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Advices Arena team around Dracomorph

Advices Arena team around Dracomorph

May 27, 2020, 16:1105/27/20
Don't waste time on relickeeper. Upgrade monster and apothecary 
May 28, 2020, 06:0205/28/20

I was lucky yesterday and I got Sinesha as well.

She may be good associated with Skullcrusher CA don't you think ?

Can she be used as a nuker like Kael or does she have a different role?

May 28, 2020, 07:4305/28/20
May 28, 2020, 07:43(edited)

Sinesha is a very interesting champion for sure and can fill different role according to your set up and needs.

In theory she can pair well with Skullcrusher's CA, yes. She is not that kind of nuker we usually refer to, but for CA build, or paired with Rally Attack is good choice.

She is labeled as support champion and has good base speed, good defense, OK health and meh attack, but because of her good damage modifiers she is absolutely valuable as damage dealer. Well developed Sinesha can easily one hit some key enemy targets for around 50k with that A2. Or with good accuracy can block their important skills if they can sustain the damage. On auto she usually starts with that skill.

Not well suited as primary healer for prolong fights, but for short fights or as off healer she can do the job perfectly. Especially when paired with solid tank champion.

One of the better (not the best, but pretty solid) choices for weak affinity tank in Spider 20, if equipped and mastered correctly.

Bad for Ice Golem - bad affinity, AoE and not much utility beside A3.

Good off healer for Dragon and can help with the waves. Not perfect, but can work there.

Not much use for the Fire Knight. Not totally useless, but will not be your default choice.

I usually thing of her as damage oriented champion that can do some healing than support champion that can deliver some damage. And I use her this way - Offensive (for Helmsmasher) / Defense (for Retribution, Deterrence), full attack build.

Her best use is mid and some late game content, when you still have content to beat and you have good equipment to get most of her. Not that useful when you beat all the content and your goal from now on is to reduce the run times. You can see her often up to lower G4, but can't see her past that point.

Also, i prefer her sister over her, she looks cooler

Jun 27, 2020, 08:3906/27/20

Hi there,

I just got Big'Un

It seems I have found my Nuker now :)

Steel need higher speed for my team