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Ranking of bests uses for gems

Ranking of bests uses for gems

Apr 24, 2020, 11:5804/24/20

Ranking of bests uses for gems

Hello guys,

I was wondering how you would rank the bests uses for gems ?

Atm I upgraded my mine at lvl 3 (long term invest but felt the best).

But now I have 1500 gems remaining and I don't know what are the possible bests uses ? Buying blue shards for small chances of epic/legand, getting more energy to grind,... ?

Thank you in advance for your answers ! :)
Apr 24, 2020, 12:0804/24/20

How long have you been playing?

Who is your starter?

How many 60s do you have? Who?

I think the 1st 800 gems should be used to do masteries for kael. If you didn't pick kael, start over. Lol
Apr 24, 2020, 12:2404/24/20

Let's say nearly 2months (a bit less).

Ouf I got Kael :D

Only Kael is 60 at the moment and a few are 50. Not full masteries but I cannot go higher then Rank 4 in masteries since I cannot get the 3de rank of scroll.

So you thin that i should invest gems in energy to get Kael with the most masteries I can get for him ? :)
Apr 24, 2020, 15:0904/24/20
Use them to get full masteries on your first champions(4-5) that you you will take to 60. Then I'd suggest to stockpile and see what you need: pit slots, masteries, energy. 
Apr 24, 2020, 15:5904/24/20

mromg82 said:

Use them to get full masteries on your first champions(4-5) that you you will take to 60. Then I'd suggest to stockpile and see what you need: pit slots, masteries, energy. 

This ^^^

Use 800 gems to master kael. Who are your 50s? Post a screenshot of roster will get you more advice. 
Apr 25, 2020, 00:2404/25/20
quent155 said:

Hello guys,

I was wondering how you would rank the bests uses for gems ?

Atm I upgraded my mine at lvl 3 (long term invest but felt the best).

But now I have 1500 gems remaining and I don't know what are the possible bests uses ? Buying blue shards for small chances of epic/legand, getting more energy to grind,... ?

Thank you in advance for your answers ! :)
Your best investments are in energy refills and full masteries.
Apr 25, 2020, 01:0804/25/20

Yeah I discovered that I could full masteries ! Awesome :)

Here is my complete rooster. I don't mind up new champs.

PvE: Jizoh, Kael, Shaman, Reinbeast (Athel)

PvP: Kael, Jizoh, High Katun, Shaman

Do not hesitate to advice based on my rooster :)

Apr 25, 2020, 04:3004/25/20

You have some awesome ones you are not using.


Maus Mage


I do not have any of these, but start leveling these immediately. Someone else can advice on which first.  Not sure which really need books and which are great without. 

Apr 25, 2020, 05:3104/25/20
Have you 3* campaign on brutal?  If not you need to master Kael.
Apr 25, 2020, 09:0604/25/20

Yes my Kael can solo brutal np. He cannot nightmare atm but he do not have a fully optimized stuff (still pretty good).

About the champs. It's hard I feel to know who to up and how to add it in your comp. For the champs you mentionned, they seems good and I raid on a ranking that are are ok (depending on which ranking, they are all different).

So which is in your opinion the next to lvl 60 and 2 or 3 next to lvl 50 ?

And which balanced comp do you see for campaign, dungeon or arena ?
Apr 25, 2020, 09:4704/25/20
Apr 25, 2020, 09:58(edited)

@quent155, stop right where you are! :)

Stop investment of Jizoh, Shaman, Reinbeast. And i mean it. 5* them to help your start when you don't have anyone else is fine, working on them when you have way better champions is a waste.

Your best investment for long term are Skullcrown, Zargala, Lightsworn, M Mage, Rearguard Sergeant. Some of them need books to get most of them, but you better go slow on books unless you know what and why you do it. You are still 2 months in game, so probably is not that critical if you play them without books for now. Also, Cardinal and Catacomb Councilor have some situational use too, but for now they are more of an good addition than of high priority.

For your next 6* it depends of what you fell you lack the most. Rearguard Sergeant can be great carry for any dungeon and help you survive longer. Skullcrown is a beast in terms of pure damage, useful in Arena and dungeons, Zargala is useful in general and that AoE debuff and her strong damage will help you progress almost everywhere. M. Mage will not be your next 6^ probably, but keep him close, he is a very good epic. Most likely Rearguard Sergeant and Zargala are your best choise for your next 6^.

As you have already Kael 6/60m try to max him with masteries, books and good equipment, he will help you get others to 6/60 faster. Go for offense mastery dawn to Warmaster and support for everything that relate to debuffs and accuracy.

Its tempting to use gems for some shard packs and maybe at this point it make sense to your, but at some point just stop to spend them on shard packs. Save your shards for x2 events (not x10 events, they sux, save them for double chance), You are 2 months in game, you still have some energy packs going from daily logins. You may spend them for you next 6/60 champion to get instant mastery on them, that will help you greatly. But the moment you can manage to run Mino 15 with some already maxed champions and the next one you need to max, you better stop buy instant mastery and farm them buy spending gems for refills. It will take longer, gut you will end up with additional silver from that runs.

Not sure training pit is worth gem investment. For me as f2p they don't seem good enough to invest so many gems in them.Definitely wouldn't recommend them, but i know some people have different opinion on that, so its your call.

Apr 25, 2020, 16:1904/25/20

Thank you for the in deep answer !

Here is my Kael 

Critical rate is a bit to high and the stuff not fully opti but I don't think it is worth atm to farm too much since I cannot diffeat high enough level in dungeons/nightmare. He is full masteries and skills levels.

At the moment he is my only decent damage dealer. The rest of the team is there to protect/heal/buff/speed him. So I think Nagara and then Skullcrown will be my next 6/60.

I have a general question about stuff. Most of the time for damage champions I see advices for +15%ATK and CC%. My first tough was that life stealis better for PvE since you survive longer on high HP and bosses. But I'm not so sure that more fast damage might be a better approach. What do you think about that ? In general are the advice stuff in the review section generally good ? And is ATK% always better then Life steal or does it depend of context or ... ?

Regarding books I did not use too much of them. I have 3 epics remaining and 6 legendary. Should I still upgrade skills for my 6/60 champ or is it a waste ?

And I have 2 Zargala, should I use one to skill level the other ?

Sorry for all those questions and thank you for your reply(ies) ! =D

Apr 25, 2020, 17:2504/25/20

You need to increase speed and acc. I will post my kael in a bit when I get back on pc. Less than a month in.








+85 ACC

Speed on boots is a must. I have lifesteal and a cruel set. 3 peices only 4star, 3 5star. Only ring, no amulet. Full masteries though (this is huge!!!), I may not have done right. Hard when using for arena, cb, farming a d dungeons. 
Apr 25, 2020, 20:1804/25/20
Apr 25, 2020, 20:27(edited)

quent155 said:

I have a general question about stuff.

Ok, here how it works. But take this as general rule, not as "The Raid Ten Commandments". :) and don't pay attention to my grammar. Yeah, i know....

Most of the time stats are way more important than the sets itself. Of course, best approach is appropriate sets with right/good stats, but that is way more achievable later in the game than the first 2 or 3 months in the game. Now you will have hard time to get good sets and good stats, but you have to follow some rules or more likely some general ideas how to equip your champions.

For most of the attack based champions you goal is to first give them good attack value from your equipment and at the same time give them good crit rate. At this point the best (no, its the only way actually within two mounts mark) for you to achieve reasonable crit rate is by aiming for gloves with crit rate percentage as main stat. This way you will boos your crit rate the most and that will boos your overall damage considerably. When you are close or as close as you can to 100% crit rate you must start to focus on your crit dmg. The only way you can boost that by any meaningful amount is to use amulet with crit dmg percentage.

And that is just the beginning. :) If your attack champion (or any champion in general) have debuff or debuffs on which you rely, you have to watch for that accuracy stat. Low accuracy will cripple your champion's performance and will make them half useful. Take your kael for example. As good damage dealer is he, you definitely will want these poisons to land on the target when they proc, right? If your accuracy is low they will be resisted and your Kael will under-perform. How many accuracy depends on where are you at the moment. No need to fill you now with extra info, but as soon as you notice your debuff procs but they are resisted more often than land, it is time to up your accuracy. The best way to increase that is to use banner with accuracy as main stat.

One of those things on which most of the users agree is that almost always you have to use percentage based stat instead of flat stats both for main and for secondary stats (substats). You will notice, that some stats are represented only by flat numbers (acc, res, speed), but other can be flat or percentage based (atk, def, hp). Most of the time percentage based stats will give you better increase, you will want them over flat stats. Say, you have two more or less identical 4* chest pieces ready to be tested on Kael - one of them with atk%, the other with flat atk number. Those with atk% when maxed and equipped will result in more overall boost of his atk stat. Don't hold high hopes of those pieces with flat stats even if they seems good at the beginning. Sometime they may roll really amassing second stats, but most of the time that will not be the case.

Still, don't forget, that weapons, helms and shield can only have flat main stat. Weapons can have only atk as main stats, helms  - only hp and shield - only defense as main stat but they can have different substats and that is where you will want to focus to optimize your overall statistics.

The boots are the only equipment on which you can have speed as main stat and this is probably the only way to have reasonable speed unless you can pull from your hat some really godly equipment in terms of rarity, quality and some really lucky rolls. So, make this as your general rule - always use boots with speed. Also, every equipment with speed substat should be considered of some use unless it is of really bad rarity and quality or unlucky rolls.

As i said, for me stats are more important than sets, but sets itself can give you additional boost of your stats and also some important utilities.The thing is - if stats are not good, or not well distributed, or not enough, there are not much sets that can compensate that. For now most of your best equipment is from some daily rewards and you probably can't farm good equipment, but start to inspect your equipment more closely. Boots with speed, any piece with % as main stat, any piece with speed, cr%, cd%, def%, hp% substat must be inspected and considered as possible upgrade.

Also, don't overinvest in tour equipment. I understand that there is an certain comfort in wearing some maxed pieces and probably they do make different for you and your game, but we all know how painful is to max that equipment. :) Soon you will put your maxed 4* equipment away as they will be not good enough. It is up to you really, but if you can do something with 12rate equipment, don't do it 16 to make it more easily. 4* equipment soon will be replaced with better with more stars and when you start to get some good 5* equipment that is where you can start to max the good ones.

I know some of those things may not be completely reliable to your current state of the progress, i don't know what is your overall equipment in your storage, how, what and why you have choose to use this or that equipment, so don't take any of my whitings too seriously, especially the last part about maxing low star equipment. Still, if there is something i do recommend with enough seriousness is to start to focus more on the important role of the stats - how speed affect my turn order, how accuracy affect my champions performance, how low crit rate affect my damage, when raw damage is less important than certain utility, when i need to sacrifice damage for some sustain and how my champion's stats affect all that.

At the end i would like to say, that you have already pulled some really good champions. You have some really good raw material to work with, don't worry if some things didn't happened as fast as you want them or as you want them. It will get better as you progress in game and get more and more knowledge of it. 
Apr 26, 2020, 00:0304/26/20

Well thank you for your in dept answer !

To be honest, a lot of stuff you said is already pretty clear to me. The part where % over flat was logical to me and I alway prioritize % as primary and as secundary in the stat wanted when possible (or speed) or for the first raw of equipement. Regarding the speed I do agreed but since I'm running a life steal equipement I think the ste bonus > speed on boots but I really want to get speed boot in life steal set.

I'll be more patient on item lvling now, I might invest too fast in it.

I agree with you that the bonus is less important then stats for the 2 pieces set. Like for offense if you have 3/4 when only loose 15% ATK. But for a 4 pieces set, I think that bonus set > 1 item with noit the best stats. This is why my Kael is not running speed on boots :p

Do you think that 100% crit. for champion like kael with a crit bonus on certain spell (+25 % on acid rain) should be the first objective ? At the moment I feel like my Kael is more lacking damages then a bit more crit rate (73% crit rate, 89% crit dmg, 2900 ATK) (if we don't look at acc and speed).

And do you (or anyone) has an advice concerning %ATK or lifesteal set ? I'm st'il wondering what to do with that on him or other champ... (I'm running lifesteal on jizoh too far instance but with %def stats :p ).
Apr 26, 2020, 00:3204/26/20
Lifesteal is good for kael, not jizoh.
Apr 26, 2020, 00:5904/26/20
Apr 26, 2020, 01:00(edited)

I would use your Gems to unlock Masteries for Kael.

Here is a Picture of my Kael:

I use Kael to beat: 

  • Dragon Stage 20
  • Ice Golem Stage 20

My Team wins with 100% win rate.

  • Dragon Fight last 3 mins
  • Ice Golem Fight last 4 mins

Here is a Picture of my Kael Masteries:

Here is a few Pictures of the Bottom row of my Gear Pieces incase you are interested:

You can see!

The gear is 6 Star, BUT keep one very important thing in mind!

I am fighting Stage 20 Dungeon's.

I am using the Max Level Gear available (6 Star Gear) to fight the Max Level Dungeon available (Stage 20).

It is a Progression.

I started with 4 Star Gear ---> I manage to go as high as like Stage 11

I farmed Stage 11 bunch of times till it drop 5 Star Gear.

I replaced my 4 Star Gear with 5 Star Gear.

You work your way up bascially.

Apr 26, 2020, 01:3304/26/20
The ACC number is very important. I am able to dragon 13 already with only 1 other 60. So you only need to be around 80 to 100 early on. So with a mix of 4 and 5star gear and masteries you should be in good shape. 
Apr 28, 2020, 03:2004/28/20

if it were me, I would spend gems on energy forgetting your level 27 zargala to 60. I would then spend the 800 on masteries for her. For now, I would not use the extra Zargala for a skill book (she takes so many, I would either be willing to commit a lot or none).

Zargala, skullcrown, lightsworn, mausoleum mage, rearguard sergeant, and catacomb councilor are all worthy of being 60.

I would focus on Zargala, Skullcrown, High Khatun, and Catacomb councilor for arena. You need to get zargala and skullcrown to 60 and geared. You need high khatun to be fast. Skullcrown as lead for aura, high khatun for speed boost, have skullcrown go before zargala. Get catacomb councilor as fast as you can, can leave it on 4. Basically you want skullcrown to lower health, catacomb councilor to use ally attack, and zargala to mop up with aoe. Your damage will be broken. That is easily Gold 4 viable.

Apr 28, 2020, 20:0304/28/20

Thank you for all your answers !

I up Zargala 5*/60 (the 6* will wait a bit for drop) and full masteries. Next is skullcrown I think.

Regarding ACC, I know it is low but I priorityzing main stats (%CC, %ATK and speed) and I have very low ACC as second stats :/ And I don't know what to do first. I can either up to 60 my other good champ or drop for stuff (but I'm only clean stage  11-12 of drake), or farm for potions to ascend...

Regarding skill, I have some books waiting to be used. I Don't know if I should keep them (if I should to do what ?), if not, is it champ for which lvl skills is better then another ? Kael il full ofc. I'm considering Zargala, but don't know if she is the best (I have 5 books for epics).

Ps: Jizoh can use life steal I think. He can solo Force dungeon lvl 15 with Lifesteal en %defense
Apr 28, 2020, 21:3204/28/20

quent155 said:

I up Zargala 5*/60 (the 6* will wait a bit for drop) and full masteries.

I don't know how far you are into Arbiter mission chain, probably too early to take this into consideration, but at some point around the beginning of the last part of that progress mission you will have mission to ascend to 6* one champion from every affinity and you have to do this when you unlock that task, meaning no matter how many champions you have already ascended they will not count.

If you think you are too far away from that mission and unlocking the last accessory slot will help your champions to get some extra stats from banner, then go for it. But at some point you have to start to prepare for that mission or you are about to hit one of the biggest "progress wall" in the game.

You can thank me later, when you get there prepared with that extra knowledge.