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Halp Me Whack that Volcano Guy More!  (i.e. the DEMON BOSS, AKA the CLAN LORB!)

Halp Me Whack that Volcano Guy More! (i.e. the DEMON BOSS, AKA the CLAN LORB!)

Oct 30, 2021, 01:0810/30/21

Halp Me Whack that Volcano Guy More! (i.e. the DEMON BOSS, AKA the CLAN LORB!)

I post this further to admonishments I received yesterday in one of those threads where half the people whine about how FTP is impossible and the other half yell at them for sucking at the game.  To move myself out of the first group and into the second, I need as much anti-Clan Boss Firepower as possible.

And to that end I require assistance.  From you!  Yes, you!

My current team (High Khatun [Lead], Apothecary, Rhazin, Narma, and Kreela) is randomly cobbled together with little rhyme or reason, and I need yous guys to help me do better!  Talk to me as you would a three-year old boy, or a well-educated dog.

Roster Part 1 


Oct 30, 2021, 01:0810/30/21

Roster part 2


Oct 30, 2021, 10:1810/30/21

First of all: what is a LORB? 

However, I'm not convinced of High Khatun in this combo.

Speed and turnmeterbuffs in a team that has no need to be speedtuned (like unkillable teams) are not bad, you get more attacks between the CB's turn. But Khatun has really nothing more to give, unlike Apo, who deals more damage than her (3x attack --> Giantslayer masterie) and can heal teammembers. The CB is immune to the speed debuff from Khatun's A1 and her turnmeter reduce from the A3 attack. And her speedbuff is redundant to Apo's speedbuff. So Khatun only increases the turnmeter by 15% and has a A1 attack without debuffs and low damage. That's not good enough!

You could add Deacon, who has the same Aura, the same turnmeter increase AND a leech debuff in addition to that. Leech is a very usefull debuff at CB. I guess your whole team has Warmaster or Giantslayer masterie? Leech works with the damage done by this masteries, so your team can heal for a big ammount of hp with every attack.

Deacon is just the obvious upgrade that changes nothing else in your team, adding leech "for free". I guess you could build a totally different team with champs like Brogni, Jareg, Aniri or stuff like that as well.

Oct 30, 2021, 15:5110/30/21

First of all: what is a LORB? 

However, I'm not convinced of High Khatun in this combo.

Speed and turnmeterbuffs in a team that has no need to be speedtuned (like unkillable teams) are not bad, you get more attacks between the CB's turn. But Khatun has really nothing more to give, unlike Apo, who deals more damage than her (3x attack --> Giantslayer masterie) and can heal teammembers. The CB is immune to the speed debuff from Khatun's A1 and her turnmeter reduce from the A3 attack. And her speedbuff is redundant to Apo's speedbuff. So Khatun only increases the turnmeter by 15% and has a A1 attack without debuffs and low damage. That's not good enough!

You could add Deacon, who has the same Aura, the same turnmeter increase AND a leech debuff in addition to that. Leech is a very usefull debuff at CB. I guess your whole team has Warmaster or Giantslayer masterie? Leech works with the damage done by this masteries, so your team can heal for a big ammount of hp with every attack.

Deacon is just the obvious upgrade that changes nothing else in your team, adding leech "for free". I guess you could build a totally different team with champs like Brogni, Jareg, Aniri or stuff like that as well.

I'm definitely going to have to rethink masteries here.  A lot of these champs were leveled during the year or so where I wasn't paying even a modicum of attention to how the game works.

Oct 30, 2021, 16:1210/30/21

who is booked of 60s?

I like to see a test run of unconventional teams:)






ignoring fayne as dont like at all without unkillable

depending on who  is booked, and decent gear.  probably 3 key unm, definitely 4key

Oct 30, 2021, 19:1210/30/21

who is booked of 60s?

I like to see a test run of unconventional teams:)






ignoring fayne as dont like at all without unkillable

depending on who  is booked, and decent gear.  probably 3 key unm, definitely 4key

Maybe I can become financially independent of Plarium!

Oct 30, 2021, 21:3410/30/21

Put vogoth 5th in order and disable A2 with, giant slayer on vogoth. 

Oct 31, 2021, 04:1710/31/21

Put vogoth 5th in order and disable A2 with, giant slayer on vogoth. 

That's astonishingly effective.

Oct 31, 2021, 15:4010/31/21

I'll step in with my "Conventional" build:





What's missing is counter-attack. You want Skullcrusher, or, better yet, Martyr/Valk. Do you have any of them? If not, I'd go with Kreela for AA. You'll also want one of them in a Toxic set, since you have no poisoner.

This is very similar to my team, which easy two-key's UNM: Rhazin, Vizier, Brogni, Martyr, Corpse Collector. 

Oct 31, 2021, 18:0910/31/21

I'll step in with my "Conventional" build:





What's missing is counter-attack. You want Skullcrusher, or, better yet, Martyr/Valk. Do you have any of them? If not, I'd go with Kreela for AA. You'll also want one of them in a Toxic set, since you have no poisoner.

This is very similar to my team, which easy two-key's UNM: Rhazin, Vizier, Brogni, Martyr, Corpse Collector. 

I like Krama's team quite a bit. But I would venture to try it like this:

Rhazin: The roly poly lizard does work. Decrease Def AND Weaken, 100% of the time. Hits hard, purely defensive build. Good stuff.

Brago: Increase Defense for your team, Dec Attack for the Clan Boss? Thank you very much.

Brogni: Shields? Healing? Increase Attack? Can block the stun if tuned properly? HP Burn on top of that? Sheesh. Get in that team now!

Kreela: Increase Crit Rate? Increase Attack? Thanks Kreela for letting my build my guys with lower crit rates and huge increases in crit damage! Ally Attack? Wow Kreela, settle down and stop activating every one else's A1 ability like Brogni's HP burn, Narma's Debuff extension, and even Brago and Rhazin's abilities to remove Clan Boss' self buffs. She is an absolute BEAST in my own team

Narma: Get your damage and your poisons on. Narma has poisons, poison sensitivity, debuff extensions for keeping all the fun Dec Def/Weaken/HP burn. Plus she has healing! She will also help to keep Dec Attack up on the Clan Boss at all times. This is really important to sustain through the fight and keep putting damage out round after round

You could, if you were feeling froggy at some point, also toss Ninja in there in place of your two DPS champs. But that is for fun later to see about improvements.

Now you go to DeadWoodJedi's site and look at 1:1 speed tunes for NM and UNM clan boss, plugging in these champs and aligning their speeds so that you can get the right buffs on at the right times to maximize your damage and your survivability. :D

Oct 31, 2021, 18:3510/31/21

Narma vs Vizier is a tricky one. The trouble with Narma is that the debuff extend is random. The nice thing about Vizier is you don't need to worry about accuracy like, at all. You literally just can keep restarting the fight until your important debuffs land, and then Vizier keeps them active for the rest of the fight.

I would say it's worth experimenting with the two to see which ends up being better, but my guess is that Vizier will outperform. But again - important is someone needs to have Toxic if you go with this build, since otherwise you have no poisons. Also, turn off Vizier and Rhazin's A2 and A3, since their respective A1's do more damage.

Oct 31, 2021, 21:4910/31/21

Narma vs Vizier is a tricky one. The trouble with Narma is that the debuff extend is random. The nice thing about Vizier is you don't need to worry about accuracy like, at all. You literally just can keep restarting the fight until your important debuffs land, and then Vizier keeps them active for the rest of the fight.

I would say it's worth experimenting with the two to see which ends up being better, but my guess is that Vizier will outperform. But again - important is someone needs to have Toxic if you go with this build, since otherwise you have no poisons. Also, turn off Vizier and Rhazin's A2 and A3, since their respective A1's do more damage.

Testing will help for sure. I recommend Narma cause you can still go with Toxic, if you aren't filling the debuff bar. But as muchas anything, cause she brings heals to the table and might help that whole team survive.

But you could always pull Rhazin out in favor of that Grush and get Dec Attack, Leech and Heals. And then Vizier would be extremely helpful in extending that Leech.

Oct 31, 2021, 22:3510/31/21

Testing will help for sure. I recommend Narma cause you can still go with Toxic, if you aren't filling the debuff bar. But as muchas anything, cause she brings heals to the table and might help that whole team survive.

But you could always pull Rhazin out in favor of that Grush and get Dec Attack, Leech and Heals. And then Vizier would be extremely helpful in extending that Leech.

Or could use vogoth as I recommend  :)

Oct 31, 2021, 22:5810/31/21

Or could use vogoth as I recommend  :)

Vogoth is fine. But I want my DAMAGE up in there. :D

Nov 1, 2021, 15:3911/01/21
Nov 1, 2021, 15:41(edited)

Well, putting Vogoth in bumped my damage from ~15m to ~32m, but  I'm still experimenting.  

Swapping Narma for Vizier sounds like a good idea.  

How 'bout Vizier in the Toxic set with his A2 and A3 turned off?  Would that kind of kill two birds with one stone?

Nov 1, 2021, 15:5811/01/21

Vogoth is fine. But I want my DAMAGE up in there. :D

Can't do any damage when everyone is dead :)

That is why ATK down is most important debuff.  DEC Def / weaken / hp burn / even poisons are all "nice to haves".  For non-unkillable leech may be 2nd most important.

Nov 1, 2021, 16:0911/01/21
Nov 1, 2021, 16:10(edited)

You're absolutely right about the leech.  I'd kind of thought of it as a throwaway ability, but it's essential.  Putting Deacon back on the team really helped. 

Any thoughts on the "Vizier in Toxic Set spamming his A1" concept?

Also: Is Vizier his job or his name?  I think it's a good idea to have as many government officials as possible on the team.

Nov 1, 2021, 16:2211/01/21

You're absolutely right about the leech.  I'd kind of thought of it as a throwaway ability, but it's essential.  Putting Deacon back on the team really helped. 

Any thoughts on the "Vizier in Toxic Set spamming his A1" concept?

Also: Is Vizier his job or his name?  I think it's a good idea to have as many government officials as possible on the team.

Vizier is his job. If you look carefully on his character sheet, you can see that his name is Ovelis.

Nov 1, 2021, 16:2411/01/21

Vizier is his job. If you look carefully on his character sheet, you can see that his name is Ovelis.

I mean I thought Ovelis might be his last name.

Nov 1, 2021, 16:2511/01/21

You're absolutely right about the leech.  I'd kind of thought of it as a throwaway ability, but it's essential.  Putting Deacon back on the team really helped. 

Any thoughts on the "Vizier in Toxic Set spamming his A1" concept?

Also: Is Vizier his job or his name?  I think it's a good idea to have as many government officials as possible on the team.

I prefer narma (I use on alt account unbooked in retaliation gear), but don't have vizier. 

Are brago brogni rhazin cooldowns booked?

Still think best bet is


Brogni (block buffs needs cd booked)




Nov 1, 2021, 17:1811/01/21

Can't do any damage when everyone is dead :)

That is why ATK down is most important debuff.  DEC Def / weaken / hp burn / even poisons are all "nice to haves".  For non-unkillable leech may be 2nd most important.

Adding Vogoth doesn't add in a Decrease Attack though. His only triggers on Provokable enemies. All he is is healing, tons of healing sure, but heals only. If you've got that from leech and other champs like Ghrush or Narma, you likely won't need him at all.

Attack down and Leech from either Deadon or Ghrush is good news. If Brago is running 4:3, he can do it alone. Narma can even extend the debuffs relatively frequently. 

Whichever way you build it Devlin, test out some different teams. You may find some of the iterations hit a good deal harder but are totally unreliable and crap out cause of losing Dec Attack debuffs. 0_0

And Trips asks a good question. Of Brago, Brogni, Rhazin and Deacon, who is all booked up?