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Ok I am LOST at Arena Bronze 1

Ok I am LOST at Arena Bronze 1

Apr 17, 2021, 18:4004/17/21

Ok I am LOST at Arena Bronze 1

I have tryed and tryed to get a team that can advance out of Bronze and at one time I even made it to silver 1 for a few rounds.  I now have a total of 42 champions maxed out to level 60, most fully assended and all with 5 or 6 star armor maxed to 16.  I go into arena and can pick up a round or two but hit a road block near the top of Bronze 1.   My player power is listed at 1.1mil, and I am at Level 59.  I cannot continue to spend money on a game that will never allow me to advance.  

Apr 17, 2021, 18:4904/17/21

With 42 level 60 champs, you should definitely be able to get out of bronze 1, even in the current arena situation... unless it means that you've spread your good gear over tons of champions so none of them are actually decent. Can you share your roster, your current arena team(s) and gear on them? 

Apr 17, 2021, 18:5104/17/21

I am not sure how to do that.  How do I take "Screen Shots" of these things and get them posted here?

Apr 17, 2021, 19:1404/17/21

That depends on how you're playing, on your phone or on a computer, then how your phone / computer handles screenshots. Once you have the screenshots, the forum offers a possibility to attach images, in the bar above the box you type a comment in. 

Apr 17, 2021, 19:2804/17/21

Ok I will research on how to take screen shots on my computer and get back to you ASAP.  Thanks.

Apr 17, 2021, 19:4404/17/21


Ok there is the group. LOL  Let me know what Champs you want to look closer at for set up.

Apr 17, 2021, 19:5104/17/21

High Katun should be your fastest champ, going into Stag Knight, going into Kael, going into Tormin

or High Katun, Apothecary, Stag Knight Kael

You have plenty of champs which should be good for arena with the right equip...

Dark Elhaine, Warmaiden, Sinesha, elhaine...all champs which should in the right combination should easily bring you out of Bronze 1

You might want to check the multitude of post already done in the last weeks..there are some very detailed instructions how to build teams you have all the champs for

Apr 17, 2021, 20:0404/17/21

Okay, so you have a bunch of good champs... but also a ton of bad epics and rares at level 60 for some reason. And if your Rhazin is representative, the gear is all wrong - the defense is decent, but his speed is dramatic and so's his accuracy. First rule of gear in RAID: basically all champions need boots with speed as main stat (the set bonus is much less important than the main stat). And debuffers like Rhazin need sufficient accuracy. 

A good arena team could be for instance High Khatun, Stag Knight, Tormin and your best nuker - which could be Luria, Kael, Elhain, Dark Elhain, Sinesha, etc. Stag Knight could also be replaced by Tomb Lord, but SK as an epic is much easier to book than TL. 

HK in lead spot with 200+ speed, SK/TL with sufficient accuracy and fast enough to go after HK, but before your nuker, who should have close to perfect crit rate, good crit damage and enough speed - aim for 180 or so. Tormin also needs accuracy but is mostly there for his passive anyway so can be a bit slower, but still try to get him to 150 or so at least. The 109 speed on your Rhazin is crazy, opponents will be taking two or three turns for every one turn he takes. 

Apr 17, 2021, 20:0904/17/21


Here is my HK, which is supposed to be my speed lead.

Apr 17, 2021, 20:1304/17/21

... so your speed lead has 145 speed? That's more like a slowness lead. The 200+ that I mentioned won't get you very far those days, probably not even into silver, but at least it will get you out of bronze 1. In the longer run you'll need more like 250+. 

Apr 17, 2021, 20:1904/17/21

... so your speed lead has 145 speed? That's more like a slowness lead. The 200+ that I mentioned won't get you very far those days, probably not even into silver, but at least it will get you out of bronze 1. In the longer run you'll need more like 250+. 

Honestly , this is truth when we are talking ARENA. Speed is the most common factor  in determining a win

shoot for 200 speed as a base to compete  in arena. Once you get there you can compete and grow from that point  in your arena builds

Apr 17, 2021, 20:2704/17/21

Ok, Thanks.  I will attempt to get more 5 and 6 star speed stuff and see what happens.   OH I just picked up on a comment..  SET BONUS  ... Would it be better to not consern about "SETS" until I have the speed and acc. built up??

Apr 17, 2021, 20:3504/17/21

Ok, Thanks.  I will attempt to get more 5 and 6 star speed stuff and see what happens.   OH I just picked up on a comment..  SET BONUS  ... Would it be better to not consern about "SETS" until I have the speed and acc. built up??

Mostly, yeah, focus on stats more than sets. Of course in some cases, like lifesteal sets for Clan Boss/Dungeons, you may need to have a full set, but if we're talking about sets like Speed, Defense, HP and so on, you may often be able to get better total stats by taking pieces from different sets, losing the set bonus but just getting much better base and sub-stats, hence a better total. And lifesteal isn't ideal for arena anyway, you should only have it on arena champions if the same champion is used in your dungeon/Clan Boss teams and you need it there. 

For High Khatun, start with getting her 6* boots with a speed main stat, that's already 45 speed with just one gear item. Then some speed sub-stats on other gear, maybe also a speed or divine speed set bonus but as I mentioned above, look at the totals. I see that she currently has excellent accuracy - but for arena (and everywhere really), her main job is to boost her own team's turn meter and speed, the accuracy helps with her A3 move but that's unlikely to make that much difference in most arena fights because by that time, the fight should be mostly over. 

Apr 17, 2021, 20:3904/17/21

where I am after 15 days.


Apr 17, 2021, 20:4404/17/21

Ok, Thanks.  I will attempt to get more 5 and 6 star speed stuff and see what happens.   OH I just picked up on a comment..  SET BONUS  ... Would it be better to not consern about "SETS" until I have the speed and acc. built up??

speed is  more  important than set bonus

Team composition ....meaning each member of your team brings something unique to the table

and those members can execute their abilities successfully and do thier jobs without flaw

Apr 17, 2021, 20:4904/17/21

Aye Aye,  I will concentrate on SPEED.  Thanks for the advice.

Apr 18, 2021, 06:5804/18/21

To be honest you should go watch a ton of beginner guides. I dont know how long you have been playing but with that roster I would asume atleast 6 months? Or a shit ton of dollars :)

If you want to get out of bronze... for Example Ive been playing for less then 6 weeks and have my diabolist at 240 speed but often still lose to a High Khatun team. Main issue is that my other champs dont have enough speed and they get taken over by the enemy speed. So if you want to stand a chance (with that account score at 1.1mil) I would say you need atleast 220 on the other champs aswell

There are several speed guides to find on the internet as well. You just have to shave up your game knowledge some more. You just cant rely on putting 4 lego's in a team and automatically win (although legendaries are way way more forgiven then epics often of the time)

Apr 18, 2021, 07:2504/18/21
Apr 18, 2021, 08:05(edited)

Your roster shows us a Gold team, if you put the right gear on your champs: High Khatun (speed, other stats don't matter!), Stag Knight (needs enough speed to go after HK without enemy interrupting + accuracy, other stats don't matter), Dark Elhain (fantastic nuker, because she can buff herself with 50% atk before attacking, needs enough speed to go after HK and Stag Knight without enemy interrupting + damage = crit-rate, crit-dam and atk, other stats don't matter), Tormin (needs accuray, accuracy and some more accuracy to land his debuffs).

I agree with the "stats over set-bonus"-approach in general, but for speed it's the easiest way to get a decent amount with speed-sets that have speed-substats. If you use any gear with +10 speedsubstats, that will bring you +50 speed (without boots), if you use speed-sets with that bonus it will bring you something around +80 to +90 (without boots). From all 2-pieces-sets speed is really the one where you want to get the set-bonus, +12% is huge. Imagine the following situation: You have good gear from that set at 5 artifact-spots. For the last spot you could use a helmet from another set with a total of +12 speed (substat+rune) or a helmet from speed-set. If the base speed of the champ is higher than 100, the set-bonus will be higher than the item-bonus from the other helmet, even if the set-helmet lacks the speed-stat itself. 

Look at my Apo. He uses only 5*-boots. I have 6*-boots with speed-mainstat from other sets, but they would lower his total speed by losing one set-bonus.


Ceterum censeo, the ban of my main account should be undone, I didn't spam, the detection algorithm doesn't work.   

Apr 26, 2021, 05:2404/26/21

Did you ever get out of Bronze 1?

Just curious to know

Apr 26, 2021, 07:2004/26/21

To be honest you probably would benefit greatly from beginner guides. Ive been playing this game 45 days and seem to know much more about all those aspects. For example my HK has 252 speed and I speed tuned my team around that and Iam in Silver one. Learned a lot from readying up on all kinds of websites and watching tutorials on champions etc

Go watch hellhades (he has also a very helpfull website with gearing tools!), ash, stewgaming, chosen and many more content creators.

Apr 28, 2021, 01:0304/28/21
Apr 28, 2021, 01:04(edited)

Watch  a  guide  on  YouTube.

Here  is  a  hint:  Boots  should  have  Speed.