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Whales ruin tournaments as a whole for non paying players.

Whales ruin tournaments as a whole for non paying players.

Oct 3, 2020, 12:1510/03/20

Whales ruin tournaments as a whole for non paying players.

Was first place in a champion chase tournament thanks to some luck pulling a legendary out of a ancient shard and kept trying to put in points any way i can since i like to earn my stuff and not pay $100 for it. But unfortunately for me i had to end up in a tourny with players using mommy and daddy's credit card to buy every sacred shard in the shop and boost their way to TRIPLE the points i have and the 2 people below him are double my points as well. How the fuck is this fair? That people can spend money to give them an advantage in every damn aspect of the game? 
Oct 3, 2020, 12:3210/03/20
Welcome to competitive gaming my friend. In most / all video games with a "pay 2 fast" perspective, you can't blame people for spending their money in whatever they want. It's annoying but the money is the money. And from a company point of view (Plarium) that's what keeps the games alive, no one starts a company not to earn money

derezirection said:

Was first place in a champion chase tournament thanks to some luck pulling a legendary out of a ancient shard and kept trying to put in points any way i can since i like to earn my stuff and not pay $100 for it. But unfortunately for me i had to end up in a tourny with players using mommy and daddy's credit card to buy every sacred shard in the shop and boost their way to TRIPLE the points i have and the 2 people below him are double my points as well. How the fuck is this fair? That people can spend money to give them an advantage in every damn aspect of the game? 

Oct 3, 2020, 12:3610/03/20

I'm an F2P myself, all I can suggest for you is just to go for the sidebar rewards, and ignore the ranking rewards... It saved me from the heart break when I didn't acknowledge the ranking rewards exists

Oct 3, 2020, 12:3710/03/20
Oct 3, 2020, 12:40(edited)
SENDA said:

Welcome to competitive gaming my friend. In most / all video games with a "pay 2 fast" perspective, you can't blame people for spending their money in whatever they want. It's annoying but the money is the money. And from a company point of view (Plarium) that's what keeps the games alive, no one starts a company not to earn money

derezirection said:

Was first place in a champion chase tournament thanks to some luck pulling a legendary out of a ancient shard and kept trying to put in points any way i can since i like to earn my stuff and not pay $100 for it. But unfortunately for me i had to end up in a tourny with players using mommy and daddy's credit card to buy every sacred shard in the shop and boost their way to TRIPLE the points i have and the 2 people below him are double my points as well. How the fuck is this fair? That people can spend money to give them an advantage in every damn aspect of the game? 

It's called limitations. You don't allow paying players to have such an advantage over no paying that it literally keeps them from getting better via tournaments and events.  This is just pure laziness on Plariums part for not balancing this out. A phone game company doesn't need much money to stay up anyways so "money" isn't an excuse, so don't start sticking up for them. 
Oct 3, 2020, 12:4010/03/20
OzzLee said:

I'm an F2P myself, all I can suggest for you is just to go for the sidebar rewards, and ignore the ranking rewards... It saved me from the heart break when I didn't acknowledge the ranking rewards exists

Sidebar rewards are nearly impossible too. Especially for tournaments that are really slow to progress due requiring certain items to be used (like shards for champion chase, brews for training, etc.) Players who even spend a penny on the game should be in a separate tournament bracket while players who haven't will have their own bracket as well. 
Oct 3, 2020, 13:2610/03/20

derezirection said:

Sidebar rewards are nearly impossible too. Especially for tournaments that are really slow to progress due requiring certain items to be used (like shards for champion chase, brews for training, etc.) Players who even spend a penny on the game should be in a separate tournament bracket while players who haven't will have their own bracket as well. 

look, if you think the sidebar rewards are impossible, then all I can say is, it's going to be really hard to compete for the ranking rewards, as it is meant to be above the sidebar rewards, specially those that are the top 5 rewards.

and separating the players would be nearly impossible, what happens when someone who didn't pay before suddently decide the top reards worth nuking the rank buy buying stuffs mid tournament?

just treat it as the non tournament event, and go as far as you can... again ignoring the existance of the ranking rewards helps A LOT!
Oct 3, 2020, 14:3810/03/20

As it's been said before me, multiple times:

 Ignoring the existance of the ranking rewards helps A LOT!

This. Sooo much this.

You'll never be competitive without spending money. At least not in the top tier.. because what you can buy ingame, just aims at that: Make you stronger / more competitive.

Oct 3, 2020, 14:5310/03/20

Everyone can win a tournament completely by playing F2P, what you cannot do is participate in all and win, if you want to win in a tournament of opening shards and you are an F2P player. You have to save many fragments over several months and open them in the tournament that you want to win later.

I recognize that there are many people who win tournaments by paying, but there are a huge number of people who save a lot of fragments for months to open everything at once. F2P players who kill daily ultra and nightmare have about 5 yellow shards per month, about 50 blue shards, and 10-15 void.

If everyone in late-game can do that, why do you have to win over everyone else? Save and win the next one as many do and if the next one is impossible, wait for another. It is not easy to be first among 100 players

Oct 3, 2020, 15:0810/03/20
Pipsie said:

Everyone can win a tournament completely by playing F2P, what you cannot do is participate in all and win, if you want to win in a tournament of opening shards and you are an F2P player. You have to save many fragments over several months and open them in the tournament that you want to win later.

I recognize that there are many people who win tournaments by paying, but there are a huge number of people who save a lot of fragments for months to open everything at once. F2P players who kill daily ultra and nightmare have about 5 yellow shards per month, about 50 blue shards, and 10-15 void.

If everyone in late-game can do that, why do you have to win over everyone else? Save and win the next one as many do and if the next one is impossible, wait for another. It is not easy to be first among 100 players

I have yet to and I've been playing for at least 6 months now. Every tournament is won by a p2p player. If people were saving, I wouldn't of been first place for the first 2 days of the tournament sooo. The fact 3 players who wernt even apart of the tournament shoot to first place in a matter of seconds is BULLSHIT. This game gives way too much advantage to pay pigs.
Oct 3, 2020, 15:2210/03/20
with no whales there is no game, go play something else if you expect to win a tournament as f2p.  and yes, i am f2p as well
Oct 3, 2020, 16:0310/03/20

Trips said:

with no whales there is no game, go play something else if you expect to win a tournament as f2p.  and yes, i am f2p as well

It's not his point.

His point is, that whales should not be on the same competitive list as f2p players. You state an obvious point, which isn't the debate here.
Oct 3, 2020, 16:3610/03/20

I think Plarium should sort winners to same groups and losers in other groups, base on previous tournament's points. For example you could send all 0 points from last tournament to same group, the new tournament would be more compete-able for them. 

(some could do a trick by drop 1 tournament but they are minor)
Oct 3, 2020, 16:5810/03/20

derezirection said:

Players who even spend a penny on the game should be in a separate tournament bracket while players who haven't will have their own bracket as well. 

Imagine that you spent money to win a tournament. Then the game punishes you putting in a group that is even harder to win because everyone there spent money. 

You invented "pay to lose" model :)
Oct 3, 2020, 17:2410/03/20

SunnyRay said:

derezirection said:

Players who even spend a penny on the game should be in a separate tournament bracket while players who haven't will have their own bracket as well. 

Imagine that you spent money to win a tournament. Then the game punishes you putting in a group that is even harder to win because everyone there spent money. 

You invented "pay to lose" model :)

You can have multiple different views on 1 thing/event. 

Plarium could earn more by grouping P2W players together as well. 

For example: normally a P2W only need to spend $100 to beat all F2P players, easy win; When group them in 1 group, the winner may need to spend $1000 to beat other P2W players. 

Let look at global leaderboard, that is P2W competition, it is invented to let P2W players pay more. 

Oct 3, 2020, 17:3010/03/20
Plarium should make a way that whalees have their own game and f2p can also injoy the game. It is no use as a f2p player that you must farm extra hard to get good gera but whalers can afford to bye the gears. It is just a money making game. If u dont have cash to soend than u wont advance in this game. 
Oct 3, 2020, 18:0610/03/20
vljrudolph said:

Plarium should make a way that whalees have their own game and f2p can also injoy the game. It is no use as a f2p player that you must farm extra hard to get good gera but whalers can afford to bye the gears. It is just a money making game. If u dont have cash to soend than u wont advance in this game. 
They don't want or need f2p, they want everyone to pay at least a little...
Oct 3, 2020, 18:4510/03/20

I sincerely believe that you are saying completely illogical things, you cannot punish someone for spending some money in the game and those who are F2P do not have to have advantages over that, it is completely illogical.

I have already explained before how to win a tournament and without removing the last chest of ultra and nightmare is hard, u can't win easy a summoning tournament without paying because for that you would have to do the 10-person tournament instead of 100, which I repeat is 100 Players and people keep fragments for months and months.

Also normally people who intend to win a tournament usually open everything at once on the last day when they see that they have options to win it, so it is not unusual to see someone who has 100 points and suddenly 10,000, by logic you are not going to spend all at once when starting after saving so much

Oct 4, 2020, 00:5310/04/20
Oct 4, 2020, 00:56(edited)

I think the best analogy is, if this is a car racing championship. People are bringing Nascar cars, F1 cars, and super sports car in this free for all race... And here we are using a minivan, can we win? You know the answer! And this is what's going on in EVERY gacha games ever.

So be conscious, I know I am an F2P so I understand that I won't be competing for the top tier.

On the same scale, let's think about the Arbiter mission. What is she for?  She's for top tier arena battles, I know I won't be competing there, so does that make me salty for not being able to plough through the arena mission to get her? No!

Because I am also conscious that after getting Arbiter, you'll need boatloads of speed gears and glyph, and then you'll struggle starts all over again for even more speed things for arena.

So for this tournaments, you just have to consider, what does the prize will be used in your account? To enter a never ending cycle of chasing that perfect champion?

That's why I never really mind getting the low-mid tier prize/champion/gear, because I know I don't want and CANNOT to compete at that top level. And with that mindset my expenditure on these kind of games will always be spare change if ever.

And if I do spend on any gacha games, that would be to reward the developers NEVER to get something for my account.

So please do check what you want from this game and your own personal IRL resources on getting them. Once you understand your IRL resources manage your own expectations...

It's not the whales that is ruining the tournaments, it's your expectations that doesn't match your reality that is ruining your experience of the tournament.
Oct 4, 2020, 01:4010/04/20

I think you are quite wrong, it seems that you do not know the enormous amount of resources that are gained in ultra nightmare and you can do ultra nightmare f2p without problems, it is only a matter of time.

Oct 4, 2020, 07:3010/04/20
Oct 4, 2020, 07:33(edited)

someone makes me laugh, ha ha ha, "free to play" game makers may not want free players but they do NEED free players. It's not 100% but 1000% guarantee all game makers really really need F2P players. 

Who make the game popular, minority P2W or majority F2P ? 

Without F2P, you believe players will become P2W ? you do but developers don't. 

Although this developer is too greedy but they also feed F2P players a lot, how many free daily gifts players got ? They do need F2P. 

Oct 4, 2020, 09:1510/04/20
Indent14 said:

someone makes me laugh, ha ha ha, "free to play" game makers may not want free players but they do NEED free players. It's not 100% but 1000% guarantee all game makers really really need F2P players. 

Who make the game popular, minority P2W or majority F2P ? 

Without F2P, you believe players will become P2W ? you do but developers don't. 

Although this developer is too greedy but they also feed F2P players a lot, how many free daily gifts players got ? They do need F2P. 

They need f2p players to be victims for whales.  Whales pay the bills so this game site can exist.  We need whales and they need f2p and minnows.  But, you have to be realistic.  Know your place in the scheme of things.  This game is not for anyone who believes they can be #1 and never spend any money.