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1st Lvl 60: Kael or Dracomorph

1st Lvl 60: Kael or Dracomorph

Apr 29, 2020, 08:5204/29/20

1st Lvl 60: Kael or Dracomorph

Still hesitating for my first chapion to upgrade to lvl60 !!??

My 2 best options are :

1/ Kael to facilitate farming and upgrading my chickens in the future

2/ Dracomorph since it is a top legendary!!

I asked already and had 4 answers ... 2 for Kael and 2 for Draco!!

For the long term Kael may be the best option to upgrade further champions by feeding chickens.

For the short term Draco can help me improve some levels of the Dungeons, the camaign and improve my level in Arena!!

What would you chose?

My other champions available at 50 are:

Maulie Tankard, Athel, Gala, Reinbeast, Jareg, Jizoh and Madame Serris.

Lvl 40 : Skullcrusher, Khatun, ColdHeart, Bellower, Rowan, Chaman, Loucheben and Bellower.

Thank you for your help
Apr 29, 2020, 09:5104/29/20

You most likely will get same answers again :) but I will repeat myself that between Draco and Kael there can't be any competition at any stage of the game early or late.

 Some may say that Kael is way cheaper to book, but I will run Draco unbookeed on any content over fully booked Kael. 

Apr 29, 2020, 20:2104/29/20
Just for the test i ran 12.3 on brutal with dracomorph fully booked. result 27 seconds, so I have  to agree on dracomorph. The difference in farming speed will be minimal and dracomorph is top-tier champion in spider, clanboss, dragon, ice golem.
Apr 29, 2020, 22:1804/29/20

You are going to 60 both right away, use that 1000 energy gift and start farming :)

How much energy to create 5 5* chickens? Too lazy to search lol.
Apr 30, 2020, 07:5904/30/20

Thanks to all of you.

Got Draco 60 yesterday.

Still need to find a suitable equipment and to improve his mastery skills ... quite low right now.

I will spend my gems to get the mine to lvl3.

Used the 1000 energy (not enough by the way to get another 60) to up my chickens.

My next question is should I up Kael, Maulie Tankard or Madam Serris to lvl 60
Apr 30, 2020, 08:3704/30/20
Apr 30, 2020, 08:41(edited)

I am not sure you will find suitable place for Kael once your Draco is fully developed. On CB Kael will be more of an obstacle than addition as you will find that his small poisons will take slots that is supposed to be for Draco's big poisons, his debuffs or other more usefull debuffs.

In dungeon Draco will fill the role of damage dealer and debuffer and you still may use Kael here and there, but...not likely. There are both the same affinity, so you can't really get advantage here either. 

On the other hand Maule, Skullcrusher, Coldheart, Serris, Jareg are all endgame usefull. 

Think of Serris more like an Legendary that need epic books. She is usefull just everywhere, especially in Arena.

Jareg is good for CB if fully booked and if you need some carry in dungeons. 

Coldheart will bring something to your team that not many champions have - damage, based on enemy max HP. You will 6* her anyway at some point, you can be sure for that, you just have to decide for yourself when you will need her over other champions. 

Maule is just beast for Arena no matter how you build her - for CC or damage. 

Now, that guy Skullcrusher is the one i will go next if I were you (probably because 8 months later I still lack any CA chsmpion😂). There are only three champions in game that can buff whole party with CA. Not using one of those is just wrong :) 

Arena, CB, most of the dungeons - he will be your main choice. Build your CB around him and you will double your damage. Put him in proper Arena team and your Great Hall will start to pops up yellow upgrades by itself😂

 Seriously, use him or give him to me, I am totaly ready for one CA champion. 

*upgrade gem mine to lvl3 is not bad choice if you plan to stick around more than three months. Around that time it will start to repay for the investment. 

Apr 30, 2020, 22:5004/30/20

I agree with most of what Daering said. Although im not a big fan of jareg. He does have decrease attack and ally protection, but still seem lacklustre to me.

Dracomorph is most known for his A2 and A3. But having him myself I can say his A1 is pretty amazing too. Which brings us to skullcrusher :D.

Since counter-attack is with A1 Dracomorph actually synergies quite well with him. And counter-attack is really good in many areas of the game. Well every area except ice golem I guess. 

So I would suggest skullcrusher aswell.

Level coldheart next and you will wonder why so many struggle with fire knigth and you slide rigth through.

Just remember coldheart is really weak until you get really good gear. Might be more useful to build her for fireknigth first with high hp and accuracy and not focus on offensive stats until later.

I would also add maulie is not only good for arena but for progress aswell. If you struggle to survice bring her in with her aoe provokes and maybe coldheart actually survive up to the boss.

Apr 30, 2020, 23:3904/30/20
Lol. You are swimming in a pool loaded with awesome champs already. Please retitle your thread "1st world problems".
May 1, 2020, 03:1505/01/20

My Recommendation is not to 60 Kael or Dracomorph 1st.

My Recommendation is to 60 Bellower 1st.
May 1, 2020, 13:4705/01/20
Yup I 60 bellower first never ever regretted it my 8 second 12-3 brutal is just amazing only 6 starred 8 champions now and Im easy in gold 4 arena can farm auto spider dragon ig fire knight 20 easily and clan boss 15mil nightmare soon be moving to ultra nightmare
May 1, 2020, 13:5905/01/20

That's awesome. You must have a great top 8. That's the way to do it. Focus on your best and only 60 those that are end game (dungeon20, gold4, NM/UNM CB) viable.

Who are your 8? What is spider team?
May 1, 2020, 14:0405/01/20
May 1, 2020, 14:18(edited)

Yea lyssandrra speed tyrant lyximor hp burn occult brawler poisoner vizier extending debuffs recently roshcard soon to be used in unm for unkillable sepulcher sentinel shield apocthoroy healer and bellower my farmer 

My spider 20 team consists of sepulcher sentinel he does shield and takes all attacks from spiderlings tyrant lyximor hp burn just so amazing damage lyssandra turn metre reduction apocthoroy healer and a level 50 armiger helps a bit more with turn metre/bit of extra damage

My clan boss team right now occult brawler vizier sepulcher sentinel tyrant lyximor and apocthoroy with recently 6 starring roshcard nearly fully booked him and got him to 251 speed should be able to make a unm unkillable team
May 1, 2020, 14:3505/01/20

Wow. That is an awesome crew! I assume you are not f2p, had to purchase shards right? I have no qualms with it, nobody is that shard lucky! 

The hp burn is really what I need for spider, ... or two more armigers lol.
May 1, 2020, 16:3605/01/20

Thanks for all your advices!!

Dracomorph is on his way to the 60.

I was thinking about Kael since it is my second most poweful champion but with 3 chickens, the best he can do right now is 6.1 in Brutal.

Note that Draco cannot do 6.1 as well with  chickens.

So I agree that I should turn 60 only end game champions.

I also have to think about the complemntarity of my 4 to 6 best champions.

Right now:

60: Draco

50: Madame Serris, Maulie, Kael, Athel, Gala Longbraids, Reinbeast, Jareg, Jizoh

40: Skullcrusher, Khatun, Apothecary, Bellower, Coldheart, Fleshmonger, Rowan, Shaman and few others.

I made the mistake to upgrade to 50 too many champions (beginner mistake).

I agree that many of these champions deserve to be up 60: Skull Crusher, Serris, Maulie, Apothecary, Coldheart, Bellower in priority.

The question is to know where to start.

My objectives:

I would like to be able to farm the 12.3 lvl in Brutal with 3 chickens in the near future.

I need to think in terms of complementarity.

I would like to pass higher levels in the dungeons since my equipment is not very good right now.

I need to improve the mastery of my champions (and I don't have enough gems for buying everything). I am stuck right now at lvl 12 of the Minotaur's labyrrinth.

Do you think I should farm the labyrinth first or look for pieces of equipment in other dungeons?

Thanks to you all ...

May 1, 2020, 17:2305/01/20
May 1, 2020, 17:25(edited)

The only thing I purchased was the battle pass and monthly gem packs only played 3 months I got really luçky my first legendary pull tyrant early on then robar not used him much though then lyssandra then a vizier roshcard and also a yannica got pretty lucky with them considering I ain't spent alot and have 8 legendarys

Yothope 12-3 brutal farmer u won't regret it bellower 6 star and if u can make him your first to get masteries on he is way better then kael as a farmer! If u ain't looking for a fast farmer kael is ok but not great

After watching YouTube videos and seeing them pull 1000s of shards on double events and not get a legendary I see how lucky I have been considering I pulled all my champions on non double events and only opened like 5 at a time 

May 1, 2020, 19:5405/01/20
Wow. After 120 days I pulled one crappy lego from shard.
May 1, 2020, 21:5305/01/20

Trips said:

Wow. After 120 days I pulled one crappy lego from shard.

Who can that be? - we may ask our self. 🤔

Can it be...?! 

Nooo, no way! 

So tell us who is the winner. 😂 

May 1, 2020, 22:1605/01/20
Grohark the bloodied
May 2, 2020, 08:1205/02/20

Hi there,

OK, so based on your answers and on my objectives above, I think I will chose this order:

Bellower, Apothecary, Skullcrusher, Maulie, Coldheart, and Madame Serris

It should take me 1 year
May 2, 2020, 09:0405/02/20

In order of progress priorities id reccomnd.

1. Be able to do brutal 12.3 even if it is slow

2. Progress your dragon team, so you can get 6*gear

3. Progress your CB so you get some chests each day - just focus on it too much early game. your champions in campaign and dragon can be used.

4. Progress arena team so you get some great hall bonuses. Again use your dragon champions in the beginning.

5. Quality of life improve your bellower to level 60 so you can dot 12.3 runs below 20 seconds.