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New Blessings

Jun 10, 2024, 16:5206/10/24

If I'm the lazy one but I am getting further in Sinatros than wiley, rat, @mods (this should ping u all btw lol) than what does that make you all :) I KNOW you all gear your champs better than me.  Purposely excluding @kram since he has regressed to midgame already.

You aren't getting farther into the city than me.  We are basically in the same boat.  I do about 85-90 stages each rotation (87 last time) until I am locked out of further progression due to roster limitations.

Sometimes, I take time to regear some toons just for Sintanos, but other months I do not.      

Jun 10, 2024, 17:0206/10/24

If I'm the lazy one but I am getting further in Sinatros than wiley, rat, @mods (this should ping u all btw lol) than what does that make you all :) I KNOW you all gear your champs better than me.  Purposely excluding @kram since he has regressed to midgame already.

You've been around a long while, so I would assume you can gear a toon acceptably well, but one thing I am fairly  confident of (just from your posts on here) is that you have an insanely good roster for a F2P player, with a lot more of the Meta Toons than I have.

One of my clanmates is like you with toon pulls.  He is 100% F2P but has a stupid Roster.  He has pulled like 5-6 Duchess and has 3 built. He has a +4 Rotos. He was the first in our clan to top-chest NM Hydra.  He typically gets a couple of stages farther into Sintranos than the rest of us just becasue he has a better Roster...................   

Jun 10, 2024, 17:1806/10/24

Question does Natures Wrath work on Geos passive if he placed debuffs on the enemy? ive noticed a significant jump in his damage since i tried it out, also moved away from the offense tree and feel like a fool since i needed the ACC for Iron twins before the nerf

I changed to this from Cruelty> am i dumb?


Jun 10, 2024, 17:2606/10/24

You've been around a long while, so I would assume you can gear a toon acceptably well, but one thing I am fairly  confident of (just from your posts on here) is that you have an insanely good roster for a F2P player, with a lot more of the Meta Toons than I have.

One of my clanmates is like you with toon pulls.  He is 100% F2P but has a stupid Roster.  He has pulled like 5-6 Duchess and has 3 built. He has a +4 Rotos. He was the first in our clan to top-chest NM Hydra.  He typically gets a couple of stages farther into Sintranos than the rest of us just becasue he has a better Roster...................   

I don't even have a single +1 champ, only 3 of FG complete. 17MM pp on main.  Alt is "6 months" or so behind that, though has more of a lucksack roster (but also more underbuilt...).  I will hit 5 years wasted on this game this winter lol.

And technically I did beat you last rotation (89,88) on both accounts :)

Jun 10, 2024, 17:2706/10/24

actually 19.59 pp on main, 17MM was alt

Jun 10, 2024, 23:2806/10/24

If I'm the lazy one but I am getting further in Sinatros than wiley, rat, @mods (this should ping u all btw lol) than what does that make you all :) I KNOW you all gear your champs better than me.  Purposely excluding @kram since he has regressed to midgame already.

my nukers are all built like wet noodles. 😂

I'm definitely lazy when it comes to Sintranos, though I don't enjoy how chokepoint happy Soulcross is. There's certainly an argument to putting more effort into those especially if you can do 10+ stages after - with considerably less work than the chokepoints themselves - like I can.