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Stag Knight vs Skullcrusher

Stag Knight vs Skullcrusher

Jan 7, 2021, 13:4401/07/21

Stag Knight vs Skullcrusher

I have a Stag Knight and a Skullcrusher, wich one should I develop for Clan Boss? FTP

Jan 7, 2021, 13:5001/07/21

Skullcrown or Skullcrusher? Both are good, but very different! Skullcrown doesn't belong in CB. 

Both SK and Skullcrusher can be important parts of a CB team. Which one is the priority depends on the rest of your team. 

Jan 7, 2021, 13:5201/07/21

Skullcrown or Skullcrusher? Both are good, but very different! Skullcrown doesn't belong in CB. 

Both SK and Skullcrusher can be important parts of a CB team. Which one is the priority depends on the rest of your team. 

Right now my team is




Scyl of the Drakes



Clan Boss Brutal (damage between 4m and 4.5m)

Jan 7, 2021, 14:1701/07/21

Need screenshot of full roster.  Long-term (NM/UNM) you might not use any of the first 5.  Stag I would build for dungeons, that should be your priority based on where I am guessing you are in progression.  Skullcrusher definitely for CB

Jan 7, 2021, 14:4701/07/21

Need screenshot of full roster.  Long-term (NM/UNM) you might not use any of the first 5.  Stag I would build for dungeons, that should be your priority based on where I am guessing you are in progression.  Skullcrusher definitely for CB



Jan 7, 2021, 15:4201/07/21

where to start... too many 50s, not enough 60s... ratio should be flipped

chicken farming for January...

6stars needed...stag, skullcrusher, zelotah, alure

Jan 7, 2021, 16:5501/07/21

where to start... too many 50s, not enough 60s... ratio should be flipped

chicken farming for January...

6stars needed...stag, skullcrusher, zelotah, alure

Thanks brother 💪

Jan 7, 2021, 17:0501/07/21

Don't forget about Sepulcher Sentinel too. :)

IMO build Skullcrusher and Sepulcher first if CB is where you're looking to improve in. 

Jan 7, 2021, 21:0101/07/21

i agree sepulchur is ultra nightmare viable champ and passive blocking damage on all very handy, skullcrusher great champ with his counter attack giving you extra hits resulting in higher damage 

if i was you i would do skullcrusher 1st to 60 and fully mastered he alone will make the damage increase - if you speed tune your cb team just remember apothocary will throw speeds out with his speed skill but thats ok still great champs for you 

when you build skullcrusher keep his accuracy as close to 0 as you can so he doesnt land his heal reduction ability wasting a debuff space, and his speed should be only 1 or so above clan boss to really help you out.

after skullcrusher id do sepulchur then stag, as soon as you pull a frozen banshee get her to 60 then you will see another jump in damage - for a rare she really helps a heap and paired with skull crusher can stack that debuff bar with poisons - she will need accuracy to land poison sensitivity to then be able to land poisons if her a3 doesnt land her a1 poisons wont land.

then itll be all about pulling a debuff extender ill share a pic of my ultra cb team with fb & skullcrusher just to show you once you get few good champs whats possible and by no means im no heavy hitter or pro etc just trying to help you out.

Jan 7, 2021, 21:0801/07/21

almost able to get to near the 2 key area with out unkillable team have a few small tweaks to make 

if you are able to chip away in the classic arena i highly suggest trying to get your great hall items upgraded if you havent already been working on them. 


keep us updated on how your going be good to see if we have been able to help your damage jump

Jan 8, 2021, 14:2501/08/21

Don't forget about Sepulcher Sentinel too. :)

IMO build Skullcrusher and Sepulcher first if CB is where you're looking to improve in. 

Thank you!

Jan 8, 2021, 14:2601/08/21

i agree sepulchur is ultra nightmare viable champ and passive blocking damage on all very handy, skullcrusher great champ with his counter attack giving you extra hits resulting in higher damage 

if i was you i would do skullcrusher 1st to 60 and fully mastered he alone will make the damage increase - if you speed tune your cb team just remember apothocary will throw speeds out with his speed skill but thats ok still great champs for you 

when you build skullcrusher keep his accuracy as close to 0 as you can so he doesnt land his heal reduction ability wasting a debuff space, and his speed should be only 1 or so above clan boss to really help you out.

after skullcrusher id do sepulchur then stag, as soon as you pull a frozen banshee get her to 60 then you will see another jump in damage - for a rare she really helps a heap and paired with skull crusher can stack that debuff bar with poisons - she will need accuracy to land poison sensitivity to then be able to land poisons if her a3 doesnt land her a1 poisons wont land.

then itll be all about pulling a debuff extender ill share a pic of my ultra cb team with fb & skullcrusher just to show you once you get few good champs whats possible and by no means im no heavy hitter or pro etc just trying to help you out.

Thanks a lot Scrim this was super helpful, I'll get to farming them chikens for skull and sepulcher !!!

Jan 8, 2021, 15:2101/08/21

I still say Stag > Sepulcher, possibly even stag b4 SC (and I love SC -- have two at 60!)

1. All dungeon 20 teams

2. Doom Tower

You have enough champs to focus on 6starring AND GEARING.  Farming & Dungeon progress

I rest my case

Feb 7, 2021, 17:2502/07/21


Hello people this is my update, I still need some work, who would you change here? I have spulcher sentinel But I dont know who I will change for her. Thanks people.

Feb 7, 2021, 17:5702/07/21


Hello people this is my update, I still need some work, who would you change here? I have spulcher sentinel But I dont know who I will change for her. Thanks people.

First off, you should swap apothecary out of the eader slot so that you have an active aura (apoth's only applies in dungeons).

Second, the ones you should look to switch out are scyll, aothar, and apothecary.

Scyll is a great champion overall, but not all that good for cb specifically. However, with your current lineup, it seems like she's  solely responsible for keeping your team alive so i would swap her out once you have a better healer.

Aothar's A2 is amazing and his aura is an option for cb, but that's really all he brings to the table.

Apothecary is great in certain teams, but typically avoided in counter-attack builds. (Admittedly, i run a speed tuned counte-attack team with both skullcrusher and apothecary, so feel free to take what i said with a grain of salt. But there's a reason it's not a common build).

Based on what i know, i would drop apothecary (if your scullcrusher can keep his buffs on turn without the speed boost) or aothar (if not) and put sepulcher sentinel in the leader slot regardless, but post your roster if you want more accurate advice.

Feb 7, 2021, 19:1202/07/21

Carpe is correct.

Apothecary - Scyl - Aother don't belong on your team.

You want the following debuffs on the Clan Boss:

- Atk Down

- Def Down

- Weaken

- Poison

- HP Burn (Opitional)

- Leech (Optional)

Sepulcher Sen. (Atk Down) should be on your team, unless you pulled a new Atk Down hero.

Rhazn (Def Down + Weaken) should be on your team, unless you haven't fused him.

Frozen Bashee (Poison) should do enough Poison's by herself to stack up your debuffs.

I didn't see anyone on your roster who does HP Burn.

HP Burn is optional - It isn't really necessary.

Sometimes, people can fit an HP Burn hero into there team.

Othertimes, people just don't worry about it.

I didn't see anyone on your roster who does Leech.

Leech is optional - It is only necessary when your team isn't wearing Lifesteal gear.

If all your heroes are in lifesteal gear, You don't really need leech.

The Goal with Clan Boss is to stay alive as long as possible.

You often want to find a way to heal so you can live a longer.

Lifesteal Gear is the main way of healing your champions.

Running a Leech Debuffer is a side line way of healing your champions.


The 4th hero you add to your team is to help your team stay consistant.

Skullcrusher is the hero your using for consistency.

Sepulcher does her Atk Down on A1/Default Skill.

Frozen Banshee does her Poison on A1/Default Skill.

Skullcrusher does Counter Attack which lets your heroes hit with there A1/Default skill.

This helps your team maintain the debuffs on the Clan Boss more consistently.


The 5th hero you add into your team is called the Flex Spot.

You can run a wide range of heroes depending on what your team may need.

The 5th hero can be any of the following:

- Leech Hero (For Healing)

- HP Burn Hero (For HP Burn Damage)

- Healing Hero (For Extra Survival)

- Shielding Hero (For Extra Survival)

- Increase Defense Hero (For Extra Tankiness)

- Debuff Extender (For Extra Consistency)  <--- Scrim showed a picture with Vizir doing this approach

- Buff Extender (For Extra Layer of Buffs) 

- Damage Reduction Hero (For Extra Survival)

- Cleansing Hero (For Countering the Clan Boss Stun)

- Block Debuff Buff Hero (For Preventing the Clan Boss Stun)

- Strong Psychical Damage Nuker (For More Damage Output)

- Turn Meter Filling Hero (For Tuning Purposes) <-- Not most common when using Skullcrusher, but Carpe mention he does this - Its valid if you can adjust the speeds correctly.

There are countless more 5th hero options that I missed, but I don't feel like writing a massive list.

I'm just showing you a few so you can begin thinking about it.

Feb 7, 2021, 19:1402/07/21
Player J

Carpe is correct.

Apothecary - Scyl - Aother don't belong on your team.

You want the following debuffs on the Clan Boss:

- Atk Down

- Def Down

- Weaken

- Poison

- HP Burn (Opitional)

- Leech (Optional)

Sepulcher Sen. (Atk Down) should be on your team, unless you pulled a new Atk Down hero.

Rhazn (Def Down + Weaken) should be on your team, unless you haven't fused him.

Frozen Bashee (Poison) should do enough Poison's by herself to stack up your debuffs.

I didn't see anyone on your roster who does HP Burn.

HP Burn is optional - It isn't really necessary.

Sometimes, people can fit an HP Burn hero into there team.

Othertimes, people just don't worry about it.

I didn't see anyone on your roster who does Leech.

Leech is optional - It is only necessary when your team isn't wearing Lifesteal gear.

If all your heroes are in lifesteal gear, You don't really need leech.

The Goal with Clan Boss is to stay alive as long as possible.

You often want to find a way to heal so you can live a longer.

Lifesteal Gear is the main way of healing your champions.

Running a Leech Debuffer is a side line way of healing your champions.


The 4th hero you add to your team is to help your team stay consistant.

Skullcrusher is the hero your using for consistency.

Sepulcher does her Atk Down on A1/Default Skill.

Frozen Banshee does her Poison on A1/Default Skill.

Skullcrusher does Counter Attack which lets your heroes hit with there A1/Default skill.

This helps your team maintain the debuffs on the Clan Boss more consistently.


The 5th hero you add into your team is called the Flex Spot.

You can run a wide range of heroes depending on what your team may need.

The 5th hero can be any of the following:

- Leech Hero (For Healing)

- HP Burn Hero (For HP Burn Damage)

- Healing Hero (For Extra Survival)

- Shielding Hero (For Extra Survival)

- Increase Defense Hero (For Extra Tankiness)

- Debuff Extender (For Extra Consistency)  <--- Scrim showed a picture with Vizir doing this approach

- Buff Extender (For Extra Layer of Buffs) 

- Damage Reduction Hero (For Extra Survival)

- Cleansing Hero (For Countering the Clan Boss Stun)

- Block Debuff Buff Hero (For Preventing the Clan Boss Stun)

- Strong Psychical Damage Nuker (For More Damage Output)

- Turn Meter Filling Hero (For Tuning Purposes) <-- Not most common when using Skullcrusher, but Carpe mention he does this - Its valid if you can adjust the speeds correctly.

There are countless more 5th hero options that I missed, but I don't feel like writing a massive list.

I'm just showing you a few so you can begin thinking about it.

This is great! I will publish my updated champios now.

Feb 7, 2021, 19:5502/07/21

Do you have chickens to 6star sepulcher? 

Feb 7, 2021, 20:0102/07/21

You should 100% be using Sepulcher.

Sepulcher is your best Attack Down champion.

You probably should use her in your Clan Boss team.

I don't see Rhazin in your roster.

It seems like you haven't fused him from Portal, yet.

The only Def Down + Weaken hero I see in your Roster is the Dwarf.

Rugnor Goldgleam seems to be the only option you have.

You probably should use him in your Clan Boss team.

1 - Sepulcher (Atk Down + Increase Defense + Block Debuff Buff)

2 - Rugnor Goldgleam (Def Down + Weaken + Leech)

3 - Frozen Bahsee (Poison + Poison Sen.)

4 - Skullcrusher (Counter Attack)

5 - Flex Spot

The hero I would pick for 5th spot would probably be Zelotah.

Zelotah does Shields and I think Zelotah looks cool.

In Addition, Lets say you decide to remove Zelotah from your Clan Boss team 1 day.

Zelotah is insanely good for Faction Wars 

Here is a Screenshot of my Zelotah helping me defeat Stage 21 of Undead Faction.


Zelotah is insanely good for Dungeons

Here is a Screenshot of my Zelotah helping me farm Stage 20 of Ice Golem.


Zelotah is amazing in Doom Tower vs. Scarab King.

Here is a Screenshot of my Zelotah helping me defeat Floor 50 on first rotation of Scarab King. 


Honestly, if you look at the reviews on Zelotah, You can further see how crazy he really is.

4.8 to 5 star reviews on this hero for almost everything.

The game has like 15 or so different game areas.

Zelotah scores 4.8 to 5 star in all of them except 2 (Spider + Fire Knight).

I fully booked my Zelotah.

I fully mastered my Zelotah.

I have no regrets.

Feb 7, 2021, 20:0902/07/21

I also think you should 6star zelotah, but recommend not using books on him. You will need books for sepulcher.