized HEAVILY for testing the game and the Hydra's limits and running into interactions that are no fault of their own. 

On top of that, players who were using Deterrence to great success in arena are also being penalized, also by no fault of their own. 

Dec 14, 2021, 21:4412/14/21

I agree with you 100%, but also think it was less than smart to go all in building for the first strategy that was clearly gonna be nerfed somehow. 

My increasing lethargy towards the game continues to help me :) though I am still pissed at my ridiculous stupidity at falling for the double lego trap.  I want to return my legos and get my 16 shards back for next week 😆 

What if CCs and others were told there would be no nerfs?

And how am I supposed to know what is going to be nerfed when I'm building for content on day 1? Especially if there are no videos from CCs with it totally broken yet? I built him to remove fears and trigger some counterattacks, not 1 key UNM with legendary champs I don't even have.

Dec 14, 2021, 21:4612/14/21

Sorry Trips, not gonna even finish the masteries I was running today. I sac'd a lot of Faction Guardians to rank up Shamael, put a lot of energy into these AoE champs.

Yikes, used epic dupes as chickens? You really went all in.  Feel bad for you and matrim , and anyone else that shot their wad.

Dec 14, 2021, 21:4812/14/21
Dec 14, 2021, 21:50(edited)

Yikes, used epic dupes as chickens? You really went all in.  Feel bad for you and matrim , and anyone else that shot their wad.

Basically you mean anyone who tried to play and build for the new content during the first week.

I feel for everyone else for sure. Matrim spent SO MANY RESOURCES. Much more than me. This change was a huge hit to his resources.

(And yes, I did use epic dupes as chickens. Trying hard to remain in that low spend category, and I wanted to save resources for the Xmas fusion. I don't regret saving the resources, I DO regret spending them on champs I didn't need in anything but Hydra)

Dec 14, 2021, 21:5512/14/21
Dec 14, 2021, 21:55(edited)

Anyone who knows me from the Discord knows I've been always fairly dismissive of people who say things like "Is this champion gonna get nerfed like Urogrim or Geomancer?"

However, I think the problem that arises from what Quinn is talking about is a pretty serious one though, where players are legitimately hesistant to build out champs/comps for new content. That is a very, very bad place to be. 

Players should be excited and optimistic about building out for new champs and/or content, not immediately worried that their time/effort/resources will go to waste.

Dec 14, 2021, 22:0812/14/21

Basically you mean anyone who tried to play and build for the new content during the first week.

I feel for everyone else for sure. Matrim spent SO MANY RESOURCES. Much more than me. This change was a huge hit to his resources.

(And yes, I did use epic dupes as chickens. Trying hard to remain in that low spend category, and I wanted to save resources for the Xmas fusion. I don't regret saving the resources, I DO regret spending them on champs I didn't need in anything but Hydra)

I would normally consider myself low spender as i buy the monthly gems, but I bought some 50$ mega pack last week specifically because it had 5 rank 5 chickens so I could get those new hydra champs ready faster. I do regret spending money on that pack now.

I would have wasted the money anywas so I'm not really butt hurt over it just disappointed.

Dec 14, 2021, 22:2312/14/21

Share your teams for hard. I've been saving my 2 keys waiting for Quinn... now I am screwed 😆 🤣 

Hmm, the team I build myself as a Charlie-Team for Hard made about 6,6 million damage. 

Venus, Krisk, Sicia, Aniri, Rector and Kimi...

Dec 14, 2021, 22:2912/14/21

Hmm, the team I build myself as a Charlie-Team for Hard made about 6,6 million damage. 

Venus, Krisk, Sicia, Aniri, Rector and Kimi...

I have ONE of those champs. Aniri. :D

Dec 14, 2021, 22:5412/14/21

So what was changed ... Lol?

I guess I will see some good clickbait YouTube videos when I get home. I understand something with deteramce mastery has changed to nerf Inquisitor on hydra? What exactly has changed?

I'm in the boat as well as going pretty heavy on resources for week 2 of hydra. I maxed inquisitor, battlesage, and sinesha. I had sinesha already at five stars ascended but other two were naked level 0 4 stars. I spent a lot of silver on initial gearing already and was about to do a more thorough gearing now that i saw some speeds tunes. Was waiting on cvc to go on a booking rampage as none of the three champs I just maxed were booked. I spent 1.6k gems on masteries for 2 of them and farmed the third set of masteries.

I'm not really pissed as at least champ training has been going on, but damn I was looking forward to killing it this week on hydra.

The deterrence mastery changed (or will change with the next game version). Now it's a 20% chance to counterattack if an enemy lands control debuffs. The change will be a big nerf and give a cooldown of one turn to this mastery.

Dec 15, 2021, 00:0312/15/21

So what was changed ... Lol?

I guess I will see some good clickbait YouTube videos when I get home. I understand something with deteramce mastery has changed to nerf Inquisitor on hydra? What exactly has changed?

I'm in the boat as well as going pretty heavy on resources for week 2 of hydra. I maxed inquisitor, battlesage, and sinesha. I had sinesha already at five stars ascended but other two were naked level 0 4 stars. I spent a lot of silver on initial gearing already and was about to do a more thorough gearing now that i saw some speeds tunes. Was waiting on cvc to go on a booking rampage as none of the three champs I just maxed were booked. I spent 1.6k gems on masteries for 2 of them and farmed the third set of masteries.

I'm not really pissed as at least champ training has been going on, but damn I was looking forward to killing it this week on hydra.

Looks like you and I both dropped some serious resources. Sorry Evilized.

Dec 15, 2021, 01:3312/15/21

Looks like you and I both dropped some serious resources. Sorry Evilized.

For once I'm pleased with cvc. If not I would have probably full booked all three champions. I'll probably still dump books into them once cvc drops anywas for some internet points.