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Beating Bommal & Dark Fae with F2P teams

Beating Bommal & Dark Fae with F2P teams

Sep 8, 2021, 18:5409/08/21

All of the champs in the first post are free or easily obtainable.

yup, they are all free 

 Lots of them are RNG free so like I said  dont have them

and ANY I do have are only 50 so they are no where near 60 yet

So, like I said , gotta spend a month grinding food 

then DT will change just as I might be able to get there

Sep 8, 2021, 18:5509/08/21

yup, they are all free 

 Lots of them are RNG free so like I said  dont have them

and ANY I do have are only 50 so they are no where near 60 yet

So, like I said , gotta spend a month grinding food 

then DT will change just as I might be able to get there

RNG free? Literally the only one of the five in the teams that is RNG at all is Armiger, and you can buy him from the store.

The other four are given to you completely for free, and with zero farming or randomness.

Sep 8, 2021, 19:3809/08/21
Sep 8, 2021, 20:17(edited)

So , now the Stupid part is I have to Grind food for a MONTH to make those said heros lvl 60

so that I can beat lvl 10 DT boss oh ya and then make sure they are fully assended 

OH WAIT, I dont have Reliquiry Tender, or Apothocary, or Coffin Smasher or Rector Drath

so, ya what a Shiite Show DT is for the next month, OH WAIT, 

I wont have to worry about it at all now

Thanks for convieniently removing part of the game for me that I was previously able to play

These champs are just examples how you could win.

You don't need Reliquary Tender for this fight. Indeed she is not even very usefull, as the bombs can't be removed, so her A2 is wasted. She can only revive here, any reviver can do the same. /edit: Slight mistake, she can remove the stuns from bomb explosions. But you still don't need that champ. 

You don't need Apothecary in this fight. He is even from the "wrong" affinity and gets more damage from hits. Any healer could replace him.

You don't need Coffin Smasher. He is even from the "wrong" affinity and gets more damage from hits. Any champ with decrease atk could replace him (for example Bogwalker, the most underrated champ in Raid). 

Sep 8, 2021, 20:2809/08/21
Sep 8, 2021, 20:33(edited)

yup, they are all free 

 Lots of them are RNG free so like I said  dont have them

and ANY I do have are only 50 so they are no where near 60 yet

So, like I said , gotta spend a month grinding food 

then DT will change just as I might be able to get there

The team I posted is completely Free To Play and made up solely of champs that Plarium gives you. Four of them just for clicking on your phone's Raid icon each day, and one of which you pay for in the market by checking it a few times.

Ninja you obtain for logging in for 7 days.

Kael is your starter champ. Feel free to use Elhain, Athel or Galek.

High Khatun you obtain by playing for 30 days.

Dark Elhain you obtain by logging in for 4 months. Feel free to replace with a second starter champ for nukes or Warmaiden.

Armiger is available from the Market and from green shards.

Only the second team requires any RNG, and you don't need any of those champs in particular, as Skadi pointed out. They are even the wrong affinity. They are just rares I had used a long time ago for Clan Boss and still sometimes for Faction Wars. I only added that team into the thread to show there are lots of ways to beat Bommal, and none of them require insane champs or gear.

As far as grinding food to upgrade champs, that is a normal part of gameplay and required for any long term advancement. Building champs is literally the game!

Sep 8, 2021, 20:5109/08/21
Sep 8, 2021, 20:52(edited)

yup, they are all free 

 Lots of them are RNG free so like I said  dont have them

and ANY I do have are only 50 so they are no where near 60 yet

So, like I said , gotta spend a month grinding food 

then DT will change just as I might be able to get there

I  hate  to  use  you  as  an  example,  please  forgive  me.  However,  this  is  one  of  the  main  arguments  we  have  been  seeing  on  the  forums  since  the  update  and  even  more  so  after  Quinn  took  the  time  to  build  these  teams  for  people..  and  it  is  so  very  wrong.  It  just  proves  that  players  need  to  start  doing  their  research  before  attempting  to  do  Doomtower  since  it  is  supposed  to  he  hard.  

Sep 8, 2021, 22:4409/08/21
Sep 8, 2021, 22:57(edited)

It is easy like HarleyQuinn says,, look i did it with these lousy Heros,, 

BTW, whats your Great Hall Levels at and your Arena Bonus at 

Super easy to throw a couple lvl 60 rares and an Uncommon in there if your great hall and Arena Bonuses are top of the line of even maxed out

Sep 9, 2021, 01:3109/09/21
Sep 9, 2021, 01:32(edited)

It is easy like HarleyQuinn says,, look i did it with these lousy Heros,, 

BTW, whats your Great Hall Levels at and your Arena Bonus at 

Super easy to throw a couple lvl 60 rares and an Uncommon in there if your great hall and Arena Bonuses are top of the line of even maxed out


She didn't choose lousy champions she chose good champions that anyone can get, they're just blue and purple. And sure GH/Arena might add a small bit of an advantage here but they really aren't that huge of a boost. And if that's what you're worried about, then put in the time and effort to get both of those things up.

In fact, looking at the post you made with your lineups, I'd say you're using champions that SHOULD be able to clear these bosses. What I would suggest is work on farming some better gear and trying again.

Sep 9, 2021, 05:1009/09/21

this game is HIGHLY geared toward $$$ spenders.  while FTP may be possible for lvl 10 and 40 on doom tower, lvl 50 is VERY difficult.  I still cant beat level 50.  i have  now tried mutliple hero's, multiple gear sets, and still cant kill him.

I have spent a little bit of money on this game, but will spend no more.  i spent the money to do the Raid Card to try to get more silver and xp.  the problem.  if you cant devote hours and hours to this game every day. the raid card is crap...

I have a few good champs, and many crap champs.  what's the difference?  gear, masteries.  While keeping in mind that not all hero's are created equal.  a GREAT hero is complete and utter garbage without gear and masteries.  So how to get gear?  farm.  how to get masteries, farm.  to get silver, farm.  farming takes time.

i have a full time job and a part time job.  Neither of my jobs are RAID.  i cant devote hours to this game everyday as it needs.  therefore i cannot advance.  therefore i will not spend money.  

but here is my beef....  doom tower on normal should not be near impossible.  doom tower, hard,  ok, make it harder. go for it.  i completed Normal last session and couldn't pass hard stage 6 with my current champs.

with all the negatives of this game, grinding for this grinding for that, grinding for grinding.  The lack of energy to do what is needed in this game. the slowness of the battles, even on 2x, the bad rewards and now the conflicts with doom tower,  i personally know several players that have quit this game because the devs take too long to listen to the community.

removing the daily login reward that people were happy with and replacing with stuff people are not happy with, causes several more friends of mine to quit this game.  Several more are on the fence with quiting over the new doom tower bosses.

so, while FTP may be possible, people dont want to spend all their silver, they've been saving up to build out a new hero, to re-build a current hero, only to find out that it wasn't enough to attain a victory.

MAKE GEAR REMOVAL FREE, THEN PEOPLE CAN TRY ALL THE GEAR SETS/COMBOS THEY WANT.  but to removing gear from a hero is WAY too expensive.

Im  about  a  month  in  and  spent  around  35-40  us.

No  nore  though.  30-40  is  a  lot  for  a  cellgame.

i  woukd  have  thought  after  you  buy  a  certain  amount  the  energy  cost  woukd  go  away.  Its  actually  sad  its  gated  content  and  the  energy  stops  you  enjoying  paid  content .  

i  buy  the  battle  pass  for  fortnight  each  season  and  they  dont  have  a  limit  on  how  many  games  you  can  play  (on  this  aka  energy)  

Sep 9, 2021, 13:0609/09/21

I agree with you. But the problem is most of the players here are toxic. I will quote some of the things you mentioned

"Bosses are doable" -  yes I agree. But players are here thinks because it is called "doom tower NORMAL" it should have difficulty of campaign level. They do not want to accept that even it is in normal mode, it still need at least mid game quality gear. In my point of view when I say mid game gear, players should at least farm stage 20 dungeons for several months for at least 2-4 hours a day. Not just clear dragon 20 then tell themselves that they are already in mid game.

"Scarab king was easy" - to some, Scarab king is still never easy. They thought when they saw content creators build Vergis soloing the boss, they only think that he is "only" the key to clear this boss. 

"Patient" - this is why this community is toxic. They don't have patience. They think their 6 months+ old account that still looks like one month old should clear every normal doom tower stages just because they did it in previous rotation. When it comes to other content like arena, most of the players that still complains today still wants "much more easier" opponents without realizing that at some point there are players that are much better than them in their arena rank.

I think we disagree with out definition of 'mid game'

several months of dragon 20 every day? is not mid game in my mind.

And most will not want to play 2-4 hours every day, thats a massive time investment for a mobile game.

I like doom tower, i usually complete normal ok, but- its not 'mid game content' in my mind, not once past the first 40 or 50 floors.

Sep 9, 2021, 13:0909/09/21

So , now the Stupid part is I have to Grind food for a MONTH to make those said heros lvl 60

so that I can beat lvl 10 DT boss oh ya and then make sure they are fully assended 

OH WAIT, I dont have Reliquiry Tender, or Apothocary, or Coffin Smasher or Rector Drath

so, ya what a Shiite Show DT is for the next month, OH WAIT, 

I wont have to worry about it at all now

Thanks for convieniently removing part of the game for me that I was previously able to play

There is plenty i dislike about plarium practices, but all the champs listed in the first post are easy to get

Yes getting a champ to 60 takes a lot of grinding, but these type of games are grinding games at the end of the day.

Sep 9, 2021, 15:2309/09/21
Trevor Wilson

I think we disagree with out definition of 'mid game'

several months of dragon 20 every day? is not mid game in my mind.

And most will not want to play 2-4 hours every day, thats a massive time investment for a mobile game.

I like doom tower, i usually complete normal ok, but- its not 'mid game content' in my mind, not once past the first 40 or 50 floors.

It is fine if you disagree, I am not here to convinced anyone of my standards in this game 😅. 

Honesly, if I am the type of player who can only play 2 hours a day, I will not be surprise if I will not progress far in this type of game (also in other games too) 

Sep 9, 2021, 19:4209/09/21

It is fine if you disagree, I am not here to convinced anyone of my standards in this game 😅. 

Honesly, if I am the type of player who can only play 2 hours a day, I will not be surprise if I will not progress far in this type of game (also in other games too) 

Of course! it would be boring if everyone agreed..

I dont view mobile games the same way as mmo's or full on aaa games personally.

But if others do, thats cool :)

Sep 9, 2021, 23:5809/09/21

hehe not the best team butthat is why i have her


Sep 10, 2021, 00:0309/10/21

hehe not the best team butthat is why i have her


Looks like you COULD do it. Congrats!

Sep 10, 2021, 10:0209/10/21

I will be more impressed when people are posting f2p teams beating bommel higher up the doom tower.

Sep 10, 2021, 15:4409/10/21
Sep 10, 2021, 15:44(edited)

I do wonder if people (myself included) are over thinking things?. 

On floor 80 i forgot to change out my glass cannon nuking team for the run, and it actually worked- i had to manual it to make sure the nukes were not on cooldown and that arbiters turn meter wasnt on cool down but it was easy to nuke everything, and i suspect it would have worked with kael etc

The most annoying boss for me this rotation so far is scarab (as always, i hate it).

This is on normal, not hard.


Sep 10, 2021, 16:4309/10/21
Trevor Wilson

I do wonder if people (myself included) are over thinking things?. 

On floor 80 i forgot to change out my glass cannon nuking team for the run, and it actually worked- i had to manual it to make sure the nukes were not on cooldown and that arbiters turn meter wasnt on cool down but it was easy to nuke everything, and i suspect it would have worked with kael etc

The most annoying boss for me this rotation so far is scarab (as always, i hate it).

This is on normal, not hard.


Have any Bloodshield rings? I just run whomever I can drop in a bloodshield ring and let it go until they kill him. lol

Sep 11, 2021, 14:5809/11/21

I only had time for two tries today on floor 90 bommal.

Got him down to about 50% then wiped, so many of my champs have the mastery for reducing turnmeter and im not changing them for one encounter

Any general good tips for floor 90 normal? Will retry tomorrow.

Sep 11, 2021, 17:5909/11/21
Trevor Wilson

I only had time for two tries today on floor 90 bommal.

Got him down to about 50% then wiped, so many of my champs have the mastery for reducing turnmeter and im not changing them for one encounter

Any general good tips for floor 90 normal? Will retry tomorrow.

My first tip would be to change your masteries away from Evil Eye, you are just making it near impossible to beat. If you are totally unwilling to do that then you're gonna have a very very hard time unless you have Block Damage, Unkillable, or something similiar.

Sep 11, 2021, 20:1009/11/21

My first tip would be to change your masteries away from Evil Eye, you are just making it near impossible to beat. If you are totally unwilling to do that then you're gonna have a very very hard time unless you have Block Damage, Unkillable, or something similiar.

I knew someone would say that! :)

I resent changing masteries and spending gems just for one encounter :)

I do have unkillable and block debuffs (maneater) but it will just get stripped?