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You say that you fixed arena how is that

You say that you fixed arena how is that

Aug 19, 2020, 15:4008/19/20

You say that you fixed arena how is that

 You just went and made everything in classic arena worse. Their literally is no reason for me to keep playing this game or if you guys aren't going to allow anybody to advance or change your damn drop rates of gear to where we might actually be able to compete.

Aug 19, 2020, 15:4808/19/20
Go comment on my petition!! 
Aug 19, 2020, 17:1408/19/20

Bloodywake1980 said:

 You just went and made everything in classic arena worse. Their literally is no reason for me to keep playing this game or if you guys aren't going to allow anybody to advance or change your damn drop rates of gear to where we might actually be able to compete.

Dude, you equip EVERYONE with lifesteal! Even Gorgorab! No wonder you got smashed...

Don't put gear as if it's a template. Put gears that compliment a hero's strength, same goes with your masteries, why do you put everyone in attack and support masteries?

I know and agree that Plarium matchmaking has a lot to be desired, but those gear and masteries set up is just not good...

For reference, this is the team that got me silver 1 and maintained it at silver 1 ever since (I'm building a CB team now, so I guess I'll be stuck at silver 1 for sometime now)

And yes the condition that I face is the same, heck I also been quite often going back down to Bronze 4 from defensive loses and getting back up to silver from the offensive win.

Aug 19, 2020, 19:2108/19/20

killerclone187 said

not bad bro yea i agree with u about masteries and gear is very important for pvp and the CB and honestly i wont put a champ in with out all masteries but i dont agree with your set up on skullcrusher he does need lifesteal and speed and no acc unless u just use him for pvp even then i will put lifeteal warmaster mine only have 45 acc he still lands heal reduction just fine 4k defense and 200 speed  

To be fair, my Skullcrusher is not finish yet, I still am looking for the artifact that I want, I know what I want to put on him, it's just the stats that I need has not come yet, and it's not lifesteal.

Same goes with the masteries, rest assured he will be 6* in the next week, hopefully the artifact that I want would drop bye the week after that.
Aug 20, 2020, 01:3908/20/20
killerclone187 said:

well i been on many teams bro now i have my own team i been playing a long while any one that knows about skullcrusher knows he needs defense speed and lifesteal with out that he is worthless lol i guess for crypts set up that will work lol 
If you insist, I will take it into consideration, thank you.
Aug 20, 2020, 03:1408/20/20
I use skullcrusher in g4 arena and unm clanboss without lifesteal 
Aug 20, 2020, 03:2208/20/20
Aug 20, 2020, 07:40(edited)

killerclone187 said:

 im just trying to help u i have him my self and i wont lead u wrong i use him in pvp and on the NM CB :))

I know you're well intentioned, but I know my team and I know what my team need.

I will take people's suggestions and consider them, but honestly if I followed everyone's suggestions blindly, I would have never broke the "silver 1 mission"

So again, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU! (And I really do meant it!)
Aug 20, 2020, 03:3908/20/20
Fix the arena u stupid shit heads the only thing u do is making these stupid shit tons of deals like 45 euros for 5 chickens and some stupid shit wtf I can buy.more.chikens in real life with that money Jesus Christ 
Aug 20, 2020, 03:4008/20/20
Something is WRONG when I can do 24,000,000 damage 1 key to Easy Clan Boss and can BARELY stay in Bronze 4 Arena! Arena needs to be taken OUT of missions and challenges! It is IMPOSSIBLE!!! It needs to be FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED FIXED!
Aug 20, 2020, 05:2708/20/20

Hahaha I guess players will only be satisfied if the matching is not about how high your rank is, but your gear in your storage/champions look like. Like, if I have the worse gear in my storage in the game I should be match with the player that have 2nd worse gear in their storage/champions in the game? Lol

Aug 20, 2020, 19:2408/20/20
Aug 20, 2020, 19:25(edited)

Your right I have everybody in lifesteal because I'm set up with them for C

B because I don't have the resources to keep going and spending 300,000  or more  in silver every time I want to switch from CB to Arena. Because arena is absolutely pointless to play when I just keep banging my head up against the wall. And CB is way more useful. And I have others I can swap out in the line up after I get gear set ups straight for arena but it's not happening any time soon.

OzzLee said:

Bloodywake1980 said:

 You just went and made everything in classic arena worse. Their literally is no reason for me to keep playing this game or if you guys aren't going to allow anybody to advance or change your damn drop rates of gear to where we might actually be able to compete.

Dude, you equip EVERYONE with lifesteal! Even Gorgorab! No wonder you got smashed...

Don't put gear as if it's a template. Put gears that compliment a hero's strength, same goes with your masteries, why do you put everyone in attack and support masteries?

I know and agree that Plarium matchmaking has a lot to be desired, but those gear and masteries set up is just not good...

For reference, this is the team that got me silver 1 and maintained it at silver 1 ever since (I'm building a CB team now, so I guess I'll be stuck at silver 1 for sometime now)

And yes the condition that I face is the same, heck I also been quite often going back down to Bronze 4 from defensive loses and getting back up to silver from the offensive win.

Aug 20, 2020, 21:3308/20/20

removing inactive accounts definitely made the challenge that was tough in arena tougher

going from farming gold 4 to barely staying above water in silver 3/4 has been a frustrating challenge which seems to be getting worse each time they try to fix things but not surprising as seems to be a common issue here

I will say though there has been some good additions from plarium but the bad outways the good unfortunately at the moment

fingers crossed they see the frustrations we all have and concentrate on arena and getting it right for all players, the capping of tiers probably the biggest hurdle there. I do my 5 attacks needed then stop bit over the grind of any more attacks after that with the match ups im seeing ill happily farm for better gear etc

Aug 20, 2020, 21:5408/20/20

bloodywake said:

Your right I have everybody in lifesteal because I'm set up with them for C

B because I don't have the resources to keep going and spending 300,000  or more  in silver every time I want to switch from CB to Arena. Because arena is absolutely pointless to play when I just keep banging my head up against the wall. And CB is way more useful. And I have others I can swap out in the line up after I get gear set ups straight for arena but it's not happening any time soon.

Even for CB it's nit a good set up, that steel lore mastery for instance, it doesn't add anything to lifesteal set and it took 4 out of 6 equipment slot, and you put them on everyone.

And everyone don't have those kind of silver to keep swapping equipment, I certainly don't either. That's why I have different teams for different things in game, and you seem to have enough champs to make different teams for different things.

I mean you have 3 legendaries that I can see, seriously I don't even have 1.

Grind dragon, get better gears, grind brutal 12-3 for XP and silver

And yes I agree that CB has better rewards, but yeah, that set up is definitely not ideal.
Aug 21, 2020, 07:0208/21/20

OzzLee said:

bloodywake said:

Your right I have everybody in lifesteal because I'm set up with them for C

B because I don't have the resources to keep going and spending 300,000  or more  in silver every time I want to switch from CB to Arena. Because arena is absolutely pointless to play when I just keep banging my head up against the wall. And CB is way more useful. And I have others I can swap out in the line up after I get gear set ups straight for arena but it's not happening any time soon.

Even for CB it's nit a good set up, that steel lore mastery for instance, it doesn't add anything to lifesteal set and it took 4 out of 6 equipment slot, and you put them on everyone.

And everyone don't have those kind of silver to keep swapping equipment, I certainly don't either. That's why I have different teams for different things in game, and you seem to have enough champs to make different teams for different things.

I mean you have 3 legendaries that I can see, seriously I don't even have 1.

Grind dragon, get better gears, grind brutal 12-3 for XP and silver

And yes I agree that CB has better rewards, but yeah, that set up is definitely not ideal.

I see far bigger problems with that arena setup... looking at the speeds, apparently the turn order is Galek before Ghostborn before Gorgorab? Obviously it should be the other way around to get anywhere - and they should be significantly faster. And why use Galek when you could be using Zavia? 

I would also consider using Brakus instead of Thenasil, doubling down on offense, though of course at the expense of survivability in longer battles, so maybe only for some fights. 
Aug 21, 2020, 16:2308/21/20
Aug 22, 2020, 18:57(edited)
killerclone187 said: 

Trips said:

I use skullcrusher in g4 arena and unm clanboss without lifesteal 
ok smarty post your skullcrusher here and dont take parts off and switch gear either we will love to see it trips sense its so good lol ????

Aug 22, 2020, 18:5808/22/20
for killer
Aug 22, 2020, 19:1008/22/20
killerclone187 said:

Trips said:

I use skullcrusher in g4 arena and unm clanboss without lifesteal 
ok smarty post your skullcrusher here and dont take parts off and switch gear either we will love to see it trips sense its so good lol ????
what do you think killer?
Aug 24, 2020, 20:2208/24/20
Aug 24, 2020, 20:25(edited)

Look I know theirs way better teams that are out their. However take in to account the fact the one I posted is the very first unique and legendary heroes I pulled and have had them get my account to lvl 35. 

Galek has the higher speed because he is my farmer. Gorgarb and thisasail where my 6th and 7th heroes pulled. Ghost was my first month sacred pull. Recently I have been pulling more unique's and 3 more legends. 

However they are all under a month old. Haven't been able to get any gear that I feel is perfect for them or their roles. I have been working diligently to do so. 

I used them to demonstrate my point eventually I will have the time in others have to build specific teams for specific roles. Dont talk trash on what I have to make work for me at this time. You all started out with crappy stuff like this. 

Aug 25, 2020, 00:0408/25/20

killerclone187 said:

Trips said:

killerclone187 said: 

Trips said:

I use skullcrusher in g4 arena and unm clanboss without lifesteal 
ok smarty post your skullcrusher here and dont take parts off and switch gear either we will love to see it trips sense its so good lol ????

not bad trips your speed is same as mine but you have way more hp than me but u have dutches to protect him i do not have that one so i use lifesteal 

Yes, duchess and warlord are great protectors. Unfortunately I have no defense down/weaken.  I need to get Rhazin in.  Also, I have Roschard so I guess I can do an unkillable comp with him and Skullcrusher.  So need to figure out the best other 3 if I do that.  Just too lazy to make changes.  

The resist on him is nice for arena, but wasted rolls for CB.
Aug 25, 2020, 01:3708/25/20
Pretty sure it was yellow. Took me forever to get last rare for Rhazin. Kind of like getting Arbiter, I didn't need either by the time I got them lol.  Only use both in 3v3 and I don't  pay much attention to that...
Aug 26, 2020, 12:1008/26/20
Oh no, just saw a rebalance list. Both Duchess and Warlord on it... probably nerfs...ugh. I am