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Yo Plarium: We Need More 5S/6S Glyphs!

Yo Plarium: We Need More 5S/6S Glyphs!

May 18, 2024, 00:5305/18/24

Yo Plarium: We Need More 5S/6S Glyphs!

The scarcest resources in the game have always been skill books & high end glyphs. 

With all of the new end-game content, we need more 5S & 6S glyphs than ever before.  I acknowledge that you have been putting glyphs in as event/tourney rewards for at least the last 6 months, possibly longer, but that doesn't even scratch the surface of how many we need.  Here are a few ideas:

  • Expand FW to L25 with no 4S glyphs beyond L21....or even just L22 with no 4S glyphs.
  • The 4S drop rate on FW21 is 50%.  Make that 25%.
  • Put 5S/6S glyphs into substanially more reward slots.
  • Introduce the ability to up-convert glyphs:  two 1S makes a 2S; two 2S makes a 3S; two 3S makes a 4S, etc. 

To all the other forum denizens:  What are your ideas for how we can get more 5S/6S glyphs?

May 18, 2024, 01:3405/18/24

I just dread the idea of high level speed glyphs becoming more accessible, its a double edged sword, while youre happy getting your speed and stats in general up, so do others. I know i often think same -"wish the drop rate would be higher", but it would only bloat the speed in arena content even more. For pve sure id like to pump up the stats too but cant have one without the other xD

May 18, 2024, 01:5305/18/24

I just dread the idea of high level speed glyphs becoming more accessible, its a double edged sword, while youre happy getting your speed and stats in general up, so do others. I know i often think same -"wish the drop rate would be higher", but it would only bloat the speed in arena content even more. For pve sure id like to pump up the stats too but cant have one without the other xD

Of course there would be some potential for that, but really, those are the toons that already get the bulk of the best glyphs anyway.  If your Siphi already has 319 speed out of a maximum possible 324 with all speed subs maxed, do those last five points really matter?

I have countless toons that have never seen a glyph higher than 4 stars.  Sure would be nice to have enough better glyphs to share the love.  

May 18, 2024, 02:5105/18/24
May 18, 2024, 02:54(edited)

I don't think we will get more, at least not in a "gimme more free stuff" kinda way. They've been scarce since the same started and that's obviously by design.

However glyphs in general are already way more available than ever before, in Doom Tower, in Cursed City and in the Forge Passes. 

I see just bettering the FW rewards while remaining a keyed area of the game just "more free for the same input". So my question, and not a mocking one, is if you have ideas for more glyphs that actually require more time and resources each day.

May 18, 2024, 03:5605/18/24

I don't think we will get more, at least not in a "gimme more free stuff" kinda way. They've been scarce since the same started and that's obviously by design.

However glyphs in general are already way more available than ever before, in Doom Tower, in Cursed City and in the Forge Passes. 

I see just bettering the FW rewards while remaining a keyed area of the game just "more free for the same input". So my question, and not a mocking one, is if you have ideas for more glyphs that actually require more time and resources each day.

In a related topic that illuminates the issue at hand, Plarium thinks that there are plenty of lego books available in-game. I skip virtually no lego books that can be achieved by grinding, and I must treat lego books as an ultra scarce resource to be used only on A-Tier toons and above or in the case of a proven need for a skillset.  I have 53 unbooked legos, many of which are levelled, mastered and ready to be built, but can never be booked.  That 53 does not count dupes of fully-bulit-and-booked toons that I might use a second copy of if books were more plentiful.    

I completley agree that more glyphs are available than ever before, but the need has increased far faster than the supply.  The scarcity of top end glyphs is even worse than the scarcity of lego books, while Sintranos requires more and more toons to be built.   

Many comments get thrown into the "give me more free stuff" bucket and then summarily dismissed by mutliple forum dwellers.  

If asking for higher levels of FW that would be increasingly difficult and offer better rewards is "give me more free stuff", then is that what it was when we got L25 Dungeons, and then Hard Mode Dungeons?  Both offering better gear than we could get from L20 Dungeons?  

This is a game that rewards grinding, incremental improvement, more grinding, more imprevement...It always has been and I assume it always will be.  IMO, asking for harder levels with better rewards is the exact opposite of "give me more free stuff".  I am asking for the opportunity to earn more/better rewards by solving new & unique challenges.  

I do agree that a couple of the other ideas could be seen as "give me more free stuff", but I have always felt that the 5S/6S droprate on L21 should be better than the drop rate for L20, so I look at that one as just correcting a years-long error.    

May 18, 2024, 04:1205/18/24

I am always bereft of 4-6* speed glyphs, but I'm not sure I agree with lego books especially in the late(r) stages of the game. If it wasn't for CvC I would likely have hundreds of books sitting there, waiting to try and win a tournament - and I don't buy books.

I think even with Sintranos arguments, most of those niche champs you're slotting in can just be overbuilt with gear rather than requiring books. The reality is that unless you're really getting a ton of overlap and/or they're champs you're building out for Hydra/PvP, books shouldn't be much of an issue.

I suppose if the argument is that you really want to test out every single lego your account ever pulls in all of their booked glory, then there is definitely a book shortage.

May 18, 2024, 04:2705/18/24
May 18, 2024, 15:31(edited)

I am always bereft of 4-6* speed glyphs, but I'm not sure I agree with lego books especially in the late(r) stages of the game. If it wasn't for CvC I would likely have hundreds of books sitting there, waiting to try and win a tournament - and I don't buy books.

I think even with Sintranos arguments, most of those niche champs you're slotting in can just be overbuilt with gear rather than requiring books. The reality is that unless you're really getting a ton of overlap and/or they're champs you're building out for Hydra/PvP, books shouldn't be much of an issue.

I suppose if the argument is that you really want to test out every single lego your account ever pulls in all of their booked glory, then there is definitely a book shortage.

I have a surplus of lego books, but only because I treat them as a scarce resource.  Of those 53 unbooked legos, there are a handful that I'd like to give the full build treatment for usage in Live Arean, but even if I booked 'em, their builds would fall FAR short due to the constant glyph shortage.  

I am not just short on speed glyphs all the time. The shortage constantly includes accuracy, resistance, & defense % in addition to speed.            

May 19, 2024, 01:5305/19/24
May 19, 2024, 01:55(edited)

Or maybe adjust the roll formula slightly? Say a 6 cannot roll under 4-5 and a 5 cannot roll under 3. Them being rare is one though, but the glypths failing at 3 for 6 and 1-2 for 5 is very common and a tad unreasonable. Rarity should be balanced by higher success rates. Perhaps a guaranteed counter tracked independently per stat? Say 10x is a guaranateed max roll.

May 19, 2024, 05:4405/19/24

Lego books? Lol. I would have assumed we were in the same boat on that one. I think I have like 40 of them. Any time I find a champ that needs them I just use them - they're not scarce at all.

6-star glyphs though, I'll agree with you on that one. 5-star I have plenty of, but 6-star I only use on super-premium items.

May 19, 2024, 06:3205/19/24

Well, first off, the point of this thread was the need for more/better glyphs, and I do not want to lose sight of that becasue they are the scarcer of the two resources, hence the title.  

I chose to use lego books as an illustration because that is a scarce resource for the vast majority of the player base, even though it might not be AS scarce for end-gamers.  It may not have been the best illustration, but the point of that illustration was not how many lego books I have in reserve (78), but how many more I would use to build toons that I'd like to build if lego books were easier to come by.

I have more toons in partial states of development than I could possibly ever book, and even if I did book them, I don't have the glyphs to use to get their builds to the level they'd need to be to be truly useful in Live Arena.  (Hydra, Live Arena & Sintranos are the only areas of the game I have left to continue to get better at), so to my mind, these two resources go hand-in-hand.  Examples:    

Arix: Levelled, Mastered & mostly geared in Stoneskin.  Not booked (But maybe over the next cvc).  If I can get her build strong enough, I see her as a back-up damage option in Live Arena.

Ankora in Mino RN. Not booked. 

Supreme Elhain in Mino RN. Not booked. 

I'd like to play around with the Alsgor/Jetni pairing, and I have Alsgor levelled, mastered & mostly geared.  Jetni is still in the portal because for right now, they aren't worth the books to me.  

That is five just off the top of my head.  I counted last night when replying to Thorne, and I have 53 unbooked legos, not counting any of the potentially useful dupes that I have in cold storage.  That sure sounds like a scarece resource, even if I do have 78 sitting there waiting.  

Hoarding is a natural response to scarcity.  I maintain a reserve of lego books so I can book top tier toons w/o needing to wait weeks & weeks to come up with them.  

May 20, 2024, 17:2505/20/24

I don't think we will get more, at least not in a "gimme more free stuff" kinda way. They've been scarce since the same started and that's obviously by design.

However glyphs in general are already way more available than ever before, in Doom Tower, in Cursed City and in the Forge Passes. 

I see just bettering the FW rewards while remaining a keyed area of the game just "more free for the same input". So my question, and not a mocking one, is if you have ideas for more glyphs that actually require more time and resources each day.

All three of these ideas require time & resources:

(1) Expand FW to L25 with increasing difficulty & increasing rewards, including no 4S glyphs.

(2) 40 gems for an additonal 12 FW keys for whatever factions are open that day.

(3) Tag Tourneys always stop @ 2880.  Expand that to 4080 with a 5S glyph at 3180 & 3480 and then a 6S glyph at 4080.

May 20, 2024, 17:4105/20/24

All three of these ideas require time & resources:

(1) Expand FW to L25 with increasing difficulty & increasing rewards, including no 4S glyphs.

(2) 40 gems for an additonal 12 FW keys for whatever factions are open that day.

(3) Tag Tourneys always stop @ 2880.  Expand that to 4080 with a 5S glyph at 3180 & 3480 and then a 6S glyph at 4080.

1) This is more free rewards :)

2) What of it was 150 gems like IT (they should reduce that btw)? Reasonable request.  40 seems fair (I think?)

3) Basically more free rewards :) Though a reasonable request as it's not too greedy lol

May 20, 2024, 19:5505/20/24
May 20, 2024, 21:52(edited)

1) This is more free rewards :)

2) What of it was 150 gems like IT (they should reduce that btw)? Reasonable request.  40 seems fair (I think?)

3) Basically more free rewards :) Though a reasonable request as it's not too greedy lol

(1) I will ask the question again since no one has bothered to answer it:  How is making harder levels that require new strategies to solve even close to the same thing as asking for "more free stuff"?  You, yourself, are proof that it is the opposite.  If it was just "more free stuff", you would have been farming FK10 all along, but you weren't becasue you didn't want to put forth the effort to figure it out.

New & harder levels that require new strategies & potentially new toons & tunes is the foundation upon which the game is built. I am asking for more of that.

(2) 150 gems is way too high for a daily expense.  No one spends that on IT daily.  150 gems is a weekly expense for Void IT.

(3) The vast majority of 3v3 Tourney participants are not doing 4k+ points.  My current tourney has only 4 peeps over 4k.  So, this is not "more free stuff" since it would obviously require more time, effort and/or resources to achieve.  

May 20, 2024, 20:5605/20/24

1. Are we talking sinatros level difficulty for new FW stages? That's mildly intriguing 

2. 100% agree

3. 3v3 tournaments Saturday to Monday are always like this.  Nobody uses tokens on weekends.  I'll get top reward after daily reset.  

May 20, 2024, 21:5205/20/24

1. Are we talking sinatros level difficulty for new FW stages? That's mildly intriguing 

2. 100% agree

3. 3v3 tournaments Saturday to Monday are always like this.  Nobody uses tokens on weekends.  I'll get top reward after daily reset.  

You might, but most won't.  PR CVC tomorrow.  I won't fight a single battle tonight because I'll be saving the tokens for CVC points.  I will still win my tag tourney by thousands of points.

May 20, 2024, 22:0805/20/24


Guessing at least 4 of us 😀

May 20, 2024, 22:1905/20/24
May 21, 2024, 01:17(edited)

All three of these ideas require time & resources:

(1) Expand FW to L25 with increasing difficulty & increasing rewards, including no 4S glyphs.

(2) 40 gems for an additonal 12 FW keys for whatever factions are open that day.

(3) Tag Tourneys always stop @ 2880.  Expand that to 4080 with a 5S glyph at 3180 & 3480 and then a 6S glyph at 4080.

1) More time is inconsequential. The only way some idea like this is working is if those new levels cost new resources to do, like energy. Just "more difficult to give me better rewards" isn't gonna cut the mustard here, even if you feel it should. :) Development of new levels isn't free, even though I'm sure someone will ping me with 'Is NoThiNG to BUiLD nEw LEveLs"

2) More keys for more gems might be a solid option, but I'd expect it to be on par with the IT cost or higher. There's just a lot of points on the table you're earning in other tourneys (whether fusion stuff or CvC) from the forge mats and silver you get. I'm sure there's lots of RoI calculations done for every tourney, event, activity and reward... and that matters for what gets development time.

3) A higher limit on the top award for tag tournies might be worth asking about, although they know it's free points for basically zero resources with how they know Tag actually works. So we'll see what they say. :)

Anyways, thanks for the ideas. <3

May 20, 2024, 22:2005/20/24


Guessing at least 4 of us 😀

Rewards so easy to get. No one tell Plarium on us though. 😆 

May 20, 2024, 23:2105/20/24

increaseing the amount of milestone rewards and points required shud/cud increase 3v3 particiation which i assume plarium wud want

adding another faction sooner rather than later wud increase days with 3 open factions that automatically increases glyph availability

May 21, 2024, 03:1205/21/24

1) More time is inconsequential. The only way some idea like this is working is if those new levels cost new resources to do, like energy. Just "more difficult to give me better rewards" isn't gonna cut the mustard here, even if you feel it should. :) Development of new levels isn't free, even though I'm sure someone will ping me with 'Is NoThiNG to BUiLD nEw LEveLs"

2) More keys for more gems might be a solid option, but I'd expect it to be on par with the IT cost or higher. There's just a lot of points on the table you're earning in other tourneys (whether fusion stuff or CvC) from the forge mats and silver you get. I'm sure there's lots of RoI calculations done for every tourney, event, activity and reward... and that matters for what gets development time.

3) A higher limit on the top award for tag tournies might be worth asking about, although they know it's free points for basically zero resources with how they know Tag actually works. So we'll see what they say. :)

Anyways, thanks for the ideas. <3

@harleQuinn First off, thanks for engaging with me in this discussion. Now, back to it. 😁  

Expanding FW to L25.  (Yep, Energy Bunny over here, still going, and going, and going....)

At this point, I am starting to feel like I am beating the proverbial pile of horse remains when it comes to expanding FW to L25, but I still do not understand your resistance to the very idea.

If you were to pass on the suggestion and there was pushback, then you could repond by asking the Devs exactly what I am asking you:

How is what I am suggesting any different than what Plarium already did with Hard Mode Dungeons?  Hard Modes are a riff on Dungeons that were already there; they cost no more energy to run than L25 Normal, and they deliver ever-better gear with tougher level mastered. 

I am asking for the same principles to be applied to Faction Crypts. That does not seem like the crazy "give me free stuff" idea that you & Trips chalk it up as.  It is exactly what Plarium already did with Hard Modes. 

If you want it to cost more resources, then FW runs above L21 could require 6 keys instead of 4 keys in exchange for not dropping 4S glyphs.  That is a fair trade-off. Could look like this:

L21:  4S - 50%; 5S - 35%; 6S - 15%

L22:  5S - 75%; 6S - 25%

L23:  5S - 65%; 6S - 35%

L24:  5S - 55%; 6S - 45%

L25:  5S - 50%; 6S - 50% 

Note:  I am attempting to keep the suggestion within the established framework of the game mode, so keys are the only resource available.  To my mind, introducing an energy cost for higher FW stages is fundamentally changing the game mode, which I do not think they would consider.

May 21, 2024, 03:1405/21/24

increaseing the amount of milestone rewards and points required shud/cud increase 3v3 particiation which i assume plarium wud want

adding another faction sooner rather than later wud increase days with 3 open factions that automatically increases glyph availability

They could easily just change the rotation to have three factions open every day, but I did not suggest that earlier becasue that is exactly "give me more free stuff".  😜