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Plarium, please comment on Arena

Plarium, please comment on Arena

Jul 6, 2020, 18:5307/06/20

Plarium, please comment on Arena

If you guys pay attention to this forum at all, could we at least get some thoughts from the developers on what they think of the way the arena system currently works?

Something a little more in depth than "we are aware that players are frustrated and are looking into it".

Heck, even if the answer is "It's working as intended. Spend more money or grind for a couple of years", I'd rather hear that than the limbo we are currently in. At least we would know the dev team's stance on it and can make our decisions accordingly.

Some insight would be appreciated by many players currently experiencing a sense of hopelessness with regard to this aspect of an otherwise great game.
Jul 6, 2020, 20:4907/06/20

I just asked for a follow up about this.

Personally though I don't find anything broken with the matchups or anything, it maybe just a case of everyone getting stronger everyday so people who can't keep up maybe get pushed down.

Hopefully I can get back to you later with something you'd like to hear but in the meantime maybe I can help you with your arena team? 

Jul 6, 2020, 21:1407/06/20

Lxzy said:

I just asked for a follow up about this.

Personally though I don't find anything broken with the matchups or anything, it maybe just a case of everyone getting stronger everyday so people who can't keep up maybe get pushed down.

Hopefully I can get back to you later with something you'd like to hear but in the meantime maybe I can help you with your arena team? 

Does Plarium care to comment on the fact that new players are having to spend 4-6 weeks on single PvP progress missions within their first month or two of playing?

Every other mission in the early to mid game is easily completed within a matter of minutes.

PvP missions take weeks/months.

Jul 6, 2020, 21:3707/06/20

Lxzy said:

I just asked for a follow up about this.

Personally though I don't find anything broken with the matchups or anything, it maybe just a case of everyone getting stronger everyday so people who can't keep up maybe get pushed down.

Hopefully I can get back to you later with something you'd like to hear but in the meantime maybe I can help you with your arena team? 

Lxzy- What you stated is true. But I think the real question is does Plarium view this as a problem.  The PvP missions have always been harder, but new accounts cannot progress anywhere near as they could 6 months ago (easy to get to gold), 3 months ago (gold easily attainable with good nuke strategy), new accounts in last couple months (extremely difficult even for p2p, not just f2p)

You just need to look at player levels. Gold4 is 65+, most of silver2/3 is 60+.  My alt is stuck there, I am not concerned about it.  I focus on other things beyond minor gear upgrades and will come back to reworking arena team after dungeon/CB.  

The divisions need to be expanded at higher levels to account for the aging base to push the old accounts up away from newer accounts.  The problem is the PvE is a static target, while PvP is moving every day.

99% of the f2p complainers will never get arbiter either way because they have poor game strategy to begin with lol, but where people are really getting hurt is not being able to upgrade the GH.  This widens the gap further between old & new. 
Jul 6, 2020, 22:0607/06/20

Aye, and it's as i've said in a previous thread, we are constantly talking past each other and in circles.

It isn't a mystery what is meant, in fact it has been explained in precise detail multiple times and in 12 different languages.

Response is, and will continue to be projection onto the player and customer, and their inability to adequately build a viable team given the resources available. Regardless if these resources could have been obtained (quite a long time ago too!) through the exact missions that require them--except to a ridiculously lesser standard. e.g. requiring reaching S2 before rankingyour first two  5* and Champs, etc..   

Hah! look at me explaining it again.... Lol!
Jul 6, 2020, 22:5407/06/20
Jul 6, 2020, 22:55(edited)
You know Arena is broken when you see many level 60 with 4 legendaries in bronze with 90,000 Power. And how long this been going?
Jul 6, 2020, 22:5707/06/20

Lxzy said:

I just asked for a follow up about this.

Personally though I don't find anything broken with the matchups or anything, it maybe just a case of everyone getting stronger everyday so people who can't keep up maybe get pushed down.

Hopefully I can get back to you later with something you'd like to hear but in the meantime maybe I can help you with your arena team? 

There is no "may" about it. People cannot progress in the system currently because there are end-game powered teams filling up the lowest arena brackets. It's getting worse every day. It doesn't feel like there is much payoff for improving your arena team, because every improvement is met with even more powerful teams. 

 That is broken in actuality, if not design. 

Thanks for offering advice on my team, but I've picked up on the main strategies (to my disgust it's speed!speed!speed!). The issue isn't my team composition or strategy. The issue is that the gear/power gap is MASSIVE for what a F2P/low spender can reasonably go up against. I win the majority of fights against players around my power level, and the ones that I lose don't bother me. It's just that in Bronze IV/Silver I there aren't many match's available against teams that aren't months older or whale spenders.

Understandably, someone a couple of months in shouldn't be flexing in Gold IV, but we are talking bronze and low silver - the very areas that the early missions and challenges suggest a player should be competing in at that stage of the game.

Now the argument has been made that it's best to just ignore the mission and focus on the account as a whole - but between daily quests, and more importantly the GH bonuses, participating in the arena is an integral part of the game. 

For a great many players, especially the newer ones (that have a lot of spending potential vs the long term/p2p that already have everything), the arena is nothing but frustration and hopelessness. It's actually DETERRING me from making any purchases while it's in it's current state. 

I'm not trying to argue with anyone. My biggest concern is that arena just isn't fair, dynamic or fun. This game is really enjoyable aside from that. It would be a shame to drive off players for something that should be relatively easy to change.

Jul 7, 2020, 00:3207/07/20

Lxzy said:

I just asked for a follow up about this.

Personally though I don't find anything broken with the matchups or anything, it maybe just a case of everyone getting stronger everyday so people who can't keep up maybe get pushed down.

Hopefully I can get back to you later with something you'd like to hear but in the meantime maybe I can help you with your arena team? 

Yet another ,"Git gud boi!" reply....

I think I know why they choose you as a mod, your view are the same with the Devs, "there's nothing wrong, just got gud!"

I am telling you right now, Plarium's stance right now on Arena is going to drive away A LOT of potential payers, because Arena is a huge spike in difficulty in the whole game it's basically a PAYWALL, and for new players to encounter such huge PAYWALL so early in ANY FREEMIUM GAMES is a huge turn off!

This will be the death of Raid if not handled ASAP, you're going to be dry of new players and that would make Arena even harder because now only older account are available to fight in the Arena.

Jul 7, 2020, 00:4307/07/20

I keep hearing that we are talking past each other.

Of course we are. Nobody wants to talk about the elephant in the room.

A F2P for about 2 months, at best can accumulate about 50 bronze medals a day.  6 months ago, it was about 50 silvers. And a year ago, it was about 50 Golds.

A moderate payer ($50/month) MIGHT be able to double those accumulations. Only by spending about $500/ month do you have ANY hope of getting enough medals to make a difference. This is STUPID. No other (decent, viable) game makes it almost impossible to move. And at such a disadvantage compared to earlier adopters.

I am just coming up to my 60th day. I doubt I will make to my 90th. I am always a moderate spender on most games I play. Thank god I didn't invest in this. I wasted time instead

Jul 7, 2020, 01:1407/07/20

Lxzy said:

I just asked for a follow up about this.

Personally though I don't find anything broken with the matchups or anything, it maybe just a case of everyone getting stronger everyday so people who can't keep up maybe get pushed down.

Hopefully I can get back to you later with something you'd like to hear but in the meantime maybe I can help you with your arena team? 

You seriously don't think anything is wrong?  Fine start a new team NOW. Purposely make a few mistakes for reality (pick Athel, Level 16 a starting artifact, etc) and PLAY. Stop your other team outright (so you cant live vicariously through it.) Spend about $50-100/month.

Come back in a month and tell me how FUN it is. You will still be in Bronze II at best. You will either spend about 12-15 hours refreshing for matchups or those gems you bought are GONE. 

Then think about how it was for you the first time you played. Think about how you made Silver by week three and your great hall level was 37 (despite picking Athel and level 50ing an Archer) and could slip into Gold with luck now and then.

If you are capable of doing that and still are willing to  "Personally though I don't find anything broken with the matchups or anything, it maybe just a case of everyone getting stronger everyday so people who can't keep up maybe get pushed down." And are still wiling to grind for the same amount of time as you just did.

Then maybe we will talk.

Jul 7, 2020, 01:4807/07/20

Lxzy said:

I just asked for a follow up about this.

Personally though I don't find anything broken with the matchups or anything, it maybe just a case of everyone getting stronger everyday so people who can't keep up maybe get pushed down.

Hopefully I can get back to you later with something you'd like to hear but in the meantime maybe I can help you with your arena team? 

I will reiterate again my proposal for low effort fix for this Arena mess

1. Create a checkpoint.

Anyone who have silver medals SHOULD NOT be eligible to fight a player who doesn't have any silver medals, that also applicable to gold.

The free for all PvP should be put on Gold 1 and above NOT Bronze 3!

2. Win / Lose point disparity

Losing should make you lose less point than winning.

If an account can win 10 point from arena, his/her opponent should lose just 5 points this will help move inactive accounts to their respective positions and combined with the checkpoint idea above it will contain players (active and inactive) to be put on their supposed position.

So please stop with the "git gud" replies!

Jul 7, 2020, 02:3207/07/20

Rauthma said:

If you guys pay attention to this forum at all, could we at least get some thoughts from the developers on what they think of the way the arena system currently works?

Something a little more in depth than "we are aware that players are frustrated and are looking into it".

Heck, even if the answer is "It's working as intended. Spend more money or grind for a couple of years", I'd rather hear that than the limbo we are currently in. At least we would know the dev team's stance on it and can make our decisions accordingly.

Some insight would be appreciated by many players currently experiencing a sense of hopelessness with regard to this aspect of an otherwise great game.

1) None of them really care what these sheep shout.

2) They never experience what new players experienced, because they only play lvl 60+ accounts with 15+ S rank champs.

3) Everything they care now is "end game", "tag team", etc. 

4) They don't know how to fix, they don't understand what you wrote, it's the truth.  

Jul 7, 2020, 08:4407/07/20
Jul 7, 2020, 10:10(edited)

Lxzy said:

I just asked for a follow up about this.

Personally though I don't find anything broken with the matchups or anything, it maybe just a case of everyone getting stronger everyday so people who can't keep up maybe get pushed down.

Hopefully I can get back to you later with something you'd like to hear but in the meantime maybe I can help you with your arena team? 

Nothing broken with the mm of the arenas, on absolutely nothing, say you want a screen of 1 mm in bronze 1 (table), you are sure not to want it, not because your nothing broken: LIE OR INCOMPET.




TOO HARD ??J????????.?????


Jul 7, 2020, 11:4807/07/20
cherubin31 said:

Nothing broken with the mm of the arenas, on absolutely nothing, say you want a screen of 1 mm in bronze 1 (table), you are sure not to want it, not because your nothing broken: LIE OR INCOMPET.




TOO HARD ??J????????.?????


To be fair, I'm lvl 51 and I can't even break onto silver 1
Jul 7, 2020, 11:5307/07/20

I have done a little test with my new account, now I know what is wrong.

I use lvl 50 Kael and 3 other lvl 40 champs in Arena, most of the time the list always show lvl 50, 40 mix champs. 

I use all champs to upgrade Kael to 6 stars, only 6 stars lvl 40, what I would see in Arena list ? now it becomes lvl 60, 50 mix champs. Wow, wow, wow, it based on the highest stars in my inventory, even my 6 stars lvl 40 Kael is weaker than previous one but my Arena is 100% already upgraded to higher level. 

It reminds a famous game named 

Jul 7, 2020, 11:5807/07/20

lolcatz said:

PvP missions take weeks/months.

It reminds me a millions players game named Hustle Castle. When I played as F2P, the arena are people with a little spend mix F2P, made me frustrated, then I decided to pay, the arena changed becomes low spenders mix high spenders. I then pay more, the more I pay the higher level arena become. I quit right away. 

Jul 7, 2020, 12:0207/07/20
Jul 7, 2020, 14:49(edited)


at the moment, I post 3 screen but it is one and the same arena table, not broken no just, er in any case not broken HAHAHAHA

BRONZE 1! sur, very sur?


Where you are Lxzy, can be in the same place where you take your communication about the: not broken arena, at the bottom of the hole and you are looking, LIKE ME, the hatch which will bring fresh air into that bunch of S ...
OR ?


How I beat the moderator, you want to talk about the person who finds that the MM in the arenas: is not broken, it is about him that you speak? If yes, by my place, we have a proverb: turn your language 7 times in your mouth before you speak.
Surely said and more vulgarly: to stir too much shit with his stick, do not come to be surprised if then we stink shit!

To pise against the wind there too should not come to be surprised so we are a little wet

At your choice

Jul 7, 2020, 14:2307/07/20
Jul 7, 2020, 14:23(edited)

Guys, please refrain from beating up on the moderator. At least they acknowledged the post. Hopefully the request can be satisfied and we'll get an answer from the development team.

I genuinely want to know if the current situation is satisfactory and in line with their vision for the game. 

Obviously all of us voicing concern on the subject enjoy the game in some way or we wouldn't bother registering on the forum to say anything. We would just delete it and find something else to do. 

I'm still hopeful that it will be addressed. I don't want to quit playing, but the arena issue is really killing the enjoyment. Knowing that they have a formal plan to address it would alleviate the frustration I have daily. 

OR, knowing they are satisfied with it currently would help me decide to find something else to do with my time. 

So far the vague responses have left us in a sort of limbo regarding their intentions.

Clarity would be appreciated.

Jul 7, 2020, 21:2507/07/20

Okay I have read through everything and there are a lot of great points from the players and even the mods chimed in with the typical "we are asking" responses.

Now I don't know if it's true and I personally have not found anything that counters what was said and if someone can show me where it says different I would love to see it so I can let the ones who I speak to know they were wrong, but it seems like the inactive accounts don't get removed from arena, they get de-ranked and only once they reach Bronze 1 is when they get removed (or stay their since you can't get de-ranked out of arena, just sit in bronze 1) since they can't go any lower. Now if that is true, it puts a huge wall in front every free or low spending player because they could never hope to reach the stats that the inactive accounts have unless they were a free player as well. Whale teams that become inactive and sit in arena are a huge problem.

Removing inactive teams would balance the matchmaking so much better.

You can tell people to "get gud" all day long but the truth is, no matter how good they get they can't fight against teams that are just way beyond them. 

People say just get better gear, but gear doesn't help when you have people with teams of s tier epics and legos that your team of b rares and epics could never touch.

Like my team is HK as lead for speed boost and turn meter boost, Seeker for atk boost and turn meter boost, warmaiden for defense down and kael to nuke them. This should be a min silver 1 or 2 team with them being lvl 50-60 with close to 200 speed each, but i can't get past bronz4 and i refuse to spend money until this gets fixed. 

I'm not asking for an easy ride, just more balanced matchmaking.
Jul 7, 2020, 22:4307/07/20

LordVika said:

Like my team is HK as lead for speed boost and turn meter boost, Seeker for atk boost and turn meter boost, warmaiden for defense down and kael to nuke them. This should be a min silver 1 or 2 team with them being lvl 50-60 with close to 200 speed each, but i can't get past bronz4 and i refuse to spend money until this gets fixed. 

I'm not asking for an easy ride, just more balanced matchmaking.

My team is built to basically counter your team (since that's so common). I actually get happy when I see those Kael combo teams pop up because if they aren't fast enough I'll have Kael out of the fight before he can nuke. If they are faster but Kael isn't strong enough to get through my shield then I get rid of him and the rest are too weak to finish me off. If they have apocethary instead of HK I have a harder time. Just depends how geared up they are.

But those aren't the teams I'm seeing very often these days. It's mostly combos of fully decked out legendaries and niche epics that I can't hope to compete with.

And it gets worse every day. I have made it to Silver 1  a few times. Never for long. I've managed to get 4 silver medals from lucky refreshes of de-rankers or mid Bronze 4 teams. 

Over the last two days I'm struggling just to stay in Bronze 4.

It's not just inactive accounts. It's account inflation too. Because there is no relationship between power level and bracket, someone essentially has to lose rank for you to gain anything. At this point there is just too much power competing for the low brackets.

They should set the brackets as a combination of defense power level and wins, so if your account has X amount of power, once you cross the threshold for a particular bracket set, you can't go back down unless your account gets removed for inactivity. Then if you come back it's easy to rank back up. They should also skew the points ratio of win/loss so you don't get hurt so bad my superior breaks hammering your defense.

Lots of things they can do to remedy the situation.
Jul 7, 2020, 22:5607/07/20
Jul 7, 2020, 22:57(edited)

I spent the past couple of months or more in Gold IV (4), only ever dropping into Gold III (3) just after the reset, and then only until I logged in, did the daily quest, and would be back in Gold IV.

I logged in after this reset, and was in Gold II (2), dropping not 1 tier, but 2.

Oh well, the wife was tired of me spending money in the game anyway.