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Arena: From bronze to gold (TEST)

Arena: From bronze to gold (TEST)

Feb 23, 2020, 23:1002/23/20

I will gladly take a screen shot and perhaps you can explain how a team that supposedly has attack of 106k loses to a team of under 63k. Then tell me it’s not broken.

Feb 23, 2020, 23:2902/23/20
Feb 23, 2020, 23:29(edited)

Because 106k means combined champ power which means nothing in the end. I am actually explaining in this entire thread how to beat vastly superior teams. Just check the last screenshot I posted! But go ahed. Post your screenshot and Ill tell you what happened

Feb 23, 2020, 23:3302/23/20
Feb 23, 2020, 23:41(edited)

Betel Geuse said:


Ill try to respond in order here so here we go:

If I misunderstood your purpose its because you are arguing and not discussing. Whats up with the forum warrior vibe? Or maybe its because your only answer so far was about replacing Kael with Warmaiden, which is a bad idea.

You might have helped alot of ppl idk and if you have all power to you. But why would that in any way keep me from refuting a suggestion that wouldnt help in any way?

No the reason I do this is not to reach gold 4. Its to find out the minimum amount of effort I need to first reach silver and then gold.

Yes I initially use champs that needs to be pulled even though they are very commonly pulled. I have also mentioned what they can be replaced with in terms of farmable champs or even taken away and run a 3 team. In some cases the farmable replacements are better than what Im using. I have pointed this out multiple times. If ppl cant be arsed to actually read for a few minutes a few screenshots wont help them in any way.

I dont think you are tilted at all. You have been shifting your arguments alot and every time I have responded logically. With this I am picking up alot of dishonesty. Like you are here in a forum warrior capacity and not a vet in a constructive discussion.

Why am I hard headed like the beginners. All I have done is to explain why your suggestion was not a good one. You say that you are tilted, is that why?

To finish this post off before I send a new update Ill only say that yes I can make it silmpler to directly see why my initial team is easily replaceable with farmable champs and suggestion of champs. Thats why Ill edit my first post and point that out more clearly than I already have.

I have no idea what a Forum Warrior is.

I was telling you advice to make your team better.

My idea to replace Kael for Warmaiden isn't a bad idea.

There are 4 starter heroes in the game.

Out of all of those Starter heroes Kael is the worst hero for Arena.

Poison does nothing in Arena.

Kael turn meter fill only works if he gets a kill which he may not even do vs. some teams.

So he is the worst hero for Arena.

Everyone who has played with Kael for a very long time.

Would know Kael isn't the best Arena hero.

Kael main benefit is in Clan Boss + Dungeons.

Kael's bread & butter comes from those 2 locations because Poisons do great on Bosses!

Kael can do campaign.

Kael can do arena


All the other starters are superior to him in Arena + Campaign!

They always have been!

What I was telling you to do was to make Athel your main level 60 nuker.

Your team would be the following:

Leader: SpiritHost - Speed Aura 10%

1st move: Apothecary -----> TM + Speed Buff

2nd move: Spirithost ------> Increase Attack 50%

3rd move: Warmaiden ----> Decrease Enemy Defense 60%

4th move: Athel ------------> AOE Damage Dealer

This set up is better for you vs. Kael set up.

Why? Because of High Khatun which you will get in 30 day login!

Right now - You are using Spirithost as your Increase Attack hero 50% + Speed Lead.

In 30 days, You will get High Khatun.

High Khatun has a better Speed Lead.

You will replace Apothecary with High Khatun.

Your set up would look like the below set up:

Leader: High Khatun - Speed Aura 19% 

1st move: High Khatun ----> TM + Speed Buff 

2nd move: Spirithost ------> Increase Attack 50% 

3rd move: Warmaiden ----> Decrease Enemy Defense 60% 

4th move: Athel ------------> AOE Damage Dealer

However, you could even do a better set up than the above set up!

You see Spirithost at this point in time is only providing you Increase Attack buff by 50%

Athel has the power to Increase her own attack by 25%

What this means is you can consider taking out Spirithost completely!

You will lose 25% Attack Increase, but you will get a Free Arena Slot

We call this a Flex Spot!

It is 100% better to get a free slot in your set up vs. 25% Attack buff gain.

And this is only possible because you have Athel, not Kael

Kael has no self buff.

So if you was to take out Spirithost while Kael is in your set up.

You would lose 50% Increase Attack.

It is to much of a sacrifice!

However, losing only 25% Increase Attack buff vs. extra slot

It is 100% worth it.

You can than put heroes into your line up which could help take out enemy teams even better.

You can use another Damage Dealer such as Relic Keeper (Fuse able for everyone at the Portal)

Relic Keeper - Does his own 50% Increase Attack Buff + Single Damage Dealer + Can Snowball

Sample set up:

Leader: High Khatun - Speed Aura 19%  

1st move: High Khatun ----> TM + Speed Buff  

2nd move: Warmaiden ----> Decrease Enemy Defense 60%  

3rd move: Athel -------------> Increase Attack 25%

4th move: Athel -------------> AOE Damage Dealer

5th move: Relic Keeper ---> Increase Attack 50%

6th move: Relic Keeper ---> Single Target Closer

You can use a Crowd Control hero for Protection such as Gray Beard.

A Crowd Control hero can help protect your Athel or other champions from getting hit.

It can be perfect strategy to help vs. a team which you may not be able to 1 shot right off the bat!

Gray Beard - Does AOE 40% Chance to Freeze + You can put a Stun Set or Provoke Set on him!

Gray Beard is farmable in Chapter 4 Campaign Locations.


Sample set up: 

Leader: High Khatun - Speed Aura 19%   

1st move: High Khatun ----> TM + Speed Buff   

2nd move: Warmaiden ----> Decrease Enemy Defense 60%   

3rd move: Athel -------------> Increase Attack 25% 

4th move: Athel -------------> AOE Damage Dealer 

5th move: Gray Beard ----> AOE Freeze + Stun

Now again, I know Gray Beard chance to land a freeze is low.

I'm not here writing this to say Gray Beard is going to Freeze or Stun or Provoke everyone!

I am here showing you what extra potential Athel is allowing your Arena set up to have.

A player might pull a hero who has 100% chance to do a Freeze/Stun/Provoke.

They could easily put them in place of Gray Beard.

All these set ups you can do is being done with Athel because Athel can help increase your team composition ceiling.

This is why I said to take out Kael for Warmaiden.

It isn't a bad idea.

It is a good idea which I didn't explain because I didn't want to write a wall of text.

I was trying to avoid writing a lengthy post.

Feb 23, 2020, 23:4302/23/20
Feb 24, 2020, 00:07(edited)

Wait now you want Athel to be the main nuker . You should make up your mind mate. A few posts ago you made a fuzz about me using a second starter. Now you are making a setup based on a specific starter. dude ...

Nope I wont make her 60 to make that happen and it would make zero difference anyway. A team built like this lives or dies inside the first round anyway and kael hits as hard as any of the other starters. Id argue that he is one of the better for that job aswell because of different reasons but I have no energy to debate you. I doubt it will lead to something constructive anyway.

Beyond this I just cant bring myself to respond to all of what you wrote. Feels like you are desperate to win an argument around an issue that dont exist.

This is a test revolving around minimal effort. Cant deal with what if this and what if that just because you have a need to be heard. Calm down!

Feb 24, 2020, 07:2902/24/20

The internet...

You are on day 40 and ask if you still will be a newbie on day 365. That is a pretty large span of days but if you are hellbent on learning nothing over a whole year, I just cannot help you. That you havent got a 6* on day 40 is something that is on you, not me. Ppl keep telling me its impossible yet I made a massive amouont of mistakes in my first 2 months and I still managed to have atleast one lvl 60 and get to gold 4 and as you can see I did just that again. I was F2P all the way through that.

The info is there for you to just grab but you are apparently not open to recieving help that even remotely suggest that you might have been doing things that is not optimal. Its interesting that everyones RNG seems to be the worst in history.

Mods plz lock this thread, I am done spending my time and arena rewards on trying to help ppl that just cant be helped. In the long run I guess Ill have less competition in arena.

Feb 24, 2020, 12:0802/24/20

Let's just see I'm on day 31 and have 3 level 60s kael bellower and tyrant lxymior on silver 2 in arena

War maiden apocthoroy robar a spare bellower whisperer erinyes shaman rock breaker faceless frost bringer valla high khatun jizoh ursine Ironhide ursine ice crusher also 60 completely different rares no copy's

Admittedly the only thing I have bought is the battle pass when it came out but even without that I already had 2x lvl 60s and was in silver arena before even buying it! So I think it is possible with the right arena team

Feb 24, 2020, 12:2502/24/20

Betel Geuse said:

The internet...

You are on day 40 and ask if you still will be a newbie on day 365. That is a pretty large span of days but if you are hellbent on learning nothing over a whole year, I just cannot help you. That you havent got a 6* on day 40 is something that is on you, not me. Ppl keep telling me its impossible yet I made a massive amouont of mistakes in my first 2 months and I still managed to have atleast one lvl 60 and get to gold 4 and as you can see I did just that again. I was F2P all the way through that.

you are taking a dedicated approach where you streamline your entire game experience towards a single goal while using experience, and then you claim this is 'proof' that any new player that is merely trying to play the game can't complain.

That is totally backwards. I've played the game little over a year. I still don't have an arena team of all 60'ies. Why? Because Arena isn't the only thing in the game. There are the different dungeons, faction crypts and clan boss as well. Each requires farming and grinding of different champions/gears. I got alot of level 40 and 50 champions, because it is pretty fast to get a champion to those levels compared to 60, and it allows you to get a decent chunk done in the different segments of the game.

Part of the problem with the missions is that it asks you to do everything at once. While this is overall good, it severely clashes with how arena works and that particular segment of the game keeps being a thorn in the eye of anyone new to the game trying to actually do the missions and/or challenges.

Heck, even at this point I seem to shift back and forth between silver and gold, depending on the roll of the dice. Getting medals is all about being lucky enough to meet either teams you can beat, or meeting downrankers that field bogus defence (and bless their hearts, because those people actually allow non hardcore arena players SOME way of getting medals every now and then). My arena team is by now 2 level 60'ies and 2 level 50'ies. Not all of the gear and masteries have been maxed out and the 50'ies are usually unbooked as well. Most of the teams I seem to be facing are teams full of 60'ies that are fully booked, fully masteried and fully geared. These matches are pointless and it sometimes takes an entire day just to be able to find 5 matches I think I have a chance of winning without turning my entire gaming experience into hardcore arena (newsflash, I don't think arena is THAT fun that I would want to do so, and I have a feeling I am not the only one of that sentiment).

Add to this that some of the champions are just broken compared to others, and it is sometimes a REALLY frustrating experience. (I've lost track of the amount of matches I've entered where my team was able to kill 3 enemy champions while only loosing 1 or none of mine, and then simply be unable to kill the last enemy forcing me to eventually just leave the match because it would never end if I stayed in it)

The grind to level up the great hall seems extreme compared to any other aspect of the game, especially with the current disaster that arena is.
Feb 24, 2020, 12:3002/24/20

Betel Geuse said:

The internet...

You are on day 40 and ask if you still will be a newbie on day 365. That is a pretty large span of days but if you are hellbent on learning nothing over a whole year, I just cannot help you. That you havent got a 6* on day 40 is something that is on you, not me. Ppl keep telling me its impossible yet I made a massive amouont of mistakes in my first 2 months and I still managed to have atleast one lvl 60 and get to gold 4 and as you can see I did just that again. I was F2P all the way through that.

The info is there for you to just grab but you are apparently not open to recieving help that even remotely suggest that you might have been doing things that is not optimal. Its interesting that everyones RNG seems to be the worst in history.

Mods plz lock this thread, I am done spending my time and arena rewards on trying to help ppl that just cant be helped. In the long run I guess Ill have less competition in arena.


Thanks for tutorial but like some of the players you are totally delusional. 

I'm 60 days in the game and just lately started get some ground on game one of them was release of battle pass. most of the champions was some gray 5 star shity gear and up to 30 days in the game i was using some green champions. also every time you get new rare champ you check in internet and realize that its totally worthless at some point even worse then you 50 lvl sniper champ....  most annoying thing about arena is after 60 days of playing game my best team got 106k power and still manage to lose to 50k players and this shit drives me crazy and you check some teams like you dont want to attack anyone with speed buff and anyone who have legendary coz most of the time that one legendary probably wipe out all your team.... its also narrows down to weary limited amount of players you can attack coz right now like 70% of players with similar team set ups its bit kill interest of game to have so many champs without purpose of use. 

i bet if you have nice choice of champs with max skill its different. 

I'm not saying its not possible but then you have no choice of champs and all skills lvl1 it makes impossible and you don't see any progress.

one more thing i noticed that some of your champs had max mastery my best champ is still at lvl 4 right im still working but with all these event i put preference to get skill book and delay my mastery upgrade 

Feb 24, 2020, 12:4802/24/20
Feb 24, 2020, 13:08(edited)

Zorth said:

Betel Geuse said:

The internet...

You are on day 40 and ask if you still will be a newbie on day 365. That is a pretty large span of days but if you are hellbent on learning nothing over a whole year, I just cannot help you. That you havent got a 6* on day 40 is something that is on you, not me. Ppl keep telling me its impossible yet I made a massive amouont of mistakes in my first 2 months and I still managed to have atleast one lvl 60 and get to gold 4 and as you can see I did just that again. I was F2P all the way through that.

you are taking a dedicated approach where you streamline your entire game experience towards a single goal while using experience, and then you claim this is 'proof' that any new player that is merely trying to play the game can't complain.

That is totally backwards. I've played the game little over a year. I still don't have an arena team of all 60'ies. Why? Because Arena isn't the only thing in the game. There are the different dungeons, faction crypts and clan boss as well. Each requires farming and grinding of different champions/gears. I got alot of level 40 and 50 champions, because it is pretty fast to get a champion to those levels compared to 60, and it allows you to get a decent chunk done in the different segments of the game.

Part of the problem with the missions is that it asks you to do everything at once. While this is overall good, it severely clashes with how arena works and that particular segment of the game keeps being a thorn in the eye of anyone new to the game trying to actually do the missions and/or challenges.

Heck, even at this point I seem to shift back and forth between silver and gold, depending on the roll of the dice. Getting medals is all about being lucky enough to meet either teams you can beat, or meeting downrankers that field bogus defence (and bless their hearts, because those people actually allow non hardcore arena players SOME way of getting medals every now and then). My arena team is by now 2 level 60'ies and 2 level 50'ies. Not all of the gear and masteries have been maxed out and the 50'ies are usually unbooked as well. Most of the teams I seem to be facing are teams full of 60'ies that are fully booked, fully masteried and fully geared. These matches are pointless and it sometimes takes an entire day just to be able to find 5 matches I think I have a chance of winning without turning my entire gaming experience into hardcore arena (newsflash, I don't think arena is THAT fun that I would want to do so, and I have a feeling I am not the only one of that sentiment).

Add to this that some of the champions are just broken compared to others, and it is sometimes a REALLY frustrating experience. (I've lost track of the amount of matches I've entered where my team was able to kill 3 enemy champions while only loosing 1 or none of mine, and then simply be unable to kill the last enemy forcing me to eventually just leave the match because it would never end if I stayed in it)

The grind to level up the great hall seems extreme compared to any other aspect of the game, especially with the current disaster that arena is.

At the start you should focus on getting your starter to 60 and thats pretty much all the investment you should do when starting up. The rest of the champs carry supporting roles that take close to zero investment.

What I agree with is that arena is utterly unfun and the great hall is... unsatisfying. Not that you need Great hall bonuses to rank up in arena. As for the rest, I just made dragon 20 with only a few ranks in ACC.

Uf. I feel like I have adressed all this multiple times. enough is enough

Feb 24, 2020, 12:5302/24/20

Alsido said:

Betel Geuse said:

The internet...

You are on day 40 and ask if you still will be a newbie on day 365. That is a pretty large span of days but if you are hellbent on learning nothing over a whole year, I just cannot help you. That you havent got a 6* on day 40 is something that is on you, not me. Ppl keep telling me its impossible yet I made a massive amouont of mistakes in my first 2 months and I still managed to have atleast one lvl 60 and get to gold 4 and as you can see I did just that again. I was F2P all the way through that.

The info is there for you to just grab but you are apparently not open to recieving help that even remotely suggest that you might have been doing things that is not optimal. Its interesting that everyones RNG seems to be the worst in history.

Mods plz lock this thread, I am done spending my time and arena rewards on trying to help ppl that just cant be helped. In the long run I guess Ill have less competition in arena.


Thanks for tutorial but like some of the players you are totally delusional. 

I'm 60 days in the game and just lately started get some ground on game one of them was release of battle pass. most of the champions was some gray 5 star shity gear and up to 30 days in the game i was using some green champions. also every time you get new rare champ you check in internet and realize that its totally worthless at some point even worse then you 50 lvl sniper champ....  most annoying thing about arena is after 60 days of playing game my best team got 106k power and still manage to lose to 50k players and this shit drives me crazy and you check some teams like you dont want to attack anyone with speed buff and anyone who have legendary coz most of the time that one legendary probably wipe out all your team.... its also narrows down to weary limited amount of players you can attack coz right now like 70% of players with similar team set ups its bit kill interest of game to have so many champs without purpose of use. 

i bet if you have nice choice of champs with max skill its different. 

I'm not saying its not possible but then you have no choice of champs and all skills lvl1 it makes impossible and you don't see any progress.

one more thing i noticed that some of your champs had max mastery my best champ is still at lvl 4 right im still working but with all these event i put preference to get skill book and delay my mastery upgrade 

Im about 4 months in and I dont even have a 106 power team and I easily hold my own in Gold 4. The fact that you are loosing against 50ks should prove that you are doing something wrong. Nothing broken about that.

I just reached silver IV with a 50k team but Ive seriously had enough of taking my time to do updates. Going back to my actual team. No more wasting arena rewards on ppl that deny both pictures and their own experiences as proof. I mean you are loosing against a 50k team as 100+k. How is that not hard proof that you are doing it wrong?
Feb 24, 2020, 13:0602/24/20
Betel Geuse said:

Alsido said:

Betel Geuse said:

The internet...

You are on day 40 and ask if you still will be a newbie on day 365. That is a pretty large span of days but if you are hellbent on learning nothing over a whole year, I just cannot help you. That you havent got a 6* on day 40 is something that is on you, not me. Ppl keep telling me its impossible yet I made a massive amouont of mistakes in my first 2 months and I still managed to have atleast one lvl 60 and get to gold 4 and as you can see I did just that again. I was F2P all the way through that.

The info is there for you to just grab but you are apparently not open to recieving help that even remotely suggest that you might have been doing things that is not optimal. Its interesting that everyones RNG seems to be the worst in history.

Mods plz lock this thread, I am done spending my time and arena rewards on trying to help ppl that just cant be helped. In the long run I guess Ill have less competition in arena.


Thanks for tutorial but like some of the players you are totally delusional. 

I'm 60 days in the game and just lately started get some ground on game one of them was release of battle pass. most of the champions was some gray 5 star shity gear and up to 30 days in the game i was using some green champions. also every time you get new rare champ you check in internet and realize that its totally worthless at some point even worse then you 50 lvl sniper champ....  most annoying thing about arena is after 60 days of playing game my best team got 106k power and still manage to lose to 50k players and this shit drives me crazy and you check some teams like you dont want to attack anyone with speed buff and anyone who have legendary coz most of the time that one legendary probably wipe out all your team.... its also narrows down to weary limited amount of players you can attack coz right now like 70% of players with similar team set ups its bit kill interest of game to have so many champs without purpose of use. 

i bet if you have nice choice of champs with max skill its different. 

I'm not saying its not possible but then you have no choice of champs and all skills lvl1 it makes impossible and you don't see any progress.

one more thing i noticed that some of your champs had max mastery my best champ is still at lvl 4 right im still working but with all these event i put preference to get skill book and delay my mastery upgrade 

Im about 4 months in and I dont even have a 106 power team and I easily hold my own in Gold 4. The fact that you are loosing against 50ks should prove that you are doing something wrong. Nothing broken about that.

I just reached silver IV with a 50k team but Ive seriously had enough of taking my time to do updates. Going back to my actual team. No more wasting arena rewards on ppl that deny both pictures and their own experiences as proof. I mean you are loosing against a 50k team as 100+k. How is that not hard proof that you are doing it wrong?
Of course I'm doing it wrong but part of the problem I don't have better team I'm building team to farm dungeons and clan boss but will be nice to take advantage of arena too. like 60 days in to game I still don't have legendary char no matter of the fact i open over 10 screed shards on 2x better chance to get legendary. All champs i got quite crap from all tutorials i saw i got only 2 mid and end game champs. Still trying to figure out what to do with rest of them .... around 150 different rares and 20 epics......
Feb 24, 2020, 13:1102/24/20
Feb 24, 2020, 13:11(edited)
Alsido said:

Betel Geuse said:

Alsido said:

Betel Geuse said:

The internet...

You are on day 40 and ask if you still will be a newbie on day 365. That is a pretty large span of days but if you are hellbent on learning nothing over a whole year, I just cannot help you. That you havent got a 6* on day 40 is something that is on you, not me. Ppl keep telling me its impossible yet I made a massive amouont of mistakes in my first 2 months and I still managed to have atleast one lvl 60 and get to gold 4 and as you can see I did just that again. I was F2P all the way through that.

The info is there for you to just grab but you are apparently not open to recieving help that even remotely suggest that you might have been doing things that is not optimal. Its interesting that everyones RNG seems to be the worst in history.

Mods plz lock this thread, I am done spending my time and arena rewards on trying to help ppl that just cant be helped. In the long run I guess Ill have less competition in arena.


Thanks for tutorial but like some of the players you are totally delusional. 

I'm 60 days in the game and just lately started get some ground on game one of them was release of battle pass. most of the champions was some gray 5 star shity gear and up to 30 days in the game i was using some green champions. also every time you get new rare champ you check in internet and realize that its totally worthless at some point even worse then you 50 lvl sniper champ....  most annoying thing about arena is after 60 days of playing game my best team got 106k power and still manage to lose to 50k players and this shit drives me crazy and you check some teams like you dont want to attack anyone with speed buff and anyone who have legendary coz most of the time that one legendary probably wipe out all your team.... its also narrows down to weary limited amount of players you can attack coz right now like 70% of players with similar team set ups its bit kill interest of game to have so many champs without purpose of use. 

i bet if you have nice choice of champs with max skill its different. 

I'm not saying its not possible but then you have no choice of champs and all skills lvl1 it makes impossible and you don't see any progress.

one more thing i noticed that some of your champs had max mastery my best champ is still at lvl 4 right im still working but with all these event i put preference to get skill book and delay my mastery upgrade 

Im about 4 months in and I dont even have a 106 power team and I easily hold my own in Gold 4. The fact that you are loosing against 50ks should prove that you are doing something wrong. Nothing broken about that.

I just reached silver IV with a 50k team but Ive seriously had enough of taking my time to do updates. Going back to my actual team. No more wasting arena rewards on ppl that deny both pictures and their own experiences as proof. I mean you are loosing against a 50k team as 100+k. How is that not hard proof that you are doing it wrong?
Of course I'm doing it wrong but part of the problem I don't have better team I'm building team to farm dungeons and clan boss but will be nice to take advantage of arena too. like 60 days in to game I still don't have legendary char no matter of the fact i open over 10 screed shards on 2x better chance to get legendary. All champs i got quite crap from all tutorials i saw i got only 2 mid and end game champs. Still trying to figure out what to do with rest of them .... around 150 different rares and 20 epics......
You just refuse to use anything I have said in thread. If you have a 106k team I bet that you have atleast one proper nuker up to 6*. That is all you need. The rest of the team takes zero investment. But I feel like a broken record at this point
Feb 24, 2020, 13:1902/24/20
Betel Geuse said:

Alsido said:

Betel Geuse said:

Alsido said:

Betel Geuse said:

The internet...

You are on day 40 and ask if you still will be a newbie on day 365. That is a pretty large span of days but if you are hellbent on learning nothing over a whole year, I just cannot help you. That you havent got a 6* on day 40 is something that is on you, not me. Ppl keep telling me its impossible yet I made a massive amouont of mistakes in my first 2 months and I still managed to have atleast one lvl 60 and get to gold 4 and as you can see I did just that again. I was F2P all the way through that.

The info is there for you to just grab but you are apparently not open to recieving help that even remotely suggest that you might have been doing things that is not optimal. Its interesting that everyones RNG seems to be the worst in history.

Mods plz lock this thread, I am done spending my time and arena rewards on trying to help ppl that just cant be helped. In the long run I guess Ill have less competition in arena.


Thanks for tutorial but like some of the players you are totally delusional. 

I'm 60 days in the game and just lately started get some ground on game one of them was release of battle pass. most of the champions was some gray 5 star shity gear and up to 30 days in the game i was using some green champions. also every time you get new rare champ you check in internet and realize that its totally worthless at some point even worse then you 50 lvl sniper champ....  most annoying thing about arena is after 60 days of playing game my best team got 106k power and still manage to lose to 50k players and this shit drives me crazy and you check some teams like you dont want to attack anyone with speed buff and anyone who have legendary coz most of the time that one legendary probably wipe out all your team.... its also narrows down to weary limited amount of players you can attack coz right now like 70% of players with similar team set ups its bit kill interest of game to have so many champs without purpose of use. 

i bet if you have nice choice of champs with max skill its different. 

I'm not saying its not possible but then you have no choice of champs and all skills lvl1 it makes impossible and you don't see any progress.

one more thing i noticed that some of your champs had max mastery my best champ is still at lvl 4 right im still working but with all these event i put preference to get skill book and delay my mastery upgrade 

Im about 4 months in and I dont even have a 106 power team and I easily hold my own in Gold 4. The fact that you are loosing against 50ks should prove that you are doing something wrong. Nothing broken about that.

I just reached silver IV with a 50k team but Ive seriously had enough of taking my time to do updates. Going back to my actual team. No more wasting arena rewards on ppl that deny both pictures and their own experiences as proof. I mean you are loosing against a 50k team as 100+k. How is that not hard proof that you are doing it wrong?
Of course I'm doing it wrong but part of the problem I don't have better team I'm building team to farm dungeons and clan boss but will be nice to take advantage of arena too. like 60 days in to game I still don't have legendary char no matter of the fact i open over 10 screed shards on 2x better chance to get legendary. All champs i got quite crap from all tutorials i saw i got only 2 mid and end game champs. Still trying to figure out what to do with rest of them .... around 150 different rares and 20 epics......
You just refuse to use anything I have said in thread. If you have a 106k team I bet that you have atleast one proper nuker up to 6*. That is all you need. The rest of the team takes zero investment. But I feel like a broken record at this point
I do have a nuker ill send you pic later I'm at work right and i think game is down too now for some reason its not that strong in the arena or just need to put other gear on him his total power 40k but it doesn't stand to it. 
Feb 24, 2020, 14:1402/24/20


feel free to build gold wining team from what I got Ill let you know the progress 

Feb 24, 2020, 15:0002/24/20
Feb 24, 2020, 15:06(edited)

Betel Geuse said:

  • The above is supported by the fact that I just did it with a F2P setup, in one day.

Okay i will stop being polite here because you are stubborn as a mule:

you just debunked your so call experiment with that statement, you can not reach silver in one day in a F2p account who just started raid like me and is at their 30 to 40 day of gameplay, that is simply BULL SHIT!

I can tell by this reply you are a veteran F2p account who took out the vault this characters, got a lot of gems to burn to get master Kael (800gems at least) and gear that already was farmed after a year or so of playing. because you DO NOT get 4 and  5 star uncomon and Rare gear easily, even in brutal difficulty. I still get 6/7 grey 3 star over any 4 star grey, uncommon gear? maybe 1 piece every  20 runs and by the time you get it you drain all your energy for the day, rare gear?  is nowhere to be seen in campaign, maybe in nightmare, idk , haven't got there yet. Still you need to enhance the gear to see if they have decent stats, which in 99% of the time they have flat stat crap.

I will repeat myself again in case it was not clear enough, this is not a valid experiment for a real F2p account who just started in is around 30 to 40 days of  game play. Trying to imply that is an insult to new players or just plain lying to them.

To do ALL that you need to invest A LOT of time and energy and you will NOT DO IT IN ONE DAY.  stop lying! that is NOT possible!  maybe in 4 or 6 month of daily gameplay as you need to gather artifacts and gems, but not in one day.  Also what is the fun of having to be grinding daily in a game the pays itself? games are superposed to be fun and entertaining not a job or some game you let playing over night...

The conclusion to me is that  games like this are made to create addiction and then force people to spend real money to sustain that addiction. But if the trip is bad, you wont consume this drug anymore... and Arena for me is the milestone that made me hate this game with all my guts to the point i uninstall it today.
Feb 24, 2020, 15:2002/24/20
Alsido said:

Betel Geuse said:

Alsido said:

Betel Geuse said:

The internet...

You are on day 40 and ask if you still will be a newbie on day 365. That is a pretty large span of days but if you are hellbent on learning nothing over a whole year, I just cannot help you. That you havent got a 6* on day 40 is something that is on you, not me. Ppl keep telling me its impossible yet I made a massive amouont of mistakes in my first 2 months and I still managed to have atleast one lvl 60 and get to gold 4 and as you can see I did just that again. I was F2P all the way through that.

The info is there for you to just grab but you are apparently not open to recieving help that even remotely suggest that you might have been doing things that is not optimal. Its interesting that everyones RNG seems to be the worst in history.

Mods plz lock this thread, I am done spending my time and arena rewards on trying to help ppl that just cant be helped. In the long run I guess Ill have less competition in arena.


Thanks for tutorial but like some of the players you are totally delusional. 

I'm 60 days in the game and just lately started get some ground on game one of them was release of battle pass. most of the champions was some gray 5 star shity gear and up to 30 days in the game i was using some green champions. also every time you get new rare champ you check in internet and realize that its totally worthless at some point even worse then you 50 lvl sniper champ....  most annoying thing about arena is after 60 days of playing game my best team got 106k power and still manage to lose to 50k players and this shit drives me crazy and you check some teams like you dont want to attack anyone with speed buff and anyone who have legendary coz most of the time that one legendary probably wipe out all your team.... its also narrows down to weary limited amount of players you can attack coz right now like 70% of players with similar team set ups its bit kill interest of game to have so many champs without purpose of use. 

i bet if you have nice choice of champs with max skill its different. 

I'm not saying its not possible but then you have no choice of champs and all skills lvl1 it makes impossible and you don't see any progress.

one more thing i noticed that some of your champs had max mastery my best champ is still at lvl 4 right im still working but with all these event i put preference to get skill book and delay my mastery upgrade 

Im about 4 months in and I dont even have a 106 power team and I easily hold my own in Gold 4. The fact that you are loosing against 50ks should prove that you are doing something wrong. Nothing broken about that.

I just reached silver IV with a 50k team but Ive seriously had enough of taking my time to do updates. Going back to my actual team. No more wasting arena rewards on ppl that deny both pictures and their own experiences as proof. I mean you are loosing against a 50k team as 100+k. How is that not hard proof that you are doing it wrong?
Of course I'm doing it wrong but part of the problem I don't have better team I'm building team to farm dungeons and clan boss but will be nice to take advantage of arena too. like 60 days in to game I still don't have legendary char no matter of the fact i open over 10 screed shards on 2x better chance to get legendary. All champs i got quite crap from all tutorials i saw i got only 2 mid and end game champs. Still trying to figure out what to do with rest of them .... around 150 different rares and 20 epics......
It took me a year before I got my first legendary. And it was Shamrock.
Feb 24, 2020, 15:2202/24/20


BETEL GEUSE post here is really misleading to newer players.

I told him not to use Kael in his testing.

He didn't listen - He doesn't understand what his actions will cause!

You don't want Kael in a Damage Dealing Build

I told Betel Geuse - He shouldn't use Kael in his example.

It will only cause confusion & mislead beginners into building there Kael the same way his Kael is which is a poor thing to do.

Kael is a monster in Clan Boss & Dungeons.

You can use Kael in Nightmare Clan Boss Mode

You can use Kael in Dragon Stage 20 & Ice Golem Stage 20.

However, Kael can't be geared the way you have him geared for those area's of the game!

Kael has to be in Lifesteal with a Tanky build.

The set up you have Kael in makes him hit very hard, but he can't 1 shot the Ice Golem Boss, the Dragon Boss, or the Clan Boss.

The set up you have Kael in makes him very fragile.

He will die against them.

You have to understand.

What makes Kael great is the ability to do Poison!

The way to do the most damage to the Ice Golem - Dragon - Clan Boss is to have a hero who lives forever doing poison.

Psychical Attacks from Kael do hardly any damage compared to the Poison!

What you should do is build your Elhain to be your Damage Dealing Nuker.

You can put the gear on Kael onto your Elhain.

You want Elhain to be your nuker in this situation!

The Arena set up which you can build is the following:


Leader: High Khatun - Speed Aura 19%

1st move: High Khatun --------------------------------> Turn Meter Filler + Speed Buff 

2nd move: Spirithost -----------------------------------> Increase Attack 50%

3rd move: Bellower -------------------------------------> Decrease Enemy Defense 30% [Damage Scales Off Attack]

4th move: Elhain ----------------------------------------> AOE Damage Dealing [Damage Scales Off Attack]

Bellower does the small version of Decrease Enemy Defense only 30% vs. 60%

You do own Warmaiden in your Vault.

Warmaiden can do the big version of Decrease Enemy Defense.

The problem is Warmaiden is low level in your vault.

My recommendation is to use Bellower for temporary, since you have him leveled up higher vs. Warmaiden.

You can build up Warmaiden to replace Bellower down the road.

Lastly, You shouldn't have Occult Brawler & Steelskull sitting in your vault.

They are Top Tier End Game Clan Boss heroes.

They really should get leveled up.

You might want to put one or even both of them in your Clan Boss Team.

Feb 24, 2020, 15:3902/24/20

Raven Fugazity said:

Betel Geuse said:

  • The above is supported by the fact that I just did it with a F2P setup, in one day.

Okay i will stop being polite here because you are stubborn as a mule:

you just debunked your so call experiment with that statement, you can not reach silver in one day in a F2p account who just started raid like me and is at their 30 to 40 day of gameplay, that is simply BULL SHIT!

I can tell by this reply you are a veteran F2p account who took out the vault this characters, got a lot of gems to burn to get master Kael (800gems at least) and gear that already was farmed after a year or so of playing. because you DO NOT get 4 and  5 star uncomon and Rare gear easily, even in brutal difficulty. I still get 6/7 grey 3 star over any 4 star grey, uncommon gear? maybe 1 piece every  20 runs and by the time you get it you drain all your energy for the day, rare gear?  is nowhere to be seen in campaign, maybe in nightmare, idk , haven't got there yet. Still you need to enhance the gear to see if they have decent stats, which in 99% of the time they have flat stat crap.

I will repeat myself again in case it was not clear enough, this is not a valid experiment for a real F2p account who just started in is around 30 to 40 days of  game play. Trying to imply that is an insult to new players or just plain lying to them.

To do ALL that you need to invest A LOT of time and energy and you will NOT DO IT IN ONE DAY.  stop lying! that is NOT possible!  maybe in 4 or 6 month of daily gameplay as you need to gather artifacts and gems, but not in one day.  Also what is the fun of having to be grinding daily in a game the pays itself? games are superposed to be fun and entertaining not a job or some game you let playing over night...

The conclusion to me is that  games like this are made to create addiction and then force people to spend real money to sustain that addiction. But if the trip is bad, you wont consume this drug anymore... and Arena for me is the milestone that made me hate this game with all my guts to the point i uninstall it today.

Just to give a timescale. I just now tried farming for a specific set chestpiece on nightmare to get it 5 stars. After little over 200 energy I finally got a grey piece, with flat hp bonus as its stat... For a damage dealer. It will have to do, because I can't be arsed wasting more energy on trying to get a single piece of gear when the energy is better spent solving missions/challenges/quests/leveling instead.

But it hopefully gives a rough idea about how it is not something "you just do" when you want specific gear pieces of a certain quality with specific stats.

Also, at this point I stopped bothering using the minotaur as a way to grind masteries. Now I simply save up gems instead and when I have 800 I just buy a full unlock. Again, the amount of energy needed and time spent makes me prefer using the energy on more rewarding parts of the game.
Feb 24, 2020, 15:4402/24/20


Thanks for advice Ill will readjust my teams and builds. 

I didn't looked in to clan boss team builds but i guess Occult Brawler & Steelskull will be next two to build up 

Thanks again !!!

Feb 24, 2020, 15:4902/24/20

Zorth said:

Raven Fugazity said:

Betel Geuse said:

  • The above is supported by the fact that I just did it with a F2P setup, in one day.

Okay i will stop being polite here because you are stubborn as a mule:

you just debunked your so call experiment with that statement, you can not reach silver in one day in a F2p account who just started raid like me and is at their 30 to 40 day of gameplay, that is simply BULL SHIT!

I can tell by this reply you are a veteran F2p account who took out the vault this characters, got a lot of gems to burn to get master Kael (800gems at least) and gear that already was farmed after a year or so of playing. because you DO NOT get 4 and  5 star uncomon and Rare gear easily, even in brutal difficulty. I still get 6/7 grey 3 star over any 4 star grey, uncommon gear? maybe 1 piece every  20 runs and by the time you get it you drain all your energy for the day, rare gear?  is nowhere to be seen in campaign, maybe in nightmare, idk , haven't got there yet. Still you need to enhance the gear to see if they have decent stats, which in 99% of the time they have flat stat crap.

I will repeat myself again in case it was not clear enough, this is not a valid experiment for a real F2p account who just started in is around 30 to 40 days of  game play. Trying to imply that is an insult to new players or just plain lying to them.

To do ALL that you need to invest A LOT of time and energy and you will NOT DO IT IN ONE DAY.  stop lying! that is NOT possible!  maybe in 4 or 6 month of daily gameplay as you need to gather artifacts and gems, but not in one day.  Also what is the fun of having to be grinding daily in a game the pays itself? games are superposed to be fun and entertaining not a job or some game you let playing over night...

The conclusion to me is that  games like this are made to create addiction and then force people to spend real money to sustain that addiction. But if the trip is bad, you wont consume this drug anymore... and Arena for me is the milestone that made me hate this game with all my guts to the point i uninstall it today.

Just to give a timescale. I just now tried farming for a specific set chestpiece on nightmare to get it 5 stars. After little over 200 energy I finally got a grey piece, with flat hp bonus as its stat... For a damage dealer. It will have to do, because I can't be arsed wasting more energy on trying to get a single piece of gear when the energy is better spent solving missions/challenges/quests/leveling instead.

But it hopefully gives a rough idea about how it is not something "you just do" when you want specific gear pieces of a certain quality with specific stats.

Also, at this point I stopped bothering using the minotaur as a way to grind masteries. Now I simply save up gems instead and when I have 800 I just buy a full unlock. Again, the amount of energy needed and time spent makes me prefer using the energy on more rewarding parts of the game.

campaign mode they don't drop rare, epic or legendary items for these you need to do dungeons 

what comes to Minotaur dungeon if you can farm Minotaur on last lvl you can get your masteries for 640 i think so. it might worth the time to just refill energy and grind him out 
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