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Cruetraxa - discussion, booking, power...

Cruetraxa - discussion, booking, power...

Jun 5, 2020, 21:5906/05/20

AscendantGod said:

Player J said:

I love it when a person starts off there post by saying I'm wrong.

Than proceeds to give examples on why I am wrong by posting a Tier Ranking List which was last updated Aug 28, 2019.

As if such a post has any relevance in Jan 4, 2020.

AscendantGod says he never sees a Cruetraxa in Arena.

Tell AscendantGod to reach Platinum Arena and he might actually see one.

Of course, AscendantGod can't reach Platinum Arena.

He blames it on his gear.

He blames it on his lack of legendries.

He blames it on his lack of spending.

Ask him - he will tell you.

He blames every one & every thing else except himself.

The person who is actually at fault.

Go watch Tswift spank people with Cruetraxa.  

Of course, even if AscendantGod saw the game play footage for himself, He still would deny Cruetraxa. 

This is the same person who was arguing Tomb Lord was garbage.

Until, A player posted a video from youtube with Tomb Lord soloing Spider completely busted.

He denied Tomb Lord being good even during that time - while stating it was just a temporary bug.

Blah blah blah, so much rambling, so little said.

To correct you like I always have to:

1)  I am actually in Platinum currently.  You are simply oblivious like usual.  If you're going to criticize, at least make sure your information is up to date.

2)  No modifications have been made to her since Aug of 2019, and there is content on those rankings that has been updated as recently as the last couple weeks.  Reading is apparently hard for you, as is just about everything else apparently...

3)  Whether someone is in Platinum or not, they can see the Platinum list.  As such, they can find me on there.  They however will NOT see you on there, nor will we ever with all of your faulty logic, cognitive dissonance, and selective bias.

4)  You watch videos of players in Platinum and look at their gear, great hall, etc.  Common sense SHOULD indicate that more than anything, it is about the champions and the gear.  ANY content creator can confirm this.  You however seem to think there is some level of skill in it.  Meanwhile, a Platinum player is telling you there isn't.  It's about what you bought in game and only about 3% skill after that.  It is again why you're only in silver, but you come up with all the excuses in the world and project it onto others.

5)  In my Platinum video, I even make it clear to players that it's unreasonable to expect to get up to Platinum unless they have spent a TON of money on the game, as without hardcore gear with hardcore stats, they won't be able to handle it.  This is a simple fact that is supported by the team powers in Platinum.  But again, you don't know because you have never been past silver, yet feel you have a place to criticize others.

6)  Now you're going to troll about Tomb Lord again?  Seriously?!  You go ahead and show a RECENT video of Tomb Lord soloing spider.  You're so out of date that you fail to realize that they nerfed that bug the very next day after he was modified.  He was god-broken for ONE single encounter, yet everything else he was only low-average at best.  This is yet again supported by his rankings on Reddit as well, although I'm sure you will have some excuse for that too.  You always do.  And again, you won't see Tomb Lord very often in Platinum either.  .

7)  When I see you misinforming people with your senseless blathering, I always will call you out on having no idea what you're talking about.

The fact of the matter is, I'm doing end-game content, you're not.  You make claims that are unsupported, I make videos proving I am right.  No matter how much you blather, no matter how much you lie, you NEVER make a single point... EVER.

I enjoy helping others.  You enjoy making garbage up that is wrong to troll players.  You really need to stop and accept that you have no idea what you're talking about.  Again, you can't lie about Platinum, because anyone can simply go into the "top players" tab and see the list for themselves.  Might want to make sure you can't get called out on your lies like that before you lie...

Player J is like one of my old clan mate, he does 2m on normal CB, in arena silver 1. However, he feeds poisonous advice to other clan mates. I farmed G4 for the last 4 months, i've seen less than 3 Cruetraxa. I hope he's not playing this game any more.

Jun 5, 2020, 22:5506/05/20

alexanderliustar said:

Player J is like one of my old clan mate, he does 2m on normal CB, in arena silver 1. However, he feeds poisonous advice to other clan mates. I farmed G4 for the last 4 months, i've seen less than 3 Cruetraxa. I hope he's not playing this game any more.

We are in June.

My post was in January which was 6 months ago.

Cruetraxa was a God like Champion in Arena in January due to the Arena Meta at that time.

The Arena meta constantly changes as the game constantly brings out new heroes.

Of course, You haven't seen many Cruetraxa's.

Players are using Rotos as there Single Target Damage Dealer.