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Advices Arena team around Dracomorph

Advices Arena team around Dracomorph

May 14, 2020, 07:0405/14/20

Advices Arena team around Dracomorph

Hi everyone,

I am thinking about the best complmentarity for Arena around my Draco who is right now my only 60.

Right now I use this team:

Draco(60), Kael(50), Madamme Serris(50) and Maulie Tankard (50)

I am not really satisfied with the equilibrium of this team for two main reasons:

- I have no heal!

- Debuffs from Draco and Madam Serris are sometimes the same

This is why I would like to hink about a good combination around Draco.

I intend to upgrade Apothecary to 60 to get its heal and speed buff.

Now who would you recommend among the following champions:

- Madam Serris for its amazing debuffs

- Kael for its dps

- Skull crusher for it CA

- Maulie Tankard for its Taunt and resurrection

- Relickeeper (will be fused soon)

I have also the following champions possibility: Bellower, Athel, Gala Longbraids, Reinbeast, Jareg, Jizoh, Valerie, Khatun, Coldheart, Rowan and Shaman

I was thinking about : Draco, Apothecary, Skullcrusher and Maulie

But my only Attack champion would be Draco ... if he dies I loose!

Any advice?

May 14, 2020, 13:1105/14/20

Run High Khatun-Dracomorph-Maulie-Kael.

HK speed boost- Draco def down/weaken- Maulie provokes- Kael nukes. 

Get HK as much speed as possible (at least 220+), give Draco and Maulie accuracy so they can land their debuffs, and stack crit on Kael. 

This would be a speed nuke composition with some control and revive from Maulie. Substitute Draco for Serris if you need to clear some enemy buffs (like Roshcard, Siphi, etc.) 

With the right gear, that should be more than enough to farm medals in Gold 4. 

May 14, 2020, 19:5205/14/20

WoW this is very different that what I was thinking ... I was going to start leveling Apothecary who can also speed boost like HK and can heal as well in case Kael does not kill everyone.

Don't you think it would be good as well?
May 14, 2020, 20:2105/14/20
May 14, 2020, 20:21(edited)

I have succes with arbiter, apothecary, dracomorph, skullcrown.

Speed aura => two turn meter boost, speed boost, decrease defense,  weaken, nuke.

You could try the same with, High khatun, apothecary, dracomorph, kael.

With two turnmeter booster your nuker need less speed and you can focus more on his damage.
May 14, 2020, 23:2205/14/20
May 14, 2020, 23:22(edited)

Yothope said:

WoW this is very different that what I was thinking ... I was going to start leveling Apothecary who can also speed boost like HK and can heal as well in case Kael does not kill everyone.

Don't you think it would be good as well?

Its not a good idea because you need a Speed Aura along with a Speed Boost.

Apothecary doesn't give you any Speed Aura - None of the heroes you mentioned has a Speed Aura

Thus, the recommendation of using High Khatun by LXZY.

HK does both Speed Aura + Speed Boost which is what your team is missing.

May 15, 2020, 05:4005/15/20
May 15, 2020, 05:40(edited)

High Khatun also has AoE turn meter manipulation on her A2 which is not huge, but combined with Evil Eye from support tree can give you that little you may need on your next turn.

I used similar aproatch on my second account and switched from Apo to Khatun and that has noticable effect. Still running my Khatun in G4. And I also like the damage output of my Khatun too. 😂 
May 15, 2020, 06:5105/15/20


Thanks for your answers ... this makes sense ... and this make me re-thing again about who will be my next 60 since I was thinking about Apothecary initially ...
May 16, 2020, 00:4605/16/20
May 16, 2020, 00:47(edited)

The Classical Arena Speed Nuking set up is the following:

Leader: Speed Aura 

1st move: Turn Meter Filler 30%

2nd move: Increase Attack 50%

3rd move: Decrease Enemy Defense 60%

4th move: AOE Damage Dealing Attacker

Dracomorph & Madam Serris both do Decrease Enemy Defense.

Dracomorph does Weaken along side of his Def Down.

Madam does Buff Strip + Atk Down along side of her Def Down.

You can use either 1 of them for Slot 3.

This is why Lxzy left a comment telling you to Substitute Dracomorph for Madam Serris against certain teams.

They are interchangeable depending on the enemy team you fight against, but you shouldn't use both of them on the same team.

It is always 1 or the other.

The most desired Turn Meter Filling amount is 30%.

It gives you a bigger Attacking window.

You see your Turn Meter Bar determines who moves first.

The Turn Meter Bar applies to both you and your opponent in arena.

if your Turn Meter filling Champion - Fills 30% of your Turn Meter Bar.

You only need to put enough Speed on your champions to fill up 70% naturally.

The 30% given to them by your Turn Meter Filler champion will push them to 100%.

This will allow your team the ability to take a turn in front of the enemy team.

This is why Drone left a comment telling you to use 2 Turn Meter Fillers High Khatun + Apothecary.

High Khatun does 15% Turn Meter.

Apothecary does 15% Turn Meter.

If you use only 1 of them, You need to add more speed on your remaining hero cover the difference.

You will need your team to fill up 85% of the turn meter bar naturally.

So that the 15% given to them by your Turn Meter Filling pushes them to 100%

This is why Drone mention less speed, lets you focus on more damage.

The more Speed you put on your heroes, the less Damage you can put on them.

There is always a trade off.

It is very easy to observe & understand if you think about it.

Your heroes can only wear 6 pieces of gear.

If you put 6 Speed gears on your hero to make them faster, You can't put 6 Offense gears on them to make them do more damage.

All of the advice given to you sounds great - its makes sense.

The problem is it isn't going to help you win!

Why? because you haven't built up a valid nuker.

The Classical Arena Speed Nuking set up is the following:

Leader: Speed Aura  

1st move: Turn Meter Filler 30% 

2nd move: Increase Attack 50% 

3rd move: Decrease Enemy Defense 60% 

4th move: AOE Damage Dealing Attacker

This is the set up your going for and this is what you need to understand about it.

  • You have a Speed Aura Leader to help your Nuker go faster!
  • You have a Turn Meter Filler to help your Nuker go before Enemy Nuker!
  • You have a Increase Attack Buffer to help your Nuker deal more damage to the enemy! 
  • You have a Decrease Enemy Defense Debuffer to reduce your Enemies defense so your Nuker can kill them easier!

All of the above things are going down in a sequence - They are all building up like a stack of lego blocks.

They are building up for the moment that your Nuker tears them down!

Your Nuker is going to unleashes a devastating hit destroying your opponent team in a single blow.

For this reason, Your Nuker needs to be the Baddest Mo-Fo on your Roster!

Maxed Gear - Maxed Masteries - Maxed Upgrades - Maxed Ascension

The Best stuff you have on your account.

When your Nuker attacks, he needs to take out the rival heroes soul.

Every hit is fatal hit - game ending blow.

And now you begin to realize the problem.

Your building a team around the hero going 3rd (Dracomorph).

The whole design/set up your aiming for is meant for the hero going 4th which you haven't built, yet.

So your team really isn't going to be successful at the present moment, BUT.

Your still new to the game.

You probably haven't had a chance to build up other heroes.

You will get more heroes in time.

I'm telling you the advice your getting right now is good advice from the various people.

It just isn't going to be extremely impactful for you at the moment because of the above reason.

You have a few things which you need to fix.

The Nuking options you have are the following:

  • Kael
  • Athel
  • Relic Keeper
  • Maybe, Gala Longbeards
  • Maybe, Bellower

I put maybe marks next to Gala & Bellower because its complicated.

I could explain it, but my post is already a mile long.

The simple answer is:

Gala Longbeards can be an amazing Nuker if you put her on the right team. 

Bellower can be an amazing Nuker if you have the right gear.

The last option you have is to wait on your Arena Team till you pull more Nuking heroes from shards?

Yeah, its alot to think about for sure.

May 16, 2020, 08:3605/16/20

WoW ... Amazing answer.

Thank you PlayerJ fot his very detailed and helpful answer.

I really appreciate the time you spent and the advices.

This brings a few more question though:

- I miss an increase attack buffer in my 4 chamions if I use Khatun, Apo, Draco and Kael

- I need to look for possible nukers better than Kael. I have a couple of Void shards and 2 sacred shards ... I may be lucky who knows!! I will check on websites for good nukers

- Is the Nuking strategy the only one in the Arena ? Are there other interesting team compositions?

Thanks again
May 17, 2020, 02:5605/17/20
May 17, 2020, 02:5705/17/20


May 19, 2020, 07:4405/19/20

drone said:

No there are other strategies. For time-efficient farming though you pretty much have to be fast. I recommend this video from Hell Hades:


Thank you for this video ... it's way clearer now!!

I should have watched this video before ...

Anyway I am now in the configuration with Draco and Apothecary lvl60 fully ascended and I have to figure out what to do next!

Khatun is still lvl 40

Should I level her up to 50 and then 60 or should I work on one of my already available lvl 50 Champs?

- Kael for the Nuking role (but in the long term I hope I will get one better than him)

- Skullcrusher for his CA

- Maulie for her taunt + Passive which fills the turn meter + Resurection

- Serris : I really like her powerful debuffs but she is not complementary with Draco ... too bad!

In the longer term I got the following: RelickKeeper, ColdHeart, Lua, Gala, Aina, Ursine Ironhide, Exemplar (who has a nice Crit rate aura) and Lightsworn

May 19, 2020, 22:4905/19/20
May 19, 2020, 22:50(edited)

Key thing to remember is Support heroes are usually the last ones to reach level 60.

You always want your Main Damage Dealers to be maxed out to 60 first

The reason why is because they are the ones which are often doing the most damage to enemy to help you win.

Once, your Damage Dealers are maxed out in your team.

You can begin maxing out the rest of the team.

May 20, 2020, 04:1205/20/20

OK so it should be Kael.

I was hesitating because I was hoping to get a better one in the near future.

I have 4 Sacred shards awaiting for a *2 event.

But I can get unlucky so it's probablynot worth waiting.

What do you think of Lua in the Arena ?

May 20, 2020, 07:2705/20/20

If you want to wait till you pull your Shards, You could save your food.

The game will do more Summoning Events.

You could hold tight till you figure out if you get anything good.

Than fall back plan will be to 6 star Kael.

As for Lua, I don't know! lol

I have never used Lua to be honest.

I have seen people talk about Lua in Arena.

Lua does have a nice Review Score for Arena.

However, It is tough to say whether or not those Reviews Score are accurate.

I don't like to follow the Review Scores blindly.

May 20, 2020, 16:5405/20/20
May 20, 2020, 16:55(edited)

I hear Lua is semi-good damage dealer. Like playerJ i havent used her either, mainly because I only got her recently and I already have skullcrown who probaly is alot better. Lua does not have built in surviability like skullcrown, so if you are not fastest and nuking hard she will probaly die on first enemy turn. So if you want to get good value out of her you need to be the fastest.

If you want to use apothecary and dracomorph, you are still missing speed aura, which High khatun will be bring.

That only leaves room for either Lua or kael.

You could take apothecary out. that leaves room for either cc or a second nuker. Both are viable and you might swap in and out depending on enemy team. 

With your current champions I dont think you will get maximum effect of counter attack. Kaels A1 is single target. Lua would work abit better since she will attack everyone on counter attack, but she might just die before she counterattacks.

Counter attack is probaly best if either you have a sustain aoe that will counter attack or someone with cc on their A1.

May 20, 2020, 17:1605/20/20

Yothope said:

What do you think of Lua in the Arena ?


I've encountered a few Luas in the arena, they can certainly nuke hard if built right. But so can Kael. 

I think the key difference between them is affinity. Kael is magic affinity and considering that all starters and some typical low-mid arena champions are magic, I see half or more magic champions on most people's arena teams, at least on the low-mid levels. Which creates an opportunity for force champions to counter them. 

It would be useful to have both Kael and Lua available for arena; even if you generally prefer using Kael, you'd have the option of swapping in Lua whenever you face a team with 2-3-4 force champions, which Kael would struggle against. A spirit nuker could be even more effective in such cases, but then again the spirit nuker would struggle against magic affinity. Lua as a void champion is neither weak nor strong against any other affinity. 
May 20, 2020, 20:4005/20/20
May 20, 2020, 20:41(edited)

I say you go in a different direction. I don't know how far you can get with a low end speed nuking team anymore. I'd go CA route.

Skullcrusher madame maulie and jareg
May 21, 2020, 06:4805/21/20
May 21, 2020, 06:49(edited)

Trips said:

I say you go in a different direction. I don't know how far you can get with a low end speed nuking team anymore. I'd go CA route.

Skullcrusher madame maulie and jareg


I don't see who is going to make the damages in this team?

Madame Serris is really cool!

Draco has a good A1 that could be useful in CA team.

What is the advantage of Jareg?
May 27, 2020, 05:0805/27/20

Hey there,

Me again with my questions around my Arena team.

I am starting to think about not using Draco anymore in the longterm.

Madame Serris is incredibly powerful for removing and stealing buffs which makes Draco A3 almost useless.

I have finally upgraded Kael to 60 since I did not want to wait for a potential better nuker ...

Khatun will be my next 60 according to your advices and may replace Apothecary.

That would make : Khatun, Madame Serris and Kael

For the fourth one I can have Maulie, Skullcrusher or Relickkeeper (a little bit later) or come back to Draco

I also get lucky and got Miscreated monster from a Blue shard. I see him a lot in Arena. How would he fit in my team?

I also saw videos showing how much Reinbeast was good ... but I don't see him as good as that!! Was he nerfed?

My main difficulty is the lack of books to improve these champs.

Thanks for your advices