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PLEASE - Add MINOTAUR tournaments/events

PLEASE - Add MINOTAUR tournaments/events

Apr 19, 2024, 23:0304/19/24

PLEASE - Add MINOTAUR tournaments/events

For the love of god, please add minotaur tournaments/events to fusions, titan events, etc etc etc, so I can ACTUALLY justify spending energy/gems/time to get scrolls. CVC being the sole justifying element for points is not enough, even when it's double points.

So many teams I'd like to try, but knowing they're sub-optimal without masteries.

Apr 19, 2024, 23:4104/19/24

on one hand .. i totally agree on the other i see that hidden blue link on 2x and wonder if this is an actual discussion or a spam ...

Apr 19, 2024, 23:5004/19/24

on one hand .. i totally agree on the other i see that hidden blue link on 2x and wonder if this is an actual discussion or a spam ...

@dthorne04 .... Is this spam?  

Apr 20, 2024, 00:2004/20/24

This is more likely to be just an annoying "feature" of these forums that auto-converts text that follows a dot into a link.

So, as to the OP's request - I can think of very little else that would cause me to skip a tournament/event/whatever. I honestly can't remember the last time I did Mino.

Apr 20, 2024, 00:5004/20/24

kram is correct, almost 100% just a case of someone accidentally making a hyperlink

Apr 20, 2024, 02:3704/20/24

kram is correct, almost 100% just a case of someone accidentally making a hyperlink

Happens to me regularly on here.  I have to go back to delete & retype all the time.    

Apr 20, 2024, 02:4004/20/24

This is more likely to be just an annoying "feature" of these forums that auto-converts text that follows a dot into a link.

So, as to the OP's request - I can think of very little else that would cause me to skip a tournament/event/whatever. I honestly can't remember the last time I did Mino.

You burn gems on Masteries?  I have done gems for Masteries exactly once in 4.5 yrs of playing.  Mino gets it done for 150-200 gems less and earns you over 1M silver in the process.

I tracked drop rates and did the math on it way back in 2020. 

The only toon I deemed worthy enough to break the plan?  Pythion!  Dropped the gems the day I finished the fusion.     

Apr 20, 2024, 02:4404/20/24

point on the thread imo if it isnt bait ...

is to make mino super raid and more relevent in events .. like 3 divers for a fusion , 1 could be a minotaur event .. not hard to do for anyone endgame but helps everyone else ..

Apr 20, 2024, 05:5004/20/24

You burn gems on Masteries?  I have done gems for Masteries exactly once in 4.5 yrs of playing.  Mino gets it done for 150-200 gems less and earns you over 1M silver in the process.

I tracked drop rates and did the math on it way back in 2020. 

The only toon I deemed worthy enough to break the plan?  Pythion!  Dropped the gems the day I finished the fusion.     

Not directly on topic, but for the better part of 2 years I used Mashalled as my mino soloer;

averaged about 1 minute/run

On a whim, I tried Siegfrund instead, cut it 23 seconds.

Then I added gnut. less xp for the champ being scrolled, but faster runs still.

I went from ~2.5 hours to fully scroll a champ to 53 minutes.

Apr 20, 2024, 15:2804/20/24

This is my first post so I honestly have no idea why it hyperlinked. I just went with it and posted. Crazy to me how minotaur is the first issue where I've gotten the motivation to say "you know what? I need to say something" lol

Apr 20, 2024, 15:3704/20/24

When you're mid-late game and trying to go for fusions, souls, etc. it's hard to justify the time/energy to do runs outside of those that contribute to current and always upcoming new fusions/soul chases. So 90% of my champs remain without masteries. Instead we get multiple artifact enhancements, multiple dungeon divers, multiple champ trainings. Fricken YAWNNNN

Apr 20, 2024, 15:5104/20/24

When you're mid-late game and trying to go for fusions, souls, etc. it's hard to justify the time/energy to do runs outside of those that contribute to current and always upcoming new fusions/soul chases. So 90% of my champs remain without masteries. Instead we get multiple artifact enhancements, multiple dungeon divers, multiple champ trainings. Fricken YAWNNNN

Finding time for Mino is way difficult for sure. 

I end up with almost every champ at only 550 red scrolls. Just get a single T5 and then my T6 and get out. Saves a bit of time at least.

Apr 20, 2024, 17:2304/20/24

You burn gems on Masteries?  I have done gems for Masteries exactly once in 4.5 yrs of playing.  Mino gets it done for 150-200 gems less and earns you over 1M silver in the process.

I tracked drop rates and did the math on it way back in 2020. 

The only toon I deemed worthy enough to break the plan?  Pythion!  Dropped the gems the day I finished the fusion.     

I have like, 20k+ gems. So, yeah, I don't waste time on Mino :)

Apr 23, 2024, 23:2704/23/24

I have like, 20k+ gems. So, yeah, I don't waste time on Mino :)

What's your secret to that many?

Apr 24, 2024, 01:2704/24/24

I don't really have a secret ... I just have nothing to spend them on :)

Apr 24, 2024, 13:0004/24/24

It would be nice to have a minotaur event in the champion chases. I honestly just end up using gems to load out my champions. Either that or for the love of god give us more levels so we can max a champ faster. 

Apr 24, 2024, 13:0604/24/24

You burn gems on Masteries?  I have done gems for Masteries exactly once in 4.5 yrs of playing.  Mino gets it done for 150-200 gems less and earns you over 1M silver in the process.

I tracked drop rates and did the math on it way back in 2020. 

The only toon I deemed worthy enough to break the plan?  Pythion!  Dropped the gems the day I finished the fusion.     

I use gems also. I just don't want to deal with the time and annoyance. I mostly play on mobile though. If I set up my system with Raid Helper it would make sense to let it run overnight for sure. 

Apr 24, 2024, 13:1104/24/24

I use gems also. I just don't want to deal with the time and annoyance. I mostly play on mobile though. If I set up my system with Raid Helper it would make sense to let it run overnight for sure. 

Same, I'm just lazy.  But with all the training events now, saving 4 champs and running thru mino together eats a chunk of those. So since I'm never in a hurry to build anyone, my best strategy would be to have my todo list of 4+ champs at 5.1 ready to in rank order and overnight mino during training.

Apr 24, 2024, 13:1204/24/24

I *still* find it utterly baffling that you can't buy more multibattles in the shop for silver or gems.

Apr 24, 2024, 15:5404/24/24

Same, I'm just lazy.  But with all the training events now, saving 4 champs and running thru mino together eats a chunk of those. So since I'm never in a hurry to build anyone, my best strategy would be to have my todo list of 4+ champs at 5.1 ready to in rank order and overnight mino during training.

If you are gonna start that, FYI that I level 3 toons at a time becasue it is the best balance of scrolls to XP for finsihing both at roughly the same time.  

Apr 24, 2024, 15:5804/24/24

I *still* find it utterly baffling that you can't buy more multibattles in the shop for silver or gems.

Do you really find that you are short on multi-battles with all the event rewards they have been throwing at us lately?  Evey time I see a DD like the one we have now, I think all those multi-battles are just a way to not give out real rewards...until I see a comment like this one, which makes me go: "huh, maybe people do need all these effing multibattles?"

I can't use 'em fast enough.  They expire right out of my inbox half the time...