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People hating on Galek

People hating on Galek

May 26, 2021, 18:0305/26/21

Some  rares  are  difficult  to  get  if  you  are  very  unlucky-  that  can  be  taken  into  account.  Outlaw  Monk  might  be  built  if  you  have  no  one  else  other  than  Kael.

May 26, 2021, 18:0705/26/21

Any argument that suggests upgrading Outlaw Monk beyond chicken status is immediately

May 26, 2021, 19:0705/26/21

Any argument that suggests upgrading Outlaw Monk beyond chicken status is immediately

Games like this work with math, not with feelings. Kael A3: 4 hits, 50% chance for poison, 4 turns cooldown. Outlaw Monk A2: 2 poisons, 3 turns cooldown. 

Outlaw Monk brings the same number of big poisons with a faster cooldown, 10% chance for extra turn on A1 and great in a Reflex set, as there is only one skill wich can have it's cooldown reduced. 

What's the argument pro Kael? The small poision on his A1, that blocks Athel's weaken in the debuff bar?

May 26, 2021, 19:2305/26/21

Games like this work with math, not with feelings. Kael A3: 4 hits, 50% chance for poison, 4 turns cooldown. Outlaw Monk A2: 2 poisons, 3 turns cooldown. 

Outlaw Monk brings the same number of big poisons with a faster cooldown, 10% chance for extra turn on A1 and great in a Reflex set, as there is only one skill wich can have it's cooldown reduced. 

What's the argument pro Kael? The small poision on his A1, that blocks Athel's weaken in the debuff bar?

I have never used outlaw monk but his base defence looks atrocious, as does his hp

Outside an unkillable team i would imagine he is hard to give good survivability for clan boss.

May 26, 2021, 20:0405/26/21

That  is  one  of  the  reasons.

Base  stats  of  uncommons  and  commons  are  garbage  most  of  the  time.  The  only  uncommon  that  I  have  built  and  ever  will  build  most  likely  is  Armiger,  because  of  his  crazy  kit.

May 26, 2021, 20:1605/26/21

Games like this work with math, not with feelings. Kael A3: 4 hits, 50% chance for poison, 4 turns cooldown. Outlaw Monk A2: 2 poisons, 3 turns cooldown. 

Outlaw Monk brings the same number of big poisons with a faster cooldown, 10% chance for extra turn on A1 and great in a Reflex set, as there is only one skill wich can have it's cooldown reduced. 

What's the argument pro Kael? The small poision on his A1, that blocks Athel's weaken in the debuff bar?

Neither is a good CB option past early game.  Kael is obviously useful far longer in multiple places.  Leveling up Outlaw is the equivalent of building someone for FW7 or FW14.... just plain a waste of resources.  That is the important math.  Shortsightedness is not good.  Nobody uses Athel or Outlaw (or kael) in a decent CB team.  

May 26, 2021, 20:3305/26/21

The  small  amount  of  time  that  you  use  Kael  until  you  get  lucky  with  a  FB,  OB,  or  GC  for  example,  he  is  good  enough  as  a  clan  boss  poisoner.  For  why  replace  someone  with  someone  who  is  slightly  better  than  wait  for  a  game  changer?

There  is  also  very  little  chance  that  if  you  are  using  Kael  still,  that  his  debuffs  will  fill  up  the  bar.

May 26, 2021, 20:5905/26/21

I used a lvl 40 Outlaw Monk on my first CB-team for CB easy, while I didn't have any lvl 60 champ so far. The monk was ranked up to 5 stars lvl 1 and served as 5*-chicken to produce a lvl 60 champ when I got a better poisoner. I don't see any reason why this is the waste of resources. Kael will not be your final poisoner in CB, as we all agree. So what makes him a better starter as the others, when his poisoning job at the beginning of the game can be done by an uncommen?

May 26, 2021, 21:2205/26/21

I used a lvl 40 Outlaw Monk on my first CB-team for CB easy, while I didn't have any lvl 60 champ so far. The monk was ranked up to 5 stars lvl 1 and served as 5*-chicken to produce a lvl 60 champ when I got a better poisoner. I don't see any reason why this is the waste of resources. Kael will not be your final poisoner in CB, as we all agree. So what makes him a better starter as the others, when his poisoning job at the beginning of the game can be done by an uncommen?

I kind of agree, at the end of the day the resource use to make a level 50 is not that much, certainly not compared to a 60

And if you get chests earlier from CB as a result then why not?

Shes a rare, but on my alt i used tigersoul for a while for just that reason.

May 27, 2021, 02:2105/27/21

Players  have  done  the  math:

Kael Fully  Booked  ------------->  Does  Most  Damage  to  CB

Yaga  Fully  Booked  ------------>  Does  2nd  Most  Damage

Outlaw  Monk  Fully  Booked  --->  Does  3rd  Most  Damage

Yaga  UnBooked  --------------->  Does  4th  Most  Damage

I  would  never  use  Yaga  (60  Day  Hero) 

Yaga  Epic  Book  Investment   is  outragious

I'm  just  sharing  with  you  the  information.

Players  ran  tests  between  the  Starter  Champ,  Login  Champ,  &  Market  Poison  Champ

Kael  out  damaged the  other  2  in  all  Clan  Boss  situation's.

Kael  came  out  on  top.

Everything  Skadi  said  in  terms  of  Kael  Cooldown   vs.  Outlaw  Monk  Cooldown is  right.

Kael  A3  poison  on  4  turn

Kael  A1  poison  only  Small  Version

Outlaw  Monk  A2  poison  on  3  turn

The  thing  which  pushes  Kael  past  Outlaw  Monk  is  Raw  Damage.

Kael  smacks  very  hard.

Outlaw  Monk  hits  like  limp  noodle.

The  Clan  Boss  Damage  was  measured  from  each  hero  Poison  Damage  +  Raw  Damage.

He  does  good  damage  combined  with  Posion.

In  Addition,  Kael  is  much  more  than  Poison  hero.

Kael  is  a  Wave  Clearing  Poison  Hero.

This  is  huge  when  you  start  thinking  about  Dungeon's.

Outlaw  Monk  can  do  Poison  on  Dragon.

The  Problem  is  Outlaw  Monk  does  jack  vs.  waves  leading  up  to  Dragon.

You  essentially need  2  heroes  Outlaw  +  Wave  Clear  hero  like  Athel.

Outlaw  Monk  +  Athel  to  reach  boss,  but  their  is  a  problem  with  that  already.

Kael  can  Poison  the  Boss  +  Clear  Waves  by  himself.

He  is  1  hero  doing  the  job  of  2.

He  gives  players  an  extra  slot  in  the  team  which  is  huge.

Lastly,  I  just  wanted  to  share  a  side  note  below:

Yaga  Fully  Booked  vs.  Outlaw  Monk  Fully  Booked  had  only  100k+  Damage  Difference.

The  test  revealed  this  which   reassures  people  Yaga  is  Trash  &  needs  Buff.

May 27, 2021, 02:3105/27/21

I  agree  with  J.

I  also  10x  agree  with  the  bottom  lol.

Jan 23, 2022, 06:0701/23/22

Dark Elhain for ICE guy, Dark Athel for Spiders.

Jan 23, 2022, 18:4501/23/22

I  went  Elhane  as  a  starter  and  she  was  amazing.  I  hear  Kael  is  simoly  better  eatly  in  but  bever  tried  him.  by  the  time  i  got  galek  i  was  months  in  an  had  better  bods  to  fill  his  role.  

same  with  a  lot  of  rares  /  starters .  Depends  on  where  younget  them.  

Mar 4, 2024, 16:1803/04/24
Mar 4, 2024, 16:26(edited)

Actually I think Galek is underrated as my Galek is really overpowered. But maybe that's just me being a little bias as I love him and Zargala a lot.

Mar 4, 2024, 16:3303/04/24
Mar 4, 2024, 16:35(edited)

Actually I think Galek is underrated as my Galek is really overpowered. But maybe that's just me being a little bias as I love him and Zargala a lot.

Can't trust the Official Galek account, definitely being run by either Big Orc or Big Gaellen