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Harvester Jack - opinions - is he viable?

Harvester Jack - opinions - is he viable?

Nov 5, 2019, 14:1411/05/19
I've just fused jack. I'm a noobie and have paid for a kick start but will be ftp for a while now so levelling heroes will be slow. I've jack and tayrel which are bankers. I've a kael (levelled max bar artifacts) for sweeping levels. Not sure what other 2 champs to focus on alongside jack and tayrel. I've soulles, lightsworn, tallia, luthiea, frostbringer, zelotah, crypt witch, fenax, gala longbraids, karam, erineyes and most rares. Any advice on which other 2 to join jack, kael and tayrel in dungeons and cb would be most welcome.
Nov 5, 2019, 15:4111/05/19

crgy1972 said:

I've just fused jack. I'm a noobie and have paid for a kick start but will be ftp for a while now so levelling heroes will be slow. I've jack and tayrel which are bankers. I've a kael (levelled max bar artifacts) for sweeping levels. Not sure what other 2 champs to focus on alongside jack and tayrel. I've soulles, lightsworn, tallia, luthiea, frostbringer, zelotah, crypt witch, fenax, gala longbraids, karam, erineyes and most rares. Any advice on which other 2 to join jack, kael and tayrel in dungeons and cb would be most welcome.

The game has 5 slots in dungeons

The slot positions are as following:

#3 - Leader - #2

   #4    —   #5

I would use Tayrel has your Leader - Defense Aura + Decrease Enemy Attack + Decrease Enemy Defense

I would use Kael in Slot #4 - Poisoner vs. Dungeon Boss

I would use Jack in Slot #2 - Debuffer/Disruptor vs. Waves - You could use Stun/Provoke/Freeze set on him.

I would use Tallia in Slot #3 - Damage Dealer vs. Waves - It can help kill the waves.

I would use (?)  in Slot #5 - Turn Meter Filling hero to speed up your team.

None of the epics you mentioned increase your Turn Meter.

You should look at your rare heroes to see if you have any Turn Meter fillers.
Nov 6, 2019, 19:4711/06/19
I got him though he aint maxed. His ai is unreliable  vut im sure he is gonna be fixed. As for his damage, his health is more than enough to make up for it. This guy have really good abilities and i believe the second highest hp in the game if im not mistaken
Nov 7, 2019, 09:1811/07/19
KiwiMcSheep said:

Hey Hey

Harvest Jack is a support type champion which is HP based, the greatness to Harvest jack isn't around his damage, it's about been tanky and his utility, a champion that neutralizes buffs and has some CC(fear), I personally don't have him, I'm still unsure if I will get him from the fusion, but the combo's I'm going to make if I can.

But you can't compare him to an Attacker role HP champion, his kit isn't about damage.

many thanks and good luck.

K, if u guys won’t buff his Damage, maybe give him like 1100 def? And maybe make his Debuff steal effect NO RESIST ? And In Addition to the effects of his A1, Add 1 5% Poison if the Target has no buffs to steal? Plus Give his “Dreams to Ash” Skill Have a Chance to do HP Burn NO RESIST if the fear AND Sleep doesn’t work? That way he can help with bosses AND clan boss too! He STILL wouldn’t B As great as Martyr Or valkyrie/Bad El, but he would b more useful! Still bad damage tho, So he wouldn’t B too OP!  
Nov 7, 2019, 19:0411/07/19


KiwiMcSheep said:

Hey Hey

Harvest Jack is a support type champion which is HP based, the greatness to Harvest jack isn't around his damage, it's about been tanky and his utility, a champion that neutralizes buffs and has some CC(fear), I personally don't have him, I'm still unsure if I will get him from the fusion, but the combo's I'm going to make if I can.

But you can't compare him to an Attacker role HP champion, his kit isn't about damage.

many thanks and good luck.

K, if u guys won’t buff his Damage, maybe give him like 1100 def? And maybe make his Debuff steal effect NO RESIST ? And In Addition to the effects of his A1, Add 1 5% Poison if the Target has no buffs to steal? Plus Give his “Dreams to Ash” Skill Have a Chance to do HP Burn NO RESIST if the fear AND Sleep doesn’t work? That way he can help with bosses AND clan boss too! He STILL wouldn’t B As great as Martyr Or valkyrie/Bad El, but he would b more useful! Still bad damage tho, So he wouldn’t B too OP!  

Also give him a 50% chance to KO the entire enemy team at the start of the round ^-^

I swear to god this is getting annoying. Just ACC the hell out of him, put some speed on (duh) and he's good to go. Btw, I donnu about you, but mine has a lot of durability, and that says a lot considering I use half Rare Gear and no 6 Star Artifacts plus a Crit Dmg Amulet (can't seem to get another one) which is pretty much useless barring a HP% substat that rolled once.
Nov 8, 2019, 23:2411/08/19
Nov 8, 2019, 23:25(edited)

I love mine. 60 Ascended  6*, 160spd, 80k life, single target 3*7000, aoe at 25k and crowd control. I switch between him and skullcrusher for the arena, depending on who I face. I destroy 50% of teams around 3150.

People keep complaining because they don't like a jack of all trade... Wich is exactly what he is. He isn't the best at atk nor the best for support, but he is pretty good in both aspects. 

He definitly is one of the best champions for fk and arena. God tier because extremely balanced, now when I see reinbeast in the arena, I smile before letting Jack harvest him. He is the natural predator of reinbeast and just for that people should be thankful because the cow, considered God tier, isn't a pain anymore. 

He is not endgame for cb, but he definitly is for fk and the rating in game do not give him justice. 

Nov 9, 2019, 17:4211/09/19

Nico Traveler said:

I love mine. 60 Ascended  6*, 160spd, 80k life, single target 3*7000, aoe at 25k and crowd control. I switch between him and skullcrusher for the arena, depending on who I face. I destroy 50% of teams around 3150.

People keep complaining because they don't like a jack of all trade... Wich is exactly what he is. He isn't the best at atk nor the best for support, but he is pretty good in both aspects. 

He definitly is one of the best champions for fk and arena. God tier because extremely balanced, now when I see reinbeast in the arena, I smile before letting Jack harvest him. He is the natural predator of reinbeast and just for that people should be thankful because the cow, considered God tier, isn't a pain anymore. 

He is not endgame for cb, but he definitly is for fk and the rating in game do not give him justice. 

What gear are you running on your H. Jack?

Do you have a screen shot? 
Nov 10, 2019, 07:3911/10/19

I can't upload screenshot. Is it the mobile version of the forum? 

My jack is stuffed with 2 pieces crit damage, 2 crit rate and 2 speed. I got lucky I got an epic 5* banner %crit damage main Stat. 

I still have to up ring, necklace, banner and helmet to lvl16. 

Right now, almost 80k life, 71%crit, 123% damage... I guess after upping them it will be 80k, 71, 140... Maybe more depending on the new substats. 

Nov 10, 2019, 10:1311/10/19
Player J said:

crgy1972 said:

I've just fused jack. I'm a noobie and have paid for a kick start but will be ftp for a while now so levelling heroes will be slow. I've jack and tayrel which are bankers. I've a kael (levelled max bar artifacts) for sweeping levels. Not sure what other 2 champs to focus on alongside jack and tayrel. I've soulles, lightsworn, tallia, luthiea, frostbringer, zelotah, crypt witch, fenax, gala longbraids, karam, erineyes and most rares. Any advice on which other 2 to join jack, kael and tayrel in dungeons and cb would be most welcome.

The game has 5 slots in dungeons

The slot positions are as following:

#3 - Leader - #2

   #4    —   #5

I would use Tayrel has your Leader - Defense Aura + Decrease Enemy Attack + Decrease Enemy Defense

I would use Kael in Slot #4 - Poisoner vs. Dungeon Boss

I would use Jack in Slot #2 - Debuffer/Disruptor vs. Waves - You could use Stun/Provoke/Freeze set on him.

I would use Tallia in Slot #3 - Damage Dealer vs. Waves - It can help kill the waves.

I would use (?)  in Slot #5 - Turn Meter Filling hero to speed up your team.

None of the epics you mentioned increase your Turn Meter.

You should look at your rare heroes to see if you have any Turn Meter fillers.
Thanks for advice. I've apothecary which I've started using. I'll take your advice and work on tallia once tayrel maxed.