@dax (cant tag you lol)
This is my reply to each of your last posts:
Complaining that the admittedly most end-game content is too difficult to complete with already built toons... come on guys....
1) Yes, you will have to build epics you would not otherwise. Not sure how building more champs is a surprise
2) Swap best gear (pvp sets, stun sets) -- I'm not willing to do this but thats a me problem
3) Slowly build for a few stages each month and gradually get there.
1 is a given, I'm skipping 2 and just doing 3. I guess if I was down to 1 or 2 (I'm around 90 each rotation now) I'd redconsider.
I'm certain all 3 of you have better gear than I, probably getting further already
I don't think it's too difficult necessarily. I just know I'm too lazy, lol.