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Plarium's answer to the critics on Bommal

Plarium's answer to the critics on Bommal

Sep 11, 2021, 14:2709/11/21

but thats the thing.... your pointing out these bosses that are aperantly unbeatable without certain champs thats not the case frost spider on hard i beat a couple rotations back using armiger and a couple other champs but no hp burn used armiger for block revive.

Interesting. I did not know that, and it never occured to me that it would have that vulnerability. It certainly opens up a more options, although it doesn't really change the point in that it requires certain conditions to be met that you can't get around. I don't think that should be the case. Even something like limiting the number of revives the frost spider gets would solve it, and you'd still be able to heavily motivate players to use certain strategies without locking out those who don't happen to have access to whatever win condition you had in mind. In this particular case it's manageable, but the next time it might not be.

Sep 11, 2021, 16:2709/11/21

Interesting. I did not know that, and it never occured to me that it would have that vulnerability. It certainly opens up a more options, although it doesn't really change the point in that it requires certain conditions to be met that you can't get around. I don't think that should be the case. Even something like limiting the number of revives the frost spider gets would solve it, and you'd still be able to heavily motivate players to use certain strategies without locking out those who don't happen to have access to whatever win condition you had in mind. In this particular case it's manageable, but the next time it might not be.

But thats the point of doom tower this is a mid to late game area. by mid game you will have had multiple chances to build armiger. If you want more dungeon bosses to where you can slap together a random team and just about always win then just say that. but doom tower was made to have to build champs and teams around these bosses hence the mid to late game expirence. even though like me and Harley have explained its still not that hard because we used rares uncomons in our teams to beat these bosses so its not complete end game but like i said this is not for a 30 day player. they should not even be thinking about this. itd be one thing if these bosses required like only void legendary champions to win but they dont you can beat most of these bosses with uncomon and rare champs they arent exactly locking you out because they did not intend for early game players to tackle this part of the game

Sep 11, 2021, 23:5309/11/21

But thats the point of doom tower this is a mid to late game area. by mid game you will have had multiple chances to build armiger. If you want more dungeon bosses to where you can slap together a random team and just about always win then just say that. but doom tower was made to have to build champs and teams around these bosses hence the mid to late game expirence. even though like me and Harley have explained its still not that hard because we used rares uncomons in our teams to beat these bosses so its not complete end game but like i said this is not for a 30 day player. they should not even be thinking about this. itd be one thing if these bosses required like only void legendary champions to win but they dont you can beat most of these bosses with uncomon and rare champs they arent exactly locking you out because they did not intend for early game players to tackle this part of the game

I know what it is, but I don't know why it should be. The point of the nightmare campaign is that you can't just slap together a random team and just about always win either, but that apparently doesn't stop there being a normal campaign for people who can't do the nightmare version. It doesn't stop there being dungeons for low levels, or an arena (though the less said about the arena the better), or even faction crypts. Nor does it make it a good idea to increase the campaign difficulty across the board because some people feel that the nightmare campaign is too easy for them. Does the fact that even newer players can take part in those activities take anything away from the rest of it? I would say no, and I don't see the harm in allowing just about anyone access to entry level of the content, especially when completing it is also a requirement for the advanced quests that you get access to well before mid game. The forge materials seem way out of place if the intention is to produce gear that you can't (or at least souldn't) use by the time you can forge it. If this is content new players shouldn't be thinking about, then the game sure has a strange way of communicating that information. Either way it's a failure on the part of the developer.

That is in regards to the difficulty in general. When it comes to bosses, no, I don't like there being arbitrary restrictions that give preconditions that you must meet. Restrictions that limit your effectiveness, sure. I don't mind the dragon being immune to TM reductions, because it doesn't stop me from using champions that do TM reductions, it just means that the particular part of their kit that does it doesn't contribute. Forcing certain aspects is another thing. For one because it locks people out for not having that particular precondition (which is certainly worse for newer players), but also because to me it makes things less interesting the more limits you have and the less variation is possible. Perhaps you're cool with that, in which case, good for you. Doesn't mean I'm obligated to agree.