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I've been plateauing with my 5* Kael, who can't farm Brutal 12.3, and I'm not sure how to fix it

I've been plateauing with my 5* Kael, who can't farm Brutal 12.3, and I'm not sure how to fix it

Feb 7, 2021, 03:4002/07/21



Now,  next  mission  :)


Feb 7, 2021, 15:1602/07/21

As stated, you can't progress in game with 5* champs.

1. 6* kael

2. Buy masteries for kael (800 gems)

3. Farm 9.3 for Warmaiden (keep farming until booked)

3. Farm 12.3 brutal (don't even look at NM)

4. 6* Apothecary

5. Post your roster after these two are 60 and figure out who to 6* next

Congratulations on completing step 1 :)

Hopefully you already are seeing how much better kael is now.

Feb 9, 2021, 00:1102/09/21

And I've just completed step 2!

I should take Warmaster, right?

Now, farming, booking and leveling Warmaiden.

Feb 9, 2021, 00:4302/09/21

And I've just completed step 2!

I should take Warmaster, right?

Now, farming, booking and leveling Warmaiden.

Yes, you want Warmaster on Kael for Clan Boss + Dungeon.

The below is a screenshot of the masteries I use for my Kael:


Yeah, I would work on Warmaiden next.

You can get Warmaiden from Chapter 9.

You can farm Chapter 9-3 or 9-6 to get extra copies of Warmaiden.

Than you can use the extra copies as Books to get her skills maxed for Free.

The below is a screenshot of my Warmaiden gear if your wondering:


Gloves - C.Rate

Chest - HP% or ATK% depending on what your using her for 

Shoes - Speed

The Screen shot above is using HP% Chest because I am currently using her for Dungeon.

The HP% Chest can help her live longer in the Dungeon.

If I use my Warmaiden in Arena, I swap the chest from HP% to ATK%.

The ATK% Chest is better for Arena to deal more damage to the enemy.

Feb 9, 2021, 01:5402/09/21


I know where to find her : I already had 7 spare Warmaiden (I farmed a lot chapter 9 recently...) I just used them, and now I have the 100% of placing Decrease DEF 💪. I'm gonna keep farming to get more.

Feb 10, 2021, 04:2602/10/21

Oh boy, three staring those brutal campaign stages with Kael and Warmaiden is such a delight!

Now I really need to get their speed right (since my Kael is faster than Warmaiden), to be efficient in Arena.

Feb 13, 2021, 02:2702/13/21

I think your trying to run before you can walk just lvl Kael to 60. 

Feb 13, 2021, 18:5402/13/21

I think your trying to run before you can walk just lvl Kael to 60. 

I already did.

Feb 13, 2021, 19:2002/13/21

For my 4th 4* champion (before I 6* Apothecary), should I pick Coldheart (I think so), Athel or Fenax?

The goal is to use him as a damage dealer in dungeons, CB, and finisher in Arena. My usual roster being: Kael, Apothecary, Warmaiden (or Seeker in CB), Rector Drath + one champion.

Feb 13, 2021, 19:3602/13/21

not ch yet, definitely not athel. post current roster

Feb 13, 2021, 20:0102/13/21

Kael, Apothecary, Warmaiden, Coldheart, Rector Drath, Seeker, Spirithost, Athel, Fenax, Aox

Armina, Warpriest, Basilisk, Valla, Kalia, Soulbound Bowyer, Seer, Shaman, Sikara, High Khatun, Jizoh, Zelotah, Galek, Whisper, Towering Titan, 

Sniper, Zephyr Sniper, Archer, Shieldguard, Armiger, Outlaw Monk, Saurus, Skinner, Dhampir, Skullsquire, Sister Militant, Deathhound, Diabolist, Executionner, Metalshaper, Graybeard, Gnarlhorn, Skullsworn + a few other ones I use for CW

Feb 13, 2021, 20:1602/13/21

I mean, for my 4th 5* champion (they're already 4*)

Feb 15, 2021, 17:0302/15/21

not ch yet, definitely not athel. post current roster

Why don't you think I should level Coldheart up now? 

She's my second nuker in dungeons and CB, and this is where I need to progress, now that I have a good campaign farmer and a good Arena team, no?

Feb 15, 2021, 18:1402/15/21

You won't use CH in CB, CH is great for highest level dungeons BUT you may not get to level 20 dungeons unless your support is strong.  I'd 6star Rector and Apothecary and even WM before CH.

Feb 15, 2021, 20:2402/15/21

I understand, but my goal is not to reach Dungeon 20, only 13 for now. 

And I'm not 6 staring anybody now, only 5 staring -- although 6* Kael was worth it.

As I explained, I'm ok with progressing slowly, and wasting time, as long as I'm having fun. For instance, I'm spending a lot on ressources on Clan War, making a bunch of 4*, and although it is supposed to be end game, it is actually my favorite part of the game right now. So maybe this is not the canonic way, but it works for me, as a F2P. I don't know if you're F2P as well, but 6* Kael was such a pain in the ass, I almost dropped the game, so before I do it again, I want to get a somewhat efficient dungeon team. Doesn't matter if I don't reach level 20 now. In CB, I'm doing pretty well, doing more damage than most players of the same level in my clan, and Coldheart is doing great there, with here A3. I want to see it at level 50 now.

For now, Rector at 40, Apothecary at 50 and Warmadein at 50 are doing their job very well. I will 6 star them, but first, I want to have a good second damage dealer.

Feb 15, 2021, 21:2802/15/21

rector to 50 b4 ch 4 sure, u have 2 attackers kael and wm.  

Feb 15, 2021, 21:3402/15/21

alright! thank you

Feb 15, 2021, 21:3802/15/21

The dungeons really change at 13+, your attackers will die very quickly without strong support.  It is a whole new ballgame :)  And trust me, you will like the gear much better at 20 than 13.

Honestly, I would start working on Zelotah before CH.  Amazing epic that does not need books! 

Mar 6, 2021, 19:2103/06/21

Hi guys!

Well, I've followed (most of) your advice, and had a lot of fun these past few weeks.

I now have the chickens for a 2nd 6*, and was wondering if it *had* to be Apothecary, of if another option wouldn't be better. 

The thing is, the one area I really struggle right now is Arena, and Apothecary is not in my Arena speed team, which is Kael 60, Warmaiden 50, Seeker 50 and High Katun 40. I'm kindda stuck in Bronze II, sometimes I reach Bronze III but not for long. 

So here's the question : should I 6* Apo, and include him in my arena team? Like: Spirithost for the speed aura and increase ATK (instead of Seeker), Apo for the turn meter and sustaining extra turns if I can't nuke everythig at once, Warmaiden and Kael. Or should I take a completely different approach?

To be honest, I waited for the x2 events to take a decision, hoping to get my first lego, and the shard opening was kindda underwhelming. With 4 sacred shards, I got: Aothar, Jareg, Catacomb Councilor and Spider. I know these are good champions, but mostly for Clan Boss (except for Spider), where I already have a decent team, allowing me to max the Brutal CB in 2 or 3 keys (Frozen Banshee, Rector Drath, Outlaw Monk, Apothecary, Kael)... I was hoping for a game changer champion, and didn't get one (unless I'm missing something).

So what should I do? 6* Apothecary, period, and keep farming and opening shards until I get better champions?

Mar 6, 2021, 19:2603/06/21

Speaking of opening shards, is it a good idea to open my 3 Void shards today (and my 20 Ancient tomorrow), or should I wait for the new Faction next week? 

I just opened one, and I felt like the RNG was laughing at me. For the last 10 days, I had bought the fragments for Bloodhorn at the Bazaar (for the Broadmaw fusionà. I literally just got my last fragments, when I decided to open a Void shard, only to get... Bloodhorn. The most disappointing shard opening ever.