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Probably an Unpopular Opinion

Probably an Unpopular Opinion

Jun 9, 2024, 20:4306/09/24



@dax (cant tag you lol)

This is my reply to each of your last posts:    


Complaining that the admittedly most end-game content is too difficult to complete with already built toons... come on guys.... 

1) Yes, you will have to build epics you would not otherwise.  Not sure how building more champs is a surprise

2) Swap best gear (pvp sets, stun sets) -- I'm not willing to do this but thats a me problem

3) Slowly build for a few stages each month and gradually get there.

1 is a given, I'm skipping 2 and just doing 3.  I guess if I was down to 1 or 2 (I'm around 90 each rotation now) I'd redconsider.

I'm certain all 3 of you have better gear than I, probably getting further already


I don't think it's too difficult necessarily.  I just know I'm too lazy, lol.

Jun 9, 2024, 20:5906/09/24

What I've settled into doing is each rotation I'll build 1 or 2 champs from scratch, and regear maybe 3-4, to clear rooms I haven't been able to beat. If each time I clear 1 more room that I couldn't the last time that rotation was up, I'm happy with it.

Do any of the ccs have a list of epics and rares sorted by the highest number of sin city rooms they're eligible for? If I'm gonna try someone out i've never used before, it'd be nice if I can use them in other rooms I've been stuck on in other rotations

Jun 10, 2024, 01:0206/10/24

power creep already made them easier, not sure the nerf was needed either.  i'll take the 15-20 second speed teams now though I guess.

Jun 10, 2024, 09:0306/10/24

A game that seeks to engage players inclusively seems a much better idea than one that doesn't. I'm all for the changes - seems daft to play a game that opens up content you can't be expected to play for literally years.

Jun 10, 2024, 14:1206/10/24

This is the problem with soulcross, they want us to level and build rubbish epics which no one wud even consider doing if it wasnt for soulcross 

the direct comparrison to soulcross is DT secret rooms, the difference being u were still doing Lydia at the time so building epics and fleshing out rosters was essential

Soulcross is meant to be endgame content so why on earth does it require 2nd rate epics instead of endgame viable legos

Im in the same boat. there a rooms in soulcross that i just dont have the champs to clear.

I do like sity though because i have geared more champs that i was using and prob would have never.

I will say this, I have invested in City from my live arnea and i have speed G10 Acc G10 Res G7, those have made city a lot easier and prarticularly amius.

Jun 10, 2024, 14:4906/10/24

Im in the same boat. there a rooms in soulcross that i just dont have the champs to clear.

I do like sity though because i have geared more champs that i was using and prob would have never.

I will say this, I have invested in City from my live arnea and i have speed G10 Acc G10 Res G7, those have made city a lot easier and prarticularly amius.

Same, I did some Hydra bonus but diminishing returns quickly.  DUmping all into city now.  The guys finishing CC say ignore defense is top priority.

Jun 10, 2024, 15:0106/10/24

I think you are undervaluing the soulcross rewards. I know the ones I am getting are crazy good "free rewards " in both normal and hard. Building a couple epics each training event seems like a necessity, otherwise I would just increase the amount of chickens I will never use. And I chip away at my gear storage problem lol.  


I think I could have gotten 1 or 2 more, but didn't realize the reset was happening.  I'd say 6 to 12 months knocking 1 or 2 out each rotation is reasonable. 

I definitely think choosing to progress in Sinatros is smarter than resource dumping to get Marius a little bit sooner.

What else are you doing in these champ trainings at our stage in the game? 

Might as well build out a couple epics or rares that will actually see some future use, even if it's limited to a Soulcross stage or three, rather than whatever random food I'mranking and then needing to find room to store.

Jun 10, 2024, 15:0306/10/24

What I've settled into doing is each rotation I'll build 1 or 2 champs from scratch, and regear maybe 3-4, to clear rooms I haven't been able to beat. If each time I clear 1 more room that I couldn't the last time that rotation was up, I'm happy with it.

Do any of the ccs have a list of epics and rares sorted by the highest number of sin city rooms they're eligible for? If I'm gonna try someone out i've never used before, it'd be nice if I can use them in other rooms I've been stuck on in other rotations

One or two per rotation is the strat here I think. I'm getting a touch farther in Soulcoss every rotation myself this way. 

I saw a list somewhere of like the Usable Rares and Epics for City, but don't remember which CC had done it sadly. They are out there now though, the City lists...

Jun 10, 2024, 15:1406/10/24
Jun 10, 2024, 17:09(edited)

As far as the whole "The boss nerfs are terrible, I worked to get here and now everyone else has it easy, I quit!!"

Yeah, I can't get behind that at all. If this is your stance, the quitting should have happened when FW were nerfed way back when. When almost no one could complete them. Or with every new champ that came out that made it easier for new players to do FW than I had it with my sea of rares.

Or maybe the quitting should have happened when everyone got an Artak to make Hydra and bosses easier. Or when everyone got a Wukong. Or when Hard FK was nerfed when they introduced the Mikage fusion and getting her trivialized beating Hard Fire Knight 10.

I'm all for whatever makes the game more accessible for a wider variety of players. If new players can't even get to the new, endgame content for 3 years, why should Plarium make new endgame content? They either help new players reach the new content sooner, or just make new content only for the new players, and leave you only with your precious boss you beat on your own but don't want anyone else to. I don't actually care that you walked 10 miles in the snow every day and these new players get their schoolbus and have it oh so easy.

I'm not for a game where endgame is a crucible that winnows away all but the biggest spenders, leaving me to only play against the honed edge of about 200 total accounts that dunk me into the earth over and over.

Jun 19, 2024, 10:2606/19/24

Well, I can farm Iron Twins to the top level in each affinity now. Yay!

But the trouble now is, the rewards are so terrible that only void appears worth doing - and even then you're lucky to get any essence, and just enough tokens for 1 soulstone. Great! :D

Jun 19, 2024, 13:1506/19/24

The only unpopular thing I see in this post is you bragging about the champion I didn't %^&#* get because I was stupid!

Jun 19, 2024, 18:5606/19/24

Well, I can farm Iron Twins to the top level in each affinity now. Yay!

But the trouble now is, the rewards are so terrible that only void appears worth doing - and even then you're lucky to get any essence, and just enough tokens for 1 soulstone. Great! :D

They are pretty terrible but souls are so impactful you should still be farming it daily.  Especially at the cost of one energy refill.  Especially Especially since they're doing boosted odd soul summons now too.