Teams are getting so ridiculous nowadays...
So I've been playing Classic Arena more often. Wanted to finish the arena badges progress mission and unfortunately have prgressed to SIlver Tier 3.
The level of opponents I have been facing has sharply risen. Opponent Team power levels on average seem to be about 50-100k higher than my team. It's been tough. At least 1/3 of these teams have absurdly high speed and just batter my team without giving them a chance to even take an action.
Fought a team earlier with the standard opponents: Sun Wukong and Scyl and they are both stupid as hell. Sun Wukong especially is stupid. Stuns, sheeps and totally shuts down your team's buffing abilities and, of course, you can't fully kill him unless he's the last enemy standing....
I'm used to that. Even tried bringing Fenax to hopefully lock Sun Wukong out of coming back a few times. But this team had Elva too....and holy crap, what can you even do against Elva? Every time I start to kill somebody she just spams veil buffs on them and I can't touch them anymore.
And then I have Sun Wukong locking me out of buffing my guys, Elva locking me out of debuffing HIS guys. Both Scyl and Elva AOE team healing and rezzing. What can I even do at that point? And I haven't even mentioned the 4th guy on his team...
Some of these team combos are just so disheartening.