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From just under Platinum to silver in a matter of 2 weeks. What happened?

From just under Platinum to silver in a matter of 2 weeks. What happened?

Feb 15, 2021, 14:1002/15/21

 at the bottom silver tier in Arena......all the way down from top gold tier.  DOH     !I.  Sure miss those rewards!

Apr 23, 2021, 22:2104/23/21

I believe the bots thing. Took me from gold 2-3 2 months ago down to bronze. With suggestions, I struggled back to silver 3 but now smacked down to bronze again. Underhanded is the word.....

Apr 23, 2021, 23:1404/23/21

Unfortunately sudden drop in arena rank is something that is usual in Classic arena. What happen? Usually Plarium inject bot accounts to crank up available points so people can rise up, and then they remove the bots causong shortages in points making people to drop down to a drastic drop.

I'm guessing that they need to get some people into the arena because the points needed for platinum have become dangerously too close to points needed for gold 4 exposing their flawed arena point system, which is highly dependant on number of active player.

Apr 23, 2021, 23:4904/23/21

I know the feeling.

On another note, just went through my entire team roster and don't have any speed based speed boots at all!!🤔🤔   Didn't expect that!

How free was arena that someone was "just under plat" yet doesn't have a good comp, and most of all no speed boots period? 

Apr 24, 2021, 07:3704/24/21

How free was arena that someone was "just under plat" yet doesn't have a good comp, and most of all no speed boots period? 

I ask myself how a player with such a horrible built Scyl ever was near to Platinum. No accuracy, but cruel set and cirt-dam set on a def based healer/debuffer.

Apr 24, 2021, 08:3004/24/21

no need to be toxic :P not everyone has everything. At least he is asking advice albeit some of the advice here isnt great

Apr 24, 2021, 09:3304/24/21

lol wait wut. I just noticed that gearing. Iam in Bronze IV and all my champs are better geared :D Shows you how messed up the system is.

Apr 24, 2021, 09:5404/24/21
Apr 24, 2021, 09:57(edited)

no need to be toxic :P not everyone has everything. At least he is asking advice albeit some of the advice here isnt great

It's hard to not be toxic when the amount of effort I have had to put in to doing arena and seeing posts like this, there have been many in recent weeks. To out it bluntly, absolutely clueless people that had more than a free ride into g4 and massive gains to great halls. Yet they put in zero effort.

I've watched hours of videos, read lots of forums, used speed calculators, spent money, and put in a ton of effort. Yet my great hall is lacking, I can hardly stay in g1 atm, and am beyond frustrated and pretty much over giving a damn about arena.

Plarium refuses to acknowledge any kind of problem with current arena. Players like me that have been in the game for a few months get screwed in arena, that's fine it's supposed to take time and not be easy, yet most of the player base that has been playing for awhile all got free rides into massive great hall aka account progress.

Edit : I have a 63% winrate this week and am down over 100 points and have dropped tier multiple times throughout the week so far. So yes seeing all these posts with accounts like this that were "just under plat" pisses me off and I'm sure many others.

Apr 24, 2021, 10:0204/24/21

It's hard to not be toxic when the amount of effort I have had to put in to doing arena and seeing posts like this, there have been many in recent weeks. To out it bluntly, absolutely clueless people that had more than a free ride into g4 and massive gains to great halls. Yet they put in zero effort.

I've watched hours of videos, read lots of forums, used speed calculators, spent money, and put in a ton of effort. Yet my great hall is lacking, I can hardly stay in g1 atm, and am beyond frustrated and pretty much over giving a damn about arena.

Plarium refuses to acknowledge any kind of problem with current arena. Players like me that have been in the game for a few months get screwed in arena, that's fine it's supposed to take time and not be easy, yet most of the player base that has been playing for awhile all got free rides into massive great hall aka account progress.

Edit : I have a 63% winrate this week and am down over 100 points and have dropped tier multiple times throughout the week so far. So yes seeing all these posts with accounts like this that were "just under plat" pisses me off and I'm sure many others.

You are right that it has gotten dramatically more difficult - i joined at a similar time to you.

Watch the old content creator vids and the speeds/set ups etc that they used a year or so ago would not get them into silver today.

I joined too late for the easy days of building great hall too, and now struggle to stay in gold and like you have watched the guides and understand how to play, my roster isnt amazing admittedly...but what we pull is a casino at the end of the day and out of our control.

But the fault is not with players like the OP, he didnt change things to the mess we have today

Oh and i understand your frustration at seeing people who either had an easy ride to the great hall, or whale out, or got plain lucky on pulls telling people to 'git gud' when they say they cant progress.

In some cases there are things that can be improved, but that doesnt change the mess we have in bronze and silver matchmaking

Apr 24, 2021, 11:2404/24/21

As much as I love a good ass chewing, I've spent hours reading and learning. My team I showed was  over a month ago and have followed advice  and changed up since . I sometimes feel that bad advice is given intentionally sometimes,

Apr 24, 2021, 11:2904/24/21

Still, I fought from bronze the 2nd time to silver 3 and now back to bronze again. As you drop in rank, opponents don't get easier. Guess you just have to hit the bottom 1st.

Apr 24, 2021, 12:1104/24/21
Apr 24, 2021, 12:14(edited)

Still, I fought from bronze the 2nd time to silver 3 and now back to bronze again. As you drop in rank, opponents don't get easier. Guess you just have to hit the bottom 1st.

Thats the suckiest part really, i hover around g1 most of the time although i sometimes go into silver and there is no difference in difficulty all the way down to bronze from gold because there are so many inactive players compared to active ones.

I might be able to change speeds a little by swapping debuffers etc..but really i am waiting on a game changer like deacon etc to make signifigant changes, all my opponents have better leads than in my roster, but its a casino.

Those who had the easy ride, or whaled out for a stacked roster or got lucky with roster have no idea how crappy the silver/bronze matchmaking is

As you drop tiers the difficulty should drop

Apr 24, 2021, 17:0004/24/21

Another fix would simply be that you get matched in rarity. I only have rare champions but get matched to full epic/legendary teams. Even badly geared legendaries (and some specific epics) are better then top geared rares (and that is not necesarilly a bit thing). But it does trow off the balance a lot.

Apr 24, 2021, 17:2604/24/21
Apr 24, 2021, 17:27(edited)

Another fix would simply be that you get matched in rarity. I only have rare champions but get matched to full epic/legendary teams. Even badly geared legendaries (and some specific epics) are better then top geared rares (and that is not necesarilly a bit thing). But it does trow off the balance a lot.

Not really? if i see an all legendary team with an attack lead instead of defense/speed/hp lead and all attack legendaries i see it as a free kill (sometimes it can be a trap with insane speed characters but not usually)

I agree with much of what is said here, but legendaries are less important than making a team that makes sense...of course if the synergy is right then many of the legendaries are game breaking

Apr 24, 2021, 17:3204/24/21
Apr 24, 2021, 17:35(edited)

Not really? if i see an all legendary team with an attack lead instead of defense/speed/hp lead and all attack legendaries i see it as a free kill (sometimes it can be a trap with insane speed characters but not usually)

I agree with much of what is said here, but legendaries are less important than making a team that makes sense...of course if the synergy is right then many of the legendaries are game breaking

That is not my experience. When iam facing a "legendary" team with the same-ish team score (80-100k) it is almost always a loss when I dont oneshot them (and since they often have better health/def/resist and good passives) most of the time this is the case. Ofcourse I can win some when they use "bad" legendaries but this is way less then the other way around. Trust me I have tried :) I sometimes try ofcourse when I see a weird champ in the lead (no aura for example or attack one) and the teampower is less then mine and that does win me games yes. sometimes. But that is not the issue since most teams iam facing (basically 19/20 teams) have higher teampower so I cannot be that picky. Think the average TP iam facing is 100-110k while I have 75k and they all seem to have atleast 1 legendary and 1 epic atleast.

In what league are you and what is your team power? Perhaps there is a difference there. 

Apr 24, 2021, 18:3304/24/21
Apr 24, 2021, 18:58(edited)

That is not my experience. When iam facing a "legendary" team with the same-ish team score (80-100k) it is almost always a loss when I dont oneshot them (and since they often have better health/def/resist and good passives) most of the time this is the case. Ofcourse I can win some when they use "bad" legendaries but this is way less then the other way around. Trust me I have tried :) I sometimes try ofcourse when I see a weird champ in the lead (no aura for example or attack one) and the teampower is less then mine and that does win me games yes. sometimes. But that is not the issue since most teams iam facing (basically 19/20 teams) have higher teampower so I cannot be that picky. Think the average TP iam facing is 100-110k while I have 75k and they all seem to have atleast 1 legendary and 1 epic atleast.

In what league are you and what is your team power? Perhaps there is a difference there. 

I am gold 1 and my team power is about 135k, and i only have 2 legendary on my team, i have 2 legendary, an epic and a rare.

There are some attack champs that have passives that make me avoid them, but generally i love all attack teams- when fighting other speed nuking teams its a toss of the dice to see who is quickest, with some defensive teams however i know from experience that i will be unlikely to nuke them down and they are a no go unless i switch my team.

Looking at my fight log shows what i mean, i avoid speed teams and super stacked defence teams and i try to pick out the badly made teams throughout the day and whether they are legendary isnt the main factor and as long as under 250k power thats not a factor either...yes the super fast siphi got me :)

I still struggle to stay in G1 however as i look an easy kill to many people and i lose loads of points in defence, and 90% of the teams when i refresh are speed nuke etc.


Apr 24, 2021, 20:3704/24/21

Another fix would simply be that you get matched in rarity. I only have rare champions but get matched to full epic/legendary teams. Even badly geared legendaries (and some specific epics) are better then top geared rares (and that is not necesarilly a bit thing). But it does trow off the balance a lot.

That would basically reduce the arena to the question if somebody pulled Apothecary or not. How should a rare only team without Apo's speedbost stand against a team with Apo?

Apr 25, 2021, 06:0704/25/21

The reason for the quick sharp drop is mainly due to how they reset you every week. Dropping from near the top of your tier to the bottom threshold may be a few hundred points equivalent to many many battles you never got to fight. Once you are sitting on the lower level of your tier, probably in the wee hours of the morning, your defense is just sitting there waiting for a hit that drops you down another tier.  In that tier it is very difficult to fight your way back up, especially with all the others cascading down like what happened to you.  So boom, next reset you drop another massive amount.  It does not take long to drop from gold to bronze.  As you drop in tier your bonuses decrease so it is even tougher.

It happened to me but I did not wait for the full drop, I went from Gold 4 to silver and saw the writing on the wall.  I could never get better, as in the Plarium concept, faster than my bonuses and tiers were decreasing so I just gave it up.

So I restarted the game, in Bronze 1, and it is still very tough, all the cascades from upper tiers are collecting like water in a barrel, so you never find a place where you can comfortably compete.  Well Plarium, good luck with that, see how many customers you keep.

Apr 25, 2021, 13:5704/25/21

Thanthe ks info 

Apr 25, 2021, 15:5904/25/21

The reason for the quick sharp drop is mainly due to how they reset you every week. Dropping from near the top of your tier to the bottom threshold may be a few hundred points equivalent to many many battles you never got to fight. Once you are sitting on the lower level of your tier, probably in the wee hours of the morning, your defense is just sitting there waiting for a hit that drops you down another tier.  In that tier it is very difficult to fight your way back up, especially with all the others cascading down like what happened to you.  So boom, next reset you drop another massive amount.  It does not take long to drop from gold to bronze.  As you drop in tier your bonuses decrease so it is even tougher.

It happened to me but I did not wait for the full drop, I went from Gold 4 to silver and saw the writing on the wall.  I could never get better, as in the Plarium concept, faster than my bonuses and tiers were decreasing so I just gave it up.

So I restarted the game, in Bronze 1, and it is still very tough, all the cascades from upper tiers are collecting like water in a barrel, so you never find a place where you can comfortably compete.  Well Plarium, good luck with that, see how many customers you keep.
