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Arena improvement ideas

Arena improvement ideas

Oct 20, 2021, 15:0910/20/21
Trevor Wilson

Sorry, not a fan of this idea at all, i tend to think defense is much harder than offence.

My defence win rate is about 40% to 50% tops, my offence win rate is 98%.

You can make very good guesses already based on the opponents level?. For example someone who is level 57 but has arbiter lead is probably still going to be slow as they most likely not done the dragon grinding.

The defensive side of arena barely even counts as "content", as far as I'm concerned.  You just plop down a bunch of meat shields and never look again.

I'd much rather have the part of the arena that:

(a) actually demands my attention; 

(b) is necessary to progress through the "Missions"; and 

(c) produces a spendable resource (Great Hall points) 

be less of a guessing game.

Oct 21, 2021, 07:2110/21/21

bots are gone buddy. only thing I come across lately is players that put one champ in their defense for whatever reason. maybe they're just done with great hall and don't care anymore.

I put one champ on defense because I use all of the free refills I get every day and I beat up on everyone who makes the odd decision to not go with a speed lead.  I mean, if your non-speed lead team isn't pushing plat, why are you trying it in mid-gold?  Oh well, I'll take it.  Unfortunately, it looks like more and more of the non-speed lead folks have been pushed out of gold so I actually just set a defense for the first time mid-week since I got to Gold 4.

Oct 21, 2021, 07:2510/21/21

Hi! Thank you for your active attitude towards the game!

One thing to clarify first is that we never really had weak (or strong for that matter) artificial accounts for the Arena. The reason some relatively weaker accounts appear in the game time after time has to do only with the intrinsics of players distribution on the server. Those accounts never really disappear into nowhere, instead, they progress as well as other players do and join the fray.

The team power calculation is not perhaps the ultimate way to stack opponents against each other, but this is a handy approach to find an approximately similar player to fight against. With an as complex battle system as is now in the game, it is incredibly difficult to produce matchups based on a neat group of factors. But since team power also takes account of Champions' stats, the speed also plays into the calculation.

Please, keep in mind that Arena as a piece of PvP gameplay is supposed to be challenging. You're not supposed just to steadily progress there only through the general development of your account. If a player can't beat their fellows of relatively the same level, defence team power and player power, it means that something should be changed in their offensive or defensive strategies. Unlike PvE areas, where you can get stronger simply by gradually getting better equipment and widening your pool of Champions, in the Arena, you have to deal with a competitive environment of people whose aim is exactly the same as yours and they would not give quarter to anyone.

The point to start with is to analyse your pool of available Champions and approaches your offence team uses. So feel free to share your Champion collection and ask for advice specific to your account. There are a lot of players ready, willing, and able to help you here.

Player power is an abhorent way to determine matchups.  You are only causing people to not to want to pull shards because they'll get characters that won't help their account and they'll suffer more and more as time goes on in the arena.  There is a simple way to create matchups:  your actual record.  It is the system used in most games.  It is used in chess.  Feel free to copy it instead of this system that does not work and actively punishes people for collecting characters in a character collection game.

Oct 21, 2021, 09:1110/21/21

Hi! Thank you for your active attitude towards the game!

One thing to clarify first is that we never really had weak (or strong for that matter) artificial accounts for the Arena. The reason some relatively weaker accounts appear in the game time after time has to do only with the intrinsics of players distribution on the server. Those accounts never really disappear into nowhere, instead, they progress as well as other players do and join the fray.

The team power calculation is not perhaps the ultimate way to stack opponents against each other, but this is a handy approach to find an approximately similar player to fight against. With an as complex battle system as is now in the game, it is incredibly difficult to produce matchups based on a neat group of factors. But since team power also takes account of Champions' stats, the speed also plays into the calculation.

Please, keep in mind that Arena as a piece of PvP gameplay is supposed to be challenging. You're not supposed just to steadily progress there only through the general development of your account. If a player can't beat their fellows of relatively the same level, defence team power and player power, it means that something should be changed in their offensive or defensive strategies. Unlike PvE areas, where you can get stronger simply by gradually getting better equipment and widening your pool of Champions, in the Arena, you have to deal with a competitive environment of people whose aim is exactly the same as yours and they would not give quarter to anyone.

The point to start with is to analyse your pool of available Champions and approaches your offence team uses. So feel free to share your Champion collection and ask for advice specific to your account. There are a lot of players ready, willing, and able to help you here.

I get your reply, however I have to disagree that player power is a handy way to find opponents - why exactly?  if you are in a tier say for example silver 2 then the other players in tier 2 are there by right, so why should any 'calculation' be done? It should just randomly pick ten opponents, power should not matter one bit

Oct 21, 2021, 10:3810/21/21

I put one champ on defense because I use all of the free refills I get every day and I beat up on everyone who makes the odd decision to not go with a speed lead.  I mean, if your non-speed lead team isn't pushing plat, why are you trying it in mid-gold?  Oh well, I'll take it.  Unfortunately, it looks like more and more of the non-speed lead folks have been pushed out of gold so I actually just set a defense for the first time mid-week since I got to Gold 4.

I put a speed lead in my arena defence, but its odd, my 3rd tag team which is just a bunch of champs cobbled together (rhazin, high resistance mountain king, high resistance brogni, high resistance tormin) probably has the highest win rate in tag once i put the tag defence in on a saturday...i think the speed of my brogni catches people out.

Oct 28, 2021, 16:0510/28/21
Trevor Wilson

I put a speed lead in my arena defence, but its odd, my 3rd tag team which is just a bunch of champs cobbled together (rhazin, high resistance mountain king, high resistance brogni, high resistance tormin) probably has the highest win rate in tag once i put the tag defence in on a saturday...i think the speed of my brogni catches people out.

I don't particularly think most people bother with doing much work at all on tag arena.  Even I, someone who spends far to much time in the game, sometimes don't stop a match to manual in time and lose (or have to spend 5 minutes) a fight that should have been easy.  My Gold 4 classic arena team actually wins occasionally if someone attacks me, but it is normally only the account level 95-100 folks who probably have a 350 plus Arbiter who attack me.  I just throw in Arbiter, Duchess (not speed tuned), Uugo, and Hurndig even though my Hurndig isn't really fast enough.  He still scares off more people than my Kael who is significantly faster.  Most people who do not know if they will win a speed race seem to avoid a speed race into a revive team.  My third tag team ends up winning a lot too and it is Duchess (speed aura) into Scyl, Hurndig, Drexthar.  I mean, no speed boosters and my Hurndig and Drexthar are pathetically slow, but 3 of them are pretty tanky, 3 of them hit decently hard, 2 have a great CC, and Duchess is just annoying.  Oh, and the Scyl is decently fast with relentless.