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Will they ever do anything to fix bronze arena?

Will they ever do anything to fix bronze arena?

Feb 26, 2021, 20:2102/26/21
Feb 26, 2021, 20:24(edited)

The  complexities  of  matching  in  arena  are  very....  well.....  complex,  changong one  thing  would  no  doubt  open  up  other  avenues  of  abuse.  The  problem  with  roster  power  being  included  is  that  the  number will  include  clan  boss  geared  champs  so  the  game  would  see  powerful  champs  but  you  dont  use  them  in  arena.  A  fix  could  simply  be  that  you  have  a  separate  arena  roster  containing  only  champs  that  you  choose  to  use  in  arena,  perhaps  modifiable  at  the  cost  of  arena  points  or  a  medal.  Then  only  arena  champs  would  contribute  to  your  arena  matching  and  you  would  be  free  to  gear  up  other  champs  without  gimping  yourself  in  arena.  

Feb 26, 2021, 20:3202/26/21

You could try different ways to measure your arena potential, but power level is not the way to go. For example, you seem to be able to increase the power level of a champion by increasing the attack stat. Reasonable? Sure, for champions that base their damage on that stat. Useless for those that don't though. Likewise, increase defense stat on a champion and you get both protection and damage output.

End of the day, I don't see why you simply can't base it on performance. If you start a new account in Dota or CS:GO or pretty much any big game with matchmaking in it, you'll start at the bottom. If you're good, you'll rise pretty quickly until you're facing opponents of approximately equal skill. Where you end up is based on your actual results, not some arbitrary representation of your skill. Likewise, why would Raid need to base it on some arbitrary representation of your skill/potential, when it can do the same thing and just move you up if you win every battle you fight and no one can beat you where you are?

Feb 26, 2021, 20:3702/26/21

one  of  the  problems  is  that  some  people  like  to  troll,  they  have  a  maxed  out  great  hall  and  no  need  for  medals  so  they  set  a  1*  defense,  drop  all  the  way  down  to  bronze  and  then  set  an  all  leggo  defense.  That  is  probably  why  they  included  roster  power,  however  getting  the  ratios  right  is  hard  at  best.

Feb 26, 2021, 20:4302/26/21

I'm sure there will be people who troll, just like there are people who make smurf accounts in Dota and CS:GO, but they will be relatively few and if you have a system in place to move them up automatically, they'd have to put a lot of effort into the trolling to be effective. I mean, what are they going to do down there? Sit around and just take up a slot for others in the refresh? I mentioned earlier that just being so powerful that no one wants to fight you could be a trigger for moving people up. Are they going to use their superior offense to overpower the poor newbies? Okay, sure, but then they'd gain points and climb out. Would they keep their level-1-common-defense team and use their strong team to attack? Alright, that might make them stay down there, but at the same time they'll give others free points so it sort of balances itself out and their net effect is pretty much none.

Feb 26, 2021, 20:5702/26/21

Should  i  set  a  1*  common  defense  and  drop  to  bronze  then  set  an  all  leggo  defense  i  would  imagine  i  would  stay  there  indefinitely,  no  one  would  fight  my  team  so  i  would  never  climb  out.  Tag  team  arena  is  just  as  bad  so  i  guess  they  use  a  similar  method.  It  needs  reworking  not  hot  fixing.  

Feb 26, 2021, 21:0802/26/21

Hence why I suggested that you gain points passively if people are matched against you but refuse to fight because you're too powerful. You'll end up in the tier where there are people willing to take you on. If you have no defense, you'll drop to the bottom of course, but once there you'll either provide free food with a weak defense, or slowly drift upwards unless you make it a point to fight and lose battles. All-in-all, I think that while there may be a few people willing to put that much effort into it, there shouldn't be enough for it to matter.

Feb 27, 2021, 09:2002/27/21

If they are using account power, it is problematic for people like me who started a month ago after they expanded the inventory.  Obviously I made use of the game that I came into but in Bronze 3-Silver 1 (finally got there by having a few lucky pages over a few days after getting Khatun) I only face teams with a power between 1.5x-3x my power even though their account power is similar.  In many cases their team power is close to 1/3 of their total account power.  I don't know what they are doing differently and if they just have fewer champions and haven't geared anyone for faction wars, but needless to say my team isn't within spitting distance of 1/3 of my account power.  Older players who had a smaller character inventory obviously would be playing the game a bit differently than the game that I joined.

Regardless of how they do the matchmaking, it is still absurd that there isn't a low level tier in arena.  I mean, unless you want to count Bronze 1 as an entire tier which doesn't make any sense.

On the plus side though, since I got to Silver 1 earlier today, every refresh has had a few teams which seem reasonable to try unlike in Bronze 3 and 4 which was just painful to get through.  Hopefully it remains comparatively easier even if that is absolutely absurd.  It is also annoying to have to repeat missions that I accomplished weeks ago.  It wouldn't be as bad if all of them were retroactive although they'd still be really, really, really out of order.

Feb 27, 2021, 19:0902/27/21

Sorry French who uses google translate 

For starters, I am bronze 2 or 3, lvl 49 and a power of 400k. 

Introducing my most useful champion 


As you can see I have 3 and 4 star artefacts, despite the fact of farming the 5 And in the picture you should understand why 


I am what one can call a very lucky guy, to make simple my debuff on 200 in precision and to do this I farm the alliance wars to obtain artefac with 20/25 in sub stat.

My most powerful champions 


Obviously someone will tell me that if I change some artifacts I would be better in arena but she could solo a dragon stage 11 (she is accompanied by an apothecary and level 1) and very useful for leveling. 

When I read some people claiming to have bad champions, this is what I have after 52 days and I am not the most to be pitied 


I understand all those who do not reach the silver rank because I am in the same situation. If there weren't any oblations I wouldn't be doing the arena. Some player claim that you need to sacrifice your rare champions and minimize your champion count or get up to lvl 60 quickly. 

 After several failures here is the team which allowed me to pass the 20 stage of the doomtower 


I made the mistake of following the advice without any results and I am doing the arena only for the materials. There is no point in playing in an arena when a legendary champion with 20k power can beat a team at 60k. The game offers a lot of challenges including the 30th floor of the tower .... 

Until they do something for the arena, it's best to focus on what you can do. It is more enjoyable to overcome difficulties than to pay to make things easier. 

No need to give me any advice, I'm too limited intellectually to understand that I should use Legendary Champions for Silver Rank or change gear which will make my Champions useless in 145+ Instances  

Feb 28, 2021, 04:5302/28/21

You are not the only one... If they don't fix this crap, they can say goodbye to a lot of players...


Feb 28, 2021, 19:3702/28/21

Well, 2 days after opening my shards, the situation is worse than ever. Teams twice my size is now the norm, I'm starting to see Arbiters and worse, and it's not teams with bad compositions either. I used to be able to at least maintain low S2 by constantly refreshing and picking my fights with care, now I'm barely holding on to S1, occasonally dropping into B4, and it's only a matter of time until that's out of reach. The few fights I can even attempt is a split between whether it's a 5 minute war of attrition that I may or may nt win in the end, or a complete stomp where I get obliterated before the arena has even fully loaded. The opponents I face have a much higher ratio of their total power in their arena team (mine is less than 18%, few of my opponents have been below 30% as far as I've seen). I can only guess that most everyone else in my situation has just given up on the arena entirely, and I'm not far from doing it myself. If I wasn't strong enough to be in S2 or even S1, that'd be one thing, but there's literally no difference in difficulty between S2 and B4 so far. If my previous experiences in tiers lower than that is anything to go by, it's not any better down there.

This might genuinely be the most atrocious matchmaking I've seen in any game ever. I'm hard pressed to explain why, as it seems to be almost intentionally designed to be awful. The only thing I can come up with is that they are too incompetent to realize there's a problem and find a solution, they don't actually care enough to find out/fix it, or it's intentionally designed to make it feel hopeless so that you buy shards.

Feb 28, 2021, 22:1102/28/21
Feb 28, 2021, 22:12(edited)

Marginel, you are in Bronze 2 Arena because your team is built all wrong.

Legendary Champion or No Legendary Champion - It makes no difference.

Even if you owned every Legendary Champion in the game, You still be in Bronze 2 because you build them all poorly.

Why would you put Bellower in a Sleep Set instead of a Stun Set?

You have created the worst Bellower build I have ever seen in my life.

This is why you are in Bronze 2.

Than you show a picture of you beating Doom Tower Stage 20.

The picture you showed is another bad example.

You shouldn't be using Apothecary against the Nether Spider.

It is the worst thing to do.

Bad - Very Bad

Mar 1, 2021, 12:1403/01/21

I am in B1/B2 only because I want it, I only do the arena for the material. 

Sir nicolas, is it possible to defeat him with only rare champion and without being able to remove the buffs (I know there are alternatives but need champions that I do not have), the answer is no. (if it has not been build anyhow). The list of OP champions is long and it wouldn't be fun to review them but each one needs a well-built team to defeat them. If I am quoting Sir Nicolas it is because I have seen a lot of them in B3 and often he is well accompanied. 

Bellower, I deliberately show an image with stun equipment but we will explain, at the current time with a stun build I do not exceed 100 in ACC and in the tower it is too weak to place a debuff (I'm wrong may be) 

You are really impressive for deciding that I didn't know how to build my champions with just two examples.  

Apothecary contre l'Araignée du Néant. 

You have an image with all my champions, as you should have seen I only have Spirithost to remove debuff. 

1. it is against affinity and it is difficult to keep it alive 

2. I have not yet unlocked all of her skills even though I doubt that she will be useful against this boss 

3. My only alternative is Valerie who reduces the debuff count by 1. 

Do I need to explain to you that my only viable DPS when doing this dungeon was Elhain and that I needed some really important single target healing. I know the apothecary is not a good option but it is my only option, however I have a 100% chance of defeating this boss. Should I detail all the strategy, the skill rotations .... Because I don't particularly want.

I tried to make the arena. I totaled 67 wins and 2 losses in 2 or 3 days but I could only get B3 / B4, now I'm building a team to do this damn Scarabe. 

Je pourrais vraiment abordé tous les aspets de l'arène mais c'est trés contraignant d'utiliser google trad.

I did not specifically address the arena but the reality is that it is almost impossible for me to exceed rank B4 and the reason is the presence of truly OP champion and against which I have no option . (at the current time) 

Mar 6, 2021, 20:0503/06/21

When will the bronze arena be fixed? p.s the team power is a useless crap. I have 4 champs upgraded to max level, fully equipped and I still lose from a team 4 times weaker according to team power in a matter of seconds.

Mar 6, 2021, 20:1403/06/21

It won't. I'm not sure if it's incompetence or malice, but they've made it clear that they are fine with it. My guess is it's intentionally designed to be bad so that they can trick people into buying shards.

Mar 6, 2021, 20:1703/06/21

Just like all online multiplayer games. PAY TO WIN

Mar 6, 2021, 20:2003/06/21
Aleksandar Stefanovic

When will the bronze arena be fixed? p.s the team power is a useless crap. I have 4 champs upgraded to max level, fully equipped and I still lose from a team 4 times weaker according to team power in a matter of seconds.

You're either seriously exaggerating or you have a really, really bad team. If you post it, people can help you build a better one. Arena will still be difficult even if you have a good team, but if you have 4 champs at 60 and still lose in a matter of seconds from a team with 4 times less power as you say, you're doing something seriously wrong. 

Mar 6, 2021, 21:1803/06/21

One thing you have to understand that power for teams is a lie in a way.

Res stats give the highest boost to player power, so id they all have a high res then the team power will be super high, but it doesnt mean they are strong.

If you have a super high acc and speed, then you can beat those higher power teams as long as your team in built right.

Many said focuse on campaign and stuff first, and i highly agree with that. Also farm dragon dungeon as much as you can between that. Like the days you dont have dbl dragon to get better speed and acc gear. Also focus on clan boss as well, you get rewards from that daily, while you get rewards from arena weekly.

Mar 6, 2021, 21:2203/06/21

So there is no way you can even guess if you might win according to team power. So what is the point of it? Just to screw you over?

Mar 6, 2021, 21:4203/06/21
Aleksandar Stefanovic

So there is no way you can even guess if you might win according to team power. So what is the point of it? Just to screw you over?

The team power give a rough estimate of the enemy team stats, and if the enemy team is not built by an idiot, they give a rough indication of what they can do. However, power is a deeply flawed number which makes it all the more baffling why the devs insist on using it as a basis for what appears to be numerous things. A speed nuke team, for example, is severely underestimated in the power calculation, either because speed is ignored or severely undervalued, whereas a tanky team has its power inflated. Just about every non-speed team I see in my matchups are 1.5-2 times my power (I've seen one almost 3x), whereas the speed teams are generally 1-1.5. I haven't seen a team significantly smaller than mine for weeks.

I've learned the hard way to not pick fights with teams with suspiciously low power because that usually means they are very fast and have just the damage stats needed to squish you like a bug. If you want to try it, you better have tanky champions with high resist. Although I've also learned the hard way not to pick fights with teams with way higher power, because enough raw stats can just smash through whatever you have regardless. I pick fights in roughly the 1.5-1.7 range of my own power, and try to make sure they don't have clensers or extreme defense heroes because that kind of team can just cancel out mine. I know I can't outspeed other teams, so I don't bother trying. I know my strategy depends almost entirely on having just enough speed to make it through the first round with their team being debuffed and making sure to block theirs. So I pick my fights carefully to give me every edge I can get, because I need it against teams full of 60* legendaries.

Which isn't to say the arena system isn't broken, because it is, but depending on your specific situation you may experience it more or less. I'm facing Arbiters in bronze, a champion that you get by completing a quest line that requires you to climb way higher than that in the rankings. You shouldn't have to be late-game to climb out of the bottom ranks, but it seems that it's either that or play the game in a very specific way to exploit the matchmaking system.