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Christmas Fusion Event - Tormin The Cold

Christmas Fusion Event - Tormin The Cold

Dec 16, 2019, 03:4112/16/19
Dec 16, 2019, 03:42(edited)

Omg, lmao.  No one in their right mind would buy the gems from the top there.  I mean J, do you seriously pay $25 per legendary tome?!

There are multiple limited time packs you can buy, some with shards, some with gems.  The amounts you are quoting are nothing that anyone with half a brain would do.

Dec 16, 2019, 05:2912/16/19

Yes, Whales spend 125$ per week acquiring 5 Legendary Tomes.

You can acquired 5 per week only.

Whales buy all the Limited Time offers.

The limited time offers reset every 24 hours.

After making all those purchases you will still not have enough points for Towering Titan.

Thus, you will have to do offers I’m saying.

I don’t understand why your so confused by this AscendGod 

Dec 16, 2019, 13:5712/16/19
That’s me done, the artifact challenge killed it for me. Not even this rare I need but no way will be able to save up enough silver for the amount of upgrades required before Christmas Eve. Obscene amounts, I’d expect the elite for that figure. 
Dec 16, 2019, 14:0212/16/19
Well this is what happens when they tried that 1 week fusion event. It would appear they were trying to determine how to prepare for something like this where they combined the craziness into 2 sets
Dec 16, 2019, 15:3912/16/19

I updated my original post with the cost of the new Artifact Event + Dungeon Event.

There is nothing that can be said about the sad situation.

Dec 16, 2019, 17:0312/16/19

AscendantGod said:

Omg, lmao.  No one in their right mind would buy the gems from the top there.  I mean J, do you seriously pay $25 per legendary tome?!

There are multiple limited time packs you can buy, some with shards, some with gems.  The amounts you are quoting are nothing that anyone with half a brain would do.

J tard is biggest troll ever I think we all agree on that (FFS when I see that 4 meter long posts I want to cry)

so yea we need mute button

Dec 16, 2019, 21:1212/16/19

Player J's logic is not wrong here. He may post a lot but it is quite logical and makes sense when you think about some of it. Not saying I agree with everything he says, I dont. But in this case he has a point. People do buyout the store each week. It is why they limit it. 

For the length of his posts, dont read it if it bother you that much. But if you are going to argue with anyone, you should no what they are saying. Dont just start name calling because that just takes away from anything. 

I fail to see how he is trolling here when he is saying that the cost is outrageous and does help people determine if they can or cant do the event.  

Lastly you wildly underestimate people if you think someone wouldnt by anything in the shop. They are out there. To refer back to my comment about limits, people buy it. If they didnt they would be reduced till people started buying it. The majority of people wont because it is incredibly expensive but there are people who can and will throw money 
Dec 16, 2019, 22:2812/16/19

yes there are some people fool enough to waste hundreds in this "game" when it's more a gambling machine

Remember you have AAA games for 60$ or less. And very good game really free to play unlike this fucking game where the entreprise only see you as a walking wallet.
Dec 17, 2019, 01:4812/17/19
And this is why Plarium didn't win that award- and never will until they stop  being such greedy fcks.
Dec 17, 2019, 15:2212/17/19

It's easy the ones who have him want to keep him as he is, bcoz he's a monster. The ones who have to face him in the arena want to weaken him. I hope this will not be the start to turn my beloved Champs useless. I cared for  them and I trained them for almost a year. I enjoyed their power increase and saw their development in the Arena. Consider Upgrades for Galek, Ka'el and other all time favorites. Or special equipment only to be fitted to special characters



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Dec 17, 2019, 15:2812/17/19
oh wrong chat ^^
Dec 17, 2019, 23:2912/17/19

Every Hero the game nerfs becomes garbage. 

Every Hero the game nerfs becomes unusable. 


People complain about the nerf. 

People ask for compensation because of the nerf. 

People ask for Tomes back from upgrading the nerf heroes skills. 

People ask for Gems back from leveling up the nerf hero. 

People ask for Potions back from ascending the nerf hero. 


Compensation is never given - Nothing is ever returned - The hero goes into your VAULT - and you either ACCEPT IT or QUIT 

I have been playing this game for almost a year. 

Every Nerf happens the same way. 



1st - good news is they told us before we finished the fusion so we can cut our losses 

2nd - good news is we might get a new permanent fusion from all the angry backlash.

Dec 18, 2019, 18:3012/18/19
Dec 18, 2019, 18:40(edited)


It seems like the game has done something never done before! 

They have secretly given people who own Tormin compensation. 

Players who own Tormin have secretly been sent 2 Legendary Tomes as Compensation for the Nerf. lol

No message has been sent out about this compensation. lol 

They have just secretly sent people 2 Legendary Books. 

The players who received the 2 Legendary Books are now complaining in the Discord that 2 Legendary Tome's isn't enough. lol

The below post are players complaining about the Compensation.

They are upset.

They are asking for more + think its unfair. 



It takes 11 Legendary Tomes to max out Tormin skill.

The game sent them 2 Legendary Tomes. lol





This is getting good people.

Really, Juicy!

Oh, Yes

I love it!

The future of the game depends on nerfing Tormin!

OH MY GOSH, Tormin is so done!

1,000 Thousand Vault Champion - This is so EPIC! 

Look at this recommendations on how the game should Nerf Tormin!

Look at his name Tormin Slayer - OMEGALUL'S

HARD NERF with a capital N  - OMEGALUL'S

B E A U T I F U L ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

They should have went with Sir. Nicholas 

He was the Safe Fusion Option.

Oh My Gosh - So many people are going to quit. lol

I can't help but to sit back and laugh at all this craziness.

This is the most insane thing ever.

Every time it is the same way - It's so hilarious & horrible all at the same time.

I have a feeling a new permanent fusion is coming. lol

The feeling is strong - It's a very strong feeling!

We need damage control.

Where is damage control.

Public Relations - where are they at?

We need them really bad right now.

Put Reinbeast or Sir Nicholas as a new Permanent Fusion.

People need the Christmas Spirit - right now. lol

They are so gutted.

Dec 20, 2019, 14:1512/20/19


My Original Post is to long so I can't add any more Pictures + Text on it.

I will update my Original Post with the Accumulated Total Cost of  all these event as new Events come out.

I will post the Screenshots for the Next few Events in the comment sections.

You have to options in the above event.

Option 1 - Is you going straight for Rowan + skipping the Level Tournament.

You are looking at 12 Sacred Shard or 287 Ancient Shards to get Rowan directly.

It is basically 360 - 500 Dollars.

I will go with the high amount (500 Dollars) because there is no way to buy Sacred Shards from the Shop.

The game only sales Sacred Shards from Limited/Hot Sales which may or may not have Sacred Shards.

It always varies and some people might not get any of those offers.

Option 2 - You decide not go for Rowan, but instead just go for the Rare: Daywalker.

If you do this option, You will have to do the Level Tournament to get the remaining 3 rare.

DayWalker will cost 5 Sacred Shards or 125 Ancient Shards.

5 Sacred Shards will cost you around 125 Dollars

125 Ancient Shards will cost you around 250 Dollars

I will go with the high amount (250 Dollars) because there is no way to buy Sacred Shards from the Shop. 

The game only sales Sacred Shards from Limited/Hot Sales which may or may not have Sacred Shards.

It always varies and some people might not get any of those offers.

The above tournament is probably one of the most sinister events/tournaments they have done.

Compared to every other Tormin Fusion Event or Tournament.

This one seems like the easiest one.

However, It's a Trick!

It's a trick to fool your mind into letting your Guard Down.

The real issue with this tournament is the Time Crunch + Awkward Timing!

This event only last 2 days.

You got to be on the hustle.

2 days will come & go extremely fast.

In addition, This event is going on while the Dragon Event is going on.

Your Free 2 Play energy is being stretched really hard.

There is no way for you to have enough energy to do both events simultaneously!

You need energy for this Leveling Tournament + you need energy for Dragon runs.

Both event's end in 2 days - So you are getting squeezed.

It is really disgusting.

Lets be honest, The Dragon Event + Leveling Events do not compliment each other!

They have never been a good combination.

You can't be in 2 places at once!

Don't take these 2 events lightly.

I have seen a lot of good people spend a lot of money.

They spend money and acquire every hero except 1 rare.

Than boom - They can't fuse because of 1 rare.

The cost to acquire all 3 of these rare is 10 Refills.

Lets be honest - You are going to have to buy all 10 of those Refills out of pocket.

There is no way for you to have the Energy for this event + Dragon Event for Free.

You are looking at 400 Gems.

It comes out to about 10 dollars.

The above is an example of the pack I am talking about.

Lets do a total cost:

If you buy Rowan Directly from Summon Event, you are looking at 500 Dollars.

If you buy the 4 Rare to make Rowan from Summon Event + Leveling Event, you are looking at 260 Dollars.

Again keep in mind, You will have to level + ascend the 4 Rare's to make Rowan.

So you will be higher than 260 Dollars when it is all said and done.

260 is just the upfront cost.