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Where r u gonna use Ninja?

Where r u gonna use Ninja?

Jul 16, 2021, 21:5407/16/21

Where r u gonna use Ninja?

My arena team is a tm control team. Guess where ninja is coming.

Jul 16, 2021, 21:5907/16/21

the bots are getting nervous already...

Jul 16, 2021, 22:2207/16/21
Jul 16, 2021, 22:24(edited)

-  Arena

-  Tag  Arena

-  Shadowkin  Faction  Wars

-  Doom  Tower  Waves

-  Frost  Spider

-  Spider  Dungeon

-  Potion  Keeps

-  Minotaur

The  hero  Ninja  seems  to  be  playable in  those  Area's  of  the  game.

However,  I  will  wait  before  using the  hero  Ninja.

-  I  have  a  set  up  for  Arena.

-  I  have  a  set  up  for  Tag  Arena.

-  I  have  a  set  up  for  Doom  Tower  Waves.

-  I  have  a  set  up  for  Spider  Dungeon.

-  I  have  a  set  up  for  Keeps.

-  I  have  a  set  up  for  Minotaur.

I  don't have  a  set  up  for  Shadowkin  Faction  War  Crypts  because it  not  out.

I  don't have  a  set  up  for  Frost  Spider  because I  haven't reached  Floor  120.

Maybe,  I  will  use  Ninja.

Maybe,  I  will  not  use  Ninja.

I  don't know  -  I  will  wait  till  I  figure  out  if  I  need  Ninja  in  my  team.

Jul 16, 2021, 22:3807/16/21

Don't know, but as advertised he looks to be focused on the lengthy single-target fights. I'd like some clarification on his passive first, because from what I can tell it looks pretty difficult to activate it consistently. First you'd have to find enemies that can survive at least 3 turns in order for him to put up his debuffs (and then repeat it with 10 enemies for full effect), or alternatively a boss that can actually receive all 3 debuffs. Spider is the only area I can think of where it might be feasible, but that would require manually attacking spiderlings a bunch of times to trigger it. Unless I'm reading the skill wrong, it looks pretty complicated to actually make full use of him.

Jul 16, 2021, 23:2807/16/21

the bots are getting nervous already...

lol. My team is hk, elhain, dark athel a2, diabolist a3. Out dark athel, in ninja.

Jul 17, 2021, 00:2707/17/21

I am not sure if I will use him in arena. There are too much magic nuker in the game that I can say more stronger than him. 

I believe he is more of a pve champion. I am looking if he can speed up my fire knight 25 runs. 

Faction war is no brainer. Everyone should use him if they don't have good damage dealer. 

I don't have to use him in Spider but If I will, I will not build him with damage.

I can probably use him in doom tower, I don't need to, but probably I will, just for fun. 

I am not planning to use him in clan boss. I am using a bateater comp and he will not fit in there. 

Jul 17, 2021, 00:3607/17/21

i was going to use him for spider, but i pulled mordecai today so now i'm torn.

Jul 17, 2021, 04:5407/17/21

Don't know, but as advertised he looks to be focused on the lengthy single-target fights. I'd like some clarification on his passive first, because from what I can tell it looks pretty difficult to activate it consistently. First you'd have to find enemies that can survive at least 3 turns in order for him to put up his debuffs (and then repeat it with 10 enemies for full effect), or alternatively a boss that can actually receive all 3 debuffs. Spider is the only area I can think of where it might be feasible, but that would require manually attacking spiderlings a bunch of times to trigger it. Unless I'm reading the skill wrong, it looks pretty complicated to actually make full use of him.

Hmm, that is not my interpretation.  I thought he simply had to use the skills, and not necessarily that the enemy had to be affected by the debuffs.  The passive even says that it increases by 20% ATK and 10% C.DMG when the skills are used on bosses, and there's no boss that can be hit by Freeze, not that it matters as the skill does something different when targeting bosses anyway.

Essentially, he should be quite viable for all bosses as long as they are drawn out battles, though he has quite a low base defense.

Jul 17, 2021, 08:0707/17/21

Hmm, that is not my interpretation.  I thought he simply had to use the skills, and not necessarily that the enemy had to be affected by the debuffs.  The passive even says that it increases by 20% ATK and 10% C.DMG when the skills are used on bosses, and there's no boss that can be hit by Freeze, not that it matters as the skill does something different when targeting bosses anyway.

Essentially, he should be quite viable for all bosses as long as they are drawn out battles, though he has quite a low base defense.

You're right, it does say active skills. I may have misread it, or just overthought it. Still, the passive could use some clarification on just what the conditions are for triggering it. Do you have to hit an enemy with all 3 skills for it to trigger and then it resets so you have to hit them with each skill again, do the hits get remembered and subtracted as you go, or what?

If we assume you need to hit an enemy with each skill then repeat, then outside of bosses, it will likely be quite difficult to activate it fully. A3 will hit all of them, but A2 only 1-3 and A1 only 1, so at minimum he'd need 15 turns to hit the passive cap, and between A2 being unreliable and enemies being rude enough to die before getting hit all 3 times, probably even more. Even against bosses it'd take 20 turns assuming A3 is fully booked and no other cooldown reductions are used, but at least that's a viable scenario.

Might stick him in a CB team until something better comes along. Right now I have no HP burn, and his decrease def debuff could come in handy to replace someone else that is less capable of dealing damage.

Jul 17, 2021, 08:3407/17/21

lol. My team is hk, elhain, dark athel a2, diabolist a3. Out dark athel, in ninja.

You don't have a aoe defense down champion moving second.

I believe ninja brings defense down.

Your team is what people consider a bot/low power team. 

Jul 17, 2021, 10:5207/17/21

Ninja brings only a single target def debuff on his A1. His A3 looks pretty good for arena, a 75% (booked 100%) AoE freeze. 

For Arena, I would build him with a ton of accuracy and try something like HK (speed buff), Warmaiden (def debuff), Elhain (damage), Ninja (freeze) - enemy turn, they can't act exept melting, as they are frozen - your turn again.

Jul 17, 2021, 11:2307/17/21

I will use him for Tag arena and FW (duh)

i might use him in spider for TM control with my armiger boi

Jul 17, 2021, 14:1107/17/21

Ninja brings only a single target def debuff on his A1. His A3 looks pretty good for arena, a 75% (booked 100%) AoE freeze. 

For Arena, I would build him with a ton of accuracy and try something like HK (speed buff), Warmaiden (def debuff), Elhain (damage), Ninja (freeze) - enemy turn, they can't act exept melting, as they are frozen - your turn again.

Yes, trying to get good speed boot for my warmaiden, no avail. Ninja will make diabolist and dark athel useless for me.

Jul 18, 2021, 00:4907/18/21

Yes, trying to get good speed boot for my warmaiden, no avail. Ninja will make diabolist and dark athel useless for me.

Your  Arena  set  up  isn't right  to  be  honest.

You  need  to  learn  the  basic  set  up  of  a  Classical  Arena  team.

The  basic  set  up  for  Speed  team  is  the  following:

-  Speed  Leader

-  Turn  Meter  Filler

-  Increase  Attack  50%  Buffer

-  AOE  Decrease  Enemy  Defense  60%  Debuffer

-  AOE  Nuke

--->  High  Khatun  provides  Speed  Lead  +  Turn  Meter  Fill

--->  You  have  no  Increase  Attack  50%  Buffer.

--->  You  have  no  AOE  Decrease  Enemy  Defense  60%  Debuffer

--->  Dark  Athel provides  AOE  Nuke

Diabolist  is  redundant  on  your  team.

Diabolist  provides  Turn  Meter  which  you  already  have.

Elhain is  redundant  on  your  team.

Elhain  provides  AOE  Nuke  which  you  already  have.

The  hero  Ninja  doesn't make  Diabolist  or  Elhain  useless.

It  is  because all  3  of  these  heroes  have  different roles  to  play.

They  do  different things.

Ninja  -  Is  used  for  his  ability to  AOE  Freeze

Diabolist  -  Is  used  for  her  ability  to  Fill  Turn  Meter

Elhain  -  Is  used  for  her  ability  to  Nuke  Enemy  units.

The  heroes  in  conflict  are:

- High Khatun  vs.  Diabolist

-  Dark  Athel  vs.  Elhain

These  heroes  do  the  same  Job  -  They  are  competing with  each  other  for  same  Slot


Ninja,  Diabolist,  &  Elhain  are  not  good  for  your  Arena  Team.

Your  Arena  Team  is  missing  the  basics.

I  will  tell  you  again  what  the  Basics  are.

The  basic  set  up  for  Speed  Arena  team  is  the  following:

-  Speed  Leader

-  Turn  Meter  Filler

-  Increase  Attack  50%  Buffer

-  AOE  Decrease  Enemy  Defense  60%  Debuffer

-  AOE  Nuke

What  your  Arena  Team  is  missing  is  Increase  50%  Buffer  +  AOE  Decrease  Enemy  Defense  60%  Debuffer.

You  say  you  have  WarMaiden.

Warmaiden  does  AOE  D.E.D  60%,  BUT  YOU  DON'T  HAVE  HER  ON  YOUR  ARENA  TEAM.

This  means  your  Arena  team  is  built  incorrectly.

Your  Arena  set  up  will  remain  incorrect,  until  you  fix  it.

High  Khatun   +  Warmaiden  +  Dark  Athel  =  3  heroes.

You  need  1  more  hero  who  does  Increase  Attack.

Unless,  You  swap  out  a  hero.

Jul 18, 2021, 12:3907/18/21
Player J

Your  Arena  set  up  isn't right  to  be  honest.

You  need  to  learn  the  basic  set  up  of  a  Classical  Arena  team.

The  basic  set  up  for  Speed  team  is  the  following:

-  Speed  Leader

-  Turn  Meter  Filler

-  Increase  Attack  50%  Buffer

-  AOE  Decrease  Enemy  Defense  60%  Debuffer

-  AOE  Nuke

--->  High  Khatun  provides  Speed  Lead  +  Turn  Meter  Fill

--->  You  have  no  Increase  Attack  50%  Buffer.

--->  You  have  no  AOE  Decrease  Enemy  Defense  60%  Debuffer

--->  Dark  Athel provides  AOE  Nuke

Diabolist  is  redundant  on  your  team.

Diabolist  provides  Turn  Meter  which  you  already  have.

Elhain is  redundant  on  your  team.

Elhain  provides  AOE  Nuke  which  you  already  have.

The  hero  Ninja  doesn't make  Diabolist  or  Elhain  useless.

It  is  because all  3  of  these  heroes  have  different roles  to  play.

They  do  different things.

Ninja  -  Is  used  for  his  ability to  AOE  Freeze

Diabolist  -  Is  used  for  her  ability  to  Fill  Turn  Meter

Elhain  -  Is  used  for  her  ability  to  Nuke  Enemy  units.

The  heroes  in  conflict  are:

- High Khatun  vs.  Diabolist

-  Dark  Athel  vs.  Elhain

These  heroes  do  the  same  Job  -  They  are  competing with  each  other  for  same  Slot


Ninja,  Diabolist,  &  Elhain  are  not  good  for  your  Arena  Team.

Your  Arena  Team  is  missing  the  basics.

I  will  tell  you  again  what  the  Basics  are.

The  basic  set  up  for  Speed  Arena  team  is  the  following:

-  Speed  Leader

-  Turn  Meter  Filler

-  Increase  Attack  50%  Buffer

-  AOE  Decrease  Enemy  Defense  60%  Debuffer

-  AOE  Nuke

What  your  Arena  Team  is  missing  is  Increase  50%  Buffer  +  AOE  Decrease  Enemy  Defense  60%  Debuffer.

You  say  you  have  WarMaiden.

Warmaiden  does  AOE  D.E.D  60%,  BUT  YOU  DON'T  HAVE  HER  ON  YOUR  ARENA  TEAM.

This  means  your  Arena  team  is  built  incorrectly.

Your  Arena  set  up  will  remain  incorrect,  until  you  fix  it.

High  Khatun   +  Warmaiden  +  Dark  Athel  =  3  heroes.

You  need  1  more  hero  who  does  Increase  Attack.

Unless,  You  swap  out  a  hero.

I'm using Elhain for nukes. Elhain is going in my arena teams until I get ithos. I'm NOT using dark elhain for nukes. I'm using her for dec speed. I'm not following the "basics" on purpose. I don't have gear to let my warmaiden be faster than elhain while elhain is holding onto the lifesteal gear. That's a problem for me. But, I came up with a solution. 1 big nuke=2 smaller nukes. Thats why I'm using the team to control the enemy so I my elhain can nuke twice. I win two thirds my defence battles. My team is better than it looks like. Now, dark athel or diabolist can be removed from my teams in favor of Ninja. Now, my team will be Ninja, Diabolist, Dark Athel, Hk, and Elhain. I will be testing to see who I should remove.

Jul 18, 2021, 19:4807/18/21

1st: use him on CB

2nd: if he's not good enough, complain everywhere, P may buff him later. Ninja may not be happy when his character is complained by players. 

Jul 18, 2021, 23:0407/18/21

I'm using Elhain for nukes. Elhain is going in my arena teams until I get ithos. I'm NOT using dark elhain for nukes. I'm using her for dec speed. I'm not following the "basics" on purpose. I don't have gear to let my warmaiden be faster than elhain while elhain is holding onto the lifesteal gear. That's a problem for me. But, I came up with a solution. 1 big nuke=2 smaller nukes. Thats why I'm using the team to control the enemy so I my elhain can nuke twice. I win two thirds my defence battles. My team is better than it looks like. Now, dark athel or diabolist can be removed from my teams in favor of Ninja. Now, my team will be Ninja, Diabolist, Dark Athel, Hk, and Elhain. I will be testing to see who I should remove.

Until  you  get  Ithos?

It  may  be  years  until  you  get  a  specific  champion,  let  alone  a  void  legendary.

Listen  to  Player  J.  He  has  played  this  game  for  years.

Two  small  nukes  doesnt  equal  a  big  nuke-  that  is  completely  different  numbers.

You  wouldnt  need  Decrease  Speed  if  you  can  kill  everyone.

The  ideal  setup  until  you  gain  an  Attack  up  would  be-

Khatun-  Lead    lll    1st  Move  Turn  Meter  and  Speed  Buff

Diabolist-  2nd  Move  Turn  Meter

Warmaiden-  AOE  Drop  Defense

Elhain-  AOE  Nuke

Elhain  will  be  replaced  by  Dark  Elhain  who  gives  herself  Attack  up.

Diabolist  could  be  replaced  by  Ninja  who  does  AOE  Freeze.


It  depends  on  speed-  you  need  your  Ninja  to  go  fast  enough.

Also,  You  should  be  able  to  find  replacements  for  Elhain  in  dungeons  and  clan  boss.  That  would  mean  she  doesnt  need  Lifesteal  and  you  can  adjust  her  gear.  You  are  past  that  point  in  90  days  in  (at  least).

No  disrespect.  I  just  think  you  are  missing  the  meaning  behind  the  words.

Jul 19, 2021, 00:1207/19/21
Jul 19, 2021, 00:12(edited)

Until  you  get  Ithos?

It  may  be  years  until  you  get  a  specific  champion,  let  alone  a  void  legendary.

Listen  to  Player  J.  He  has  played  this  game  for  years.

Two  small  nukes  doesnt  equal  a  big  nuke-  that  is  completely  different  numbers.

You  wouldnt  need  Decrease  Speed  if  you  can  kill  everyone.

The  ideal  setup  until  you  gain  an  Attack  up  would  be-

Khatun-  Lead    lll    1st  Move  Turn  Meter  and  Speed  Buff

Diabolist-  2nd  Move  Turn  Meter

Warmaiden-  AOE  Drop  Defense

Elhain-  AOE  Nuke

Elhain  will  be  replaced  by  Dark  Elhain  who  gives  herself  Attack  up.

Diabolist  could  be  replaced  by  Ninja  who  does  AOE  Freeze.


It  depends  on  speed-  you  need  your  Ninja  to  go  fast  enough.

Also,  You  should  be  able  to  find  replacements  for  Elhain  in  dungeons  and  clan  boss.  That  would  mean  she  doesnt  need  Lifesteal  and  you  can  adjust  her  gear.  You  are  past  that  point  in  90  days  in  (at  least).

No  disrespect.  I  just  think  you  are  missing  the  meaning  behind  the  words.

I get the meaning. My main problem is: If my Elhain gets a gear change, I'll fall back a stage or two in every area of the game. And I'm not getting decent speed speed boots for my warmaiden..

Jul 19, 2021, 09:2807/19/21
Jul 19, 2021, 10:11(edited)

I get the meaning. My main problem is: If my Elhain gets a gear change, I'll fall back a stage or two in every area of the game. And I'm not getting decent speed speed boots for my warmaiden..

How do you fall back in every part of the game if you give better gear to your Elhain? Or is the lifesteal-set she uses the only good gear you have, a whole set of perfect 4-time roll, 6* legendary items, while all other artifacts you own are only 3* crap?

Search for the following items in your stash to gear your Elhain:

All items at least 4*, the more, the better. 

Weapon, Helmet, Shield substats: critrate, critdam, speed, atk%. 

Gloves: mainstat critrate, substats critdam, speed, atk%.

Armor: mainstat atk%, substats critrate, critdam, speed.

Boots: mainstat speed, substats critrate, critdam, atk%.

Probably you will not have items that fit exactly. Most players won't. It's ok if there are some hp% or so instead. But use items that come as close to that as possible. If the best items don't give a setbonus, ignore that. The setbonus is rather small and a damagedealer doesn't need it. 

Use your good lifesteal gear only on champs in your CB-team. Elhain doesn't bring anything to fight the CB.

Jul 19, 2021, 11:0707/19/21

I'm using Elhain for nukes. Elhain is going in my arena teams until I get ithos. I'm NOT using dark elhain for nukes. I'm using her for dec speed. I'm not following the "basics" on purpose. I don't have gear to let my warmaiden be faster than elhain while elhain is holding onto the lifesteal gear. That's a problem for me. But, I came up with a solution. 1 big nuke=2 smaller nukes. Thats why I'm using the team to control the enemy so I my elhain can nuke twice. I win two thirds my defence battles. My team is better than it looks like. Now, dark athel or diabolist can be removed from my teams in favor of Ninja. Now, my team will be Ninja, Diabolist, Dark Athel, Hk, and Elhain. I will be testing to see who I should remove.

You  are  very  hard  headed  Riptide.

The  things  you  say  are  also  completely  wrong.

Who  ever  told  you  1  Big  Nuke  =  2  Small  Nukes  is  a  lie.

Players  have  proven  1  Big  Nuke  with  set  up  deals  more  damage vs.  2  Small  Nukes  with  out  set  up.

-  Diabolist  &  HK  do  Turn  Meter  Fill

-  Dark  Athel  &  Elhain  do  AOE  Nukes

-  You  have  no  Increase  Attack  Buff

-  You  have  no  Decrease  Enemy  Debuff

You  are  doing  Vanilla  hits  with  no  set  up.

Don't  you  realize  the  damage your  doing  is  far  less  than  a  properly  built  set  up?

Dark  Athel  slow  speed  is  useless  in  Arena.

Elhain  in  Lifesteal  gear  is useless   in  Arena  as  well.

Your  nuker  should  be  wearing  Savage,  Cruel,  Relentless,  or  Fatal

Jul 19, 2021, 11:2407/19/21

I get the meaning. My main problem is: If my Elhain gets a gear change, I'll fall back a stage or two in every area of the game. And I'm not getting decent speed speed boots for my warmaiden..

I was in the same boat with Kael but when I finally made the transition to arena nuker, it was completely worth it.  Still worked everywhere.  I suspect he wouldn't have worked in clan boss but I made the change when I was ready to pull him out of there.