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Need Armiger help

Need Armiger help

Apr 6, 2021, 06:5304/06/21

Need Armiger help

Hi together, 

can somebody help me with my Armiger Setup? Goal is to use him in Fireknight Level 13! 

At the moment I can´t place turnmeter reduction. Is this due to his low ACC (Armiger should have arround 140)? I use Bysthophus AURA with +70 ACC and 2 Armiger with ~65 ACC. 

Are the 140 not enough for Fireknight 13? Or do I have the problem that the shield needs to be down first. I miss at the moment a little Damage in this setup. 

- Apo (60)

- Relique (60)

- Bystophus (50)

- 2 Armiger (50) Gear and stats are almost the same. I know they are still shitty, but thought maybe suffiecent to use him at least up to lower Dungeon Levels

Below is also my roster. I tried a couple of setups but no one did work.



Apr 6, 2021, 07:0804/06/21

You have a Coldheart and you're not using her in FK? Drop one of the armigers and swap her in - with her 4-hit A1 to take the shield down, her heal reduction and the big damage with turn meter depletion on her heartseeker, she's a no-brainer for FK. Will need more accuracy as well, though. 

Apr 6, 2021, 07:2504/06/21
Apr 6, 2021, 07:31(edited)

Thanx! Tried also this combo, but couldn´t get FK down. Probably need to max her to 60 first. Anyway she´s probably my next 60. 

What about my question:

Are the 140 not enough for Fireknight 13? Or do I have the problem that the shield needs to be down first. I miss at the moment a little Damage in this setup?  

Apr 6, 2021, 07:3504/06/21

The shield does need to be down, no debuffs or turn meter reduction will work until then - unless the shield has just 1 charge left, then an attack with a debuff/TM reduction will apply its effect even though the shield still reduces the damage of the attack. So a double Armiger isn't great for FK, Coldheart is much better. Especially now that they fixed her AI so she won't fire Heartseekers into the shield anymore (though everybody else's AI still ignores the shield and wastes good abilities against the shield). 

Apr 6, 2021, 07:4504/06/21

Ah, thats a good information. Looking at the fight I had the feeling it is like you say... so confirmed! Thx

However, seems like my team is overall still to weak. Getting Coldheart to the FK is difficult and fragile. 

Hopefully the situation changes with Coldheart at 60

Apr 6, 2021, 07:4704/06/21
Apr 6, 2021, 07:50(edited)

Ah, last question.

Does it make sense to use Fellhound at 50 in this team? Thought she could bring the shield fast down. 

Or is Fellhound at 50 also to weak for FK13? 

I want this golden splitter from the mission 😀

Apr 6, 2021, 07:5204/06/21

What the guy said. Drop one Armiger for Coldheart.

The problem you seem to have, you are not dropping his shield fast enough. And if you read his abilities, you'd find out he is immune to basically everything while the shield is up.

You have one multi hitter in Apothecary, which I don't think is enough on the high levels.

You honestly might want to replace Reliquery with Vogoth also. She is good, but doesn't bring much to the actual FK fight.

Your Armiger looks good. A bit too low on speed and defence. Same for the Coldheart (she could use more ACC and crit rate as well.)

You have Offence set on Armiger, which is useless on him. So unless it has god stats (which I sort of doubt, seeing it's white and green), replace it. Even if you replace just the helmet. 

And personal peeve. I assume those are speed boots. So get them to 16. Seeing them on 14 is just hurting my eyes.

Apr 6, 2021, 07:5504/06/21

Ah, thats a good information. Looking at the fight I had the feeling it is like you say... so confirmed! Thx

However, seems like my team is overall still to weak. Getting Coldheart to the FK is difficult and fragile. 

Hopefully the situation changes with Coldheart at 60

Yes, it's normal that your Coldheart often dies on the waves - but that's why you have Reliquary Tender. Fellhound has some use on FK for the reflects, could try swapping him in for your Armiger as he will help more on the waves than Armiger - Coldheart on her own won't be able to keep the TM down but she'll put heal reduction as well, so it should still work. 

Apr 6, 2021, 08:0104/06/21

Never tried it without Relique, as it is quite hard to make my way to the Boss. However, a turn without RT and instead using Vogoth won´t hurt. 

I know the offence set doesn´t makes sense, I just used the crit.R. Thought it could work but will need time.... 

16 is the plan for the boots. Just need some more silver. But my eyes also hurting...🙈

Regarding the Armiger:

At the moment i have a lot of areas to work. So I thought leaving them at 50 with those stats (with maxed speed boots) should be sufficent for FK (now I know using just one), Golem and Spider ?(didn´t try)

60 won´t make sense at this time

Apr 6, 2021, 12:3204/06/21
Apr 6, 2021, 12:39(edited)

Got another idea for an setup:

- Kael (60)

- Dhukk (60)

- Coldheart (50)

- Apo (60)

- Relique (Could be replaced by Armiger if Dhukk brings the setup to the Boss?)

What do you think? Or do I need a 60 Coldheart instead of the 60 Dhukk?

Apr 6, 2021, 14:2404/06/21

Got another idea for an setup:

- Kael (60)

- Dhukk (60)

- Coldheart (50)

- Apo (60)

- Relique (Could be replaced by Armiger if Dhukk brings the setup to the Boss?)

What do you think? Or do I need a 60 Coldheart instead of the 60 Dhukk?

Dhukk could work, sure. Having him at 60 helps you more overall than having CH at 60, right now - but you probably need to keep RT in the meantime, because Coldheart will be dying regularly and if she dies without a reviver around, your run is probably lost. 

Apr 9, 2021, 07:2004/09/21

Tried a lot combinations to survive FK14, but can´t beat him. 

I know I need RT (HP42k & GSW170) APO (similar). Can´t speed up my Armigers without loosing 100% Crit. ability. So I though using Fellhound and one Armiger doesn´t work. Throwed in Dhukk and various combinations with Coldheart. I went that far to try the combination with Draconis and Relquie who brought me safley to the FK, but wasn´t able to get him down. Whats the f* puzzle piece... 😀

I try only FK13... How hard must be the rest! 


Apr 9, 2021, 07:5304/09/21

Tried a lot combinations to survive FK14, but can´t beat him. 

I know I need RT (HP42k & GSW170) APO (similar). Can´t speed up my Armigers without loosing 100% Crit. ability. So I though using Fellhound and one Armiger doesn´t work. Throwed in Dhukk and various combinations with Coldheart. I went that far to try the combination with Draconis and Relquie who brought me safley to the FK, but wasn´t able to get him down. Whats the f* puzzle piece... 😀

I try only FK13... How hard must be the rest! 


Show me the gear on your Coldheart? She should be able to take down the FK almost by herself - I would think your problem is more a lack of AOE DPS for the waves, but if you managed to get through the waves, it should be easy. Your RT has horribly low defense though, doesn't she die easily? Obviously you can't afford to have your reviver die... 

Apr 9, 2021, 08:3104/09/21

Here´s a pic. I know Im lacking of ACC (Had also for ACC Vogoth in lead, which was helping to land heartseeker, but also no success) However I tried to put at least the 70% Crit together and as much as possible crit dam. I know the rest isn´t great, thought it would just take longer. 

Where would you farm what?! 


Apr 9, 2021, 08:4104/09/21

Here´s a pic. I know Im lacking of ACC (Had also for ACC Vogoth in lead, which was helping to land heartseeker, but also no success) However I tried to put at least the 70% Crit together and as much as possible crit dam. I know the rest isn´t great, thought it would just take longer. 

Where would you farm what?! 


That would explain why you're failing - forget about crit damage for now, it's more important to have the accuracy you need, both for the turn meter depletion and for the heal reduction on her A1. Any chance you have an accuracy banner you could put on her after getting her the last purple star? If not, you'll need to change her other gear - giving up crit rate and crit damage for accuracy, her damage won't be that special yet on the middle stages anyway. Also, is she booked? 

Apr 9, 2021, 08:5004/09/21
Apr 9, 2021, 09:09(edited)

Yes, she´s fully booked but unfortunaly no masteries... Need the XP still to expand my number of 60s. 

Sadly a banner isn´t available. Spider sadly offers no privileges on what you want. Got many other stuff, but dark elves... ;)

So perception would be the right choise? Getting the 70 krit together will be sporty, but not impossible.

You think with the higher ACC it will work? Which setup would you favor?

RT(She´s not dying too fast, I guess it works as she dies always last), Draconis (to bring everybody to the FK), Kael, APO and ?

BTW: Thanks for all these tips

Apr 9, 2021, 09:2704/09/21

Yes, she´s fully booked but unfortunaly no masteries... Need the XP still to expand my number of 60s. 

Sadly a banner isn´t available. Spider sadly offers no privileges on what you want. Got many other stuff, but dark elves... ;)

So perception would be the right choise? Getting the 70 krit together will be sporty, but not impossible.

You think with the higher ACC it will work? Which setup would you favor?

RT(She´s not dying too fast, I guess it works as she dies always last), Draconis (to bring everybody to the FK), Kael, APO and ?

BTW: Thanks for all these tips

An accuracy chestplate might be pushing it, she's squishy enough as it is, so until you can get a banner and more GH bonuses, you'd need accuracy from substats and probably a set bonus, yes. Target is at least 10x the stage number, ideally slightly more, so close to 150 for now. The 70 percent crit rate is less important than the accuracy at this stage - unlike some other champs, her debuffs don't depend on getting a critical hit, it's only for the damage that you need crit rate and when using her in FK or Spider at the middle stages, her damage is a bonus but not essential. Of course on FK20 or Spider 20 it will be another story, but by then you will have better gear. 

I don't think Draconis is a very good pick. Kael, RT, Apo, Dhukk and Coldheart should work - Dhukk's decrease attack will do a lot for your survivability too. Alternatively, Vogoth instead of Dhukk. But everybody needs enough speed, so you can get the FK's shield down fast enough and still get some debuffs and hits in before it comes back up.  

Apr 9, 2021, 09:5204/09/21


Apr 9, 2021, 10:1704/09/21

If you have a lvl 60 Vogoth, try to get a shield set for him. He will protect squishy champs like Coldheart against the waves, in addition to that his A1 hits 3 times and his AoE attack does some damage to the waves. Great champ vs. Fireknight. I would definetly replace Kael and probably you don't need Reliquary Tender for revive anymore if you use a Shield-Vogoth.

Vogoth, Dhukk, Coldheart, Apothecary, Armiger. 

Apr 9, 2021, 12:5604/09/21

If you have a lvl 60 Vogoth, try to get a shield set for him. He will protect squishy champs like Coldheart against the waves, in addition to that his A1 hits 3 times and his AoE attack does some damage to the waves. Great champ vs. Fireknight. I would definetly replace Kael and probably you don't need Reliquary Tender for revive anymore if you use a Shield-Vogoth.

Vogoth, Dhukk, Coldheart, Apothecary, Armiger. 


Apo and Vogoth first choice for FK to get his shield down  + speedup + heal. 

Armiger and Coldheart for turn Meter Reduction and heal reduction. Armiger hits pretty decent, too but you have put him in Def gear. If you dont have good def% gear u can use flat at the beginning, cause his ground def is low. 

Dhukk def down, Acc down and provoke for the waves, be sure he gets 100% crit rate like Armiger, cause his def down procs with critical hits. If you need more support, or revive then i would use  Reliquary Tender instead. 

Apr 11, 2021, 06:2204/11/21
Apr 11, 2021, 10:10(edited)

Hurray! Thx for the help, even it was a quite expensive and  intesive  silver  grinding  one...😁

I finally got the FK down! I was even able to kill him on Lvl. 14... But now it seems to get more difficult. However, I´m really happy. 

I´m not happy with my recent draws. Really don´t now what to level next to 60. My feeling tells me that need one more DD. I got a lot of support meanwhile, but killing somebody takes ages. 

My favorites are:

- Frozen Banshee (but she needs a lot of books which I need for my Spider Paragon) 

- Fellhound (Will speed up farming)

- Torture Helmet

- Oathbringer (Arena)

- Bysthophus (Probaby the best for DD at the moment)

- Luria (ATK + Sup.)

- Doompriest (Interesting Kit, but no damage)

- Fleshmonger (easy to book and a lot of damage)

- Soulbond Bowyer
