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Demytha behind a paywall and it's crap

Demytha behind a paywall and it's crap

Oct 11, 2021, 20:2410/11/21

Let's look at the previous 6 champion chase and summon rush events shall we:


If you are looking specifically at Summon Rush, then with the exception of 2150 for Versulf's second milestone, every other recent event has been around the 3000 to 3500 mark.  Infact, Sigmunds 3000 mark for the second milestone is technically on the lower scale.

You can also see that every Champion Chase is pretty consistent too, at around 1150 for milestone one, and 2500 for milestone two.

In other words, for each upcoming event you can get a rough estimate on what to expect.  If you think that it'll be around the 2000 mark then I think you should reconsider

That's only half the picture, though. More importantly - you're usually able to get the required points from either champ chase OR summon rush. And usually, I get them from champ chase, because I save up fusion champs to summon during champ chase for free points.

This time around, you had to either get the 3000-point summon rush OR win a tournament. And winning tournaments is almost out of the question for FTP players.

Oct 11, 2021, 21:2210/11/21
Oct 11, 2021, 21:25(edited)

That's only half the picture, though. More importantly - you're usually able to get the required points from either champ chase OR summon rush. And usually, I get them from champ chase, because I save up fusion champs to summon during champ chase for free points.

This time around, you had to either get the 3000-point summon rush OR win a tournament. And winning tournaments is almost out of the question for FTP players.

Agree.  That is true for all other fragment only events.  For the fusion events you usually had to do everything if you were aiming for the 16 rares, but if you gunned for the epic in the summon rush then you could probably skip the champion chase.

But for the other Fragment/Fusion combination event which was Brogni then you needed to do them all.  Mordecai had 105 available, with 15 from Champion Chase and 20 from Summon Rush.  That said, while he was the highest milestone in Summon Rush (3000 points), he was the first milestone in Champion Chase (1150), so at least you didn't need to get the max points for both to get him.  Still, this fragment/fusion event was consistent with that

Edit: I also still re-iterate that the fragment count was known from the start in that only 95 were available without doing summon rush.  We can all agree that it is unfair, but I don't think it's right to say it was hidden from us

Oct 11, 2021, 21:5710/11/21

The total count wasn't hidden, but the specifics were. There was nothing explicit to indicate that Demytha would be the top reward for both the chase and the summon. It wouldn't have been totally unreasonable that she'd be the top in one but not the other, and had that been the case you could've planned around it. You could've decided that getting the top rewards for both events was not viable and skipped the chase to conserve resources, but not knowing you have to take the risk of either missing a fusion you could've done, or throwing away resources in the hopes that you could but then fall short.

Oct 11, 2021, 22:4710/11/21

I fail to see how the game can survive without "paywalls". If everything was easier, spending would decrease. I have never seen a successful business run where decisions were made to diminish spending. And no, a bunch of f2p are not suddenly going to become low spenders.

Oct 11, 2021, 23:2610/11/21

Wow, some of you still aren't getting in it. In past fusion events, you could get all required parts to fuse the legendary champ without doing the summon rush. This change being made as our current fusion is TIGHTLY sandwiched between two other fusions and Plarium giving us such a crap 10x just to rub some salt in the wound are the real issues here.
This isn't the norm for a fusion and those of you playing defense for Plarium right now are doing so at your own detriment. 

Oct 12, 2021, 01:1410/12/21

The total count wasn't hidden, but the specifics were. There was nothing explicit to indicate that Demytha would be the top reward for both the chase and the summon. It wouldn't have been totally unreasonable that she'd be the top in one but not the other, and had that been the case you could've planned around it. You could've decided that getting the top rewards for both events was not viable and skipped the chase to conserve resources, but not knowing you have to take the risk of either missing a fusion you could've done, or throwing away resources in the hopes that you could but then fall short.

Aren't they listed in order of what you get? That's how I just naturally assumed it worked?

Like, it seems you can see Demytha is going to be the second fragments in each of these, and Scabrius the second in the champ training on the Champ Training the 3rd through the 7th.



Oct 12, 2021, 01:1910/12/21

Aren't they listed in order of what you get? That's how I just naturally assumed it worked?

Like, it seems you can see Demytha is going to be the second fragments in each of these, and Scabrius the second in the champ training on the Champ Training the 3rd through the 7th.



That's how I understood it. 

Oct 12, 2021, 03:1210/12/21
Andiel Ralck

Wow, some of you still aren't getting in it. In past fusion events, you could get all required parts to fuse the legendary champ without doing the summon rush. This change being made as our current fusion is TIGHTLY sandwiched between two other fusions and Plarium giving us such a crap 10x just to rub some salt in the wound are the real issues here.
This isn't the norm for a fusion and those of you playing defense for Plarium right now are doing so at your own detriment. 

If you are f2p and/or not willing/able to grind significantly you can't and shouldn't be able to complete every single friggin event.  How hard is this to comprehend people.... The game does not care if f2p struggle with fusions, it is designed that way.  

Oct 12, 2021, 07:5210/12/21

Aren't they listed in order of what you get? That's how I just naturally assumed it worked?

Like, it seems you can see Demytha is going to be the second fragments in each of these, and Scabrius the second in the champ training on the Champ Training the 3rd through the 7th.



And by curiosity if on Sumon rush was a split of fragments ( let say 5 frahs Demithia on 250 points , 25 frags thillesia on 1500 and 20 frags of Demythia at 3000 points ) u think that table should look like that ?

- demithya x5

- thylessia x20

- demithya x20

Have serious doubts ( never saw something simmilar when frags for some champs where splited on the same event)

Oct 12, 2021, 08:4810/12/21

The total count wasn't hidden, but the specifics were. There was nothing explicit to indicate that Demytha would be the top reward for both the chase and the summon. It wouldn't have been totally unreasonable that she'd be the top in one but not the other, and had that been the case you could've planned around it. You could've decided that getting the top rewards for both events was not viable and skipped the chase to conserve resources, but not knowing you have to take the risk of either missing a fusion you could've done, or throwing away resources in the hopes that you could but then fall short.

In this case I'd do the same thing I do with everything in life where there's an unknown variable.  I'd plan for the worst, rather than plan for the best.

Going into this event I knew there were 95 fragments outside of Summon Rush on day 1.  I also knew that the milestones were going to potentially be around 1500 and 3500, so I planned my resources for the latter.  When champion chase started and I estimated the resource cost to participate, if it didn't leave me with enough to reach 3500 points in Summon Rush then I would have bailed on the event entirely.

This is the exact same process that I have done for every event prior.  This applies to all events.  

  • I estimate that I will need about 15 million silver to take into account the artifact events, which includes the items that I sell during the various dungeon ones.  This is based on milestone achievements for previous events
  • I estimate that I will need about 9000 energy to complete everything, which includes any gems, clan shop, free energy pots saved up, etc.  Again, this is based on milestones for previous events
  • I estimate what 2x event will be during the champion chase (e.g. ancient, void or sacred) and therefore estimate how many shards I might need to pull, and how many points I will get from my saved fusions

If it looks like I am under, then I skip the event and enjoy a couple of weeks without a grinding punish.  

That said, it's very rare that I am under though, because using this exact same logic I always try to maintain enough for the next event coming up, just incase there's something amazing.  If the champion isn't great then I won't commit resources for the sake of it

I'm FTP by the way

Oct 12, 2021, 19:5010/12/21

I get that these need to be a challenge, but I think an approach to fusions that lets players choose whether to grind or pay is more fun for everybody.  Spending money should feel like a shortcut, not the only way in.

Oct 12, 2021, 20:4210/12/21

Trips is right unfortunately they want you to spend or struggle.

If ftp you cant comfortably do all the fusions

I have done this one, i got the last epic an hour ago, but its drained my resources completely (ftp) and burned me out, will be a week of just doing my CB for me once cvc is done.

Oct 12, 2021, 23:1810/12/21
Trevor Wilson

Trips is right unfortunately they want you to spend or struggle.

If ftp you cant comfortably do all the fusions

I have done this one, i got the last epic an hour ago, but its drained my resources completely (ftp) and burned me out, will be a week of just doing my CB for me once cvc is done.

For my part, I just surrendered and decided that my FTP account would henceforth just be a not-quite-FTP account.  Put otherwise, I'm part of the problem.  I find Plarium's tactics annoying, but I'm rewarding them anyway.

Oct 12, 2021, 23:4510/12/21

I get that these need to be a challenge, but I think an approach to fusions that lets players choose whether to grind or pay is more fun for everybody.  Spending money should feel like a shortcut, not the only way in.

I agree with this.

I have done 1 fusion and was so burnt out on getting it all done i did not play for a week.

I wish they weren't so compressed so people with jobs would be able to do them.

Oct 13, 2021, 07:0710/13/21

I agree with this.

I have done 1 fusion and was so burnt out on getting it all done i did not play for a week.

I wish they weren't so compressed so people with jobs would be able to do them.

I get this, and after the last fusion think maybe it just isnt the game for me even though i have been playing a longish time now

Even without resource issues the time frame for each task means it is hard to both complete them and have a life and job.

Oct 13, 2021, 10:3410/13/21

Seriously NOT!  Easiest fusion in quite awhile.

Oct 13, 2021, 12:2510/13/21


Oct 13, 2021, 14:5510/13/21
Oct 14, 2021, 16:46(edited)

For my part, I just surrendered and decided that my FTP account would henceforth just be a not-quite-FTP account.  Put otherwise, I'm part of the problem.  I find Plarium's tactics annoying, but I'm rewarding them anyway.

Great job man

You are my hero !

Plarium was sure that no matter what stuff will put players will continue to spend. And u rpove that they are right 

Just wait to see u/and others like u  arround in few weeks crying that u want your money back cause Plarium trick u ( and u more than deserve everything they will veliver u in the future )

Edited out cursing. Keep it clean, Warsong.

Oct 13, 2021, 15:0010/13/21

Great job man

You are my hero !

Plarium was sure that no matter what stuff will put players will continue to spend. And u rpove that they are right 

Just wait to see u/and others like u  arround in few weeks crying that u want your money back cause Plarium trick u ( and u more than deserve everything they will veliver u in the future )

Edited out cursing. Keep it clean, Warsong.

I'll never learn!

Oct 13, 2021, 15:0210/13/21

I'll never learn!

To bad for u and for all of us :(

Confirming Plarium that no matter what they do ... money will continue to flow is just ruining  our game