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Leaked Update 1.14: The lilitu nerf discusion

Leaked Update 1.14: The lilitu nerf discusion

Mar 16, 2020, 15:4603/16/20

Leaked Update 1.14: The lilitu nerf discusion

So somebody leaked the next update, they are adding 100 slots for more champs. and some buff and nerfs

One of them is a Duchess Lilitu nerf, they are changing her passive, The AOE damage will not decrease further if they Allies are veiled (will still have the 25% from not veiled but the 40% is removed).

My opinion as a F2P that has Lilitu is just... why?, In the arena there are alot of champs. that counter her, looking at you Madame Serris and Rotos.

She at least has 2 really hard counters in Gold IV+ that are pretty common in most arena teams, why nerf her now that the meta has shifted towards Rotos and single damage teams?

do you agreed with me or Im missing something?

Mar 16, 2020, 16:2303/16/20

I am F2P as well and Duchess Lilitu is one of the very few Legendary i have  . i invested in her and now a nerf !!


she is powerful  but not broken like many other units out there , please plarium re consider 

it is not encouraging experience to wait for rng to be on your side to get a L then after leveling it nerfing it 

i know as f2p  player   my words have no weight even leaving the game will have no impact  but still hope my words can reach you  

Mar 16, 2020, 17:5703/16/20
DGN said:

So somebody leaked the next update, they are adding 100 slots for more champs. and some buff and nerfs

One of them is a Duchess Lilitu nerf, they are changing her passive, The AOE damage will not decrease further if they Allies are veiled (will still have the 25% from not veiled but the 40% is removed).

My opinion as a F2P that has Lilitu is just... why?, In the arena there are alot of champs. that counter her, looking at you Madame Serris and Rotos.

She at least has 2 really hard counters in Gold IV+ that are pretty common in most arena teams, why nerf her now that the meta has shifted towards Rotos and single damage teams?

do you agreed with me or Im missing something?

I really agree with you.
Mar 17, 2020, 02:0003/17/20
Mar 17, 2020, 02:02(edited)
How can you have a 10x event for a champion and then nerf them right after. I have just finished her masteries and now you’re telling me she’s getting nerfed? She is no longer viable for clan boss and has lost her use in arena. Imagine releasing a champion with a kit like siphis and deciding DUCHESS needs a nerf?! If this nerf goes through I will not be spending another dime on this game, what’s the point in spending money to invest in getting new champs if they will just end up getting ruined. Absolute bs.
Mar 17, 2020, 06:0303/17/20

problem is they do not care if you stop spending and leave, the whole called strike didnt even hurt them....they released the battle pass and everyone left their strike.

Last month according to info online Plarium still had close to 1m downloads and the revenue for Raid was over $24m alone....they just dont give a damn about us.

I feel a nerf to duchess is a stupid move, if any champs need some type of nerf it's rotos and siphi, all top plat do not use them for a reason you know....

I have attacked a few rotos who 1 shot my entire team, went up against hellhades and his rotos went 6 times in a row just wiping me.

Mar 17, 2020, 14:2603/17/20

JJJ said:

How can you have a 10x event for a champion and then nerf them right after. I have just finished her masteries and now you’re telling me she’s getting nerfed? She is no longer viable for clan boss and has lost her use in arena. Imagine releasing a champion with a kit like siphis and deciding DUCHESS needs a nerf?! If this nerf goes through I will not be spending another dime on this game, what’s the point in spending money to invest in getting new champs if they will just end up getting ruined. Absolute bs

Even  more   they confirmed that they will NOT nrf her ! and confirmed that she works as dev intended !!

So confirm not touching .. release 10x event ... then nerf !!

i even bought her mastries with gems :\ 

Mar 17, 2020, 16:5903/17/20
Valdys said:

DGN said:

So somebody leaked the next update, they are adding 100 slots for more champs. and some buff and nerfs

One of them is a Duchess Lilitu nerf, they are changing her passive, The AOE damage will not decrease further if they Allies are veiled (will still have the 25% from not veiled but the 40% is removed).

My opinion as a F2P that has Lilitu is just... why?, In the arena there are alot of champs. that counter her, looking at you Madame Serris and Rotos.

She at least has 2 really hard counters in Gold IV+ that are pretty common in most arena teams, why nerf her now that the meta has shifted towards Rotos and single damage teams?

do you agreed with me or Im missing something?

I really agree with you.
So can you also agree on how unethical this nerf is, you say duchess is working as intended and have a 10x event for her where ppl spent massive amounts of money to get her then proceed to nerf her? I’d appreciate a response.
Mar 18, 2020, 00:1303/18/20
I worked my ass off to get Tormin and they announced the nerf b/f the fusion was a week into it.  Nerf em all I say.  Duthcess is the only champ I can NEVER beat.
Mar 18, 2020, 00:2503/18/20
I have no problem with lilitu.. It is the team around her that makes her shine. But when I face her in arena, I always prioritize killing her first coz the fight will take more than a minute to finish if she keeps on reviving. 
Mar 18, 2020, 10:1403/18/20

It's a good nerf and here is why. Most top arena teams run with her, which shows that it is by far the most popular and capable hero besides Rotos/Siphi. You might have counters, but your counters are weak compared to the other 3 team members they face.

The fact that you have this hero by luck or by fusion has nothing to do with it, because it is balancing her against the 100 other heros that everyone also have. Given that you face another team with her 90% of the time, what difference does it make?

Mar 18, 2020, 13:0103/18/20

HaKa TaKa said:

So confirm not touching .. release 10x event ... then nerf !!

For me is not the nerf itself, but this behaviour that's wrong. 

I don't own her, she is something to consider in Arena, but not sure she deserve or need a nerf (tho I didn't see this like she will become useless, but again, I don't have her). 

She never wipe my whole team by herself alone, it's she and the other good champs around her. Most of the time I know how to deal with her. And sometime I fail miserably. 

Well, Rotos is a total different story... 

Mar 18, 2020, 14:4303/18/20
Mar 18, 2020, 15:59(edited)

Ethan said:

It's a good nerf and here is why. Most top arena teams run with her, which shows that it is by far the most popular and capable hero besides Rotos/Siphi. You might have counters, but your counters are weak compared to the other 3 team members they face.

The fact that you have this hero by luck or by fusion has nothing to do with it, because it is balancing her against the 100 other heros that everyone also have. Given that you face another team with her 90% of the time, what difference does it make?

By your logic 1- so the support  champ is the one who should get nerf  but broken ones like rotos,siphi . hegomon ,vizier  etc are ok 

                     2- your counter is weak so we should nerf it .. what about my counter to all champs in platinum   should they all get nerfed then ?. if you                        have a weak counter  unit do ask to nerf        others  just like posts    nerf apo . ner warmadien  nerf   etc !

Vizier balanced skil 

Mar 18, 2020, 14:4603/18/20
Daering said:

HaKa TaKa said:

So confirm not touching .. release 10x event ... then nerf !!

For me is not the nerf itself, but this behaviour that's wrong. 

I don't own her, she is something to consider in Arena, but not sure she deserve or need a nerf (tho I didn't see this like she will become useless, but again, I don't have her). 

She never wipe my whole team by herself alone, it's she and the other good champs around her. Most of the time I know how to deal with her. And sometime I fail miserably. 

Well, Rotos is a total different story... 

For me it is both 
Mar 18, 2020, 16:3403/18/20

Dear all,


A1 [DEF]:

Attacks 1 enemy 2 times, then places a [Shield] buff equal to 10% (+10%, +10%) of this Champion’s MAX HP for 2 turns on this Champion and the ally with the lowest HP.

A2 (CD: 5 turns -> 4 turns)

Places a 50% [Increase ATK] buff and a [Block Debuffs] buff on all allies for 2 turns. Places a [Perfect Veil] buff on all allies except this Champion for 2 turns.

A3 (CD: 6 turns -> 4 turns)

Revives all dead allies with 70% HP. Places a [Veil] buff on all allies except this Champion for 1 turn. Places a 15% [Continuous Heal] buff on all allies for 2 turns.


Decreases the damage taken by all allies from AoE attacks by 25% (15% from Bosses). Decreases the damage taken by all allies from AoE attacks by 40% if an ally is under a [Veil] buff (25% from Bosses).

This is essentially more than 2 other earlier legendaries could do.

A standard attack granting 2 turn Shield of 10% (+20%) Lilitu's MAX HP for 2 champs, a 4 turn CD 50% [+ATK] + [Block Debuffs] for 2 turns for all and a 2 turn [Perfect Veil] for all except Lilitu, a 4 turn CD rezz all with 70% HP, veil on eyveryone escept lilitu herself and 15% continuous heal for 2 turns for all and a general damage decrease of at least 25% (15% from Bosses), 40% if veiled.

Just by summarizing the abilities I'm reminded how powerful she is with the appropriate build and gear. It's 2 legendaries in one. She's not even a void champ. Compare to Angar for example (void legendary).

I personally had to accept the successive lyincreasing nerf of my fused Tormin. Now even a 100% counterattack champ is granted everyone for free.

I can understand why Lilitu is a nerf candidate just by looking at the above and based on my experiences in arena Gold IV. It will produce some more balance.

BTW Siphi is also seriously overpowered, even more than Lilitu. Hopefully she will be adjusted a little bit. I appreciate anyone having luck and drawing strong champs. But should a single non-void legendary be better than 2 other legendaries put together?

Kind regards


Mar 18, 2020, 17:3603/18/20
Hm, honestly, I have never seen Siphi as too OP Lego outside the Rotos /Siphi combo.
Mar 18, 2020, 19:3403/18/20
Mar 18, 2020, 20:33(edited)

arthurios said:

Dear all,


A1 [DEF]:

Attacks 1 enemy 2 times, then places a [Shield] buff equal to 10% (+10%, +10%) of this Champion’s MAX HP for 2 turns on this Champion and the ally with the lowest HP.

This is not how shields  & heals  calculated   !   it is 10 %  >> 11% >> 12.1 %

and  I enemy lilitu go first and put the team under veil . then you have to go with strong attacker that can tak her out . and the veil lose its use 

yes maybe not easy for all  but it is an option .  madam seriess for example can eat all those buffs ..theree are many options .. not having one in player hand it not a problem need a nerf .. but no option in game is a problem indeed 

but if we apply your logic on all champions then no one will survive 

Mar 18, 2020, 20:0903/18/20

Hi again, Guys!

I asked about Lilitu's nerf and they said they're not going to nerf her.

They're going to buff the Veil buff, implementing a decreased damage taken from AoE attacks, so Lilitu will work the same, but all the other champs who place Veil buff, will have something like her passive.

What I disagree is that Lilitu will just be like the other champions with Veil buff, when she's the best atm. She's special for her passive, her skills are not that op, so I think she would be like a mediocre legendary, compared to champions like Siphi, maybe.

Mar 18, 2020, 23:4803/18/20
Mar 18, 2020, 23:54(edited)

Hey, Valdys, can you give us some approximate date how long till 1.14 will arrive? Even if it is inaccurate date, it will still be helpful to know how long we will have to wait for 1.14. Or maybe it is known date, but I somehow missed that .

Thank you.

Mar 19, 2020, 00:5403/19/20
Daering said:

Hey, Valdys, can you give us some approximate date how long till 1.14 will arrive? Even if it is inaccurate date, it will still be helpful to know how long we will have to wait for 1.14. Or maybe it is known date, but I somehow missed that .

Thank you.

I think nobody knows the date yet. :/ 
Mar 20, 2020, 01:1603/20/20

Ethan said:

It's a good nerf and here is why. Most top arena teams run with her, which shows that it is by far the most popular and capable hero besides Rotos/Siphi. You might have counters, but your counters are weak compared to the other 3 team members they face.

The fact that you have this hero by luck or by fusion has nothing to do with it, because it is balancing her against the 100 other heros that everyone also have. Given that you face another team with her 90% of the time, what difference does it make?

I mostly agree. For balancing purposes alone it is a good move and let those who cry, be better prepared next time. Don't invest all your resources on the viability of a single champ folks. Always have a plan B. Don't burn your legendaries like Draco either or you might similarily regret it(see Dracogate). Shamrock might turn out to be viable at some point. Pulled him, am unhappy that I don't have any of the top tier ones, but will keep. Have Athel, based my strategies on her and eventually realized she's no longer viable for top content as much as others. Keeping her for other things and for when the dupes kick in. Pulled for others, fused Rhazin and trying to make it work till I get a few of the better ones.

You guys are behaving like you won the lottery once and want the money to last you till the end of eternity. Though it is conceivable this could happen under the proper circumstances, it is by no means guaranteed, as is clear in this case. Oh, and a last thing; Duchess will not be nerfed, she's will just not be as OP as she is before 1.14. She is still top tier, especially if you combine her properly, which I've seen in the arena teams many times already even without the balancing kicking in. 
Mar 20, 2020, 10:3103/20/20
I think someone im Discord says they plan to make changes of how Veil will work in near future and that is one of the reasons they nerf her, because it will make her unbalanced even more. Or something like that. 
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