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Whales ruin tournaments as a whole for non paying players.

Whales ruin tournaments as a whole for non paying players.

Oct 4, 2020, 14:0210/04/20

ClosedPoly said:

Know your place in the scheme of things.  This game is not for anyone who believes they can be #1 and never spend any money.  

This is where you are wrong 

This is but a matter of time until f2p can compete with whales. All the "whale" thing is just: I wanna go there faster! It's probably why I like the race-car analogy that someone has stated earlier pretty much. Because that's what it is.

Any f2p player will eventually get the most sought after champions, the most sought after gear, and whatever is decided by RNG. Spending money just gets you there faster, because you can open more shards, play more dungeons, and thus - by the sheer amount of more RNG rolls - get lucky earlier than someone who just has to wait for the loot and not buying it.

It can be frustrating at times, seeing other people win tournaments, just because they spend a few hundred bucks. But it is what it is.

Just collect what you get for progression and don't aim for the ranking rewards. It's basically just a: Who spends more money contest anyway 

Oct 4, 2020, 15:1110/04/20
Oct 4, 2020, 15:14(edited)

ClosedPoly said:

Indent14 said:

someone makes me laugh, ha ha ha, "free to play" game makers may not want free players but they do NEED free players. It's not 100% but 1000% guarantee all game makers really really need F2P players. 

Who make the game popular, minority P2W or majority F2P ? 

Without F2P, you believe players will become P2W ? you do but developers don't. 

Although this developer is too greedy but they also feed F2P players a lot, how many free daily gifts players got ? They do need F2P. 

They need f2p players to be victims for whales.  Whales pay the bills so this game site can exist.  We need whales and they need f2p and minnows.  But, you have to be realistic.  Know your place in the scheme of things.  This game is not for anyone who believes they can be #1 and never spend any money. 

@THAKE wrote some reply but I would add some more.

Victims, yes and no, because you think there are only 2 objects: whales & "completely" f2p players, but actually it's not like that. 

- Whales "barely" compete non-paid f2p players, "barely" means whales may fight f2p at the very beginning, but more & more the game will separate whales & f2p to 2 different ways. This point I say even All forum moderators (*) don't even know, unless they are or used to be game makers. 

- Now imagine a pyramid, ok ? human pyramid, the bottom is full of completely non-paid players, they are all sitting and each hold a SPEAR, sit on those SPEARs are low spenders, who are sitting on f2p SPEARS, and also hold a SPEAR, sit on their SPEARs are Sparrows, who spend more than low spenders, then blah blah blah ... dolphins, whales, etc. 

- Whales don't fight f2p, it's easy win, it's too boring, if so first they stop spending, 2nd they will quit. The game have to let Whales fight Dolphins, if Dolphins pay more, they switch places. I do hope you are smart enough to know the rest. 

(*) one said punishing something, because he did not know the game already had it, Classic Arena. 

Oct 4, 2020, 15:3910/04/20

KIS = keep it simple

You all just keep making things more complicated than it needs to be...

You know those free sample sausages on supermarket? Yeah that's how Freemium games work, the company gives you free samples on what "winning tastes like" those who like it will buy the sausage, some buy 1 or 2 packs, those who really like it buy a whole truck load.

And then there are those who just like to come back everyday to the supermarket looking for the free samples.

There's not really a pyramid scheme or complicated structure to box players, at the end of the day, the game is just a big free sample in the hope that you like it enough that you will buy it so you can taste what "winning" feels like again and again and again.

It is that simple...
Oct 4, 2020, 16:1510/04/20

Thake said:

This is but a matter of time until f2p can compete with whales. All the "whale" thing is just: I wanna go there faster! It's probably why I like the race-car analogy that someone has stated earlier pretty much. Because that's what it is.

Any f2p player will eventually get the most sought after champions, the most sought after gear, and whatever is decided by RNG. Spending money just gets you there faster, because you can open more shards, play more dungeons, and thus - by the sheer amount of more RNG rolls - get lucky earlier than someone who just has to wait for the loot and not buying it.

This is absurd. As an F2P player, you're never going to get the kind of roster the big whales have, with fifty or a hundred legendaries including all the good void legendaries. You're never going to be competing for the top spots in platinum arena - probably won't even get to platinum at all. Of course an F2P player could still build a very solid roster including a bunch of great legendaries, through some combination of luck, time and skill. Eventually they might even get Arbiter (before the arena drama of the last half year, I imagine a good number of F2P players managed to get Arbiter). But it will still be much more limited than what real whales have. 

That being said, it's silly to talk as if the only categories of players are F2P and whales, like a lot of people are doing in this thread. Obviously there's a huge group inbetween which spends some money, but not like whales do. 

Oct 4, 2020, 19:5010/04/20
You can probably save shards for a few months and win your tournament group.  And people waiting to see what 1st place is at near the end before opening shards seems both normal and smart.  being FTP you'll probably never rank on the global board though lol.  The last chase event global winner was at like 80K or something silly.  Probably already had Skarg and Venus and was just flexing,
Oct 4, 2020, 19:5910/04/20

Hi,I am f2p player playing almost from start of this game with cca 6 months break. I don't understand why you are so angry because you can not win some event or becaouse you are not able to be in platinum arena.

I have seen video in youtube ... there was double chance for secret shards... p2w player bought 54 secred shards and only what he wanted was pull some legendary hero which he doesnt have. But he already have all the top heroes, he is in platinum arena and he miss just last 8 ... soon 10 legendary heroes. Is it what do you want? I think it is much better be not in top... Much better is play smartly and beat some whale. And because you dont have all the heroes.. it is much more funny open your shards..... 

And last think ... how long are you play for? You can not want be in the top or have Arbiter if you play few mounths... I can garantee that you really dont need pay for be in G4 arena to complet the mission. Not after they changed arena in last days... G4 is open for all who play longer time.

And how somebady already wrote.. you can win some tutorial or event... but not always..... f2p must just save shards or energy or gems or what you will need for event/tutorial.

Oct 4, 2020, 22:0010/04/20
Oct 4, 2020, 22:01(edited)

Im not sure I agree with this, where would I fall if I spent 5 dollars on this game? lol F2P? or P2W? I started this game a few weeks ago and I enjoy the fact that its really not pay to win. I have no need to pay for things to avoid being slap around by people who do pay for things. I dont have a ton of champions 2 legendaries that I got for free skarg and drogkul. And I have won a couple of tournaments, not the summoning ones for obvious reasons. But again people here keep talking about "fair" the idea that you think its fair that someone who spent 1 penny on the game should be in the same league as people who spend thousands isnt really "fair" either is it lol.

Like others have said here I just focus on the sidebar stuff I dont get them all but being a new player and not a "whale" as they call it Im fine with whatever I can get.

derezirection said:

OzzLee said:

I'm an F2P myself, all I can suggest for you is just to go for the sidebar rewards, and ignore the ranking rewards... It saved me from the heart break when I didn't acknowledge the ranking rewards exists

Sidebar rewards are nearly impossible too. Especially for tournaments that are really slow to progress due requiring certain items to be used (like shards for champion chase, brews for training, etc.) Players who even spend a penny on the game should be in a separate tournament bracket while players who haven't will have their own bracket as well. 

Oct 4, 2020, 22:5210/04/20

derezirection said:

Was first place in a champion chase tournament thanks to some luck pulling a legendary out of a ancient shard and kept trying to put in points any way i can since i like to earn my stuff and not pay $100 for it. But unfortunately for me i had to end up in a tourny with players using mommy and daddy's credit card to buy every sacred shard in the shop and boost their way to TRIPLE the points i have and the 2 people below him are double my points as well. How the fuck is this fair? That people can spend money to give them an advantage in every damn aspect of the game? 

Hate to break it to you but this is a pay to progress game in every aspects of it. 

during 2x events and 10x events people will spend money on shards, or save their shard until the end of the event so they know exactly how many shards they need to use to win first place.

so for all you know that person was waiting till the end to open there shards 
Oct 5, 2020, 01:3210/05/20

Tree = Bottom Small, Top Big. 

Pyramid = Bottom Big, Top Small. 

Old words say: Those buffaloes are listen to my music. Thank you but not thank you. 

Oct 31, 2020, 11:5410/31/20

i think there is some political pressure here...some "Martial Society" doesn't want free and fun game they pressurize the company from having a free and fun game. Kinda like Mafia (i know it's crazy) The worst part is they threaten the company that if they make their game free; they will sabotage everything they have because it will beat the cycle of greed of other greedy company!!! 

We just don't know who is in-control of the gaming industry. it made some bullshit law that if you make a free and fun game you are going down the hole and pit of suffering!!!

This is my speculation because i mean Plarium could've made a free and fun game but no it seems some shady Mafia group is in control of gaming industry and prevents such free games to exist!!!