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Cruetraxa - discussion, booking, power...

Cruetraxa - discussion, booking, power...

Dec 24, 2019, 17:1512/24/19

Cruetraxa - discussion, booking, power...

Hi there. :)

What are your opinions on the void legendary Cruetraxa? Good, bad, normal or godlike tier? 

Is she a good choice for booking or better book another legendary?

Best gear and champions to pair her with?

Best game content to use her in?

Dec 24, 2019, 18:5612/24/19

Cruetraxa is a God in Arena, but only vs. some teams.

Cruetraxa is probably Average every where esle.
Dec 25, 2019, 00:5412/25/19
That's not what a god meansPlayer J said:

Cruetraxa is a God in Arena, but only vs. some teams.

Cruetraxa is probably Average every where esle.

Dec 25, 2019, 21:5012/25/19
Any player who actually have her and have booked her or used her?
Dec 27, 2019, 01:1812/27/19

A God Tier hero is a hero with a set of skills which can surpass all other heroes in comparison.

Some heroes are considered Universal Gods as they can excel in any given area of the game.

Other heroes are considered Specialized Gods as they can excel only in certain area of the game.

The hero Bad El Kazar is considered to be a Universal God Tier hero.

Bad El Kazar can do team wide healing.

Team wide healing can often help you in any area of the game

Most of your heroes will take damage in a lot of area's of the game, Bad El Kazar can heal them.

Bad El Kazar is a Unviersal God because there isn't a location in the game were his skill set can't help you.

Lord Shazar is known as a Specialized God because his set of skills excels above all others in comparison.

However, they only excel in 1 area of the game which is Arena.

Lord Shazar has a Speed Aura 32% which is on unmatched by any other hero in this game.

The only hero who can match Lord Shazar Speed Aura - is a duplicate Lord Shazar.

His Skill set providing a 32% Aura surpass all other. 

Thus, He is the Lord of Arena!

If you was to place Lord Shazar, In other area's of the game, Lord Shazar wouldn't be as renowned.

Lord Shazar Aura is only specialized to Arena.

It doesn't help in any other location.

Lord Shazar wouldn't do badly in other area's of the game.

Lord Shazar would do decent, good, or excellent in other area's.

However, Lord Shazar wouldn't excel as a God Tier hero for those other locations.

Lord Shazar is a damage dealer.

There are a lot of other heroes who provide damage.

Some simply do better vs. Lord Shazar in other area's of the game.

This is why he is Specialized.

He isn't a God in every location

However, He doesn't need to be.

Players use him for the location he is amazing in.

They simply find someone else for the other locations.

Cruetraxa is similar to Lord Shazar.

Cruetraxa specializes in a few area's of the game.

Cruetraxa is one of the strongest Single Target Damage Dealing heroes in the game.


Cruetraxa ability to set up on a target she has her gaze on is unrivaled.

Cruetraxa begins with a devastation of a blow.

Cruetraxa assaults a foe with her A2 "Curse of Writhing"

Cruetraxa weakens her target while at the same time removing any buffs they may have as protection against her.

Cruetraxa sets up the enemy - while granting herself an extra turn!

Cruetraxa continues her assault in a fury of a rampage as she attacks the enemy with her A1 "Dire Perforation".

The attack is relentless with a 4 hit A1 which IGNORE 50% OF THE TARGETS DEFENSE!

Combine this ruthless assault with the fact Cruetraxa is a Void Affinity hero

It is insanity!

Being a Void Affinity hero makes it so Cruetraxa is weak to no one.

She can never land a weak or undesirable hit.

She stalks all her prays with the solo mission of search & destroy!

In Fact, Cruetraxa abilities are so devastating.

They have been used by great effect.

The #1 Ranked Arena Leader Boards Player named Tswift has used Cruetraxa.

Tswift has built 2 Cruetraxa's for Arena!

Tswift has shown time & time again in Arena the devastating Cruetraxa can do.

Many youtubers + elite players have talked with great length about this character.

Several of them believe Cruetraxa is over powered.

They believe Cruetraxa should be nerfed!


Is Cruetraxa good?

Why should Cruetraxa be nerfed?

Do you really understand Cruetraxa?

Questions you may have from lack of knowledge - but make no mistake about it

Cruetraxa is a God.

This has been proven by Top Tier Players in the game.

Dec 27, 2019, 02:0912/27/19

Yeah, she hits like a MF and I haven't even made her dmg build yet. :D Just a counterattack medium quality gear, no accessories, no masteries, no stars, not even full 60 yet... And maaan, she hits. 

Does her 2nd skill part - remove 2 buffs is an accuracy/resistance related mechanic? 

Can champions resist it if she manages to proc it? 
Dec 27, 2019, 18:4512/27/19
Dec 27, 2019, 18:46(edited)

Yes, you need ACC for her Remove 2 buffs move.

I have seen people gear Cruetraxa in Savage Gear.

I know a few people who say it is best for her.

However, I don't own Cruetraxa.

So I really can't see if it is best or not.

Dec 27, 2019, 21:0412/27/19

Player J said:

Yes, you need ACC for her Remove 2 buffs move.

I have seen people gear Cruetraxa in Savage Gear.

I know a few people who say it is best for her.

However, I don't own Cruetraxa.

So I really can't see if it is best or not.

Yeah, I think to make Savage set + Crit DMG set/Speed Set. 

Right now I run counter-attack set + crit rate for Fire Knight, until I build a better team and not rely solely on her kill the 10 shield. 
Dec 30, 2019, 23:4012/30/19

Just made her with Relentless set, as I was initially was thinking to do and she is going Berserk. Now I need to figure how to improve her Crit. Damage and Attack and... things will become crazy town. 

I'm thinking to place Relentless set on Tormin as well. 

Dang, those legendary heroes need lots of potions. And the ascension to them is really crucial and potent, makes a real difference 
Jan 1, 2020, 01:2901/01/20
Jan 1, 2020, 01:42(edited)

Player J said:

Cruetraxa is a God in Arena, but only vs. some teams.

Cruetraxa is probably Average every where esle.

DO NOT listen to Player J.  Dude has NO idea what he's talking about.  He isn't even at end game content yet, lmao.  He trolls and gives bad advice all over the forums.

Take a look at this list for a general idea of each champion's usefulness:

While those numbers are not absolute and depend on composition, they can give you a general idea of how viable a champion is.  Yes, Cruetraxa  is decent.  Certainly not even close to "God-like" in arena.  You won't see her in Platinum very much, let's just say that.  I just scrolled through the top 200.  Didn't see her even once. 

Considering she puts a [Revive on Death] on herself right at the start, she already makes herself susceptible to being frozen by Tormin (which in end-game, you will see in almost all compositions).  That's one of many reasons you won't see her in Platinum much.

The other problems with her in arena:

1)  Single target only.  Absolutely no AoE.  On defense, that is horrible, as she won't tend to target who you want her to.  Only useful on offense manually.

2)  Only debuff she offers is weaken, and it's for a single target.  Considering you have epics that can do AoE weaken (and weaken isn't nearly as good as defense down), nothing particularly amazing there.

3)  Her damage multiplier (scaling based on gear) is not that spectacular.  You will have to give her TONS of crit damage and attack and give up her weaken and steal buffs (no acc), or you will take some acc for those and forego her hitting that particularly hard.  This also means you can't pump much resist into her, so unless you have someone with debuff removal, that will be a problem.

She is good for mid-game and is actually viable for clan boss (her ignoring defense makes her hit the boss VERY hard and she can be a backup weaken champion as well, not to mention she is a beast with Giant Slayer with all her attacks).  However, even for clan boss, she is only a stepping stone and nothing that spectacular.  There are FAR better choices, so in time, if you play long enough, you WILL replace her in every single end-game encounter with champions superior to her.  There is nothing she can do that some other champion can do far better.

I can't even handle correcting all of J's blathering there, but note he tries to act like void "has no weaknesses" and that makes them superior.  Anyone who believes that is showing exactly how ignorant they and and how credulous into buying what Plarium feeds them.  Void has no weaknesses, BUT they also have no strengths!!!  This means there is NO affinity they will EVER be strong against.  This is a disadvantage in dungeons, where you can go with a strong affinity and not worry as much about crit rate, as well as less concern about damage mitigation (due to the increased chance of weak hits on the affinity).  Void IS NOT necessarily a good thing!

Jan 2, 2020, 02:4301/02/20

AscendantGod said:

She is good for mid-game and is actually viable for clan boss

Do you have Cruetraxa? 
Jan 4, 2020, 07:1001/04/20
Jan 4, 2020, 07:16(edited)

I love it when a person starts off there post by saying I'm wrong.

Than proceeds to give examples on why I am wrong by posting a Tier Ranking List which was last updated Aug 28, 2019.

As if such a post has any relevance in Jan 4, 2020.

AscendantGod says he never sees a Cruetraxa in Arena.

Tell AscendantGod to reach Platinum Arena and he might actually see one.

Of course, AscendantGod can't reach Platinum Arena.

He blames it on his gear.

He blames it on his lack of legendries.

He blames it on his lack of spending.

Ask him - he will tell you.

He blames every one & every thing else except himself.

The person who is actually at fault.

Go watch Tswift spank people with Cruetraxa.  

Of course, even if AscendantGod saw the game play footage for himself, He still would deny Cruetraxa. 

This is the same person who was arguing Tomb Lord was garbage.

Until, A player posted a video from youtube with Tomb Lord soloing Spider completely busted.

He denied Tomb Lord being good even during that time - while stating it was just a temporary bug.

Jan 4, 2020, 18:2201/04/20
SeekThemOut said:

AscendantGod said:

She is good for mid-game and is actually viable for clan boss

Do you have Cruetraxa? 
Have her on an alt account.  And I am part of a clan community consisting of about a dozen or so clans that talk in Discord.  Just check the list of Platinum players yourself.
Jan 4, 2020, 18:3201/04/20

Player J said:

I love it when a person starts off there post by saying I'm wrong.

Than proceeds to give examples on why I am wrong by posting a Tier Ranking List which was last updated Aug 28, 2019.

As if such a post has any relevance in Jan 4, 2020.

AscendantGod says he never sees a Cruetraxa in Arena.

Tell AscendantGod to reach Platinum Arena and he might actually see one.

Of course, AscendantGod can't reach Platinum Arena.

He blames it on his gear.

He blames it on his lack of legendries.

He blames it on his lack of spending.

Ask him - he will tell you.

He blames every one & every thing else except himself.

The person who is actually at fault.

Go watch Tswift spank people with Cruetraxa.  

Of course, even if AscendantGod saw the game play footage for himself, He still would deny Cruetraxa. 

This is the same person who was arguing Tomb Lord was garbage.

Until, A player posted a video from youtube with Tomb Lord soloing Spider completely busted.

He denied Tomb Lord being good even during that time - while stating it was just a temporary bug.

Blah blah blah, so much rambling, so little said.

To correct you like I always have to:

1)  I am actually in Platinum currently.  You are simply oblivious like usual.  If you're going to criticize, at least make sure your information is up to date.

2)  No modifications have been made to her since Aug of 2019, and there is content on those rankings that has been updated as recently as the last couple weeks.  Reading is apparently hard for you, as is just about everything else apparently...

3)  Whether someone is in Platinum or not, they can see the Platinum list.  As such, they can find me on there.  They however will NOT see you on there, nor will we ever with all of your faulty logic, cognitive dissonance, and selective bias.

4)  You watch videos of players in Platinum and look at their gear, great hall, etc.  Common sense SHOULD indicate that more than anything, it is about the champions and the gear.  ANY content creator can confirm this.  You however seem to think there is some level of skill in it.  Meanwhile, a Platinum player is telling you there isn't.  It's about what you bought in game and only about 3% skill after that.  It is again why you're only in silver, but you come up with all the excuses in the world and project it onto others.

5)  In my Platinum video, I even make it clear to players that it's unreasonable to expect to get up to Platinum unless they have spent a TON of money on the game, as without hardcore gear with hardcore stats, they won't be able to handle it.  This is a simple fact that is supported by the team powers in Platinum.  But again, you don't know because you have never been past silver, yet feel you have a place to criticize others.

6)  Now you're going to troll about Tomb Lord again?  Seriously?!  You go ahead and show a RECENT video of Tomb Lord soloing spider.  You're so out of date that you fail to realize that they nerfed that bug the very next day after he was modified.  He was god-broken for ONE single encounter, yet everything else he was only low-average at best.  This is yet again supported by his rankings on Reddit as well, although I'm sure you will have some excuse for that too.  You always do.  And again, you won't see Tomb Lord very often in Platinum either.  .

7)  When I see you misinforming people with your senseless blathering, I always will call you out on having no idea what you're talking about.

The fact of the matter is, I'm doing end-game content, you're not.  You make claims that are unsupported, I make videos proving I am right.  No matter how much you blather, no matter how much you lie, you NEVER make a single point... EVER.

I enjoy helping others.  You enjoy making garbage up that is wrong to troll players.  You really need to stop and accept that you have no idea what you're talking about.  Again, you can't lie about Platinum, because anyone can simply go into the "top players" tab and see the list for themselves.  Might want to make sure you can't get called out on your lies like that before you lie...

Jan 4, 2020, 21:3301/04/20

AscendantGod said:

SeekThemOut said:

AscendantGod said:

She is good for mid-game and is actually viable for clan boss

Do you have Cruetraxa? 
Have her on an alt account.  And I am part of a clan community consisting of about a dozen or so clans that talk in Discord.  Just check the list of Platinum players yourself.

I'm not sure you fully know her power if you dismiss her that easily.
I think you probably need to play more with her and build a proper team around her. 

I've recently managed to kill a 134,000+ enemy team that consisted of Roshcard the Tower, Kael, Coldheart and Royal Guard, with my 75,000 team.

where Roshcard was 1-st and placed the "block damage" buff, but my Cruetraxa with relentless gear went to town making 6 turns and killed Kael and Coldheart. She only needed to kill Kael, the nuker, but she went ballistics, as she does sometimes in other places. Btw, she proc's so often and 3, even 4 goes are kind normal encounter for her. 

And my Cruetraxa does not have stars, does not have necklace and banner, does not have masteries, it is not even built for crit damage and attack, but rather more hp to help me for dungeons. 
She only have a 4 star white hp ring. 

Also, the number 1 currently in Arena - TSwift, had her in his def composition. 

Most importantly, you would not see her in Arena, as a def champion, because she is single target and is not a good fit for def, her power is in attacks that single out specific targets - mainly the biggest threat in the opposing team first. Which if not used, she will not be that efficient or efficient at all - if for example she targets the speed booster, which already have used his turn and skill. As my Cruetraxa is fast and she happens to go after their debuffers/buffers, giving her the chance to kill the nuker and still win. But if she doesn't, my team is facing deadly hits and failure.
 That said though, I suppose if you have fast enough team and proper teammates around her, she will still be monster as def as well. 

I watch my def tab, and I see people with 4x60 Martyrs, Valk, Rosh...skullcrowns, skullcrushers, maneaters etc... to die from me. I see teams with 2-3 legendaries lv60 die as well, even 1 with the speed Mortu Macaab. 

I agree that she is not easy to built, as you said, she needs various paths of development and she, at the same time has so many routes that can be taken, that make her difficult to built and use. Correct. But that is also what makes her Godlike in my opinion. 

Mastery and set wise, you can go many routes each with great perspectives of making her S or SS, Godlike even.

For example - Clan Boss: 

Right now, she makes around 1+ million on Normal and almost that on Hard. Remember, she is not built at all, not even stars. 
Imagine when she does get the damage, the crit damage and the masteries? Especially with that brutal counter-attack mastery and the Giant Slayer(if I remember correctly). 

For example - Arena:

Build her with Helm Smash and Savage set, stacking up to -100% ignore DEF(of course, -75% will be solid, and rest 50% chance).
She'll be able to face high defense teams, and simply bypass their main power stat. 

Plus, her A2 will have the -50% ignore DEF as well(25% of which solid, and rest a 50% chance). 

So far, what I see is, that if she is built properly she will be able to carry you in dungeons and make you kill bosses fast.

She already help me reach and beat stage 15 of Minotaur and Potion Keeps, which are the weaker dungeons. 

and she is super good against the FireKnight with Counter-attack set. She almost single-handedly brings his shield down. 

Anyway, my point is there is much more to her than just being a decent champion. She is one of those champions that needs to be built properly and/or contextually to really shine. 

Also, that is the reason for this topic, so we discuss and find out the power and the proper sides of that specific champion and dive in into finding out what her REAL value is. 

p.s. She is one of the heroes that benefits from relentless gear on a level that can make her OP in a flash. Assuming you have the proper gear stats, not just the set bonus.

Can you be more specific, what level and built is your Cruetraxa?
Where do you see her weak and strong, and why?
What is your experience using her?
What you've heard about her?

Jan 4, 2020, 22:5801/04/20
Jan 4, 2020, 23:11(edited)


SeekThemOut destroyed AscendantGod argument in a single devastating blow.


I love how AscendantGod says he scrolled through Arena and didn't see Cruetraxa in arena.

Than me & SeekThemOut both see the number 1 ranked player in Platinum Arena using Cruetraxa.

So Hilarious!

In the words of OpheliaA1 - One of the Best Raid Moderators of all time.

AscendantGod is nothing more than an OMEGALUL!!!!!!!

Here is a video which was created by a Real Raid Content Creator.

StewGaming ranked number 1 at the time of the video + consistently in Top Tier Arena

Do you honestly think the number 1 ranked player in Arena would ask the Developers to nerf a champion which isn't God Tier?

Cruetraxra is a God Like Hero!

AscendantGod is trolling - once again

Everyone knows it!

This is why he constantly gets banned.

Jan 5, 2020, 08:2701/05/20
Jan 5, 2020, 08:32(edited)

I don't have time for this.  I already added my two cents, Player J is going to say the exact opposite of me like always (it's what trolls do), and you can come to your own conclusions.

You have the rankings list that shows she is an A average legendary.  Yes, she is decent, but not THAT decent.  Sure, she can one shot ONE single champion.  But then anyone who can resurrect can bring them right back, hence why you rarely ever see her in Platinum.  And Relentless is NOT reliable.  Only 18%.  That means 82% of the time, she doesn't get that extra turn.  Remember that.

My advice if you're looking to be top-tier is to look at the top 300 in Platinum.  Look for consistencies.  There are certain champions that are solid choices for it, and some that are not.  Cruex is not.  Despite J's lie, Cruex is NOT currently anywhere in the top 200.

Again, if you listen to Player J, you listen to someone who can't even get past silver in arena.  The reason he is full of ad hominem attacks is because he has no other defense.

But anyway, my channel has all the information you need about arena compositions.  That will cover why she is not ideal, just like Turvold.  I have multiple arena guides in there.  They cover it, as they touch on the issues with Turvold, which is similar to her (single target, lack of debuffs, lack of utility, etc.).  Yes, my Turvold is amazing in most encounters, but not arena.  That is another subject though.

J just makes stuff up and then cites a video that will support what he claims.  Hell, I can go on YouTube and find a video that claims alien abductions are real.  Just because its in a video doesn't make it true. 

Again, the most reliable resource is looking at the Platinum list.  If you don't see a champion on there very much, there is a GOOD reason for that.  This is the type of thing J can't seem to figure out.  I do hope you're able to.  And if you want more information, come check out the SIN discord channel.  There are plenty of people here with her that can verify what I'm saying is spot on.  But again, I don't have time to do this here, nor do I care to see J desperately trying to troll.  You have all the resources you need now to come to your own conclusions.  You can find the link to SIN Discord in my channel as well, where you can find multiple whales and krakens with extensive experience that can share their experience with you.  We're all here to help one another in SIN.  J is here to misinform - whether to intentionally troll or because he is a young and naive child, I am not sure.  Either way, I strongly advise you not listen to anything he says.  He has been misinforming people on the forums for a VERY long time.
Jan 5, 2020, 22:2501/05/20
Jan 5, 2020, 22:40(edited)

I think SeekThemOut is more than qualified to make up his own mind on who is correct & who is wrong.

SeekThemOut doesn't have to go to a discord named SIN to listen to those players.

Evidence has been shown by 2 different players who have reached Number 1 Rank in Platinum Arena.

Tswift - Who is using Cruetraxa to devastate Arena Defenses

Stew Gaming - Who is opening asking for the game to Nerf Cruextraxa for being Over Powered.

Anyone with common sense would know there is more to this champion then meets the eye.

Cruetraxa is a very powerful champion.

Out of all the champions in the game to chose from:

-They chose to use Cruetraxa.

-They chose to ask for a nerf to Cruetraxa.

Jan 6, 2020, 17:4201/06/20

Player J said:

I think SeekThemOut is more than qualified to make up his own mind on who is correct & who is wrong.

SeekThemOut doesn't have to go to a discord named SIN to listen to those players.

Evidence has been shown by 2 different players who have reached Number 1 Rank in Platinum Arena.

Tswift - Who is using Cruetraxa to devastate Arena Defenses

Stew Gaming - Who is opening asking for the game to Nerf Cruextraxa for being Over Powered.

Anyone with common sense would know there is more to this champion then meets the eye.

Cruetraxa is a very powerful champion.

Out of all the champions in the game to chose from:

-They chose to use Cruetraxa.

-They chose to ask for a nerf to Cruetraxa.

And again, cherry picking  your information.  And only you would discourage someone from joining a Discord composed of many of the top ranked clans currently, lol.  It's called "second opinions."  But, you just stop at the answer you *want* to hear.

But, I do agree with you. SeekThemOut has more than enough informaiton to come to their own conclusions.  I would hope that they aren't as selective in what they listen to.

And regardless, to you Seek, if you enjoy playing with her, by all means play with her.  The point of the game is to have fun.  I mean she is awesome looking.  I just wouldn't personally use her for arena, not as a main.  As an alt to toy with?  Sure, I would.  I just always try to inform people because of how expensive it is to max out a legendary.  The tomes alone are $200 of in-game purchases.  So, just make sure you'll use her regularly before committing to that, assuming you haven't already.  I wish you luck Seek!!!
Jan 6, 2020, 23:2701/06/20

Guys, guys, this is a discussion not an arena fight! 

Please stick to the main topic - Cruetraxa. 

Such as:

--> Builds and mixes between:

- Gear sets

- Masteries

- Stat focusing and builds

- Team up champions

--> Context and choice of use:

- Arena

- Clan Boss

- Dungeons


...and *** How do you combine those? ***

Also, everyone who do participate in the conversation, please share if you DO have her or not, and most importantly, do you actually USE her as a main hero or not?
Those two questions DO NOT give anyone the title "I know it all", but they definitely give more value to the information shared. 
Meaning, you may not have her, and still give valuable information about her.
You may also have her, but not actually using her as a primary hero, which in many cases would be a set up for incorrect or even bad information about the specific hero. (You cannot expect to get the full scope and the in's and out's of a hero from a person, who doesn't fully explore those)

So, please stick to the topic and... no need to attack each other.

p.s.1 Overall Tier Lists that are not specific, are more like an initial guideline. Specific tier lists like "Best Attack Down, Defense Down, Clan Boss, Poisoner...Damage dealer... are the ones that have more ground and value, and can be pretty spot on. 
Specifically in this game, it's because most people making tier list that are including all heroes and their overall usefulness, tend to gravitate around Clan Boss more than anything else, and most of the lists are not actually made from people who have all the heroes and have tested them all, but are using the info from other players. Which hides in itself a problem based on the 2 questions mentioned above and mixed with the specific source/player experience and perspective, and some other factors as well. 

Something similar to the champion ratings.

p.s.2 Being revived in arena fight, at the level I play, is mainly sign of death. Because 1 hero will focus on reviving, while only 2 will be doing things against me. Meanwhile my team will be able to loop around for another attack not worrying of taking 4 attacks, just 2 or none at all(if they are buff.debuff, or frozen/sleeping). 

The revived hero, unless revived with 100% hp or extra trun, will be a sitting duck, that my nuker will kill, and in Kael's case, he will get turn meter boost. So, that is not a bad thing - to one shot an enemy and he be revived. At least not in 80% of the time.

Worst revive so far is Brakus, which gives him a turn, and that might be a problem in some cases. 

Yet to fight people with Arbiter, and get my own.

And even on the highest level of fights - Platinum, I don't really think that revive is 100% a good thing, that it may be a weakness in certain situations. Of course, all this is subjective and situational, and it is just a perspective and point of view, based on my current experience.

Jan 7, 2020, 00:2601/07/20

AscendantGod said:

And Relentless is NOT reliable.  Only 18%.  That means 82% of the time, she doesn't get that extra turn.  Remember that.

That is not the case with Cruetraxa. She has 2 turns when she starts, that means she has x2 the chance. 

Plus, 18% is 18%. That is a GOD tier skill that you can get for the price of x2 normal set bonuses. 

I don't understand why people dismiss it so easily, when in fact it's insane bonus skill.
Of course, the main reason is - item availability. People simply don't have good enough gear to combine to even see the benefit.

But when you have proper main stat, amazing substats and 5-6 star gear, then things change. 

p.s. Btw, best way to use relentless, and actually almost all 4 piece sets, is to have the top raw - weapon, helm and shield + 1 2nd raw gear. Leaving the majority of the % based gear to 2 part sets, which generally are easier to farm and pair on that side of the clothing.