ruining cycle of magic was bs, they should nerf that part of the boss or at least exclude cool downs from the mastery...... literally every support champ has it. last rotation i cleared about 91 stages i think and was able to get through amius in an extremely rng heavy manual fight after many attempts. outside of the mastery issue, really enjoyed rotation 1, fire knight stopped me there (don't have the meta fire knight champs), and couldn't take the paths around.
this rotation i went straight for amius and just flat out brute forced him with double rotos, siphi and vogoth on full auto. took 30 minutes. worth it lol.
s6 stopped my progress this time as well, wish there was a route around it. my current plan is jorgg, frog, criodan (cc is important), dhukk (more CC), and ultimate galek. hotatsu would work for galek but i have him built already. just need to finish building some of them for my next attempt, but these teams have worked for others just as an fyi for anyone attempting it.
i probably won't 100% the content for awhile (if ever), wish they'd be a bit less restrictive but it has given me a reason to build a bunch of champs. faction wars was my favorite content in this game, and this is closer to it than anything else so far (outside of maybe DT secret rooms), so i think it's great so far. lots of good rewards here too, and i need the free resources to offset all of the silver i'm burning through!
also wish we'd get points for clearing every area instead of one giant lump sum for clearing the entire thing.
just my 2c. overall i'd rate it 9/10, few minor fixes to make it 10/10.