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From just under Platinum to silver in a matter of 2 weeks. What happened?

From just under Platinum to silver in a matter of 2 weeks. What happened?

Feb 8, 2021, 14:1702/08/21

From just under Platinum to silver in a matter of 2 weeks. What happened?

Haven't changed my heroes and have rearranged my teams in every way. Can't seem to stop the downward spiral. Help!


Feb 8, 2021, 14:3402/08/21

Arena gotten lots harder latley. Albeit not a bad thing. It needs more thought and just not "auto".

Feb 8, 2021, 14:5102/08/21

I've added as much speed and critical chance and damage as I can muster. Any ideas on my next heroes to 6 star?

Feb 8, 2021, 15:3602/08/21

Your Scyl is poorly geared, and you have made questionable choices on your 6stars so far.  I imagine your gear is lacking.  What is your dungeon progress?  Tayrel would be my choice, but not for arena.

WHo is your arena team, and what is speed of each?

Feb 8, 2021, 15:5802/08/21

Well, Arena got really hard lately with all the speed "demons" that make your life miserable. 😁

With proper geared Kael/Mausoleum Mage/ Scyl/Mme Serris you can stay easily in gold IV.

But indeed, you need to gear them up properly. Check on internet, there are a lot of places where you can find suggestions.

My Scyl is 55k HP, 3.7k DEF with accesories at lvl 13. And she is a beast.

Feb 8, 2021, 16:2102/08/21

All dungeon progress are around level 16-17 except for Spyder which whips my butt on 12.  Have made some  bad choices and thrown some good ones out.. should have read the forums more.. Tayrel came later and just got Coldheart too.. I've changed my arena team around trying to get some satisfaction to no  avail. Help on that would be good.. Was able to make quite a few swift parry and have been adhath Didn't realize I'd screwed up Scyl so  Suggestions on Scyl gear?

Feb 8, 2021, 16:3002/08/21
Feb 8, 2021, 16:31(edited)

If you are under platinum with that roster, you are probably the ones considered as "bot" account in gold 4

Feb 8, 2021, 16:4402/08/21

But back down to silver. Not boting anything.

Feb 8, 2021, 17:0102/08/21

Well, my first suggestion would be to not put Cruel gear on champions that don't use the Attack stat.

For Scyll, her key stats are Def, Spd, and Acc, so those would be the sets to look at. I use 2 Def, 1 Spd set on mine, but you could switch in an Accuracy or Perception if she's being resisted too often.

There's also no real point in building her crit rate and damage. She's a support type, not a damage dealer.

Feb 8, 2021, 17:0702/08/21

Like everyone said, you need better gear. You can probably start with farming speed boots in campaign. 

Trips' question is important too by the way, we could give better advice if you show us what champs you use in arena and what their stats are. 

Feb 8, 2021, 17:2402/08/21

Like everyone said, you need better gear. You can probably start with farming speed boots in campaign. 

Trips' question is important too by the way, we could give better advice if you show us what champs you use in arena and what their stats are. 

I would be farming gear in Dragon not campaign, you have decent champs.  With better gear you can do D20 with those on your roster now.



Maus Mage



If you are lacking epic books, I might 6star Doompriest.  Doesn't need books and is easier to gear.  As good as Tayrel is, you have other def down options already.  But your ratio of 6* to 5* is good! most have way too many 5*, you need to improve your best champs (gear & masteries).  Probably need to check those you use less often and optimize stats on a few (Sycl, Maus MAge & Apo)

Feb 9, 2021, 00:2802/09/21

Made some gear adjustment to Scyl & Kael and got beat my 4 to his 3, my 143 to his 53 power. Scyl def, speed & acc. Ka attack & speed. I'll post up top 6* with gear tomorrow

Feb 9, 2021, 00:4702/09/21

u shouldnt be using scyl in arena, looking at your roster:

spirithost (leader, 2nd fastest)

apothecary(very fast)

zargala/serris (faster than kael accuracy high)


Feb 9, 2021, 01:0302/09/21
Feb 9, 2021, 01:19(edited)

I would be farming gear in Dragon not campaign, you have decent champs.  With better gear you can do D20 with those on your roster now.



Maus Mage



If you are lacking epic books, I might 6star Doompriest.  Doesn't need books and is easier to gear.  As good as Tayrel is, you have other def down options already.  But your ratio of 6* to 5* is good! most have way too many 5*, you need to improve your best champs (gear & masteries).  Probably need to check those you use less often and optimize stats on a few (Sycl, Maus MAge & Apo)

If you need speed boots for a speedset, then it is almost impossible to get it into the dungeons. Even in the campaine palace or Aravia stage 6 it is difficult to get a good speedboot. But you have more chance.

I have been working on speed boots in nightmare campaign for a while. but get crap.
Almost all  3 * or 4 * and almost no speed but attack, or defense  😭
And very strange sometimes no gear piece at all only silver. 

I must get 6* speed boots.
But it just doesn't work. I have already lost a lot of energy on it.

Feb 9, 2021, 01:2202/09/21

Nah I dont believe the entier comunity got that much better in two weeks, I went from creaming gold 1 to cant beat anyone in silver 3 in the same 2 weeks. when I first got through the silver ranks it was easy as hell, now silver 3 is like gold 2.

we all know that the arena is full of bots so Plarium must of tweaked them to drop everyone. gotta encourage spending some how.

I hate when Devs use under handed tactics like that, It is the fastest way to turn my paid account into a free one. 

Feb 9, 2021, 02:3402/09/21

I see that 

Feb 9, 2021, 11:5702/09/21

Don't you have High Khatun? If you had her, I'd say you could go HK - Serris - Zargala - Kael instead of having to spend two slots on SH and Apo. 

Sethallia is better for your next 6* than Doompriest or anyone else I see, then Coldheart and Tayrel - even though you already have Serris and Zargala, he's still worth it. 

Feb 9, 2021, 21:0102/09/21

Thanks for setting me in the right direction folks.

Feb 10, 2021, 12:0102/10/21

I have now also been reset from gold to silver 2. And can't get any higher. It's gotten worse and worse here.

Feb 10, 2021, 14:4602/10/21

I know the feeling.

On another note, just went through my entire team roster and don't have any speed based speed boots at all!!🤔🤔   Didn't expect that!

Feb 10, 2021, 15:3802/10/21

There does seem something weird going on - I was in bronze iv a week or two ago, almost reached the magical Silver to progress challenges - now can't get beyond bronze 2, if I creep into 3 I meet a barrage of legionary packed, 60 or so teams and drop straight back.