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Yo Plarium: We Need More 5S/6S Glyphs!

Yo Plarium: We Need More 5S/6S Glyphs!

May 28, 2024, 04:3005/28/24

@harleQuinn First off, thanks for engaging with me in this discussion. Now, back to it. 😁  

Expanding FW to L25.  (Yep, Energy Bunny over here, still going, and going, and going....)

At this point, I am starting to feel like I am beating the proverbial pile of horse remains when it comes to expanding FW to L25, but I still do not understand your resistance to the very idea.

If you were to pass on the suggestion and there was pushback, then you could repond by asking the Devs exactly what I am asking you:

How is what I am suggesting any different than what Plarium already did with Hard Mode Dungeons?  Hard Modes are a riff on Dungeons that were already there; they cost no more energy to run than L25 Normal, and they deliver ever-better gear with tougher level mastered. 

I am asking for the same principles to be applied to Faction Crypts. That does not seem like the crazy "give me free stuff" idea that you & Trips chalk it up as.  It is exactly what Plarium already did with Hard Modes. 

If you want it to cost more resources, then FW runs above L21 could require 6 keys instead of 4 keys in exchange for not dropping 4S glyphs.  That is a fair trade-off. Could look like this:

L21:  4S - 50%; 5S - 35%; 6S - 15%

L22:  5S - 75%; 6S - 25%

L23:  5S - 65%; 6S - 35%

L24:  5S - 55%; 6S - 45%

L25:  5S - 50%; 6S - 50% 

Note:  I am attempting to keep the suggestion within the established framework of the game mode, so keys are the only resource available.  To my mind, introducing an energy cost for higher FW stages is fundamentally changing the game mode, which I do not think they would consider.

May 28, 2024, 12:3105/28/24

I'm certainly all for this.  It's still more free rewards though. 😆 you can disguise in the math all you want :)

I have no idea what 5/6 glyph rate is in 21, but my guess is your proposal more than doubles the rewards per key. I guess if you want $10, ask for $20.

May 28, 2024, 13:3105/28/24

Now, more keys for higher levels and better rates is something that might get traction. Ofc those rates you listed are pretty darn high, and I'm not sure they'll want them to be so good. Haha. 

As far as changing the game mode by adding additional resource cost, I wouldn't think that would be off the table either. Especially with such crazy favorable rates. 

We've put FW21++ on the list, but ofc I'm not sure that's the priority right now. So who knows what we'll hear on it.

The published roadmap from a few weeks ago, that's for sure a priority. And I think it goes without me directly telling you that the team is spending copious time on Hydra Clash right now, not only on expanding rewards to everyone but also to balance and stabilize the mode (my own verbage here, not theirs)

May 28, 2024, 16:2405/28/24

I'm certainly all for this.  It's still more free rewards though. 😆 you can disguise in the math all you want :)

I have no idea what 5/6 glyph rate is in 21, but my guess is your proposal more than doubles the rewards per key. I guess if you want $10, ask for $20.

These are the exact L21 drop rates right now:

L21:  4S - 50%; 5S - 35%; 6S - 15% 

I did not change that at all.  What I did was eliminate 4S glyphs at the hypothetical L22 and above, and then scale 5S & 6S drops at a reasonable rate.  Of course, Plarium is highly unlikely to elimiate 4S drops at L22, and they'd probaly still be at least 25% even at L25.  If they ever did this, it would probably look a lot more like this:

L21:  4S - 50%; 5S - 35%; 6S - 15%

L22:  4S - 45%; 5S - 38%; 6S - 17%

L23:  4S - 40%; 5S - 40%; 6S - 20%

L24:  4S - 35%; 5S - 43%; 6S - 22%

L25:  4S - 25%; 5S - 48%; 6S - 27%  

May 28, 2024, 16:3105/28/24

Now, more keys for higher levels and better rates is something that might get traction. Ofc those rates you listed are pretty darn high, and I'm not sure they'll want them to be so good. Haha. 

As far as changing the game mode by adding additional resource cost, I wouldn't think that would be off the table either. Especially with such crazy favorable rates. 

We've put FW21++ on the list, but ofc I'm not sure that's the priority right now. So who knows what we'll hear on it.

The published roadmap from a few weeks ago, that's for sure a priority. And I think it goes without me directly telling you that the team is spending copious time on Hydra Clash right now, not only on expanding rewards to everyone but also to balance and stabilize the mode (my own verbage here, not theirs)

I would certainly agree that "balancing & stabilizing" Hydra Clash should be priority #1 right now.  

However, that just begs the question of why wasn't it priority #1 last month, the month before, and the month before that.  Hydra Clash has been effed up for along time, and they insisted that it was "working as intended".

Just venting a little, I guess.  

May 28, 2024, 16:3905/28/24

I would certainly agree that "balancing & stabilizing" Hydra Clash should be priority #1 right now.  

However, that just begs the question of why wasn't it priority #1 last month, the month before, and the month before that.  Hydra Clash has been effed up for along time, and they insisted that it was "working as intended".

Just venting a little, I guess.  

It has been a priority, is my answer. And my previous post doesn't state otherwise.

I also don't want to conflate saying a champ is working as intended with saying the mode is working as intended.

The Dev team knows how the community feels about clash, we put that forward a LOT, and they've been working on a great number of things with it. But those things take time, and lots of testing, since they want to do it right and not have to change something else immediately after rash or underdeveloped changes