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try to find how kill that boss

try to find how kill that boss

Sep 4, 2021, 13:1209/04/21

Instantance brutal (use militia to farm)(and only do if can in less than 1 min)

CB normal -hard

Dung i can pass 15(aprox) but i dont do it because take more than 3 min.

Pvp silver (have 61k and sometimes i can defeat up to 110k) i use militia there

You should be farming with your athel. It would help to have ~200 speed and 100% crit rate. Stop using sister militia for anything.

No clue what kind of cb team you are trying but you will need a complete new set of 60s to form a team for it.

Dungeons I'm amazed if you can clear 15 like you say as again you have no team with your current roster to even pass level 10 spider.

Pvp you can almost put together a team. I would suggest high khautun in lead spot, spirit host, warmaiden, and your athel. Again though you are lacking any kind of speed gear, farming brutal 6-6 or 8-6 for boots with speed main stat is probably a good idea for you right now.

You should be farming dragon stage 13+ for your account right now. You should learn how to properly gear you champions. You should work on leveling roles to help your account : aoe decrease defense champion(warmaiden), attack down champion(coffin smasher), support champion(scyl), damage (ninja), posions (kael) from your current roster. Stop ascending all these random green and blue champions no idea what your thought process is in doing this. Stop investing in bad champions.

You can chose to play the game anyway you want but if you want to succeed I would suggest changing your play style and methods. There are plenty of YouTubers to watch, and these forums can be helpful as well. But if you just ignore any and all advice and stick your head in the sand claiming you are right and everyone else is wrong you will never progress.

Sep 4, 2021, 13:4809/04/21

hehe for me is simple i have fun i continue, i get bored i change or find other game.

I know is hard understand people like me, but remenber every person is diferent not everyone need reach top or be strong to have fun

Sep 4, 2021, 16:0609/04/21

hehe for me is simple i have fun i continue, i get bored i change or find other game.

I know is hard understand people like me, but remenber every person is diferent not everyone need reach top or be strong to have fun

You keep saying this but you are the one complaining about not being able to get past the new boss.

Either you want to play by your self imposed restrictions and understand because of them you can not complete some parts of the game.

or you understand that your self imposed restrictions need to go bye bye and you take peoples advice.

I will agree with most it was pretty cheese to put Bomal at level 10 in DT

Sep 4, 2021, 23:5209/04/21
Sep 4, 2021, 23:58(edited)

Dont worry i have the champ to do it (only need lvl up).

Only get angry when he call us lazy (not everyone have time)

I understand from players but a moderator need speack more pilitical

My fun is see the min to pass (i use mostly lvl 50 (and acommon lvl 60).

Try to put teams (champ) that can be get easy for (3-4) month play time. that group is the one whit most problem here few lvl 60 and few gear

Minin this beging in the other post  New doom tower...

Read from the begining, I create thisone because someone close that one (now is reopen you can confirm whit moderator).

Here i put, i was angry when Harby say lazy.

If you read all my post, i never say plarium need change the boss (plarium need learn from drug dealer first is free, was a joke)

I only attack harbby for call lazy. (in the name of post i put plz harbby dont write here)(ask harbby)

After that this become evil saying play like everyone, and i saying im fine.

(english is not my main language, so plz put the quote when i ask change the boss)