I do get what you're saying, and I didn't actually intend to insult you but reading back I can see that I could have so I apologise for that. I do often find your comments useful, however in this case we really are low level and don't have Clan rules, and thank you for your offer but we don't have Discord.
A lot won't have finished the Arbiter missions and can probably build one team to get one chest on normal, that may be the first or the 6M chest but using more keys wouldn't do anything really, I guess I'd just like to see some rewards for participants who get a chest, even if fifth place in the clash got one piece of gear and a bit of silver that would encourage participation and stop the have and have nots in the clash. And it would show Plarium have considered lesser clans and players
Trips can certainly be intolerant and arrogant, but he is also (sometimes) right.
Plarium has been loading up on the useful Fusions and Login Toons lately and I use three "Free reward" Toons in my best Hydra Team: Visix, Mithrala & Lydia are all S-Tier Hydra Toons; however, if your peeps are not done w/Arbiter, they may not have any of these three yet either.
All that said, you are not wrong about the dismal state of the matchmaking, which I will post about shortly.