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Problem arena is bigger than just old teams

Problem arena is bigger than just old teams

Aug 15, 2020, 15:0908/15/20

Although, I can't disapprove the powered up defense team, I honestly don't think that is the cause, I've met some "weird" team but those are like 4 or 5 teams in 100-ish battle

What I am actually confused is that how many legendaries there are in my opponent list. At silver 1 it's like every team seemed to have at least 1 legendary. I mean, they're supposed to be like what? 1% of the pulls? But everyone seemed to have one, and I'm not talking about the free ones, I'm talking about Lilitu, Rotos, Siphi, Sir Nick, Valkyrie, Arbiter, Tormin, those giys... I mean are they really that rare?

Aug 15, 2020, 21:4708/15/20
What you aren't getting Ozzlee is the fact that you are being matched based on your total player power.  Not the power of your arena team.  That is why at G1 my last 50 defense fights on my log were against opponents from G4.  Because I have a lot of half way ranked up champs.  If I had only 4 lvl 60s and nothing else leveled at all then I would probably be fighting teams I would be competetive with in arena.
Aug 15, 2020, 22:2308/15/20
Aug 15, 2020, 22:23(edited)

Shavri Stone said:

What you aren't getting Ozzlee is the fact that you are being matched based on your total player power.  Not the power of your arena team.  That is why at G1 my last 50 defense fights on my log were against opponents from G4.  Because I have a lot of half way ranked up champs.  If I had only 4 lvl 60s and nothing else leveled at all then I would probably be fighting teams I would be competetive with in arena.

Well... That sorta makes sense and don't make sense at the same time, because I can see the opponents I am facing is just around +50 to -50 of my Arena points, so in that case that I am paired with people matching my total player power, I am still facing people with multiple legendaries at Bronze 4 / Silver 1

Which then my question still stand, how rare are these Legendaries really are?
Aug 15, 2020, 22:2708/15/20
Shavri Stone said:

What you aren't getting Ozzlee is the fact that you are being matched based on your total player power.  Not the power of your arena team.  That is why at G1 my last 50 defense fights on my log were against opponents from G4.  Because I have a lot of half way ranked up champs.  If I had only 4 lvl 60s and nothing else leveled at all then I would probably be fighting teams I would be competetive with in arena.
This is 100% false 
Aug 16, 2020, 05:5908/16/20
Aug 16, 2020, 06:03(edited)

Shavri Stone said:

What you aren't getting Ozzlee is the fact that you are being matched based on your total player power.  Not the power of your arena team.  That is why at G1 my last 50 defense fights on my log were against opponents from G4.  Because I have a lot of half way ranked up champs.  If I had only 4 lvl 60s and nothing else leveled at all then I would probably be fighting teams I would be competetive with in arena.

Total power is just 1 factor, I believe Plarium also use 2 other factors: (Average) Attack team power + Account level. 

I am 10000% sure from Jan 2020 to April 2020, Plarium used Arena Defend Team Power.
Aug 16, 2020, 06:0208/16/20

I have noticed a trend in arena because I play so much and so many different hours.  There are days of the week and hours of the day that arena gets "easier".  Its a consistent trend.  If this was all about abandoned accounts they would be there 24/7/365.  Instead most of the monster teams disappear for a few hours and 4-5 days a week. 

Its feels like we are being gaslighted.  One of our avatars is going to end up on the cover of Psychology Today.     lol 
Aug 16, 2020, 10:1208/16/20

ClosedPoly said:

I have noticed a trend in arena because I play so much and so many different hours.  There are days of the week and hours of the day that arena gets "easier".  Its a consistent trend.  If this was all about abandoned accounts they would be there 24/7/365.  Instead most of the monster teams disappear for a few hours and 4-5 days a week. 

Its feels like we are being gaslighted.  One of our avatars is going to end up on the cover of Psychology Today.     lol 

Rubber banding.... Makes sense.

Easier opponents after a string of loses and tougher opponents after a string of opponents.

Many video games does use this technique to create a flexible difficulty setting to keep players of various skill level to be challenged accordingly without them knowing.
Aug 16, 2020, 13:3708/16/20
OzzLee said:

ClosedPoly said:

I have noticed a trend in arena because I play so much and so many different hours.  There are days of the week and hours of the day that arena gets "easier".  Its a consistent trend.  If this was all about abandoned accounts they would be there 24/7/365.  Instead most of the monster teams disappear for a few hours and 4-5 days a week. 

Its feels like we are being gaslighted.  One of our avatars is going to end up on the cover of Psychology Today.     lol 

Rubber banding.... Makes sense.

Easier opponents after a string of loses and tougher opponents after a string of opponents.

Many video games does use this technique to create a flexible difficulty setting to keep players of various skill level to be challenged accordingly without them knowing.
I don't think they are that sophisticated, lol. Probably just more rng. Only safe place is gold4, because this is where the highest frequency of food defense reside lol
Jul 24, 2021, 20:3707/24/21

these are huge problems but there is another problem I haven't seen mentioned here sometimes when I refreash the arena less then 5 teams pop up and this is really a problem less teams popping up means less of a chance for a possible battle less teams poping means that when it is possible there is really only going to be one to battles that look possible I don't understand why this is happening or what is causing it but it is a problem noe the less

Jul 24, 2021, 22:3507/24/21
Jul 24, 2021, 22:36(edited)
Maybe I found out how Plarium calculate my (arena) strength, my strength is too large compare to my arena real strength because I have 400+ champs max level, the game may consider me same as Platinum player. 

this happened to me also.  kept all the rares and epics from buying shards and leveled them up to max level without ascending to higher stars.  completely screwed me in arena when i was actually only able to get a team of four level 50, the highest i had on my account.  was just getting stomped in bronze 1.  literally teams of four legendaries with a few that had a couple epics in them.  moral of the story, don't buy shards, plarium will penalize you for it, apparently.  doesn't seem like a very good business model, but i'm sure they're busy coming up with more overpowered champs for you guys to fuse, or paying this Ninja dude insane amounts of money instead of actually fixing the game or doing the much needed quality of life changes we all so desperately want and need.  who want's to spend 6-8 hours a day on this game.... another great game brought to it's knees by greedy developers.  seeing this ALOT in the free to play market lately

Jul 25, 2021, 10:4407/25/21

I've played more MMO in the past 20 years than I care to remember, many of them had a "classic arena", and they all suffered the same issues we see in Raid.

In most of them arena was all about bragging rights, you got rewards depending on which "tier" you finished, and in some cases tokens you spend in a "shop", a bit like the bazaar in tag team, and if you didn't want to do arena you didn't have to as it wasn't going to block your progress.

Plarium have been stupid, as they tied a broken game mechanic into half their game, and it will be the death of the game if they don't do something drastic to change it.

On the Dungeon's map there is a tower that isn't being used, now I know Ash suggested in one of his vids to use that to farm pages for skill books, which I think is a good idea. On the other side of the map is a big enough space to stick another tower, set that one up as a place to farm medals for the great hall.

That way the arena stops being a chore you have to do for the great hall, and starts to be something you do for "bragging rights".

Jul 29, 2021, 21:1707/29/21

I don't mind having to pick through teams that are obviously way too powerful to even try going up against, I don't mind getting a bunch of teams tha

t are pushovers, and I don't even mind an unpleasant surprise now and then. It's just WAY TOO FRUSTRATING to find time after time that a team is WAY more powerful than its power rating AND team composition, levels, and ascension levels would indicate! Their formula for matching simply puts WAY TOO MUCH emphasis on things which have little or nothing to do with how well the team will do in a match!  

I can hardly bear to do another match after one after another team that looked on several counts like it should be fairly easy to beat TOTALLY STOMPED my team!  And then I get a quest requiring I beat a team with a HIGHER power? Oh, okay, there's one with a higher power and all 6-stars but, HA HA, the leader is only up to lvl 44 and the aura (it was Guardian) doesn't even apply to the arena, and the Doompriest is only lvl 50, no rezzer, and none of them are legendaries. That power rating must be overblown, I bet I can beat them with my all 60 team with 2 legendaries and the epic Cardinal to heal some and rez .... NOPE. 

There's only 2 reasons I play this game 1) easy to play--set things on auto and do something else 2) Lots of rewards, or rather, fairly easy access to rewards at fairly regular intervals. 

Having an arena that's frustrating and having access to rewards dependent on the frustrating arena pretty much kill both of those. 

Jul 29, 2021, 23:5707/29/21

I don't mind having to pick through teams that are obviously way too powerful to even try going up against, I don't mind getting a bunch of teams tha

t are pushovers, and I don't even mind an unpleasant surprise now and then. It's just WAY TOO FRUSTRATING to find time after time that a team is WAY more powerful than its power rating AND team composition, levels, and ascension levels would indicate! Their formula for matching simply puts WAY TOO MUCH emphasis on things which have little or nothing to do with how well the team will do in a match!  

I can hardly bear to do another match after one after another team that looked on several counts like it should be fairly easy to beat TOTALLY STOMPED my team!  And then I get a quest requiring I beat a team with a HIGHER power? Oh, okay, there's one with a higher power and all 6-stars but, HA HA, the leader is only up to lvl 44 and the aura (it was Guardian) doesn't even apply to the arena, and the Doompriest is only lvl 50, no rezzer, and none of them are legendaries. That power rating must be overblown, I bet I can beat them with my all 60 team with 2 legendaries and the epic Cardinal to heal some and rez .... NOPE. 

There's only 2 reasons I play this game 1) easy to play--set things on auto and do something else 2) Lots of rewards, or rather, fairly easy access to rewards at fairly regular intervals. 

Having an arena that's frustrating and having access to rewards dependent on the frustrating arena pretty much kill both of those. 

If you can't succeed in arena as it is now you need another game... it is currently as easy as it has ever been.  And the #1 reason you play this game is setting it on auto and "not playing".... umm ok??

Oct 2, 2021, 23:4510/02/21

We  are  in  the  second  round  of  going  down  slowly  again.  I  just  gained  enough  to  be  able  to  get  Arbiter  and  I'm  trying  to  winn  as  many  battles  as  I  can  to  progress  in  the  Hall,  but  I  see  Silver  coming  up  soon  again  ...

Oct 4, 2021, 09:5910/04/21

Arbiter won't win you arena battles alone - arbiter needs a team and most importantly speed - if you put arbiter in a speed set around 180 you'll probably lose - if you're in G4 you need a lot of speed, I use Lyssandra rather than my Arbiter with Kymer as my speed lead, Lyssandra has 326 speed, that will only get me going first 50% ish of the time, I have to get 6* speed boots for another 5 speed, max out a couple of gear with glyphs but this is how critical speed is

Oct 4, 2021, 14:3710/04/21

I noticed that from around 1.5 month 'low level accounts' gradually started to vanish. So i think we getting closer to orginal state before low level accounts'  addition

Oct 4, 2021, 14:5210/04/21

There has been no change from what I have seen, stil bot pages eveery few refreshes.  I still set solo defense to stay in low g4 so I don't have to wait for a bot page.

Oct 4, 2021, 15:3710/04/21

I'm getting far less of them, doesn't matter where in G4 I am. I get a page with 5-10 every now and then, but mostly I fight regular non-speed teams now. Not sure how long that will last. Would be a shame, I quite enjoyed having an arena that wasn't roughly as much fun as performing surgery on yourself with a spoon.

Oct 22, 2021, 21:4810/22/21

I found Power Level in arena to be a meaningless number at this point.  Depending on the champions and how they are speed tuned, a lower power team can decimate you while a higher power team can often be easily beaten.

Oct 23, 2021, 02:5010/23/21

Closed - feel free to start a new discussion about this topic if you guys want too. But it's time to let this one go to sleep. 

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