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Fix the Arena

Fix the Arena

Mar 26, 2021, 15:2403/26/21

Fix the Arena

I am so sick of this joke of an arena.

I was crusing in gold 1/2, then within a space of 2 week I was fighting for my life in Silver 1, 

now bronze 3 is looking like a reality and if you start telling me about my team im going to clime through this monitor and drop kick you in the chest.

but before you ask, Im pay (not whale but a good amount)

Yes my team is all lvl60

yes they are fully booked 

yes I have all the right mastries 

yes my crit rate on my nuker is 100%

yes I understand team synergy

all my gear is lvl16 with glyphs 

all my asseccories are lvl16 with glyphs 


so please dont reply and regurgitate a Hell Hades guide to me because its not that.

the matchmaking needs a complete redesign, so that you are placed against player you have a fair chance of beating. 

Plarium THIS should be you no1 priority not...

new factions 

new events

new dugeons 

new clan VS clan (bank account vs bank account)

new ways to sweeze every penny out of us you can

why are you adding more and more function and content when one of the most basic game modes is completly broken?

Fix the Arena

Mar 26, 2021, 16:1603/26/21

Same.  Just won 2 out of 15 matchups, nothing I can do.  Tried speed team, tried defense, got wrecked repeatedly.

I don't have nukers that can one shot a defensive team and to get the most damage my team is squishy and can't survive the counter attack.  My high katune in my best speed gear can't beat an arbitor off the line, and it seems like I'm the only one in the game without a gorogab (or a valkrie/rotos/seeker/doom preist/etc).  My strongest team pushes 100k power, and I haven't seen a matchup below 150k today.   Apparently I just have trash gear and trash champions, I've sunk quite a bit of $ into shards but RNG isn't on my side.

I have zero idea what to do.  My teams can't survive a nuke, and every elses team can survive my nukes. I went to youtube to check out all of the major content creators for tips, and every one that created a new account recently is screaming the same thing... they can't progress and the arena is broken.

When I get on here, I see floods of threads from frusterated new players and then see a bunch of players and the mod team that have been here since the beginning telling people the arena is fine and they're just doing it wrong, that they SHOULD be going up against 4 legendaries and all the meta OP comps apparently.  They keep recommending the standard speed nuker build but like I said, the def down/buffer/nuker/speed boost comp can't one shot any of these teams or survive once they take a turn.

There's other parts of the games I can still focus on (spiders and CB), but I feel like my progression was just stomped on and I actually regressed significantly.  For the first time since I started the arena, I'm no longer using all of my tokens every day because it's better to just let them expire than lose repeatedly.  It's probably the most demotivating thing a game could do.  I'm really struggling to find the will to keep playing... I really enjoyed it up until the last 2 weeks, but now I'm actively looking for something else to do instead.

So please, wise old players/mods, what's the answer for us?  Are we just trash and should quit anyways?

Mar 26, 2021, 16:2703/26/21

That is the kicker for me, because they have tied stat bonuses into arena- when you drop multiple tiers you actually get worse in pve. So you are playing (and in many cases paying) to get worse.

If arena wasnt tied so closely to pve i would just ignore it...heck i do play tag team arena a bit, but dont stress over losing because losing does not trash my pve progress.

I never sunk proper cash into the game, i have spent 9.99 but- i have spent an awful lot of time the last month or so, and like you i feel like my overall progress is going backwards.

Mar 26, 2021, 16:3403/26/21

Every one should start to right tickets about pvp !!

Mar 26, 2021, 18:4003/26/21
Mar 26, 2021, 18:41(edited)

I just watched my helga steelgerdle get 2 shotted in bronze 4........she has 63k Hp and nearly 3k def. 

Not the highest you can get those stats but high enough that it should not be happening to me.

Mar 27, 2021, 03:4903/27/21

Arena is a complete mess. Not sure what changed but all the teams are way out of my reach now

Mar 27, 2021, 05:1003/27/21

I'm wondering if the current difficulty level is appropriate for the operation. Why not make a division for Platinum Tier?

There is a big difference between the top of Platinum and the players who are close to the Gold 4 tier, and a considerable number of players are flowing to Gold 4.

If the tier is low, the additional combat power gained in the arena tier will also be low, and new players will be more difficult to capture the dungeon than ever before.

Perhaps new players will move away.

Mar 27, 2021, 14:0703/27/21

Didnt want a new thread but can someone explain this please?

Here, i won the speed race (these are typical silver 1 opponents for me, always 120k to 190k power)


Here however i failed to kill mashalled or whatever his name is and never got control of my chars back


Now it seems my wins are always give between 9 and 11 points, but i always seem to  lose 12 or 13 when i lose?

Am i imagining it? The first team i beat had 159k power and the second team i beat had 140k power, the team i lost to had 131k power - is it calculated on relative power?


Mar 27, 2021, 14:2303/27/21

Plarium keeps saying "players don't know what to do so they keep losing".

Mar 27, 2021, 14:5303/27/21
Mar 27, 2021, 14:54(edited)

And just tested it again, higher power than me, but i got 7 points?

Does anyone know how it is calculated? Really frustrating that 2 wins can be wiped out by one loss


Mar 27, 2021, 15:0703/27/21

Same here, have stayed in G4 for over a year.  Now the same cookie-cutter teams with 1/3 of the power are somehow one-shoting me.  2 weeks, hello G2.  WTF?  Same team?  1/3 the power?  Yes RNG can account for that once in a long while, but not 10 times out of 10 freaking matches.

Mar 27, 2021, 15:2903/27/21

Gold 4 could currently be called "Platinum extended". The teams even in lowest Gold 4 are nearly ALL "Full Meta" teams.

This means they have the best Champs, the best gear and the best composition money can currently buy in this game. I have a Arbiter with ca. 290 Speed and before my Arbiter takes a turn, the enemy Arbiter goes once and even manages to nearly half fill her turn meter again, which means those Arbiters are well above 300 Speed.

I heard some say that this is "how it should be"? really? according to what? where is the "template" that shows how Arena "should be"? Should there be Platinum Teams in low Gold 4? Should there be Gold 4 Teams in Bronze? Whats the f*cking point in Tiers then? why not just call all of Arena "Platinum" and be done with it?

Here is a simple Solution to make those "Alpha Whales" happy. Change Arena Missions for Arbiter into something else AND let people be able to get Medals for Great Hall from other Parts of the game.

Why do we have to do Arena to upgrade Great Hall? the Great Hall is not just important for Arena, its important for the whole Game, so why not give us the possibility to Upgrade it elsewhere? It does not even need to be much, just make a certain % chance that for example Dungeons Lv. 20 will drop X amount of Gold Medals!

If you do that, then only the "hypercompetitivealphawhaleIfeelgoodbecauseImanagedtopaytowin" types will care about Arena and they can have it as hard and stupid as they like. Just give the normal players a chance to enjoy the rest of the game.

Mar 27, 2021, 15:3403/27/21

And just tested it again, higher power than me, but i got 7 points?

Does anyone know how it is calculated? Really frustrating that 2 wins can be wiped out by one loss


It's calculated based on your exact score at the time of the battle. If you have a higher score than them, you'll get less than 10 points for beating them, if you have a lower score, you'll get more than 10 points. Power, player level, team strength etc. have nothing to do with that. 

You can easily see this if you take a look at all your opponents at your next refresh - from top to bottom, they'll have increasing scores and you'll also see the number of points per victory increasing accordingly. Although it may be possible that the final score you get for a victory is different from what you saw on your screen beforehand, in case the target's score has changed significantly by the time you attacked them. 

Mar 27, 2021, 16:3703/27/21

I have posted a fix for the arena problem please check Game dicussion for it, hope it helps

Mar 27, 2021, 17:0003/27/21
Mar 27, 2021, 17:14(edited)

It's calculated based on your exact score at the time of the battle. If you have a higher score than them, you'll get less than 10 points for beating them, if you have a lower score, you'll get more than 10 points. Power, player level, team strength etc. have nothing to do with that. 

You can easily see this if you take a look at all your opponents at your next refresh - from top to bottom, they'll have increasing scores and you'll also see the number of points per victory increasing accordingly. Although it may be possible that the final score you get for a victory is different from what you saw on your screen beforehand, in case the target's score has changed significantly by the time you attacked them. 

Thank you so much, i never noticed!! and i tend to start at the top and work my way down so it makes sense why i get poor points :)

As for the state of silver, well hopefully my logs show its not newbie teams there, and to be fair i win about 2/3 of the fights i start .. then get hammered in defence

My team has changed, its apoth (for speed boost), battlesage (aura and 50% attack up), draco (defence down and weaken) then zavia for the big nuke.

It would appear that is a strong bronze / weak silver team since i always wake up and find i have been hammered down close to bronze (i switch out draco for dhukk in defence since i think draco prioritises poison on auto) then spend ages working back up...its tiring and i am questioning if this is the game for me. Especially when i see people claiming 'you just arent trying' :) 

Mar 27, 2021, 17:0503/27/21

Or you could just lower you're player power by getting rid of all the champs and gear you are just keeping for the sake of keeping and all the opponents that will be drawn will be easier 

Mar 27, 2021, 17:0703/27/21

Or you could just lower you're player power by getting rid of all the champs and gear you are just keeping for the sake of keeping and all the opponents that will be drawn will be easier 

I could, i have a lot of faction war characters levelled to 40 - but it seems extremely cheesey to have to do that.

Mar 27, 2021, 17:1403/27/21

you only need 5 per faction, but if you're anything like me you prob have 20 or 30 per faction 

Mar 27, 2021, 21:0403/27/21

Didnt want a new thread but can someone explain this please?

Here, i won the speed race (these are typical silver 1 opponents for me, always 120k to 190k power)


Here however i failed to kill mashalled or whatever his name is and never got control of my chars back


Now it seems my wins are always give between 9 and 11 points, but i always seem to  lose 12 or 13 when i lose?

Am i imagining it? The first team i beat had 159k power and the second team i beat had 140k power, the team i lost to had 131k power - is it calculated on relative power?


HEY ,, These are the Teams I face in BRONZE TIER I Everyday , all day long 

no matter how many times I refresh

And Yes,, WIN 9 points ,, LOSE 11 ................

Mar 27, 2021, 21:3103/27/21

There is nothing worng with arena at just players who would like to enjoy the game which they play are the biggest issue, but fear not Plarium will monitor situation and may fix wrong players

Mar 27, 2021, 22:1303/27/21
Mar 27, 2021, 22:16(edited)
Max Pain

HEY ,, These are the Teams I face in BRONZE TIER I Everyday , all day long 

no matter how many times I refresh

And Yes,, WIN 9 points ,, LOSE 11 ................

Wait, in B1 you are fighting kymar leads and all legendary teams with decked out mountain kings?

That is messed up, i can almost hold my own (i have a fast apoth at 250 speed, and draco has 250 accuracy and zavia has 4.5k attack and nearly 200 crit damage) but - i am still sinking out of silver slowly and not able to do the newbie quests

And yet we have people on here insisting we are making this stuff up (despite me posting logs) and that its just a matter of l2p.

Sad thing is when i do hit bronze, ill be yet another opponent that newbies have no chance against...