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When do I start farming Mastery?

When do I start farming Mastery?

Feb 27, 2020, 15:5702/27/20

When do I start farming Mastery?

I've got 3 Heroes at 6 stars. I've still got so much to do as far as farming campaign and dungeons (who doesn't?).

The amount of time and energy it takes for masteries is just overwhelming. On top of that, I'm stuck at stage 12-13. 
I am willing to pay $ to just use gems on 1 or 2 heroes, but I'm still hungery for a larger variety of champions and I'd rather put money towards shards. 

That being said;

1. How drastically do masteries improve champions?

2. Is Minotaur even worth farming if i cannot get to stage 15?

3. Should I wait until I have a better variety of 6star champions before even worrying about it?Not sure if it helps, but this is what I have so far. 

Not sure if it helps, but this is what I have so far.

Feb 27, 2020, 22:5202/27/20

I suggest you to farm Minotaur for cb champions, nightmare will need warmaster/giantslayer.

Start with 1 hero, max him, then use him with other champions.
Feb 27, 2020, 23:2902/27/20
I'd suggest farming when you can clear max lvl ml. if you can buy masteries for one person it will go a long way
Feb 28, 2020, 15:4702/28/20
Feb 28, 2020, 15:47(edited)
Valdys said:

I suggest you to farm Minotaur for cb champions, nightmare will need warmaster/giantslayer.

Start with 1 hero, max him, then use him with other champions.
I think I'm missing something. How can you farm Minotaur with one hero specially at 15? I guess you can then got perfect gear. Right now I'm struggling to kill him with 5 champs and I got scrolls in random order. I assume then all of them have max mastery I could change one champ without mastery and he will receives all scrolls from the run.???
Feb 28, 2020, 18:0402/28/20

I recommend you fallow SALT in you tube, he gives a lot of pointers from his own experience playing the game, (have help me A LOT understanding game mechanics and what to do as a newbie) he is not F2p, but also not a whale, search for the videos it may have a title of what you are looking for... better to hear him out, who is an active player, than mods here who obviously don't play the game , or do it but not in a regular basis... I am sorry but this is what i feel... Apologist up front if i am wrong.

Feb 29, 2020, 00:0202/29/20
Alsido said:

Valdys said:

I suggest you to farm Minotaur for cb champions, nightmare will need warmaster/giantslayer.

Start with 1 hero, max him, then use him with other champions.
I think I'm missing something. How can you farm Minotaur with one hero specially at 15? I guess you can then got perfect gear. Right now I'm struggling to kill him with 5 champs and I got scrolls in random order. I assume then all of them have max mastery I could change one champ without mastery and he will receives all scrolls from the run.???
I did it with Tayrel when I was in mid game.
Feb 29, 2020, 00:4902/29/20
Aug 14, 2020, 13:33(edited)

I am about to tell you something which I have no experience with!

Normally, I never talk about things which I have no experience with.

The reason why is because it makes you look stupid when you get proven wrong.

This time around I am feeling Feisty - Living on the Edge, Today!

May the Stupidity Rain Down all over me today!

You can obviously ignore my comment here if you want too.

However, I just want to say something because I see Ignatius in your Rooster.

I believe Ignatius can DESTROY - The Minotaur.

I don't own Ignatius.

I have never used Ignatius.

I have no Proof to show you Ignatius DESTROYING the Minotaur.

However, People have told me Ignatius is a Stage 20 Spider Slayer.

People have told me Ignatius can SOLO - Nightmare Campaign

I think any hero who can handle the Absurdity of the Over Powered Nightmare Campaign Mode + The Broken Spider Dungeon is strong enough to handle a Silly Minotaur level 15 Dungeon.

  • You put Ignatius in a Lifesteal Set.
  • You build up Ignatius Defense to 4-5k.
  • You build up Ignatius Health to 35k.
  • You build up Ignatius Speed to 175.
  • You build up Ignatius Accuracy to 200.

I can't even imagine Ignatius losing with those stats vs. the Minotaur.


A1 - Single Target Stun 25% Chance - Fully Booked - Needs ACC

A2 - AOE Provoke 75% Chance - Fully Booked - Needs ACC

A3 - AOE HP Burn 100% Chance - Fully Booked - Doesn't need ACC

DEF Aura - All Battles 25%

Reading this Heroes Skill Kit is pretty disgusting.

Fully Tome Up - You should use Legendary Tome's on him for sure.

I am starting to think this hero is going to be able to SOLO the Minotaur all by himself.

Maybe, you can go talk to people who own Ignatius.

They will tell you the real truth about Ignatius!

Mar 4, 2020, 19:1503/04/20

Player J said:

I am about to tell you something which I have no experience with!

Normally, I never talk about things which I have no experience with.

The reason why is because it makes you look stupid when you get proven wrong.

This time around I am feeling Feisty - Living on the Edge, Today!

May the Stupidity Rain Down all over me today!

You can obviously ignore my comment here if you want too.

However, I just want to say something because I see Ignatius in your Rooster.

I believe Ignatius can DESTROY - The Minotaur.

I don't own Ignatius.

I have never used Ignatius.

I have no Proof to show you Ignatius DESTROYING the Minotaur.

However, People have told me Ignatius is a Stage 20 Spider Slayer.

People have told me Ignatius can SOLO - Nightmare Campaign

I think any hero who can hand the Absurdity of the Over Powered Nightmare Campaign Mode + The Broken Spider Dungeon is strong enough to hand a Silly Minotaur level 15 Dungeon.

  • You put Ignatius in a Lifesteal Set.
  • You build up Ignatius Defense to 4-5k.
  • You build up Ignatius Health to 35k.
  • You build up Ignatius Speed to 175.
  • You build up Ignatius Accuracy to 200.

I can't even imagine Ignatius losing with those stats vs. the Minotaur.


A1 - Single Target Stun 25% Chance - Fully Booked - Needs ACC

A2 - AOE Provoke 75% Chance - Fully Booked - Needs ACC

A3 - AOE HP Burn 100% Chance - Fully Booked - Doesn't need ACC

DEF Aura - All Battles 25%

Reading this Heroes Skill Kit is pretty disgusting.

Fully Tome Up - You should use Legendary Tome's on him for sure.

I am starting to think this hero is going to be able to SOLO the Minotaur all by himself.

Maybe, you can go talk to people who own Ignatius.

They will tell you the real truth about Ignatius!

I agree with you, but the stats and books required for what you suggest is a feat in itself. I have a fair amount of legendary tome's, but am afraid to use them on him incase i get a better legendary. They would be very helpful for him, but I won't do it until i can get his stats to where you suggest. My best lifesteal gear is all on a Tayrel that i had just gotten maxed out. I'm still about mid game, so I will have to wait before booking. 

That being said, i may just grind minotaur with a 2-3 man team with Tayrel , Ignatius, and either Roshcard or Kael.

I do appreciate the advice though. It's always great to hear that the legendary i pulled is worth investing in.
Mar 4, 2020, 23:5903/04/20
Mar 5, 2020, 00:01(edited)

Masteries will make your guys much better.  I would start doing them as soon as you can reliably clear 12 or 13, once you can farm 15 definitely start scrolling your whole roster.

The idea is to have a 4 man team that can kill the minotaur and are fully mastered.  Once you have this team completed, you can insert any champion into the 5th spot and they will get every single scroll that drops.  Once you can do this it makes fully mastering champions pretty trivial as it only takes a day or two and really not all that much energy (I have no idea the actual energy cost, but it doesn't feel like a ton and I have 15+ champions with full masteries).

The real hurdle to Minotaur is getting those first 4-5champions fully done, after that it's a cake walk.
Aug 13, 2020, 21:5408/13/20

I was hoping that I'd find some advice like this on here! Thanks for all the responses. I think I am going to gem my first Champion since I had over 1k saved. I'm F2P. Now the question is; who?

I only have two champions at 60 with full ascension. Jizoh and Saurus. I do however have a lvl 50 Doompreist fully ascended. I hear that she can solo Minotaur. Does that sound like a solid choice to gem?

Any advice is awesome. The only legendary champions I have are Scyl (just got her) and Vizier Ovelis. 
Aug 13, 2020, 21:5808/13/20
jmlively89 said:

I was hoping that I'd find some advice like this on here! Thanks for all the responses. I think I am going to gem my first Champion since I had over 1k saved. I'm F2P. Now the question is; who?

I only have two champions at 60 with full ascension. Jizoh and Saurus. I do however have a lvl 50 Doompreist fully ascended. I hear that she can solo Minotaur. Does that sound like a solid choice to gem?

Any advice is awesome. The only legendary champions I have are Scyl (just got her) and Vizier Ovelis. 
Jizoh & Saurus? Ouch
Aug 13, 2020, 22:2008/13/20

Yeah, I'd have to agree with Trips, probably none of those... Scyl and Vizier should probably get maxed masteries sooner or later, but they also aren't the typical type of champion for unlocking masteries with gems - you'd normally pick your primary damage dealer for that. Of the two, Scyl is good in more places but she's not great for CB, while Vizier is great for CB in the right team but more limited elsewhere. 

But really, don't you have others who'd fit the bill better? Who are your main AOE damage dealers? 

Aug 14, 2020, 11:2208/14/20
Aug 14, 2020, 11:38(edited)

Trips said:

jmlively89 said:

I was hoping that I'd find some advice like this on here! Thanks for all the responses. I think I am going to gem my first Champion since I had over 1k saved. I'm F2P. Now the question is; who?

I only have two champions at 60 with full ascension. Jizoh and Saurus. I do however have a lvl 50 Doompreist fully ascended. I hear that she can solo Minotaur. Does that sound like a solid choice to gem?

Any advice is awesome. The only legendary champions I have are Scyl (just got her) and Vizier Ovelis. 
Jizoh & Saurus? Ouch

Jizoh carried me for a long time when I didnt get any decent summons. I also didn't play the game as effectively as possible. I'm on day 190 but I've only been doing things properly for about 45 days. And I only started looking online for information for about 3 weeks. I just didn't care about the game that much and then decided I enjoyed it more than expected. So, sort of a late bloomer. I'll attach a picture of my roster. 

Also, not mad about Saurus, he's my speed farmer and since I decided to go that route with him, I've been able to quickly rank up a lot of champions that were just kind of sitting there. 

Aug 14, 2020, 12:2908/14/20

L9753 said:

Yeah, I'd have to agree with Trips, probably none of those... Scyl and Vizier should probably get maxed masteries sooner or later, but they also aren't the typical type of champion for unlocking masteries with gems - you'd normally pick your primary damage dealer for that. Of the two, Scyl is good in more places but she's not great for CB, while Vizier is great for CB in the right team but more limited elsewhere. 

But really, don't you have others who'd fit the bill better? Who are your main AOE damage dealers? 

I have a decent Kael. My arena team is Gorgorab, Warmaiden, Kael, and Relickeeper, they go in that order. 40K power and I can usually take teams up to 60K. I sometimes use Elhain, Executioner, Dark Athel, and Bellower. Just got Umbral Enchantress, Scyl, and Husk this week. 

I made the mistake of ascending anyone I thought was good about a month ago. I had a bad idea of what champions were good at that time since I was barely playing. So, I used up a lot of resources on fodder...

Mistakes happen.
Aug 14, 2020, 12:4708/14/20

Gorgorab is great in the Arena, and Lighsworn is simply awesome. Both are worth *6/60, booking, and full Masteries.

I use Lightsworn mainly for Clanboss, Fireknight and Dragon, and he rocks. He is a Defence champion and has a +60% Defence AoE Buff, plus it allows revival upon death. As a bonus, he is of the Void affinity, meaning he has no weakness.

I see Umbral Enchantress in your roster. She is another great Void affinity champion.

Aug 14, 2020, 13:2308/14/20
WatchdogCZ said:

Gorgorab is great in the Arena, and Lighsworn is simply awesome. Both are worth *6/60, booking, and full Masteries.

I use Lightsworn mainly for Clanboss, Fireknight and Dragon, and he rocks. He is a Defence champion and has a +60% Defence AoE Buff, plus it allows revival upon death. As a bonus, he is of the Void affinity, meaning he has no weakness.

I see Umbral Enchantress in your roster. She is another great Void affinity champion.

Good to know on Lightsworn. I like him a lot. Immediately Fire Knight jumped out at me. Gorgorab is what made my arena team possible and not good, but really good. I see that Umbral is really liked in the community and see her potential in arena. But I feel like I need to invest in someone that can start earning me lots of silver so I can upgrade all my equipment. That makes me think I need a Spider Killer. 
Aug 14, 2020, 15:2708/14/20
Aug 14, 2020, 15:29(edited)

My Gosh 

Never have I seen such a sad rooster in my entire life.

JMLively89 go to the support team!

Tell them your account is bugged!

You have screenshots of heroes after heroes after heroes.

You only have 1 Legendary (Vizir) - That's absurd.

Vizir can't do anything by himself!

Its like having a Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich with no Peanut Butter or Jelly.

Clearly, your accounts shard pulls are bugged.

I knew things where bad when you said you was using Saurus as your Campaign Farmer.

My Gosh - The game needs to do something.

There needs to be a system in place so these sort of things can't happen.

The poor guy is using Saurus as a Campaign Farmer!

Every time he clicks start on the battle - A pop up message will appear telling him he doesn't have Aura.

Hundred times a day!

The fact JMLively89 is still playing the game is remarkable in itself.

Everyone else would have quit already.

This is exactly why players complain about not having a

-Mercy system

-Shard Fail Safe system 

-Dupe system

This is exactly why players leave the game in bunches.

Why can't JMLively89 pull more Legendary heroes?

What unspeakable imbalance would be caused if this person got more Legendary heroes?

There is no imbalance!

There is no excuse!

All he is trying to do is play the game.

A player shouldn't have to use a Green hero to progress his accounts.

Its unreason - Its not fair.

The only thing a green hero should be used for is as a chicken.

This player is being shafted.

His account is bugged.

The shard system is bugged.

I'm not going to rest till they do something about it.

I told them a year ago.

Youtube players tell them for years.

We are going to keep telling them!

We are going to tell them till they finally do something about it.

its so hard for me to try and help a beginner.

They post a roster. 

You look at the roster.

The only emotion you feel is disgust.

You can't believe the injustice which is happening on those people accounts.

WHY? Why is it happening?

The poor guy has been reduced to using Saurus as a Campaign Farmer.

Every time he battles - Pop Up Message - It's taunting you every time

"Hey, your using a hero with no Aura"

Do you know why he is using a hero with no Aura?

Because you haven't given him a Legendary champion with an Aura.

If you give him one, he will use it!

So Brilliant the game is - you have discovered this player is not using an Aura

WOW - your so amazing - Total genius you are game!

Shiny Gold Star on your Little Forehead.

Aug 14, 2020, 16:1608/14/20
Aug 14, 2020, 16:28(edited)
Player J said:

My Gosh --- And all that other stuff he said above.

Uhhh... I mean, its not that bad. Yes, I wish I had better Champions but your response is... a bit over the top. I am clear of Brutal and onto the Sewers in Nightmare. I just use Saurus for leveling all my fodder. 
Aug 14, 2020, 17:0808/14/20

Don't waste energy in NM campaign 

6star gorgorab and apothecary 
Aug 14, 2020, 17:3708/14/20
I do use both of those guys pretty regularly. And they are on my list of guys to 6 star. I am always short on silver though and apparently Spider is the way to go if you need silver. However, I cant get past stage 8. Do you still think I should 6 star them first vs Scyl would could help me progress in Spider?
Aug 14, 2020, 18:0308/14/20
jmlively89 said:

I do use both of those guys pretty regularly. And they are on my list of guys to 6 star. I am always short on silver though and apparently Spider is the way to go if you need silver. However, I cant get past stage 8. Do you still think I should 6 star them first vs Scyl would could help me progress in Spider?
YES! Get more *6 champions as soon as you can.