Plarium: You Keep Getting This Wrong! Fix Hydra Clash & Balance Hydra Damage Today!
With the last update, you made a change to how Slayer Gear works to calculate bonus damage. Specifically, you capped it at 10% of Max HP.
Now, you are caving to complaints about that change, when this is actually an opportuntiy to address Hydra damage across the board and rebalance Hydra Clash in one move.
Just admit that you have repeatedly screwed the pooch on many opportunities to rebalance Hydra damage, and fix Hydra Clash. Then, fix those problems right now.
Way back when, you were worried that Max HP Toons would be too powerful on Hydra, so you capped their abilities at 10% of Max HP. Little did you know that the community was too smart for you and they figured out that there are many toons that could be built to kick Max HP toons to the curb in terms of Hydra Damage.
So, it is now time to cap all skills for all toons at 10% of Max HP and call it done. There will be no more figuring out the next broken comp to do billions in ways you never imagined; you won't feel the need to nerf Wixwell or Togron; you can put Emic back the way he was intended to be; you can close the door on the Trunda debacle, and whatever debacle comes next.
I am sure this is what you wanted all along. Now, it is time to have the courage to do it. Nothing you do will make everyone happy, but what everyone NEEDS is for you to balance this game mode and keep it balanced.
Now is the time.