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How the !@#$ can I even get a turn?

How the !@#$ can I even get a turn?

Jun 2, 2024, 18:5806/02/24

How the !@#$ can I even get a turn?

I have 3 6* on my side, 2 pieces of speed gear on each of them, and Deacon Armstrong as my lone 5* but in leader spot.  Yet, the ENTIRE !@#$ing side opposite always gets to go first.  So what am I doing so wrong I can't even get a turn in Arena?

Did I miss some secret code or something?  So frustrated.

Jun 2, 2024, 19:0106/02/24

Is it simply that everyone is putting all speed gear on, and the rest don't matter?

Jun 2, 2024, 19:1206/02/24

The sets don't matter. Whatever stats make you faster will allow you to go first. Post your builds and be prepared for someone to link u to gearing 101 for n00bs 😀

Jun 2, 2024, 19:2206/02/24
Jun 2, 2024, 19:47(edited)

So it has come down to reductive math of speed and AoE nukes?

First champion: Elhain 6*, fully booked/ascended/mastered

Second champion: Ruel the Huntmaster 6*, half-booked, fully mastered, half ascended

Third champion: Hierophant Lazarius 6* (mythical), no books/ascending, but is fully mastered

Fourth champion: Deacon Armstrong at 5*, fully-booked/half ascended, no masteries yet.

Oh, and yeah, I am a noob. 😅

Jun 2, 2024, 20:2106/02/24

Heya OP. 

Trips is asking for a screenshot of each of the champs in question so we can see their gear and their stats, and then make suggestions from there as to their builds or what gear you might want to farm.

Jun 2, 2024, 22:0906/02/24
Jun 2, 2024, 22:12(edited)

Elhain - I changed up her gear since OP, mostly to start promoting Athel (pulled her two nights ago) and taking two food along with me to start the up-to-60 food train.


Jun 2, 2024, 22:1006/02/24

Hierophant Lazarius


Jun 2, 2024, 22:1106/02/24

...and Deacon Armstrong


Jun 2, 2024, 22:1306/02/24

Hmm, seems I missed Ruel the Huntmaster in the mix.


Jun 2, 2024, 23:1506/02/24

You've a long way to go. For context, most teams that aim to go first have af least 300 speed on their fastest champ.

Jun 2, 2024, 23:2106/02/24

You're *really* early game for arena

It sucks but it, arena continues to suck pretty much forever. but you will catch up eventually.

Jun 2, 2024, 23:3006/02/24

You know?  I can actually get behind those answers.  I've always felt behind like I'm out of my weight class.  Up to now, I made it into Gold I just picking off easy targets.  WAY out of my class there.  Silver IV, though, I can pick and choose battles.

Did just hit lvl 42, so have added some awakening to three champs.  I was s bit surprised that bumped the Arena rating by 15k.

Jun 2, 2024, 23:3406/02/24

You know?  I can actually get behind those answers.  I've always felt behind like I'm out of my weight class.  Up to now, I made it into Gold I just picking off easy targets.  WAY out of my class there.  Silver IV, though, I can pick and choose battles.

Did just hit lvl 42, so have added some awakening to three champs.  I was s bit surprised that bumped the Arena rating by 15k.

How are your dungeon teams? grinding stage 20s will help you farm decent gear, and every here will be happy to help you put together teams if you don;t have them yet :)

Jun 2, 2024, 23:4306/02/24

You've a long way to go. For context, most teams that aim to go first have af least 300 speed on their fastest champ.

Lol... u going to suggest a solo dungeon farmer next? He's probably been playing 2 weeks.

Jun 3, 2024, 00:1006/03/24

Early game arena is not gonna be fun.

Something I would suggest that will help all around is to farm stage 6 of what ever stage drops the set you need ... like 6-6 would give speed set boots. Every single champion should be wearing speed main stat boots. You can farm a pair of 6 star boots of what ever set you need in campaign early game while food farming. Even if the boots are white quality that does not matter. 

Not sure if your using elhain as a campaign farmer? I would use her for this. You would need crit rate gloves and get her to 100% crit rate, and I would suggest putting her in a lifesteal set for the time being.

Jun 3, 2024, 00:2906/03/24

Elhain - I changed up her gear since OP, mostly to start promoting Athel (pulled her two nights ago) and taking two food along with me to start the up-to-60 food train.


do not waste resources leveling Athel

Jun 3, 2024, 00:3406/03/24

Hmm, in a different posting, I was lamenting my Demon Lord damage.  Well, updating Elhain (6*, 60 lvls with a barrel, full masteries last night, and 1 soul awakening), plus one soul awakening for Deacon, and 3 soul awakening for Chronicler Adelyn, I just got 10+ million on easy, and over 5+ million on normal.  That is a good sign I'm going in the right direction.  Now time to see how deep in Dragon's lair and Ice Golem Peak I can advance.  Time to get back into the Spider's Lair, too.

Jun 3, 2024, 01:4506/03/24

Couple of tips on gear:

  • Boots should always be speed. Period.
  • Chest should be ATK%/HP%/DEF% for your ATK/HP/DEF champs. For your debuffer champs it should be ACC. For your support champs it should be either DEF% or HP%.
  • Gloves should be CRATE for your DPS champs (for now, eventually CDMG). For your support champs it should be HP% or DEF%.
  • All items (except boot) should ideally have SPD substat. For your DPS champs they should also have CDMG. For your debuffer champs they should have ACC. For your support champs they should have HP% or DEF%.
  • ATK/DEF/HP ring with ATK%/DEF%/HP% for ATK/DEF/HP champs. For support champs, DEF or HP with DEF% or HP%.
  • CDMG amulet for DPS champs. For everyone else, DEF or HP amulet. ACC substat for debuffers.
  • For banner, prioritize banners with SPD substat. Primary stat is less relevant, though for debuffers ideally it should be ACC.
  • For all items, roll to 4, and if you don't hit a good substat, put it aside.   
Jun 3, 2024, 02:4106/03/24

I got all the terms but one this time...DPS? 😅

Jun 3, 2024, 02:4906/03/24

Technically means "Damage per Second", but commonly, refers to someone whose primary role is to deal damage.

Jun 3, 2024, 18:2706/03/24
Jun 3, 2024, 18:37(edited)

I was reading some stuff yesterday (hit lvl 42) about Iron Twins, and tried lvl nuked.  It seems like a pretty specific bench to farm that.  What is a reasonable account progression level to be able to start farming those resources?

I mean, it's just another grind to get those red stars, but even low-level blessings have made a huge difference in CB Demon Lord.  Gives me more reason to farm potions beyond simpler stat increases.

Once I get more force potions and ascend Adelyn beyond her current 3* blessing, her Brimstone alone will push damage high.  Blessed, she's pretty fun.