I think the youtubers you are watching are idiots!
You are also an idiot for believing them that the game is coming to end!
This game isn’t going anywhere!
It is going to last for very long time.
The youtubers you are watching don’t understand the gaming model.
The games main revenue is from new players, not veteran players.
A person already said the game is owned by Casino Company.
How many Veteran Casino players do you know? Not many!
Yet, The Casino doesn’t go out of business!
If you actually took a moment to understand, the big picture, you would understand why the game is successful.
- The game promotes advertisements to lure in beginners.
- The game makes very good beginner deals for new players.
Those deals are the best deals in the game by far.
- The game tries to make the beginner experience amazing!
- The game has a Story Line for Normal Campaign.
The story line doesn’t exist in Hard or Brutal Campaign.
The youtubers complain because they are veteran players!
They don’t like the way the game is from a veteran perspective.
However, The game doesn’t cater to that perspective.
The game already made there money from the veteran players.
The game has no interest in whether or not veteran players decide to throw a hissy fit.
And if the hissy fit is to much of a display the game will warn them!
The exact same thing happens in a Casino.
You go in excited and drop few hundred dollars.
Than you end up a Veteran Casino player that is broken & salty
Than you try to complain.
Do you think the Casino cares about your complaint?
They are Un-phased by your complaint.
And if you make to big of a scene.
They will escort you out!
Harsh, but truthful
I think you wildly misunderstand a lot. Especially calling someone an idiot and following it with this post. Spending a few hundred dollars does not make you a "veteran" at a casino. It means you either wasted it or earned more than you went in with. What I think you mean is by veteran is addict, which is someone who cannot stop doing something.
Additionally you seem to think people's voices should not matter. They should and do. and your arguement contradicts itself in that aspect. Youtubers bashing this game and leaving causes people to leave. The game not caring about long term players causes people to leave. A game remains living so long as numbers grow. If the player base is leaving as fast as starting the game will start to decline because there is not an infinite population. Additionally the vet players are a desired population because they are likely to want something and that keeps them playing. Doing things to get them to stay means a longer life span for the game. And if a game wants to survive it does need to have a happy customer base and streamers/youtubers especially or it will fizzle out
Please dont come out swinging and calling people idiots because you think we should just sit by and silently watch. These games are supposed to be made to be enjoyed and if a large portion of the population sees a problem they should voice it. There is nothing idiotic about trying to help keep a game alive through describing what could be major issues