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Please don't add Ninja as a Lego.

Please don't add Ninja as a Lego.

Jul 14, 2021, 19:5807/14/21
Jul 14, 2021, 20:14(edited)

We are getting free sh!t, and people still find something to complain about here... lol.  No clue who this guy is, or how it will work.  I agree that using resources on a temporary champ is less than appealing to me, but I'll just enjoy the free gifts and wait until this rolls out to evaluate.  I could care less who the character look likes, though I prefer the hot chicks myself :)

I play this game for 2 years now and like me are others... My problem is, again they make a character in raid based of a "famous" streamer or whatever the guy is( i never heard of him) for the publicity..just like saito character.. So far they did not made a character bassed of a raid player.. they should make a competition for all raid players and who wins gets a character based on. 

I agree a temporary character makes no sense.. but i disaprove of this charcater ninja and just like saito i will never use it.

PS: also just geting a free lego just for loggin in for 7 days is to much..just make it an epic and is ok.. i also hope that this character would not be in the summoning pool.. i won't want to pull it on my summons

Jul 15, 2021, 08:1507/15/21

Got to admit i am surprised at the fuss about this? Obviously raid are doing this to try to get people in to play the game and they are giving a free legendary as a result.

Yes the artwork is really amaterish, it reminds me of the 'face in the hole' pictures you used to see people make.

But we have precedence of free legos already (we get 2 just for logging in) and if people really dont like him they could just use him as a chicken?

Also i dont really think there is any 'lore' to destroy? maybe others feel differently. 

Jul 15, 2021, 09:0007/15/21

Well look at it this way,for me it will be free 5 star chicken :p

Jul 15, 2021, 21:3707/15/21

I was thinking about this.

The guy has a massive following, this must have cost an absoloute fortune to get him onboard.

I dont think this is the final model, i cant believe they would spend a fortune getting a top streamer on board then spend 99 cents on character design.

Jul 15, 2021, 22:0307/15/21
Jul 15, 2021, 22:03(edited)
Trevor Wilson

I was thinking about this.

The guy has a massive following, this must have cost an absoloute fortune to get him onboard.

I dont think this is the final model, i cant believe they would spend a fortune getting a top streamer on board then spend 99 cents on character design.

I cannot believe they spend so much on marketing and so little on new player experience.  I mean, other games realize that they need to do something to help speed up new players and Plarium spent the majority of the time since I started in late January denying there was an issue with the progression missions and with account power determining arena matchups which gated account progression.  It wasn't until their announced giving up on their "fix" which did the opposite of what a fix should have done that the game became playable and yet they have barely commented on it except for the same suspect reasons that they gave last fall.

So yeah, even if they improve on the design a bit it still looks really bad.  Saito is also based on someone right?  He looks more out of place than any other character in the game.  I'll happily take a free lego and free resources and I'm very glad they did that.  Heck, they could have done this during their anniversary too.  I just wish that marketing didn't interfere with their art department and I wish that funds given to marketing were given to build up a better development team.  I just wish they had a lead game designer who communicated like Mortdog does in TFT.  I don't always agree with his decisions but at least he's transparent about what they are trying to do and admits when they failed.  Open communication covers for many multitudes of sins.

Jul 16, 2021, 10:0407/16/21

Oh, just saw the model, who even made it? Certainly not the regular art department?

The face looks so out of place with the rest of design as if someone spend like 10 mins in photoshop glueing it together..The armor itself would be fine if not the overdone arm and handle of sword?

Wasn't really even negative, as I could care less who that guy is, but wow, that artwork seems really rushed and out of place compared to regular characters..

Jul 16, 2021, 21:2507/16/21

What? Ruin the game because it uses the face of a real person? THIS game? Fantasy "WORLD"??? "'ruin the atmosphere and lore..."???? WHAT GAME ARE YOU PLAYING? 

THIS game is not an RPG, it's a GLORIFIED SLOT MACHINE! None of the "lore" or the "fantasy world" means ANYTHING as far as the game is concerned, doesn't make any sense anyway, or what sense it does is pretty grim and cynical. I've totally ignored it. There's no real goodguys and badguys, everything repeats over and over and over, all the characters equally fight together or fight each other, including copies of themselves, they level up and rank up by feeding on other characters (again, including dupes) -- and you're fussing because they introduce a character based on a real person? 

I guess it's just another sign of how insane the whole world is going. 

Jul 24, 2021, 22:2707/24/21

jesus people are dense.  the champion is temporarily available, not a temporary champion.  /sigh

Jul 31, 2021, 15:0407/31/21

I absolutely agree that sending out a free Lego to everyone who plays Raid: Shadow Legends doesn't make sense. After all, a single plastic block wouldn't be worth the cost of the postage!

Oh, what's that you say? You mean a free Legendary Champion, specifically the new Ninja promotion?

Already, though, after 7 days of playing, everyone was getting first Shaman for free, and then Jizoh after another four days, both Epic Champions. And after 30 days of playing, one first gets a free Epic Champion as well, High Khatun, but in that progression, there are also Legendary Champions too.

Of course, though, there's a difference between getting a free Legendary after one has been playing for months, and would already have several, and having one right from the start. So there's a legitimate concern that this means "inflation"; newer players are getting more for less than the people who joined the game at the start. But some inflation is unavoidable, because there are PvP activities in this game - specifically, the Classic Arena and the Tag Team Arena.

So without inflation, new players are doomed to be forever outclassed by the players who joined the game before them. And for the game to make money, there needs to be a steady influx of new players. I think this is why lots of games do things like this; it's inevitable.

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