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Feb 6, 2021, 06:1802/06/21


The Doom Tower has reset a few days ago.

We have new changes to the Doom Tower.

Here is the News Update which was given to players in game:




The changes all seem to be related to the Nether Spider - Frost Spider - Magma Dragon.

I was hoping they would make changes to the Scarab King.

I guess I will see what happens as I use keys through the new Doom Tower.

Feb 6, 2021, 07:0702/06/21

Day 1 of Doom:


I was able to beat the Magma Dragon on Hard Mode.

The team I have been running for the Magma Dragon seems to be unaffected.


Here is another set up which I have tried with success as well.


The goal to win is the same!

The Magma Dragon will do Hex Randomly to your team.

You want 1 hero who can constantly remove the Hex and redirect the Hex to themself.

The hero I am using to redirect the Hex is my DoomPriest.

Once, DoomPriest gets the Hex.

The Magma Dragon will try to go after her.

The Magma Dragon is programmed to do tons of damage to person with Hex.

This is where having a Provoke Champion is very important.

You want the Provoke Champion to lure the Magma Dragon away from your Hex hero.

The Provoke Champion is like an annoying Distraction.

The hero I am using to Provoke is my Maulie.

The Magma Dragon wants to kill my DoomPriest, but he is constantly being Dragged to my Maulie.

The Provoke is causing him to get dragged away to my Maulie.

My Maulie is taking damage because the Magma Dragon is hitting her.

However, Maulie doesn't have the "Hex".

This means Maulie damage isn't fatal.

She can recover from the damage.

How does she recover?

Well you have to add in a 3rd hero who can help her recover.

Healing Champion - Shielding Champion - Block Damage Champion.

In my fights, I have used Roschard the Tower or Drokgul the Gaunt.

You don't have to use those 2 heroes.

I am just using them because I already have them level up.

The goal is to use someone in your team which can help your Provoke hero recover health.

The 4th hero you add to your team is your Damage Dealer.

Who are you going to use to kill the enemy Boss?

Well most Bosses are vulernable to Max Enemy HP moves or affects.

The game has recently created a New Skill on the Magma Dragon.

The skill is designed to try and counter Max Enemy HP moves.

Heroes who try to nuke the boss down like Coldheart, Royal Guard, or Septimus.

Well I am not using any of those heroes.

My Damage Dealer is Frozen Bashee.

Frozen Bashee does Poison.

Poison is an affect which deals damage based on Max Enemy HP.

You can see how the new Passive they added does nothing to my hero or team.

My Frozen Banshee will just put poison on the boss till he is dead.

The only thing to remember is the Magma Dragon is Magic Affinity.

You want a Poison hero who is Magic, Void, or Force.

The last champion I use on my team is a Revive hero.

The reason why is because sometimes things go wrong.

It is always nice to have a hero who can give you a Safety Net.

The hero I am using as my Revive hero is Arbiter.

However, before you start yelling at me, I want you to see the below screenshot.


I swapped out my Arbiter for my Gorgorab.

What does Gorgorab do? Revive!

If I owned a level 60 Shaman, I could use her as my 5th hero.

I would still be able to win.

Why? Because she does Revive.

Yeah, I just wanted to share with you all my Strategy against the Magma Dragon.

Hopefully, it can help you.

Feb 6, 2021, 07:2702/06/21

Day 2 of Doom: 


I was able to beat the Nether Spider on Hard Mode.

The team I have been running for the Nether Spider seems to be unaffected. 


The strategy I use against the Nether Spider is very interesting.

The Goal is to do the following:

  • Cleansing 
  • Massive Sustain (Healing or Shielding or Block Damage)
  • Damage Dealer
  • Single Target skills.

The Baby Spiders do Poison.

You want someone on your team to remove the Poison.

The hero I use is Mausoleum Mage.

My Mausoleum Mage can cleanse my team of all the poisons.

The Nether Spider does a lot of damage do to exploding the Poison ticks.

You want heroes on your team which can heal or shield you from all of that damage.

I am running 3 different Sustain heroes.

My Roschard does Block Damage.

My Vrask does Healing.

My Arbiter does Healing + Revive.

The goal is to keep my team alive forever!

The baby Spiders Poison - The mother Spider Poisons.

I don't care - they can poison me all they want.

I'm going to heal through it all.

The last hero you want on your team is a Damage Dealer.

The Damage Dealer I chose was my Frozen Bashee.

The New Passive does nothing to my Poisons.

The Last key thing to be mindful of is your heroes moves.

You want to try and pick heroes who only do Single Target moves.

If you use heroes who do AOE moves, You will hit the Baby Spiders.

The Baby Spiders heal the mother Spider if they Counter Attack.

So the Goal with my set up is very easy to understand.

You never want to hit the Baby Spiders.

You want your team to do enough Sustain (Healing/Shielding/Etc) to be Self-Sufficent.

You have a Damage Dealer who can Slowly wear down Boss with Poison or HP Burn.

My team can't die.

The mother spider can't heal due to me avoiding hitting her baby spiders.

So its only a matter of time before she goes down.

Feb 8, 2021, 23:3902/08/21
Feb 8, 2021, 23:59(edited)

Day 3 of Doom:  


I was able to beat the Scarab King on Hard Mode.

The team I am using seems really shakey though.


Will I be able to use this team to beat next Scarab King?

I don't really know to be honest.

Every single 1 of my heroes have over 250 Resistance.

I am trying to stack the resistance.

It really is a struggle trying to stop the boss from putting Debuffs on me.

Feb 8, 2021, 23:5002/08/21
Feb 8, 2021, 23:57(edited)

Day 4 of Doom:


I was able to beat the Frost Spider on Hard Mode.

The team I have been running for the Frost Spider seems to be unaffected.  


I'm still nuking the boss down with Max Enemy HP Nukes.

I think previously I was doing around 1.5mil to 2mil damage per Royal Guard Nuke.

I think currently I am doing around 500k to 750k damage per Royal Guard Nuke.

Yeah, The change they did was useless.

The only thing the change did was make the fight longer & annoying.

Farming the Spider for gear has become a very tedious & unenjoyable process.

My team seems to be doing well.

The only issue I have is my Elenaril isn't strong enough to survive.

I need to level up my Elenaril.

I spent 12 mins to win the fight because my Elenaril kept dying at bad times.

I killed the Frost Spider, but HP Burn wasn't on the Boss.

The Boss ended up reviving due to to her Passive Skill.

It made the fight really long.

Feb 9, 2021, 23:1902/09/21

Day 5 of Doom:


The Scarab King is utterly insane.

The Scarab King A2 move does way to much damage.

I spent 6 hours trying to beat the Scarab King.

Fail Attempt after Fail Attempt.


Look at the above Screenshot:

- I destroyed all the Boss Health.

- I got the Boss all the way down to 1/4th health.

- The fight is close to 19 min battle.

The Scarab King provoked my Zelotah at the wrong time.

Everything Collapsed - the Whole fight ruined.

In the end, I was finally able to beat the Scarab King.

It wasn't even an enjoyful experience.

I don't even feel happy I won.

The Scarab King is a total joke.

Why did they make him this hard?

I don't even understand.

I spent all my Silver changing Gears + Accessories.

I spent Gems to redo my Masteries to get more Resistance.

I pushed all my heroes to 300 Resistance Minimum.

I played the whole fight manually.

I played the fight flawlessly.

It took 12 mins for me to beat it playing like expert.

Timing every single move to go off at the right time.


How does a person farm this boss?

No bloody way - The AI will never be able to replicate the way I played the fight.

The game doesn't want people to use MAX ENEMY HP heroes.

The game doesn't want people to use Turn Meter to beat the Boss with out letting it get a turn.

Yet, The Boss is so overpowered that you have no choice

IDK - What do you peeps think?

Feb 9, 2021, 23:4702/09/21

This is the only boss I farm. 

Just go with High Khatun, Alure, Armiger, Coldheart and Miscreated Monster. No need for high resistance.

Why did you say the game does not want you to use enemy max hp and "turn meter"? 

Feb 10, 2021, 01:0702/10/21

This is the only boss I farm. 

Just go with High Khatun, Alure, Armiger, Coldheart and Miscreated Monster. No need for high resistance.

Why did you say the game does not want you to use enemy max hp and "turn meter"? 

The Community Manager Valkyrie said in a post Turn Meter Reduction + Max Enemy HP is a Gimmick.

The Community Managers are putting there foot down over gimmicks/tricks to win.

This is why the game made New Passives for 3 of the Doom Tower Boss.

Why esle would they make the New Passive?

The only boss who doesn't have the New Passive is Scarab King.

They are probably going to give it to him next.

Feb 10, 2021, 01:3302/10/21

Yes, this patch notes does not affect Scarab King. So feel free to use turn meter reduction or enemy max hp damging skills. 

As for Nether Spider, even they nerf turn meter reduction, I was able to beat it with the help of Alure and Armiger. They nerf turn meter reduction, so it also nerf the counter attack damage of Nether Spider. 

Feb 10, 2021, 19:1402/10/21

LOL @Player J 

I find it funny your biggest struggle was with the one boss that didn't change...lmao.  Though, I didn't realize that even after finishing 30 myself as I didn't fully read the update notes.

Surprisingly the updates haven't impacted me on either account through 60 (main) and 59 (alt, accidentally did normal #1 to start lol).  I use completely different teams on both, not one of the same champs surprisingly.  I think the changes will hurt me on 70/90 for main, but we shall see.

Feb 11, 2021, 00:0902/11/21

LOL @Trips

I was doing fine till they buffed the bloody Scarab King on Season 2.

I have been constantly drained of Silver. 

I can't even buy Ancient Shards in Market at times.

Its a really Sad Situation.

Feb 11, 2021, 14:3602/11/21
Player J

LOL @Trips

I was doing fine till they buffed the bloody Scarab King on Season 2.

I have been constantly drained of Silver. 

I can't even buy Ancient Shards in Market at times.

Its a really Sad Situation.

Silver solution:

1. Go to forge

2. Craft 3-4* Resilience (example I have 10k Magisteel, 2280 Blue Soulstone)

3. Use 1 Magisteel 10 BS for $1k 

4. Sell for $8k (3* rare - $30k 4* leg)

5. Profit 1000%

Only a few clicks to get your blue shard :)

Feb 11, 2021, 14:4002/11/21

This is the only boss I farm. 

Just go with High Khatun, Alure, Armiger, Coldheart and Miscreated Monster. No need for high resistance.

Why did you say the game does not want you to use enemy max hp and "turn meter"? 

Is this best materials to farm? How do you farm this boss? I can't run on auto because gets stuck on 2nd wave with alure/armiger reducing TM. I'm not even using extra keys right now.

Feb 11, 2021, 21:0302/11/21
Feb 11, 2021, 21:33(edited)

Is this best materials to farm? How do you farm this boss? I can't run on auto because gets stuck on 2nd wave with alure/armiger reducing TM. I'm not even using extra keys right now.

For me, yes, I am farming for untouchable artifacts. Since it is basically a better version of immunity set. 

I don't farm auto on this stage where there are champions that revive with block damage (forgot the champion's name). But on higher stages of Scarab king, there are no champions that have this skill so I just leave it auto. 

Feb 15, 2021, 18:3602/15/21

For me, yes, I am farming for untouchable artifacts. Since it is basically a better version of immunity set. 

I don't farm auto on this stage where there are champions that revive with block damage (forgot the champion's name). But on higher stages of Scarab king, there are no champions that have this skill so I just leave it auto. 

I tried farming 100, did not expect a high win % on auto.... but I think I was 1/50 lol.  My problem is actually that Alure/Armiger get the TM down too low then one of them does not use A1... What is your success rate on auto?

Feb 16, 2021, 00:3002/16/21
Feb 16, 2021, 00:41(edited)

I tried farming 100, did not expect a high win % on auto.... but I think I was 1/50 lol.  My problem is actually that Alure/Armiger get the TM down too low then one of them does not use A1... What is your success rate on auto?

Around 70-80% on a normal day. Sometimes 50% on a bad day. 

Hmm, yes Alure and Armiger will not use a1 when turnmeter is low. You need to give them high speeds to lap the boss. This is where High Khatun speed debuff (a1) will become crucial. 

If I remember correctly, I said in my previous post, there are two reasons why I prefer High Khatun than Apothecary or Lyssandra, one is High Khatun's speed buff has lower cooldown. Second is High Khatun has speed debuff on her a1, if she misses speed debuff for several turns, the run has higher chance of failing. 

Feb 21, 2021, 00:5802/21/21
Feb 21, 2021, 00:59(edited)

I am stuck on Floor 68 on Hard Mode.


I tried a dozen different team combination's.

I spent 6 - 7 hours trying to beat it.

I give up at this point.

I will do rest of Normal Mode.

Feb 21, 2021, 11:0602/21/21

Maybe instead of tanking its damage, try a cc team. 

You might need thicker shield if you really want to tank Rotos' damage. 

Feb 24, 2021, 03:2602/24/21

Floor 68 doesn't have Rotos.

It is the Rae's doing crazy damage to me. lol

Feb 24, 2021, 03:5102/24/21

same thing, you should try building a CC team instead if you can't tank the damage.