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Wixwell path

Wixwell path

May 23, 2024, 17:5305/23/24

Speaking of SD & Shogun and the 800+ gems I just burned for a relatively low-level mission, it is always the Greater Materials that are the roadblock.  

I currently have 15k Lesser Oil, 75 Greater Oil & 678 Superior Oil, and it is always like this, and I am not just a statistical outlier. There are countless complaints on Discord about this same thing. 

Is Plarium considering a rebalance to the drop amounts for the middle materials?  They are so totally out of balance with the others. It's like they didn't do math and just pulled the numbers out of thin air.    

We were actually just talking about this with the CMs.  They're going to mention it to the developers again and hopefully we will see an adjustment.  I've got over 40k lessers myself. 

May 23, 2024, 17:5405/23/24

I do plan to build him for Hydra and experiement with a Wixwell/Yannica team if that doesn't get nerfed.  

I got confirmation again today there are no plans currently to change Wixwell or Yannica.  I stress "currently" as it could be changed in the future but as of right now it's safe.

May 23, 2024, 17:5505/23/24

That is exactly the problem...I would do this as well...but I am not certain it is worth the effort because the combo will most likely be nerfed in the future...and without that combo, Wixwell is actually living up to his nickname

See my post above. 

May 23, 2024, 18:5105/23/24
May 24, 2024, 02:50(edited)

We were actually just talking about this with the CMs.  They're going to mention it to the developers again and hopefully we will see an adjustment.  I've got over 40k lessers myself. 

Thanks for the update.  I hope they see the light.  

I only have 75 of the Greaters cuz I claimed them from the Wixwell Path before posting this.  It was zero last night. I farmed just enough SD to ascend the 5th artifact for the mission.  LOL.

I have recently started ascending every bottom row piece to L1 or L2 when I upgrade it.  That way I can focus on pieces that ascend well before I equip them instead of having to come back later and do constant re-rolls like I have to do with preexisting builds.  

I have re-rolled Mithrala's Chestplate & Siphi's Gloves a stupid number of times.....There ought to be some sort of Mercy Limit where you get to pick your stat after X number of attempts.    

May 23, 2024, 23:1005/23/24

Thanks for the update.  I hope they see the light.  

I only have 75 of the Greaters cuz I claimed them from the Wixwell Path before posting this.  It was zero last night. I farmed just enough SD to ascend the 5th artifact for the mission.  LOL.

I have recently started ascending every bottom row piece to L1 or L2 when I upgrade it.  That way I can focus on pieces that ascend well before I equip them instead of having to come back later and do constant re-rolls like I have to do with preexisting builds.  

I have re-rolled Mithrala's Chestplate & Siphi's Gloves a stupid number of times.....There ought to be some sort of Mercy Limit where you get to pick your stat after X number of attempts.    

Agreed.  I think they need to have like a weighted mercy system so it could take a maximum of maybe 15 rerolls to gurantee the ascension you want.  Still expensive but at least you'd know it's coming eventually.

May 24, 2024, 01:4505/24/24

Agreed.  I think they need to have like a weighted mercy system so it could take a maximum of maybe 15 rerolls to gurantee the ascension you want.  Still expensive but at least you'd know it's coming eventually.

I'd take a 15 at this point. My Narses needs the help versus the Mythicals!

May 24, 2024, 15:5405/24/24
May 25, 2024, 04:58(edited)

Well, I decided that Greggor was worth trying for, so I pulled 6 golds (nothing but epics, as typical lately) and did some training and have finished the Wixwell Path all the way to the 4S. 

I am not pulling any more golds for this event, and cannot come up with a justification to do 47K points in training just for one Lego Book, 2 effing keys, and the 5S awakening.  I know that may be typical of these path events, but when you look at it like that, it just isn't worth the grind.      

May 26, 2024, 08:0905/26/24

My suggestion is you skip the souls for him.  🤪

But someone did share this on discord which seems logical.  


dang... ur doing very fine lol